Drug Study

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Acetylcystein 600 mg 1 tab Respiratory/ Treatment of Hypersensitivity. Pyrosis, nausea, vomiting. If patient’s condition doesn’t
e BID Cough & Cold respiratory Tab and granules: Rarely, urticaria and improve within 10 days, tell
FLUIMUCIL Preparations/ affections characte Phenylketonuria bronchospasm. him to notify prescriber. Drug
Mucokinetics/Exp rized by thick and (contains Nasopharyngeal and shouldn’t be used for
ectorants viscous aspartame). gastrointestinal irritation prolonged period without
hypersecretions: like rhinitis, stomatitis. direct medical supervision.
acute and chronic
bronchitis and its Inform patient that drug may
exacerbations, have a foul taste or smell.
Amlodipine 10 mg/tab Cardio/ For the treatment Cardiogenic shock, Dizziness, flushing, Assess patient’s blood pressure
Besylate 1 tab OD in Antihypertensives of hypertension MI, acute unstable headache, hypotension, or angina before therapy and
PM / Calcium and prophylaxis of angina, severe peripheral edema, regularly thereafter.
Antagonists angina. aortic stenosis, tachycardia &
chronic stable palpitations. Nausea & Monitor patient carefully for
angina. other GI disturbances, pain. In some patients,
increased micturition increased frequency, duration,
frequency, lethargy, eye or severity of angina or even
pain, & mental acute MI has developed after
depression. Rashes, fever starting a calcium channel
& abnormalities in liver blocker or increasing dosage.
function including
cholestasis. Gingival Be alert for adverse reactions.
hyperplasia, myaglia,
tremor & impotence. Advise patient to continue
taking drug even after feeling
Atorvastatin 40 mg now, Cardio/ Lipid- Primary Active liver disease Chest pain, face edema, Teach patient about proper
Calcium then OD Regulating Drugs/ hypercholesterole or elevation of fever, neck rigidity, diet, weight control, and
Statins mia, heterozygous serum malaise, photosensitivity exercise, and explain their role
familial transaminase more reaction, generalized in controlling elevated lipid
hypercholesterole than 3 times the edema asthenia, muscle levels.
mia or combined upper limit of cramps, Stevens-Johnson
hyperlipidemia in normal, pregnancy, Syndrome, toxic Warn patient to avoid alcohol.
patients who have lactation, women epidermal necrolysis
not responded of child-bearing eythema multiforme, Tell patient to inform prescriber
adequately to diet potential. weight gain, malaise and of adverse reactions, such as
and other fatigue. muscle pain, tenderness, or
appropriate weakness, especially if
measures. accompanied by fever or
Clonidine 45 mg 1 tab Cardio/ Long-term therapy Sick sinus Local skin irritation, Advise patient not to stop drug
Hydochloride BID Antihypertensives of mild to severe syndrome. allergic contact abruptly because doing so may
CATAPRES / Centrally-acting hypertension. dermatitis, hypo- & cause severe rebound
Drugs Hypertensive crisis. hyperpigmentation of the hypertension. Explain that dose
skin. must be reduced gradually over
2 to 4 days.

Tell patient to take the last

daily dose immediately before

Caution patient that drug can

cause drowsiness, but that he
will develop tolerance to this
adverse effect.

Urge patient to rise slowly and

avoid sudden position changes
to reduce orthostatic
Fluticasone, 500 mcg Respiratory/ Regular treatment Contraindicated in Salmeterol: Tremor, Instruct patient to keep the
Salmeterol Diskus 1 Drugs for of reversible patients subjective palpitations Diskus in a dry place, to avoid
SERETIDE PUFF BID Asthma/COPD/ obstructive airways hypersensitive to and headache, cardiac washing the mouthpiece or
Sympathomimetic disease (ROAD), drug or any of its arrhythmias, arthralgia, other parts of the device, and
s including asthma components. Also hypersensitivity to avoid taking the Diskus
where use of contraindicated as reactions, muscle cramps apart.
combination primary therapy (rarely). Fluticasone:
therapy for status Hoarseness, candidiasis Tell patient to stop taking an
(bronchodilator asthmaticus or of mouth and throat, oral or inhaled long-acting
and inhaled other potentially paradoxical beta2 agonist simultaneously
corticosteroid) is life threatening bronchospasm. when beginning the Diskus.
appropriate. acute asthmatic
Maintenance episodes. Instruct patient to rinse mouth
treatment of after each inhalation to prevent
chronic obstructive Drug isn’t indicated oral candidiasis.
pulmonary for exercise-
disorder including induced Inform patient that
chronic bronchitis bronchospasm. improvement may be seen
and emphysema. within 30 minutes after a
Seretide dose; however full
benefit may not occur for 1
week or more.
Furosemide 40 mg IV q12 Cardio/ Edema, associated 1st trimester of Most common: fluid & Advise Patient to stand slowly
FUSEM Antihypertensives w/ CHF, hepatic pregnancy. Anuria electrolyte imbalanced to prevent dizziness, not to
/ Diuretics/ Loop cirrhosis & renal in patients after either single large drink alcohol, and to minimize
Diuretics disease. receiving lithium doses or prolonged strenuous activities in hot
therapy admin. Relatively weather.
uncommon: allergy,
nausea, diarrhea, blurred Instruct patient to report
vision, dizziness, ringing in the ears, severe
headache, pancreatitis, abdominal pain, or sore throat
photosensitivity, skin and fever because they may
rashes, muscle spasm, & indicate toxicity.
Tell patient to check with
prescriber before taking OTC
drug or herbal remedies.
Hydrochlorot Losartan 100 Cardio/ For the Hypersensitivity. Abdominal pain, Advise patient to take drug
hiazide, mg + HCTZ Antihypertensives management of Pregnancy. edema/swelling, with food to minimize GI upset.
Losartan 25 mg = / Angiotensin II hypertension. Patients w/ anuria. asthenia/fatigue,
potassium Combizar 1 Antagonists, headache. Palpitation, Warn patient not to change
COMBIZAR tab OD in AM Cardio/ diarrhea, nausea, back position suddenly and to rise
Antihypertensives pain, dizziness. Dry slowly to avoid orthostatic
/ Diuretics/ cough, sinusitis, hypotension.
Thiazides & bronchitis, pharyngitis,
Thiazide-Like upper resp infection, Instruct patient not to drink
Diuretics rash. alcohol during drug therapy.

Advise patient to use sunblock

to prevent photosensitivity

Tell patient to check with

prescriber before taking OTC
drugs or herbal remedies.
Hydrocortiso 100 mg TIV Derma/ Anti- Inflammation & Containdicated in Burning, itching, Tell patients signs of early
ne q12 inflammatory pruritic patients irritation, dryness, adrenal insufficiency (fatigue,
Drugs/ Topical manifestation of hypersensitive to folliculitis, hypertrichosis, muscle weakness, joint pain,
Corticosteroids corticosteroid- drug or any of its acneiform, eruptions, fever, anorexia, nausea,
responsive components, and hypopigmentation, dyspnea, dizziness, and
dermatoses. in those with perioral dermatitis, fainting).
systemic fungal allergic contact
infections. dermatitis, skin Tell patient not to abruptly stop
Hydrocotisone maceration, secondary taking the drug without
sodium succinate is infection, skin atrophy, prescriber’s consent. Abruptly
contraindicated to striae & miliaria. stopping therapy may lead to
premature infants. rebound inflammation, fatigue,
weakness, arthalgia, fever,
dizziness, lethargy, depression,
fainting, orthostatic
hypotension, dyspnea,
anorexia, and hypoglycemia.
After prolonged use, sudden
withdrawal may be fatal.

Warn patient receiving long-

term therapy about cushigoid
symptoms, and tell him to
report sudden weight gain or
swelling to prescriber.

Warn patient about easy

Ipratropium Neb q6 x 3 Respiratory/ Management of Hypertrophic Headache, dizziness, Warn patient that drug isn’t
bromide, doses Drugs for reversible obstructive nervousness, tachycardia, effective for treating acute
Salbutamol Asthma/COPD/ bronchospasm cardiomyopathy or fine tremor of skeletal episodes of bronchospasm
COMBIVENT Anticholinergics associated with tachyarrythmia. muscles and palpitations. where rapid response is
obstructive airway Hypersensitivity to Potentially serious needed.
diseases in patients atropine or its hypokalemia may result
who require more derivatives. from beta2-agonist Tell patient to avoid
than a single therapy. Cough, local accidentally spraying into eyes.
bronchodilator. irritation and less Temporary blurring of vision
common inhalation may result.
induced broncho spasm.
Tell patient to wait at least 2
minutes before repeating when
using more than one inhalation.

Tell patient to rinse mouth after

using oral inhaler.
Lactulose 30 cc OD @ Gastro/ Constipation. Patients who Abdominal discomfort Advise patient to dilute drug
LILAC HS hold for Cholagogues, Treatment of require a low associated w/ flatulence with juice or water, or to take
BM >2x/day Cholelitholytics & hepatic lactose diet. and intestinal cramps. with food to improve taste.
Hepatic encephalopathy. Galactosaemia or Nausea, vomiting,
Protectors, disaccharide diarrhea on prolonged Inform patient of adverse
Gastro/ deficiency. use. reactions and tell him to notify
Laxatives/Enemas Intestinal prescriber if reactions become
obstruction. bothersome or if having more
than two or three soft stools
Methylpredni 16 mg/tab 1 Hormones and Endocrine, Systemic fungal Fluid & electrolyte, Tell patient not to abruptly stop
solone tab BID x 7 Related Drugs/ rheumatic & infections. musculoskeletal, GIT, taking the drug without
MEDROL days Adrenocorticoster hematologic Hypersensitivity. dermatologic, prescriber’s consent.
oid Hormones disorders. Lactation. neurological, endocrine,
Collagen, ophth & metabolic Teach patient signs of early
dermatologic, disturbances. adrenal insufficiency.
ophthalmic, GI,
respiratory, & neo Warn patient receiving long-
plastic diseases. term therapy about cushingoid
Allergic & symptoms, and tell him to
edematous states. report sudden weight gain or
Acute swelling. Suggest exercise or
exacerbations of physical therapy, and advise
multiple sclerosis him to ask prescriber about
& misc like TB Vitamin D or calcium
meningitis w/ supplements.
subarachnoid block
& trichinosis.
Metoclopram 20 mg TIV Gastro/ Prokinetic Disturbances of GI GI hemorrhage, Extrapyramidal reactions, Instruct patient not to drink
ide Drugs/Antiflatulen motility. Nausea & mechanical drowsiness, fatigue & alcohol during therapy.
hydrochlorid ts, CNS/ vomiting of central obstruction or lassitude, anxiety. Less
e Antiemetic/Antive & peripheral origin perforation, frequently, insomnia, Advice patient to avoid
rtigo associated w/ pheochromocytom headache, dizziness, activities requiring alertness for
surgery, metabolic a, epileptics. nausea, galactorrhea, 2 hours after taking each dose.
diseases, infectious gynecomastia, bowel
& drug-induced disturbances.
diseases. Facilitate
small bowel
intubation &
procedures of GIT.
Nicardipine Capsules Cardio/ Hypertensive Patients who do Peripheral edema, Tell patient not to stop drug
hydrochlorid 20mg, 30mg Antihypertensives emergencies or not have complete headache, tachycardia, even after he is feeling better.
e / Calcium urgencies, peri-op hemostasis palpitations, localized
CARDEPINE Antagonists & post-op HTN, following thrombophlebitis & dose- Instruct patients to use alcohol
hypertensive intracranial related hypotension. cautiously. Alcohol may further
states of NPO hemorrhage. Abdominal pain, nausea, lower blood pressure and
patients. Increased intra vomiting, dyspepsia, increase drowsiness or
cranial pressure constipation, diarrhea, dizziness while taking
during acute phase dry mouth, anorexia, nicardipine.
of a stroke. heartburn, hypokalemia,
hypophosphatemia, Advise patient not to eat
hyperglycemia, abnormal grapefruit or drink grapefruit
hepatic function test juice while using Nicardipine
results, increased plasma unless the doctor directs it
renin concentration, otherwise
headache, dizziness,
hypesthesia, intracranial Maximum lowering of blood
hemorrhage, paresthesia, pressure occurs approximately
confusion, hypertonia, 1 to 2 hours after taking the
somnolence, insomnia, medicine. Blood pressure
hot flashes, vertigo, should be taken 1 to 2 hours
hyperkinesia, impotence, after the medicine has been
mental depression, taken.
anxiety, cerebrovascular
accident, cerebral Nicardipine may cause
ischemia, lassitude, dizziness or fainting. These
nervousness, effects may be worse if patient
lightheadedness, takes it with alcohol or certain
thrombocytopenia, medicines. Use Nicardipine
sweating, injection site with caution. Do not drive or
reaction and pain, rash, perform other possibly unsafe
polyuria, hematuria, tasks until patient knows how
increased urinary you react to it.
frequency, nocturia,
urinary retention,
conjunctivitis, abnormal
or blurred vision, ear
disorder, tinnitus.
Omeprazole 40 mg/tab 1 Gastro/ Drugs Conditions where Contraindicated in Headache, diarrhea, skin Warn patient not to crush or
SYNDEPRAZO tab OD pre- used in acid- inhibition of gastric patients rash. May require disconti chew tablets or capsules.
LE breakfast peptic disease/ acid secretion may hypersensitive to nuation upon severity.
Gastric be beneficial, drug or any of its Rarely, arthralgia, Advise patient that OTC drug
Antisecretory including components. myalgia, paresthesia, isn’t intended for immediate
Drugs/ Proton aspiration aggression, blurred relief of heartburn or to treat
Pump Inhibitors syndromes, vision, taste disturbance, occasional heartburn (one
dyspepsia, GERD, peripheral edema, episode of heartburn a week or
peptic ulcer hyponatremia, blood less).
disease and disorders including
Zollinger-Ellison agranulocytosis, Inform patient that OTC drug
syndrome. leucopenia, may require 1 to 4 days for full
thrombocytopenia, effect, although some patients
interstitial nephritis, may get complete relief of
hepatotoxicity. symptoms within 24 hours.
Potassium 1 tab TID x 6 Fluids/ Hypokalemia. As Renal insufficiency, Flaccid paralysis, Assess patient’s condition
chloride doses Miscellaneous prophylaxis during hyperkalemia, listlessness, mental before starting therapy and
KALIUM Fluids/ Oral treatment w/ untreated confusion, paresthesia of regularly thereafter to monitor
DURULES Electrolytes/Hydr diuretics. Addison's disease, limbs, weakness or drug’s effectiveness.
ating Solutions hypersensitivity. heaviness of limbs, ECG
changes, abdominal pain, Be alert for adverse reactions
diarrhea, nausea, and drug interactions.
vomiting, oliguria, cold
skin, gray pallor, phlebitis. Tell patient that controlled-
release tablets may appear in
stool but that the drug has
already been absorbed.
Rosuvastatin 20 mg/tab 1 Cardio/ Lipid- Adjunct to diet to Hypersensitivity. Headache, myalgia, Teach patient about restricting
RUSTOR TAB OD @ Regulating Drugs/ reduce total Active liver asthenia, constipation, total fat and cholesterol intake,
HS Statins cholesterol, LDL, disease. Women of dizziness, nausea, and recommend weight
apolipoprotein child-bearing abdominal pain. Pruritus, control, exercise, and smoking
(ApoB), non-HDL, potential not using rash and urticaria. Rarely: cessation programs.
and triglyceride appropriate Myopathy,
levels, as well as to contraceptive hypersensitivity reactions Tell patient to report any signs
increase HDL level measures. including angioedema, of unexplained muscle pain,
in primary Pregnancy & rhabdomyolysis, tenderness, or weakness,
hypercholesterole lactation. pancreatitis. especially if accompanied by
mia, mixed malaise or fever.
adjunct to diet to Instruct patient that antacids
treat elevated containing aluminum or
triglyceride level magnesium should be taken at
least 2 hours after this drug.
Sucralfate 1 gm/tab TID Gastro/ Drugs Duodenal & gastric Hypersensitivity. Constipation, diarrhea, Instruct patient to take drug 1
ISELPIN used in acid- ulcers, chronic Patients on nausea, gastric hour before each meal and
peptic disease/ gastritis. dialysis. discomfort, indigestion, bedtime.
Cytoprotectives dry mouth, rash, pruritus,
back pain, dizziness, Tell patient to continue on
drowsiness, vertigo. prescribed regimen to ensure
complete healing. Pain and
ulcerative symptoms may
subside within first sew weeks
of therapy.

Urge patient to avoid cigarette

smoking because it may
increase gastric acid secretion
and worsen disease. Also tell
patient. To avoid alcohol,
chocolate, and spicy foods.

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