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In verse 6, we see because of this,

because of what is shown in verse 5,

the transgressing and changing of the
Laws that assure peace, health and
abundant living, the earth is burned.
The burning spoken of in verse 6 is
nuclear burning, which is described in
great detail by the Prophets and
Apostles in many Scriptures in your
bible. In verse 20 we see that the earth
will reel to and fro, and sway. This
shows a lot of force, like nuclear
explosions taking place. Verse 6 also
shows that few people will be left alive.
Did you know that the nations are
getting ready for nuclear wars in the
very location of the earth specified in
Prophecy and in the exact time period
also given in Prophecy? Even as I write
this article the nations are moving
their ships and planes into place,

The Pope Is Dead Wrong getting ready to strike. Isayah 24:23

shows the darkening of the sun and
moon, which scientists have already
In Changing The Ten Commandments warned the nations will take place in
an all out nuclear war. Now notice the
cause in verse 5, because they
And Other Laws Written In Your Bible transgress Yahweh’s Laws.
The Savior spoke of this time period
My Dear Friends, 4 The earth mourns and fades away,
calling it the End of the Ages and the
the world mourns and fades away, and the
The reason there is so much last generation. Remember, the Prophet
haughty people of the earth languish.
sickness and disease such as STDs, 5 The earth also is defiled under the Isayah shows in Isayah 24:23 that the
cancer, heart and blood disease inhabitants of it, because they have sun and moon will be darkened by
throughout the world is because the transgressed the Laws, changed the
Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting these nuclear wars that will burn the
popes changed Yahweh’s Laws in the Covenant. earth and the people. Now notice the
minds and hearts of the people. 6 Because of this, the curse has Savior’s Words which show that the
Now Prophecy shows, for this devoured the earth, and they who dwell
Savior is speaking of the same time

generation, that nuclear wars are therein are desolate; therefore, the
inhabitants of the earth are burned, and period and the same time of trouble.
starting that will devastate the earth few men left. Notice, the sun darkened.
and destroy four-fifths of the earth’s 10 The cities of confusion are broken Mattithyah 24:29—
population because they (the popes) down; every house is shut up, so no man Immediately, but after the Great
may come in. Tribulation of those days will the sun be
changed Yahweh’s Laws of peace, joy,

18 And it will come to pass, that he darkened, and the moon will not give her
love, and health. Notice the wars and who flees from the noise of the fear will light, and the stars will fall from heaven,
the cause of them. fall into the pit; and he who comes up from and the powers of the heavens will be
Isayah 24:1-6, 10, 18-20, 23— the midst of the pit will be caught in the shaken.
snare; for the windows from on high are

1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth
is made empty and it is made waste; the open, and the foundations of the earth are
This darkening of the sun and moon,
face of it is perverted and its inhabitants He calls the tribulation. Now compare:
19 The earth is utterly broken down,
scattered abroad;
the earth is dissolved clean, the earth is Mattithyah 24:21-22—
2 And it will be: as with the people, so
shaken exceedingly. 21 For then will be Great Tribulation,
with the priest; as with the servant, so
20 The earth will reel to and fro like a such as has not come to pass since the
with his owner; as with the maid, so with beginning of the world to this time—no,
drunkard, and will sway like a hut. The
her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the nor ever will be.
transgression in it will be heavy upon it; it
seller; as with the lender, so with the 22 And unless those days were
will fall, and not rise again.
borrower; as with him who takes usury, so shortened, there would no flesh be saved;
23 Then the moon will be confounded,
with him who gives usury to him: and the sun ashamed, when Yahweh our but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be
3 The land will be utterly emptied and Father will reign in Mount Zion, and in shortened.
utterly plundered, for it has come to pass Yerusalem, and before His ancients
that this Judgment has been pronounced. gloriously. If you have watched the world news
The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 1
lately, you have surely noticed that iniquity, the changing and
The Man Of Sin
the increase in confusion, hatred transgressing of Yahweh’s Laws
and violence, even brutality. would increase. The Apostles were inspired to write about the man
There is also hatred and Mattithyah 24:12— of sin that would be bringing about sin, teaching
disrespect among the nations, And because iniquity will people to do away with the Laws; therefore, teach-
abound, the love of the many will
as is evident among the ing them to sin. This man of sin is also prophesied
grow cold.
to be revealed in these Last Days, this last gen-

individuals in the nations.
Nation is against nation to the eration. Notice first what the Savior said of the
N ow He said, let no man
Message of the Kingdom.
point that everyone wants deceive you. Yahshua Messiah
nuclear bombs, and it is plainly Mattithyah 24:14—
shows that the increase of And this Message of the Kingdom will be preached to
shown that they intend to use

hatred, violence, and the all the world by the One who bears witness to all nations;
them. Notice the Savior’s willingness to destroy all life on and then The End will come.
Words: This Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh actually

earth would come through
Mattithyah 24:12— deception and iniquity warns mankind of what his transgressing will cause.
And because iniquity will Remember what Yahshua Messiah said in:
increasing throughout all

abound, the love of the many will
grow cold. nations. Turning every nation Mattithyah 6:33—
But seek you first the Kingdom of Yahweh and His
against the other nations. Righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Iniquity is what the popes have Mattithyah 24:4— Yahweh’s Righteousness is His Laws which show
always brought forth and taught Be on guard so that no man
one how to obtain peace, joy, love, heath and abun-
to all nations. They even deceives you…
dant living without war, fighting, hatred sickness,
practice iniquity openly. disease and confusion. Yahweh’s Righteousness you

T hat is, deceives you into

Iniquity? Iniquity is the must seek first. It’s taught from Yahweh’s King-
iniquity or transgressing dom.
doing away with Yahweh’s Laws
Yahweh’s Laws. Deuteronomy 6:25—
of peace, joy and love. Iniquity

Mattithyah 24:12— And it will be our Righteousness if we observe to do all
is becoming, and teaching of these Laws before Yahweh our Father, as He has
And because iniquity will
others to become, a transgressor commanded us.

abound, the love of the many will
of the Laws. Remember the grow cold. Mattithyah 19:17—
Prophet Isayah’s words in: But He said to him: Why do you question Me about
Isayah 24:5— So it is deception that is
Righteousness? There is only One Who is the Standard
of Perfection, and He is Yahweh; so if you would enter
...because they have causing the increase in iniquity into life, keep the Laws of Yahweh.
transgressed the Laws...
(changing or doing away with Remember the warning in Mattithyah 24:4, 12
the Laws of Yahweh, called Don’t let any man deceive you into committing
Did you notice the cause of all iniquity, which is doing away with Yahweh’s Laws.

Yahweh’s Righteousness). Let
the problems? Isayah 24:5
no man deceive you. This is also said many times by the Apostles and
shows it is because they have Prophets. Notice:
transgressed Yahweh’s Laws. The Savior actually warned
the world that man, led by I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10—
Why is the whole world, all na- 4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws;
tions, transgressing Yahweh’s Satan, would deceive the whole for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

Laws today? Doesn’t this seem world, causing mankind to 7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who
practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is
strange to you that all nations destroy himself. Led by Satan: Righteous.
would be transgressing I Yahchanan 3:7-8— 8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has
Yahweh’s Laws? 7 Little children, let no man sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of
deceive you; he who practices Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works
Transgressing Yahweh’s Righteousness is Righteous, just of the devil.
Laws, the Ten Commandments as He is Righteous. 10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of

and the other Laws such as Love 8 He who commits sin is of the the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice
Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love
Yahweh with all your heart and devil, for the devil has sinned from
his neighbor!
love your neighbor, is called sin. the beginning. For this purpose
I Yahchanan 2:4—

the Son of Yahweh was
Yes, transgressing Yahweh’s manifested; that He might destroy He who says: I know Him, but does not keep His
Laws written in the Inspired the works of the devil. Laws, is a liar, and the Truth is not in him.
Holy Scriptures is called sin. Yet, Revelation 12:9— The popes do not teach or keep Yahweh’s Laws of
we see all religions on earth now And the great dragon was cast Righteousness. In fact, they teach and even fight
transgressing them and out, that old serpent, called the against Yahweh’s Authority and His Laws.
seemingly in total ignorance. devil, and Satan, who deceives the Each pope has been a man of sin. They
whole world. She was cast out have all brought forth war and fighting, but
The Savior warned, for this into the earth, and her angels were never Righteousness. But this fact has not
time period, the last generation cast out with her. been revealed to the world, and was not
prophesied to be revealed until the last
generation by the T wo Witnesses.

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them; and they; mankind, have corrupted


themselves with the earth.

It was in that 1,656 years of history,

from the time of creation until the earth
became so corrupt and filled with
violence, that Yahweh allowed it to be
destroyed. Yahweh, therefore, proved
His point. Mankind will turn to
wickedness without Yahweh’s teachers
of Righteousness. The Prophets were
persecuted, but they brought forth Part
One of The Book of Yahweh. The world
calls this the “Old Testament” of the
bible. However, the Inspired Prophets

of Yahweh named it The Book of
Isayah 34:16—
Search out The Book Of Yahweh, and
read. Not one of these will be neglected.
For it is written: Yahweh is their Shepherd;
they shall not want; for His Mouth has
commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered

The so-called “New Testament” is

simply Part Two of The Book of Yahweh
which was written by the twelve
prophesied Disciples and Shaul, the
called of Yahshua Messiah who were

Revealed .
taught the Righteousness of Yahweh,
and they also taught the same.
Romans 6:16—
Do you not know that to whom you
yield yourselves as servants to obey, his
servants you are whom you obey—whether
of sin, which leads to death, or of
obedience, which leads to Righteousness?
The man of sin is a man who teaches 6 For they were acting defiantly
rebellion against Yahweh’s Laws. against Yahweh because of the evil man
P lease notice that obedience to

had done on the earth, and they acted
From that man of sin, others are taught defiantly against Yahweh in their hearts. Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness leads
to sin. Cain killed Abel, the Priest of 7 So Yahweh said: Authority has been to one becoming Righteous.
Righteousness. Afterwards, sin spread. given (by My Heavenly Court) that all Hebrews 10:16, 21, 24-27—
life which I have created must be destroyed 16 This is the Covenant that I will
Soon violence and corruption got so from the face of the earth; both man and renew with them after those days, says
bad that Yahweh allowed the flood and beast, creeping thing and bird of the air, Yahweh: I will put My Laws into their
saved only Noah and his family—eight for they; mankind, have acted defiantly hearts, and in their minds I will write them;
against Me because of the evil they have
people only. 21 And having a High Priest over The
done. House of Yahweh:
Yahshua Messiah compared this 8 But Noah found regard and honor 24 And let us consider one another, how
last generation to the days of Noah in the Eyes of Yahweh. we may urge one another on toward love
when speaking of this Great Tribula- 9 These are the begettings of Noah. and Righteous works;

Noah was a just man, perfect in his 25 Not forsaking the gathering of
tion that is now in progress and get- begettings. Noah walked in the reverence ourselves together, as the manner of some
ting worse. Notice: of Yahweh. is, but exhorting one another; and so much
Mattithyah 24:37— 10 And Noah begot three sons: Shem, the more as you see the day approaching.
But just as the days of Noah were, so Ham, and Yapheth. 26 For if we sin willfully after we have
will also be the coming of the Son of Man. 11 The earth also was corrupt before received the knowledge of the Truth, there

Yahweh, and the earth was lawless, filled no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,

with violence.
Compare now: 12 So Yahweh looked upon the earth,
27 But a certain fearful expectation of
judgment, and fiery indignation which will
Genesis 6:5-13— and indeed it was corrupt; for all mankind devour the adversaries.
5 Then Yahweh saw that the wickedness had corrupted their way on the earth. I Yahchanan 2:4—
of man was great in the earth, and every 13 And Yahweh said to Noah: The end He who says: I know Him, but does not
intent of the thoughts of man’s heart was of all mankind has come before Me, for keep His Laws, is a liar, and the Truth is
only evil, continually. the earth is filled with violence through not in him.

The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 3

. .
I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-15— children of Yahweh: When we love Yahweh Exodus 20:13-14—
4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses by keeping His Laws. 13 You shall not murder.

also the Laws; for sin is the transgression 3 For this is the love of Yahweh: That 14 You shall not commit adultery.
of the Laws. we keep His Laws, and His Laws are not
Exodus 20:3-17—
7 Little children, let no man deceive grievous.
3 You shall have no hinder gods
you; he who practices Righteousness is I Yahchanan 3:22-24— (elohim) at all. They are in opposition
Righteous, just as He is Righteous. 22 And whatever we ask, we receive against Me.
8 He who commits sin is of the devil, from Him, because we keep His Laws and 4 You shall not make for yourself any
for the devil has sinned from the beginning. do those things that are pleasing in His carved image; an idol, in the form of
For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was sight. anything in heaven above, or on the earth
manifested; that He might destroy the 23 And this is His Commandment: beneath, or in the waters below.
works of the devil. That we should believe on the Name of 5 You shall not bow down to them nor
9 Whoever is begotten of Yahweh does His Son, Yahshua Messiah, and love one serve them; for I, Yahweh your Father, am
not commit sin; for His seed remains in another, as He also gave us commandment. a Heavenly Father Who is Zealous for My
him; and it is possible for him not to sin, 24 And he who keeps His Laws dwells House. The sexual sins of the fathers will
because he has been begotten of Yahweh. in Him, and He in him; and by this we be on the children to the third and fourth
10 In this the Children of Yahweh and know that He abides in us: By the Spirit generation of those who transgress My
the children of the devil are manifest. which He has given us. Laws and change them.
Whoever does not practice Righteousness 6 But I will show My Love to

thousands who love Me by keeping My
is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his
They taught the same as Yahshua Laws.
11 For this is the Message that you Messiah taught. 7 You shall not take the Name of
Yahweh your Heavenly Father to bring it
heard from the beginning, that we should Mattithyah 19:17— to nothing, for Yahweh will not hold him
love one another. But He said to him: Why do you question guiltless who brings dishonor upon or
12 Not as Cain, who was of that Me about Righteousness? There is only profanes His Name.

wicked one, and murdered his brother. And One Who is the Standard of Perfection, 8 Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep
why did he murder his brother? Because and He is Yahweh; so if you would enter it Holy.
his works were evil, and his brother’s were into life, keep the Laws of Yahweh. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all
Righteous. Revelation 22:12-14— your work,
13 Do not marvel, my brothers, if the 12 And behold, I come quickly, and My 10 But the Seventh Day is the Sabbath
world hates you. Reward is with Me, to give every man of Yahweh your Heavenly Father. In it you
14 We know that we have passed from according as his work will be. shall not do your work: you, nor your wife,
death to life, because we love the brothers. 13 I am the First and the Last, the nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your
He who does not love his neighbor abides Beginning and the End. manservant, nor your maidservant, nor
in death. 14 Blessed are those who keep His your cattle, nor the stranger who dwells

. .
15 Whoever hates his neighbor is a Laws, that they may have right to the Tree within your gates.
murderer; and you know that no murderer of Life, and may enter in through the gates 11 For in six days Yahweh made the
has eternal life abiding in him. into the city. heavens and the earth, the sea, and all
II Yahchanan 1:4-11— Mattithyah 7:23— that are in them; and rested the Seventh
But then I will declare to them; I never Day. Therefore, Yahweh blessed the
4 I greatly rejoiced that I found some
knew you. Get away from Me, you who Sabbath Day, and hallowed it; Yahweh
of your children walking in Truth, according made the Seventh Day Sabbath Holy.
to the Laws we have received from the practice iniquity.
12 Honor your father and your mother,
Father. so your days may be long upon the land
5 But now I plead with you, lady, not
as though I wrote any new Laws to you,
Now get this, in Mattithyah 7:23 the which Yahweh your Father is giving you.
Savior pronounced His Judgment on 13 You shall not murder.
but that which we had from the beginning: 14 You shall not commit adultery.
That we love one another— all those who work iniquity. Iniquity 15 You shall not steal.
6 And this is love: That we walk after is doing away with, changing or just 16 You shall not bear false testimony
His Laws. Those are the Laws, that, as not practicing Yahweh’s Laws of Righ- against your neighbor.
you have heard from the beginning, you 17 You shall not covet; lust after, your
should walk in them. teousness. The Disciple Yaaqob (James neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your
7 For many deceivers have gone out in KJV) said that if you break any Law neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor

into the world, who do not confess Yahshua of Yahweh, you are guilty of breaking his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey,
Messiah as having begun in the flesh. This nor anything that belongs to your neighbor.
is a deceiver and an Anti-Messiah!
all of them.
Yaaqob 2:10-11, 26—
8 Look out for yourselves, that you do
not lose those things which we have 10 For whoever keeps the whole Law,
Remember, iniquity means doing away
worked for; but that we may receive a full and yet offends in one point, he is guilty of with or simply not practicing keeping
reward. all. Yahweh’s Laws. This is also called sin,

9 Whoever transgresses, and does not 11 For He Who said: Do not commit which is shown by Yahshua’s Disciple
abide in the doctrine of the Messiah, does adultery, also said: Do not murder. Now if
not have Yahweh. He who abides in the you do not commit adultery, yet you do Yahchanan (John in KJV).
doctrine of the Messiah, has both the Father murder, you have become a transgressor I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10—
and the Son. of the Laws. 4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses
10 If anyone comes to you, and does 26 For just as the body without the also the Laws; for sin is the transgression
not bring this doctrine, do not accept him spirit is dead, so the faith without works of the Laws.
into The House of Yahweh there, nor is dead also. 7 Little children, let no man deceive

welcome him; you; he who practices Righteousness is
11 For he who welcomes him is a
partaker of his evil deeds. The Laws “do not commit adultery” Righteous, just as He is Righteous.
8 He who commits sin is of the devil,
I Yahchanan 5:2-3— and “do not murder” are part of the for the devil has sinned from the beginning.
2 By this we know that we love the Ten Commandments. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was

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manifested; that He might destroy the Laws, they are declaring that they prac- And they were judged, every man,
works of the devil. according to his works.
tice iniquity and belong to Satan. Their

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and 14 And death and sheol were cast into
the children of the devil are manifest. Judgment is also openly declared, no- the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Whoever does not practice Righteousness tice: 15 And whoever was not found written
is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his Revelation 20:11-15— in The Book of Life was cast into the lake
neighbor! of fire.
11 And I saw a Great White Throne,
I Yahchanan 2:4— and Him Who sat on it, from Whose Face
But blessed are those who refuse to

He who says: I know Him, but does not the powers of the earth and the powers of

keep His Laws, is a liar, and the Truth is the heavens, the Gods (elohim), were be deceived and who practice Yahweh’s
not in him. driven away; for the verdict was reached
that there is no place for them. Laws of Righteousness.
Mattithyah 7:23— Revelation 22:12-14—
12 And I saw the dead, small and
But then I will declare to them; I never
great, standing before Yahweh. And the 12 And behold, I come quickly, and My
knew you. Get away from Me, you who
books were opened; and another book was Reward is with Me, to give every man
practice iniquity. opened, which is The Book of Life. And according as his work will be.
the dead were judged out of those things 13 I am the First and the Last, the
This is a Scriptural fact, when any- which were written in the books, according Beginning and the End.
one declares that they refuse to prac- to their works. 14 Blessed are those who keep His
13 And the sea gave up the dead which Laws, that they may have right to the Tree
tice keeping Yahweh’s Fourth Com- were in it; and death and sheol; the grave, of Life, and may enter in through the gates
mandment, or any other of Yahweh’s delivered up the dead which were in them. into the city.

The Popes Are DEAD WRONG When They

ourth Commandment
Say Do Away With The FFourth
And Let Us Keep Sunday
Sunday,, The FFirst
irst Day Of
The W eek!!
creeping thing that creeps upon the
Psalm 72:1-3—
1 Give Your Judgments to the
King, O Yahweh, and Your
Righteousness to the King’s sons.
2 He will judge Your People with
Righteousness, and Your needy with
3 Then the mountains and hills will

bear peace for the people, by
Psalm 8:6—
You made man to be the ruler over
the works of Your Hands; You will
put all things under his feet.

Yahweh gave to mankind His Per-

fect Laws, many of which are ap-
pointments with Yahweh in order to
T he pope is openly rebelling Genesis 1:26— bring mankind to the Perfection of
against the One Who created man- Then Yahweh said: I will make man Yahweh so that Yahweh could give
kind. Yahweh created mankind for in My Image, according to My
Likeness; they will have rulership mankind Eternal Authority to rule as
the purpose of making mankind in over the fish of the sea, over the Himself.
His Own Image and Likeness, and birds of the air, over the cattle, and
giving them rulership. over all the earth and over every APPOINTMENTS

The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 5

the APPOINTMENTS with Yahweh

The House of Yahweh, and the king’s

Some of Yahweh’s Laws are for Holy 3 Six days shall work be done, but the
Seventh Day is a Sabbath of rest, a Holy house, and had finished all he had
gatherings, set Appointments in Convocation. You shall not do just any desired to accomplish;
Yahweh’s Presence, when Yahweh work on it. It is the Sabbath of Yahweh in 2 Yahweh appeared to Solomon the
all your dwellings. second time, as He had appeared to him
shows that He will be aware of your at Gibeon.
presence. We see this first in the P lease notice the words Holy 3 Yahweh said to him: I have heard

the prayer and the supplication that you
Fourth Commandment; it is called a Convocation. Holy means sacred, have made before Me; I have sanctified
Holy Convocation. dedicated, consecrated, hallowed, and consecrated this House you have
Exodus 20:8-11— holiness. Convocation means calling, built to establish My Name there forever;
and My Eyes and My Heart will be there
8 Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep assembly, official summons of perpetually (Kowl-Yom); at the required
it Holy. worship. This means that on the days seasons; Yahweh’s Ordained Weekly
9 Six days you shall labor and do all Sabbaths and Feast Days.
your work, that Yahweh says are His Holy
Convocations, Yahweh is present, in
10 But the Seventh Day is the Sabbath
of Yahweh your Heavenly Father. In it you some way, at those Holy Consecrated
Now get this: Yahweh did not com-
shall not do your work: you, nor your wife, mand that His People gather on just
nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your any day or change His Appointment
manservant, nor your maidservant, nor If a gathering is ordained only by
days. Yahweh set these days apart
your cattle, nor the stranger who dwells man, it’s not a Holy Convocation, it’s
as special days when He would
within your gates. just a gathering. But the Scriptures
gather together with His People at

11 For in six days Yahweh made the show that the Seventh Day Sabbath
heavens and the earth, the sea, and all His House on earth. That’s the rea-
that are in them; and rested the Seventh
and the other Feast Days are Yahweh’s
son Yahweh says to seek His House.

Day. Therefore, Yahweh blessed the Gatherings with man. This makes
Deuteronomy 12:5—
Sabbath Day, and hallowed it; Yahweh them Holy Convocations where But you are to seek the Habitation of
made the Seventh Day Sabbath Holy. Yahweh is present in some way. Notice your Father; The House of Yahweh__the

Leviticus 23:1-3— what Yahweh said to Solomon place which Yahweh your Father shall
1 And Yahweh spoke to Mosheh, choose out of all your tribes to establish
concerning these Holy Sabbaths—Holy

saying: His Name__and there you must go.
2 Speak to the children of Israyl, and Convocations or Holy Gatherings—
Mattithyah 6:33—
say to them; Concerning the Feasts of with Yahweh. But seek you first the Kingdom of
Yahweh, which you shall proclaim to be I Kings 9:1-3— Yahweh and His Righteousness, and all
Holy Convocations; these are My Feasts: 1 When Solomon had finished building these things will be added to you.

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Before Solomon, on the very first Sev-
enth Day Sabbath Yahweh blessed the
Seventh Day of each week. Yahweh es-
tablished His House with Adam and
taught Adam His Laws on the very

first Sabbath.
Yahshua said:
Yahchanan Mark 2:27-28—
27 Then He said to them: The Sabbath
was made for the sake of man, and not
man for the Sabbath;
Yahweh said to him: Be fruitful and In one of His Sabbath Day sermons,
28 Therefore, the Son of Man is also a multiply; fill the earth and subdue it: have the Savior followed the example of Fa-
Teacher of the Sabbath. rulership over the fish of the sea, over the
ther Yahweh. He showed there are two

birds of the air, and over every living thing
that moves on the earth. distinct trees that can be recognized
Remember Yahshua’s Words or you 29 And Yahweh said: Behold, I have by their fruits.
won’t understand the next Scriptures. given you every herb that yields seed which

is on the face of all the earth, and every
Mattithyah 7:13-20—
Now back to the beginning. Yahweh 13 Enter in through the narrow gate;
tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall
made man. for wide is the gate and broad is the way
be for food.

Genesis 1:26-28— that leads to destruction, and many are
26 Then Yahweh said: I will make man those who go that way.
in My Image, according to My Likeness; What herbs and what trees? 14 Because straight is the gate, and
they will have rulership over the fish of the Genesis 2:9— narrow is the way which leads to life, and
sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, And out of the ground Yahweh made few there are who find it.
and over all the earth and over every every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight, 15 Beware of false prophets who come
creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. and desirable for food. The Tree of Life to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly
27 So Yahweh created man in His own was in the midst of the garden, and the they are ravening wolves.
image. In the Image of Yahweh He created tree of the knowledge of Righteousness 16 You will know them by their fruits.
the man. Then He created the woman from and evil was in the midst also. Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs
the man. from thistles?
28 Then Yahweh blessed him, and 17 Likewise, every Righteous tree
Yahweh said to him: Be fruitful and The Tree of Life? Yahweh blessed the brings forth Righteous fruit; but a tree of
multiply; fill the earth and subdue it: have Seventh Day Sabbath with His Pres- evil brings forth fruit of iniquity.
rulership over the fish of the sea, over the ence and by teaching mankind True 18 A Righteous tree cannot bring forth
birds of the air, and over every living thing fruit of iniquity, nor can a tree of evil bring
that moves on the earth.
Righteousness, Perfect Righteousness, forth fruits of Righteousness.
and gave them warning not to mix the 19 Every tree which does not bring forth
Get the words in verse 28, “then
Tree of Life with the tree of Righteous- Righteous fruit is cut down, and cast into
the fire.
Yahweh blessed him (mankind)”. ness and evil. 20 Therefore, by their fruits you will
Remember the Words of the Savior in Genesis 2:15-17— know them.
15 Then Yahweh took the man and put
Yahchanan Mark 2:27-28, the Seventh
Day Sabbath was actually made for
him in the garden of Eden to work and
care for it. N otice the word Righteousness
man, to bless man. We saw that in 16 And Yahweh commanded the man, (Righteous) in verses 17-19. So, what
Genesis 1:28, Yahweh blessed man. saying: Of every tree of the garden you is this Righteousness? Remember, in

may freely eat; Genesis 2:9 we saw the Tree of Righ-
How? Yahweh blessed the Seventh Day 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of
for man (Genesis 2:3). How? Righteousness and evil you must not eat, teousness.
Genesis 1:28-29— for in the day that you eat of it you will The Savior was asked, “What Righ-
28 Then Yahweh blessed him, and surely die. teous acts must I do so that I may not

The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 7

die, but have Eternal Life?” The plowshares, and their spears into and yet offends in one point, he is guilty
Savior’s answer was: pruninghooks. Nation will not lift up a of all.
sword against nation, nor will they learn 11 For He Who said: Do not commit
Mattithyah 19:16-17—

war anymore. adultery, also said: Do not murder. Now
16 And behold, one came to Him, and if you do not commit adultery, yet you do
said; Teacher, what Righteous thing may I
do, so that I may have Eternal Life? Now read: murder, you have become a transgressor
of the Laws.
17 But He said to him: Why do you Deuteronomy 6:1, 7, 25— 12 So speak, and so do, as those who
question Me about Righteousness? There 1 Now these are the Laws, the are being judged by the Laws of liberty—
is only One Who is the Standard of Statutes, and the Judgments which

Perfection, and He is Yahweh; so if you Yahweh your Father has commanded me
would enter into life, keep the Laws of to teach you: so that you may observe These Laws are part of the Ten Com-
Yahweh. them in the land you are crossing over to mandments found in Exodus 20:3-17.
Mattithyah 19:17, KJV— possess;
The Savior said, blessed are those who

And he said unto him, Why callest thou 7 And you must teach them diligently
me good? there is none good but one, that to your children, and talk about them when keep them, they have right to the Tree
is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, you sit in your house, and when you walk of Life.
keep the commandments. on the road, and when you lie down, and
when you rise up. Revelation 20:11-15—
25 And it will be our Righteousness if 11 And I saw a Great White Throne,
So keeping the Commandments or we observe to do all of these Laws before and Him Who sat on it, from Whose Face
Laws of Yahweh is Righteousness ac- Yahweh our Father, as He has commanded the powers of the earth and the powers of
us. the heavens, the Gods (elohim), were
cording to the Words of the Savior. driven away; for the verdict was reached
That agrees with Genesis and the that there is no place for them.
Yahshua said you are a fool if you

Original Plan of Salvation (Tree of Life/ 12 And I saw the dead, small and
Eternal Life). Now, you are warned not don’t believe all that the Prophets great, standing before Yahweh. And the
have spoken. books were opened; and another book was
to partake of the other tree, the mix-

opened, which is The Book of Life. And
ture of Righteousness and evil, other- Luke 24:25— the dead were judged out of those things
Then He said to them: O fools, and which were written in the books,
wise “dying you will die”. slow of heart to believe all that the according to their works.
Genesis 2:17— Prophets have spoken!
13 And the sea gave up the dead which
But of the tree of the knowledge of

were in it; and death and sheol; the grave,
Righteousness and evil you must not eat,
for in the day that you eat of it you will
So what do the written words of the delivered up the dead which were in them.
Prophets say? And they were judged, every man,
surely die. according to his works.
Yechetzqyah 18:4—
14 And death and sheol were cast into
Please understand that the Tree of Life Behold, all souls are Mine. Just as the
soul of the father, so also the soul of the
the lake of fire. This is the second death.
is Yahweh’s House—Yahweh’s King- 15 And whoever was not found
son is Mine; the soul that sins, it will die.
written in The Book of Life was cast into
dom—the Habitation in which Yahweh

the lake of fire.

keeps His Appointments on His set Compare:
days. Mattithyah 10:28— Back to the Prophet Yechetzqyah.
Deuteronomy 12:5— And do not fear those who kill the body,
Yechetzqyah 18:20-24—

But you are to seek the Habitation of but are not able to kill the spirit; but
rather, fear Him Who is able to destroy 20 The soul that sins, it will die. The
your Father; The House of Yahweh__the son will not bear the iniquity of the father,

place which Yahweh your Father shall both spirit and body in Gehenna.
nor will the father bear the iniquity of the
choose out of all your tribes to establish Mattithyah 7:19— son. The Righteousness of the Righteous

His Name__and there you must go. Every tree which does not bring forth
will be upon himself, and the wickedness
Mattithyah 6:33— Righteous fruit is cut down, and cast into
of the wicked will be upon himself.

But seek you first the Kingdom of the fire.
21 But if the wicked will turn from all
Yahweh and His Righteousness, and all Yaaqob 2:4-12— his sins that he has committed, and keep
these things will be added to you. 4 Have you not shown partiality all My Statutes, and do that which is
Micahyah 4:1-3— among yourselves, and become judges Lawful and right, then he will surely live;
1 But in the Last Days it will come to with evil thoughts? he will not die.
pass that the mountain; promotion, of The 5 Listen, my beloved brothers: Has not 22 And his transgressions that he has
House of Yahweh will be established in Yahweh chosen the poor of the world, to committed will not be mentioned against
the chief of the nations. It will be raised be rich in faith, and heirs of the Kingdom
him; in his Righteousness that he has done,
above all congregations; and all peoples which He has promised to those who love
he will live.
will eventually flow to it. 23 Do I have any pleasure at all that
6 But you have despised the poor! Do
2 And many people will go and say; the wicked should die? says Father
not rich men oppress; persecute, you, and
Come, and let us go up to Abel; to the Yahweh: No, but rather that he would
drag you into court?
mountain; to promote/praise Yahweh, to 7 Do they not blaspheme that worthy turn back from his wicked ways, and live.
the House of the Father of Yaaqob, and Name; Yahweh, by which you are called? 24 But when the Righteous turns away
He will teach us of His Ways, and we will 8 If you fulfill the Royal Laws from his Righteousness and commits
walk in His Paths. For the Laws and the according to the Scripture: You must love iniquity, and does according to all the
Word of Yahweh will be restored to Abel your neighbor as yourself, you do abominations that the wicked man does—
by those who keep all His Laws and who Righteousness; should he live? All his Righteousness that
are taught by the Priest who teaches Peace. 9 But if you show respect to persons, he has done will not be mentioned in his
3 And He will judge between many you commit sin, and are convicted by the behalf. In his trespass that he has
people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; Laws as transgressors. trespassed, and in his sin that he has
and they will beat their swords into 10 For whoever keeps the whole Law, sinned, in them he will die.

Page 8 The Prophetic Word 02/2012

nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your
manservant, nor your maidservant, nor
From Beginning To The End, There Is Only your cattle, nor the stranger who dwells
within your gates.
SALV 11 For in six days Yahweh made the
heavens and the earth, the sea, and all

Your Bible—Keep The Laws Of Yahweh

that are in them; and rested the Seventh

Day. Therefore, Yahweh blessed the
Sabbath Day, and hallowed it; Yahweh
made the Seventh Day Sabbath Holy.
Leviticus 23:1-3—
1 And Yahweh spoke to Mosheh,
2 Speak to the children of Israyl, and
say to them; Concerning the Feasts of
Yahweh, which you shall proclaim to be
Holy Convocations; these are My Feasts:
3 Six days shall work be done, but the
Seventh Day is a Sabbath of rest, a Holy

Convocation. You shall not do just any
work on it. It is the Sabbath of Yahweh in
all your dwellings.
Genesis 2:1-3—
1 Thus the heavens and the earth, and
all the host of them, were finished,

2 And on the Seventh Day Yahweh
ended His work which He had done, and
He rested on the Seventh Day from all His
work which He had done.
Mattithyah 19:17— of Yahshua,
3 Then Yahweh blessed the Seventh
But He said to him: Why do you question 20 By a new and living way which He
Day and set it apart to be holy, because in
Me about Righteousness? There is only has consecrated for us, through the veil,
it He rested from all the work which

One Who is the Standard of Perfection, that is to say, His flesh,
Yahweh had created and made.
and He is Yahweh; so if you would enter 21 And having a High Priest over The
into life, keep the Laws of Yahweh. House of Yahweh:
Acts 3:19-20—
22 Let us draw near with a true heart Yes! Many had already turned from
in full assurance of the Faith, having our keeping Yahweh’s Appointments and

19 Repent therefore, and be converted, hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience,
that your sins may be blotted out; that and our bodies washed with pure water.
had brought sin and death back into
times of refreshing may come from the 23 Let us hold fast the confession of their lives.

Presence of Yahweh.
20 And that He may send Yahshua, the
the Faith without wavering; not bending, Hebrews 10:25—
not giving way, for He Who promised is Not forsaking the gathering of ourselves
Messiah Who was preached to you, faithful! together, as the manner of some is, but
Revelation 22:12-16— 24 And let us consider one another, how exhorting one another; and so much the
12 And behold, I come quickly, and My we may urge one another on toward love more as you see the day approaching.
Reward is with Me, to give every man and Righteous works;
according as his work will be. 25 Not forsaking the gathering of
13 I am the First and the Last, the ourselves together, as the manner of some They turned in unbelief. They say they
Beginning and the End. is, but exhorting one another; and so much believe. They say “only believe”. This
14 Blessed are those who keep His the more as you see the day approaching. goes on with all religions of the earth
Laws, that they may have right to the Tree 26 For if we sin willfully after we have
of Life, and may enter in through the gates received the knowledge of the Truth, there today, except the Prophesied House of
Yahweh. If only they would believe all

into the city. no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,
15 For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, 27 But a certain fearful expectation of that the Prophets have spoken, as the
and whoremongers, and murderers, and judgment, and fiery indignation which will Savior truly said.
worshipers of gods (elohim) and everyone devour the adversaries.
who professes to love, yet practices Luke 24:25—
breaking the Laws. Please note what is said in verse 25, Then He said to them: O fools, and slow
16 I, Yahshua, have sent My Messenger of heart to believe all that the Prophets
not forsaking the gathering of our- have spoken!
to testify to you these things in the
selves together, as the manner of some

congregations of The House of Yahweh. I
am the Root and the Offspring of David, is. Yes! Many had already stopped gath- Back to the Book of Hebrews. Re-
and the Bright and Morning Star. ering. They had stopped the Holy Con- member Hebrews 10:25, not forsaking
Hebrews 10:16-27— vocations. They stopped keeping the

16 This is the Covenant that I will
the gathering of ourselves together, as
Fourth Commandment, which is a the manner of some. Compare the fol-
renew with them after those days, says
Yahweh: I will put My Laws into their Holy Convocation. lowing verses and see their unbelief,

hearts, and in their minds I will write them; Exodus 20:8-11— which is the same you see in the trees
17 Then He says: Their sins and 8 Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep
iniquities I will remember no more. it Holy. or religions today.
18 Now where there is remission of 9 Six days you shall labor and do all Hebrews 4:1-11—
these, there is no longer an offering for your work, 1 Therefore, since a promise of entering
sin. 10 But the Seventh Day is the Sabbath His Rest remains, let us be faithful so that
19 Therefore, brothers, having boldness of Yahweh your Heavenly Father. In it you none of you should come short of it.
to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood shall not do your work: you, nor your wife, 2 For this Message was preached to

The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 9

us, as well as to them; but the word which in obedience to the Law, spoken of by enth Day Sabbath altogether and
they heard did not benefit them, because Yahweh in a day previously.
they did not share in the Faith of those 9 Therefore, there remains the keeping
chose sun God worship instead. He
who obeyed— of the Sabbath to the people of Yahweh, also made it a death penalty to keep
3 However, we who have believed do 10 For he who has entered into His Rest the Seventh Day Sabbath according to
enter that Rest, as He has said: So I vowed has also ceased from his own works, as the Commandment. Write, call or email
in My Judgment; They will not enter into Yahweh did from His.
us for the way the True Sabbath is to

My Rest, although the works were finished 11 Therefore, let us be zealous to enter
from the foundation of the world, into that Rest, so that no one may fall be kept.
4 For He spoke in a certain place of the after the same example of unbelief. Back to Hebrews 4.
Seventh Day, in this way: And Yahweh
Hebrews 4:4—
rested the Seventh Day from all His works.
5 And in this place again: If they will
In verse 3 we see that only those who ...Yahweh rested the Seventh Day...
enter into My Rest. believe turn from the sin of breaking Hebrews 4:10—
6 Since therefore it remains that some the Fourth Commandment. The popes For he who has entered into His Rest
must enter it, and those to whom it was do not believe. They greatly polluted has also ceased from his own works, as
first preached did not enter because of Yahweh did from His.
disobedience, Yahweh’s Sabbaths with the
7 Again, He designates a certain day, Babylonian Talmud. They made their Any one who desires Eternal Life will
saying in David: ‘‘Today,’’ after so long a ‘sabbath’ so ridiculous that it was im- rest the Seventh Day as Yahweh rested
time, as it has been said: Today, if you will
hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.
possible to keep. Then the pope the Seventh Day and blessed the Sev-
8 Now Yahshua caused them to Rest Constantine did away with the Sev- enth Day of each week forever.

The Sabbaths Are A Most

Joyous Time, Eating And
Rejoicing In Front Of Yahweh

The Savior said to seek the Kingdom 20 Therefore, by their
fruits you will know them.
of Yahweh and His Righteousness first. 21 Not everyone who
Mattithyah 6:33— says to Me; Teacher!
But seek you first the Kingdom of Teacher! will enter into the
Yahweh and His Righteousness, and all Kingdom of Yahweh, but
these things will be added to you. only he who does the will
of My Father Who is in
If you want Salvation, you will do heaven.
22 Many will say to Me
what Yahshua says, seek first the King- in that day; Teacher!
dom of Yahweh. The evil religions of Teacher! Have we not
the world are not of Yahweh. They are prophesied in Your Name,
7 There, in front of Yahweh your Father,
all deceived unbelievers; otherwise, and cast out demons in Your Name, and in

Your Name performed many wonderful you and your families shall eat, and you
they would be keeping Yahweh’s Sab- works? shall rejoice in all that you have put your
baths at Yahweh’s House. 23 But then I will declare to them; I hand to do, because Yahweh your Father
has blessed you.
Mattithyah 7:13-26— never knew you. Get away from Me, you
8 You must not at all do as we are doing
13 Enter in through the narrow gate; who practice iniquity.
24 Therefore, everyone who hears these here this day—every man doing whatever
for wide is the gate and broad is the way
sayings of Mine, and does them, is like a is right in his own eyes—
that leads to destruction, and many are
wise man who built his house on the rock; 11 Then there will be a place Yahweh
those who go that way.
25 And the rain fell, and the floods will choose to establish His Name; and
14 Because straight is the gate, and
came, and the winds blew, and beat there you will bring all that I command
narrow is the way which leads to life, and
against that house; but it did not fall, for you: your burnt offerings and sacrifices,
few there are who find it.
it was founded upon the rock. your tithes and special gifts, and all the
15 Beware of false prophets who come
26 But everyone who hears these choice things you have vowed to Yahweh;
to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly
sayings of Mine, but does not do them, is 12 And you shall rejoice in front of
they are ravening wolves.
like a foolish man who built his house upon Yahweh, you and your wife (wives), your
16 You will know them by their fruits.
the sand. sons, your daughters, your menservants,
Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs
your maidservants, and the Levite who

from thistles?
17 Likewise, every Righteous tree Seek Yahweh’s Kingdom, go there and lives within your gates, since he has no
portion nor inheritance with you.
brings forth Righteous fruit; but a tree of rejoice.
evil brings forth fruit of iniquity. 13 Be careful not to sacrifice your burnt
18 A Righteous tree cannot bring forth
Deuteronomy 12:5, 7-8, 11-13— offerings in every place you please.
fruit of iniquity, nor can a tree of evil bring 5 But you are to seek the Habitation of
forth fruits of Righteousness.
your Father; The House of Yahweh—the
place which Yahweh your Father shall
Remember, these are Yahweh’s set
19 Every tree which does not bring forth Appointments. He will be there at each
choose out of all your tribes to establish
Righteous fruit is cut down, and cast into
the fire.
His Name—and there you must go. appointed Sabbath.

Page 10 The Prophetic Word 02/2012

Those Who
K eep
Yahw eh’s
Sabbaths At
Yahw eh’s
House Sho w
Theyy Belong
To Y ahw
Yahw eh
Not T
Too Satan
Notice again:
Exodus 20:8-11—
8 Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep
it Holy.
9 Six days you shall labor and do all
your work, 2 Yahweh will send the rod of Your death has no power, but they will be Priests
10 But the Seventh Day is the Sabbath Strength out of Zion. You will rule in the of Yahweh and of the Messiah, and will
of Yahweh your Heavenly Father. In it you midst of Your enemies! reign with Him a thousand years.
shall not do your work: you, nor your wife, 3 Your people will have proved
nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your themselves obedient to the Laws on the
You belong to whom you obey. You

manservant, nor your maidservant, nor day You go forth in power. They will unite
your cattle, nor the stranger who dwells with You, arrayed in their Holy Garments. have two choices—obey either Yahweh
within your gates. Like the morning dew, they will completely or Satan.
11 For in six days Yahweh made the cover the earth, governing with You. Romans 6:16—
heavens and the earth, the sea, and all 4 Yahweh has vowed an oath, and will
Do you not know that to whom you
that are in them; and rested the Seventh not relent nor change His mind: You are a

yield yourselves as servants to obey, his
Day. Therefore, Yahweh blessed the Priesthood forever after the order of
Melchizedek. servants you are whom you obey—whether
Sabbath Day, and hallowed it; Yahweh
made the Seventh Day Sabbath Holy. 5 The Rulers and Kings at Your Right of sin, which leads to death, or of
Hand, O Yahweh, will strike through; obedience, which leads to Righteousness?
Exodus 31:13—
Speak also to the children of Israyl, completely crush, kings in the day of His
Judgment. Please notice, sin leads to death.

saying; Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep,
for they are signs between Me and you 6 They will execute judgment among That’s the second death, never to live
throughout your generations, that you may the nations, they will fill up the earth with
dead bodies, they will wound; completely again. Remember:
know that I am Yahweh Who sanctifies
you, and makes you Holy. subdue and crush, the heads; Revelation 20:6—

governments, of the whole earth. Blessed and Holy is he who has part in
N otice, sanctifies you. Sanctifies Compare:
the first resurrection; on such the second

death has no power, but they will be priests
means to set apart for a special use. of Yahweh and of the Messiah, and will
Revelation 20:4-6—
That use is shown in: 4 And I saw Thrones, and they sat upon
reign with Him a thousand years.
Genesis 1:26— them, and judgment was given unto them.
Then Yahweh said: I will make man in And I saw the souls of those who were We also saw in Romans 6:16 that obe-

My Image, according to My Likeness; they beheaded for their witness of Yahshua and dience leads to Life Eternal. Please be-
will have rulership over the fish of the sea, for the word of Yahweh; the Law and the
over the birds of the air, over the cattle, Prophets, and who had not worshiped the
lieve and obey.
and over all the earth and over every beast, nor his likeness, neither had received Luke 24:25—
creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. his mark in their foreheads nor upon their Then He said to them: O fools, and slow

hands; and they lived and reigned with the of heart to believe all that the Prophets
Compare: Messiah a thousand years—
5 But the rest of the dead did not live
have spoken!

Psalm 110:1-6—
1 Yahweh said to my Ruler and King:
again until the thousand years were
finished. This is the first resurrection—
Those who believe will keep their ap-
Sit at My Right Hand, until I make Your 6 Blessed and Holy is he who has part pointments—Yahweh’s Sabbaths—in
enemies Your footstool. in the first resurrection; on such the second front of Yahweh.
The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 11
underpants. Martin was charging

The Unbelieving
$160-an-hour for his services. It is
unclear if he had any customers.
The archbishop of Toledo has

confirmed the crimes and told press
that Martin will no longer be working
as a priest after “these lamentable
Hebrews 4:6— ing iniquity.
Since therefore it remains that some incidents”.
The Savior will say to all who keep

must enter it, and those to whom it was
first preached did not enter because of
Yahweh’s Laws, “you have right to the
disobedience. Tree of Life”.
Revelation 22:12-16— Papal Attendant received
The word disobedience is word #543 12 And behold, I come quickly, and My male prostitutes in
Reward is with Me, to give every man Vatican
in the Greek dictionary of Strong’s Con- according as his work will be.
cordance and is shown to mean unbe- 13 I am the First and the Last, the
lief. Beginning and the End. While police listened to wiretaps
14 Blessed are those who keep His during a corruption investigation,
Laws, that they may have right to the Tree
of Life, and may enter in through the gates they found phone calls by Angelo
into the city. Balducci, an ex head of Italy’s public

The unbelieving will all have their part 15 For outside are dogs, and sorcerers,
and whoremongers, and murderers, and
works council, where he arranged
in the lake of fire. worshipers of gods (elohim) and everyone meetings with male prostitutes. They
Revelation 21:8— who professes to love, yet practices had to be tall and virile.
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and breaking the Laws. The Vatican was rocked by a sex
the abominable, and murderers, and 16 I, Yahshua, have sent My Messenger scandal reaching into Pope
whoremongers, and sorcerers, and to testify to you these things in the
worshipers of gods (elohim), and all liars, congregations of The House of Yahweh. I Benedict’s household after a
will have their part in the lake which burns am the Root and the Offspring of David, chorister was sacked for allegedly
with fire and brimstone—which is the and the Bright and Morning Star. procuring male prostitutes for a
second death.
papal gentleman-in-waiting.
Notice the word dogs in verse 15. This

One must know that a Gentleman
K eeping Yahweh’s Appointments is word #3611 from the Hebrew dic- of His Holiness, sometimes also
shows that you belong to Yahweh. tionary of Strong’s Concordance. called Papal Gentleman, is a lay
Exodus 31:13—
Speak also to the children of Israyl, attendant to the pope and his papal
saying; Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep, household. As such, he has a highly
for they are signs between Me and you
Spanish Priest Spent regarded position and can move
throughout your generations, that you may about the Vatican freely.
$23,000 On Porn,
know that I am Yahweh Who sanctifies
you, and makes you Holy. An interesting addendum is the
Advertised Himself As fact that Balducci is also a senior

Disobedience shows you belong to Sa- Prostitute adviser of what is known as The
tan. Samuel Martin Martin, a 27-year- Congregation for the Evangelisation
I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8— old Spanish priest, has been thrown of Peoples, a department that
4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses out of the Church after it emerged oversees all missionary activity for
also the Laws; for sin is the transgression the Roman Catholic church
of the Laws.
he spent up to $23,000 of church
7 Little children, let no man deceive money on a sex addiction and throughout the world.
you; he who practices Righteousness is advertised himself as a male
Righteous, just as He is Righteous. prostitute.
8 He who commits sin is of the devil,
for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The priest spent the money, some Vatican Hit By Gay Sex
For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was of which had been collected in a Scandal
manifested; that He might destroy the drive for Haiti, on sex chat lines,
works of the devil. The Vatican has been thrown into
internet porn sites and prostitutes
over the year he was a priest at two chaos by reports that one of the
The Savior will say to all who reject

parishes in the small towns Totanes Pope’s ceremonial ushers, as well
Yahweh’s Laws, “Get away from Me, as a member of the elite Vatican
and Noez. He apologized to
you who practice iniquity.” choir, were involved in a homosexual
parishioners during a recent mass
Mattithyah 7:23— prostitution ring.
But then I will declare to them; I never and asked for forgiveness.
knew you. Get away from Me, you who Martin had also posted adverts The tapes appear to record
practice iniquity. online offering himself as a Angelo Balducci, a Gentleman of His
prostitute. Holiness, negotiating with Thomas
This includes the popes and those The adverts were accompanied by Chinedu Ehiem, a 29-year-old
who choose to follow them in practic- a photo of Martin in grey Nigerian Vatican chorister, about
Page 12 The Prophetic Word 02/2012
men he wanted brought to him for of infection.” ships and belongs to Satan, and sadly

sexual purposes. Balducci was Benedict called it “a first step in a so do you if you’re following the popes’
allegedly paying 2,000 euros for movement toward a different way, way.
a more human way of living
each man he met, according to the sexuality.”
I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8—
Irish Times. 4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses
“There may be a basis in the case also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of some individuals, as perhaps of the Laws.
when a male prostitute uses a 7 Little children, let no man deceive
Pope Benedict endorses condom, where this can be a first you; he who practices Righteousness is
step in the direction of a Righteous, just as He is Righteous.
condom use—for male moralization, a first assumption of 8 He who commits sin is of the devil,
prostitutes only responsibility,” Benedict said. for the devil has sinned from the beginning.
For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the
Pope Benedict XVI says in a new
works of the devil.
book that condoms can be justified
for male prostitutes...
The pope can cause you to burn with
Benedict said that condoms are not him if you allow him to deceive you. Satan can’t give Life Eternal. Only
a moral solution. But he said in He is teaching that you can’t live with- Yahweh can give life, and He will only
some cases, such as for male out Sunday, the first day of the week, give it to those who will practice His
prostitutes, they could be justified because he does not worship Yahweh. Laws of True love, peace, joy and
“in the intention of reducing the risk He does not belong to Yahweh. He wor- health.

Don’t Let Man Deceive You And Cause You To

Lose Your Great Reward
Keeping Sunday instead of Yahweh’s Righteous, just as He is Righteous. love, yet practices breaking the Laws.
8 He who commits sin is of the devil, 16 I, Yahshua, have sent My
Appointed Sabbaths will not get you for the devil has sinned from the beginning. Messenger to testify to you these things in
anything except the lake of fire. Disobe- For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was the congregations of The House of
dience to Yahweh’s Laws is what is
causing all the troubles in the world to-
. manifested; that He might destroy the
works of the devil.
Mattithyah 7:21-24—
Yahweh. I am the Root and the Off-spring
of David, and the Bright and Morning Star.
day—sickness, disease, confusion, ha-
tred, violence, murder, and now nuclear
The violent popes killed tens of
21 Not everyone who says to Me;
Teacher! Teacher! will enter into the
Kingdom of Yahweh, but only he who does
the will of My Father Who is in heaven.
22 Many will say to Me in that day;
Remember the cause!
Isayah 24:1-6—
1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth
is made empty and it is made waste; the
thousands of people over the past 2,000 Teacher! Teacher! Have we not prophesied face of it is perverted and its inhabitants
years trying to stop people from reading in Your Name, and cast out demons in Your scattered abroad;
Name, and in Your Name performed many 2 And it will be: as with the people, so
their inspired Scriptures that Yahweh wonderful works? with the priest; as with the servant, so
gave as a guide to mankind to 23 But then I will declare to them; I never with his owner; as with the maid, so with
Righteousness. But Yahweh shows He knew you. Get away from Me, you who her mistress; as with the buyer, so with
will not allow the unbelievers to kill off practice iniquity. the seller; as with the lender, so with the
24 Therefore, everyone who hears borrower; as with him who takes usury,
His Last Days’ Work. Yahweh shows a these sayings of Mine, and does them, is so with him who gives usury to him:
place of safety and He shows protection
for His People. Yahweh’s People are

those who are obedient to Yahweh.
Romans 6:16—
. like a wise man who built his house on the
Revelation 22:12-16—
12 And behold, I come quickly, and My
Reward is with Me, to give every man
3 The land will be utterly emptied and
utterly plundered, for it has come to pass
that this Judgment has been pronounced.
4 The earth mourns and fades away,
the world mourns and fades away, and
Do you not know that to whom you yield according as his work will be. the haughty people of the earth languish.
yourselves as servants to obey, his 13 I am the First and the Last, the 5 The earth also is defiled under the
servants you are whom you obey— Beginning and the End. inhabitants of it, because they have

. whether of sin, which leads to death, or of

obedience, which leads to Righteousness?
I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8—
4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses
also the Laws; for sin is the transgression
14 Blessed are those who keep His
Laws, that they may have right to the Tree
of Life, and may enter in through the gates
into the city.
15 For outside are dogs, and
transgressed the Laws, changed the
Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting
6 Because of this, the curse has
devoured the earth, and they who dwell
of the Laws. sorcerers, and whoremongers, and therein are desolate; therefore, the
7 Little children, let no man deceive you; murderers, and worshipers of gods inhabitants of the earth are burned, and
he who practices Righteousness is (elohim) and everyone who professes to few men left.

The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 13

some Prophets, some Preachers of the


Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh, and
some Pastors and Teachers:
12 For the perfecting of the Saints, for
the work of the ministry, for the building

of The House of Yahweh, which is the
Body of Messiah.
13 Until we all come to the same unity
of the Faith, and of the same knowledge

the Son of Yahweh has, unto a perfect man,
unto the measure of the stature of the
fullness; perfection, of Messiah.
Colossians 2:6-8— If you convert to practicing Yahweh’s 14 No longer are we to be children,

6 Therefore, just as you have received Laws, you will not receive of their tossed to and fro, and carried about with
Yahshua Messiah our Head, so walk as every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of
plagues, caused by their sins. men, and cunning craftiness, by which they
He walked,
7 Taking root to build The House of Revelation 18:4-5— lie in wait to deceive.
Yahweh through Him, and also being 4 And I heard another voice from 15 Instead, speaking the Truth in love,
established in the Faith, as you have been heaven, saying: Come out of her, My we may grow up in all things unto Him
taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. People, so that you do not partake in her Who is our Head—Messiah—
8 Beware that no one leads you away sins, and so that you do not receive of her 16 From Whom the whole body, being
like a prize because of philosophy or empty, plagues, fitly joined and brought together by that
false statements, according to the 5 For her sins have reached unto which every joint supplies; according to
traditions of men, after the elements of heaven, and Yahweh has remembered her the effective working in the measure of
the world, and not after the Messiah! iniquities! every part, causes growth of the Body itself
for the building of The House of Yahweh,
The popes and leaders of other reli- T his means you will have Yahweh’s in love.

Protection. Protection? Yes! Check this
gions of the world do not teach
out. Colossians 2:16 shows the set Sab-
Yahweh’s Laws; they teach traditions bath Appointments, which are set by
Colossians 2:16-17—
of men. There is nothing in the Holy 16 Therefore, let no man condemn you Yahweh. We come before Yahweh dur-
Scriptures that teaches us to keep Sun- for doing these things: eating and drinking ing these set Appointments and rejoice
day or any of the other pagan days they in the observance of a Feast Day, or of a

New Moon, or of the Sabbath Day; in front of Him. These set Sabbaths
celebrate. But we are told not to fol- 17 eWhich are a shadow ffrom things show that we belong to Yahweh.
low them and to come out from them. to come gfor the Body of Messiah. Verse 17 shows that these set Ap-
Revelation 18:1-5— pointments are also Yahweh’s Shadow.
1 And after these things I saw another Notice, these are Yahweh’s Feasts.
They are Yahweh’s Sabbaths because
Malak come down from heaven, having That means they are Yahweh’s Shadow
Great Authority; and the earth was they are Yahweh’s Feasts. They show

over you. Notice the mistranslations
enlightened with His Glory. you are sanctified by Yahweh and be-
2 And he cried mightily with a strong of Colossians 2:17 in the King James
voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, Version and the corrections below start- long to Yahweh.
is fallen, and is become the habitation of ing with the word traditionally trans- Exodus 31:13—
demons, and the hold of every foul spirit, lated of (f), then the word but (g). Speak also to the children of Israyl,
and a cage of every unclean and hateful saying; Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep,
e. Deuteronomy 16:1-17, Leviticus for they are signs between Me and you

3 For all nations have drunk of the wine 23:1, 4, 44 throughout your generations, that you may
of the wrath of her fornication, and the f. Hebrew bua. Traditionally translated know that I am Yahweh Who sanctifies
kings of the earth have committed of. A Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to you, and makes you Holy.
fornication with her, and the merchants of the Old Testament by Julius Furst, page Romans 6:16—
the earth have grown rich through the Do you not know that to whom you
abundance of her delicacies. 185, shows this word is correctly trans- yield yourselves as servants to obey, his
4 And I heard another voice from lated from. servants you are whom you obey—whether
heaven, saying: Come out of her, My g. Hebrew waw. Traditionally trans- of sin, which leads to death, or of

People, so that you do not partake in her lated but. The Lexicon in Veteris obedience, which leads to Righteousness?
sins, and so that you do not receive of her
Testamenti Libros by Koehler and

5 For her sins have reached unto Baumgartner, page 245, shows this In keeping them there is great reward.
heaven, and Yahweh has remembered her word is correctly translated for. Psalm 19:7, 11—
7 The Laws of Yahweh are Perfect,

iniquities! I Corinthians 12:27— converting the whole person. The
Now you are the Body of Messiah, and Testimony of Yahweh is sure, making the
N otice, you must come out from the members in particular. simple ones wise.
among them and you must repent and Ephesians 4:8-16— 11 Moreover by them are Your Servants

convert; otherwise, your sins will not 8 That is why He says: When He warned, and in keeping them there is great

ascended on high, He led captivity captive, reward.
be blotted out. and gave gifts to men.
Acts 3:19-20— 9 Now what can this phrase—He Reward! Remember Colossians 2.
19 Repent therefore, and be converted, ascended—mean, except that He also first
that your sins may be blotted out; that descended into the lower parts of the earth? Colossians 2:17-18—
times of refreshing may come from the 10 He Who descended is the One Who 17 Which are a shadow from things to
Presence of Yahweh. ascended far above all heavens, that He come for the Body of Messiah.
20 And that He may send Yahshua, the might fill; fulfill, all things. 18 Let no man deprive you of your
Messiah Who was preached to you. 11 And He gave some to be Apostles, reward...

Page 14 The Prophetic Word 02/2012

There is also protection for those who refuge. Because you have made the Most healing in its wings; and you will go out,
High your House; The House of Yahweh; leaping like calves released from the stall.
have Yahweh’s Shadow. Remember, 10 No evil will befall you, nor will any 3 And the wicked will be trodden down;
they are Yahweh’s Feasts and Yahweh’s plague come near your dwelling. for they will be ashes under the soles of
Shadow. Leviticus 23:2 says they are 11 For He will give His Malakim your feet in the day that this will be done,
Feasts of Yahweh and Colossians 2:17 charge concerning you, to keep; protect, says Yahweh of hosts.

you in all your ways. 4 Remember the Laws of Mosheh My
says they are a Shadow. Compare

12 They will bear You up in their hands, Servant, which I commanded through him
shadow. so You will not strike Your foot against a in Horeb for all Israyl, with the Statutes
Psalm 91:1— stone. and Judgments.
He who dwells in the Secret Place of 13 You will tread upon the lion and Hebrews 10:24-27—
the Most High will abide under the Shadow adder. The young lion and the dragon you
24 And let us consider one another, how
of the Almighty. will trample under feet.
we may urge one another on toward love
14 Yahweh says: Because you have set
your love upon Me, I will deliver you; cause and Righteous works;
The Secret Place refers to the Last you to escape. I will set you on high, 25 Not forsaking the gathering of
ourselves together, as the manner of some
Days’ Established House of Yahweh. because you know My Name.
is, but exhorting one another; and so much
Call, write or email us for information. 15 You will call Me, and I will answer

you. I will be with you in trouble; I will the more as you see the day approaching.
Now notice the protection from the deliver you, and honor you. 26 For if we sin willfully after we have
destruction. 16 With long life I will satisfy you, and received the knowledge of the Truth, there
I will show you My Salvation; Yahshua no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,
Isayah 24:1-6— 27 But a certain fearful expectation of
1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth Messiah!
Judgment, and fiery indignation which will
is made empty and it is made waste; the devour the adversaries.
face of it is perverted and its inhabitants You really should read that chapter
scattered abroad; again. There is no protection from what
2 And it will be: as with the people, so We are here to help you achieve your
with the priest; as with the servant, so
is coming upon this world except reward. Call soon. Time is quickly run-
with his owner; as with the maid, so with Yahweh. Yahweh keeps His Appoint- ning out.
her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the ments. He will be expecting you to keep

seller; as with the lender, so with the yours with Him, and He asks that you
borrower; as with him who takes usury, so Love, True Love
with him who gives usury to him: remember His Laws. Yahweh’s Way
3 The land will be utterly emptied and Malakyah 4:1-4—
utterly plundered, for it has come to pass 1 For, behold, the day comes that will
that this Judgment has been pronounced. burn like an oven; and all the proud, yes,
4 The earth mourns and fades away, and all who do wickedly, will be stubble—
the world mourns and fades away, and the the day that comes will burn them up, says
haughty people of the earth languish. Yahweh our Father; and it will leave them
5 The earth also is defiled under the neither root nor branch. Yisrayl Hawkins
inhabitants of it, because they have 2 But for you who reverence My Name, Pastor and Overseer
transgressed the Laws, changed the the light of Righteousness will arise with The House of Yahweh
Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting
6 Because of this, the curse has
devoured the earth, and they who dwell

therein are desolate; therefore, the
inhabitants of the earth are burned, and
few men left.
Psalm 91:1-16—
1 He who dwells in the Secret Place of
the Most High will abide under the Shadow
of the Almighty.
2 We say to Yahweh: You are our refuge
and our fortress! You are our Father in
You we will trust!
3 Surely He will deliver you from the
snare of the fowler, and from the noisome;
deadly, pestilence.
4 He will cover you with His Feathers,
and under His Wings will you trust. His
Truth will be your shield and buckler.
5 You will not be afraid of the terror of
night, nor of the arrow that flies by day.
6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in
darkness, nor of the destruction that
wastes at noonday.
7 A thousand will fall at your side, and
ten thousand at your right hand; but it will
not come near you.
8 Only with your eyes you will look and
you will see the reward of the wicked;
9 Because you have made Yahweh your

The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 15

The most
important day
of my life
By Dr. Nika Nikea
It is challenging to condense and summarize how
much Pastor Yisrayl Hawkins and The House of Yahweh
have benefited my life, so I will only share two ways of
how my life has been positively influenced.
My dearest friend, who had come to learn the truth
of the Name of Yahweh through The House of Yahweh,
taught me that Yahweh is not a God and that God is
not our Creator’s Name. At the time she presented me
with this information, I thought she was overreacting,
making a big deal out of nothing. However, when I
would talk with her, she never refrained from Dr
Dr.. Nik ea has had many new eexperiences
Nikea xperiences since com-
acknowledging Yahweh as the Only Source of Power in ing to The House of Y ahweh including being inter
Yahweh inter--
viewed by IBN News correspondent Charity
the universe. Hearing this respect for Yahweh in our Heimerman (top) and learning to make fresh home-
conversations led me to find an interest in Yahweh and made bread.
ten years after she first shared this information with
me, I was called to search for Yahweh’s Truth. answered. He led me to Acts 8 8, which contains the
I understood that I had to worship Yahweh, but I story of the Apostle Philip and the Ethiopian. It was
did not understand all that being called signified. I was funny because I had just been reading that chapter a
trying to figure out whether The House of Yahweh was day or two before I met with him but I failed to see that
truly the only place to worship Yahweh. I was not immediately after accepting Yahshua as the One Sent,
wholeheartedly convinced and I prayed to Father the Ethiopian was baptized. Pastor Yisrayl was able to
Yahweh to guide me and make things clear for me. point that out to me and I knew right then and there it
I decided to go to the Feast of Tabernacles 2010, but was my time to be baptized! I was baptized on October
wasn’t sure about getting baptized. “Maybe I’ll do it at 2nd, 2010, the day I currently proclaim as the most
Passover 2011,” I thought to myself. Then it seemed important day of my life!
that during the Feast of Tabernacles 2010, many of the If it had not been for Pastor Yisrayl’s courage,
sermons were purposed to share some background commitment, determination and hunger to love Father
information about Pastor Yisrayl so that we could see Yahweh, my friend would never have learned Yahweh’s
how he fulfilled the Prophecies pertaining to the Last Name and been able to share it with me. Because my
Days’ Witnesses. There was also so much proof brought friend accepted Yisrayl as her teacher, she was able to
about The House of Yahweh being the only place on learn and communicate to me the significance of
earth in these Last Days that truly worshiped Father Yahweh’s Name. Although I did not readily accept it
Yahweh. The evidence was overwhelming, yet clear, and when she first shared it, and in fact it took me ten years
I began to see that Pastor Yisrayl was the one whom to understand why I needed to call upon Yahweh’s Name
Yahweh had sent to teach us in these Last Days and and keep His Laws by going to His House and learning
that The House of Yahweh at Abel was the only place from His great Teacher, I know now it was all to prepare
Yahweh recognized as His House and His Work. Things me for the time when Yahweh would extend to me an
started to make sense. invitation to be part of His Eternal Family. It is all truly
One day during the Feast of Tabernacles, an amazing! I still pinch myself sometimes because I live
announcement was made that if anyone wanted to meet in constant joy and amazement that I am able to know
Pastor Yisrayl to come to the office. I did so and a few the Creator and truly call upon His Name.
days later I was able to meet with him. I told him I Pastor Yisrayl has truly touched my life with his True
accepted him as the Last Days’ Witness but wasn’t sure Love and commitment to Peace. I praise Father Yahweh
what to do next. He asked me if I was going to say ‘no’ for His House and the love He has for us, as evidenced
to Yahweh and not get baptized. Of course not! I by sending us an extraordinary teacher.
Page 16 The Prophetic Word 02/2012
Rolling back debris that blocks out

What Yahweh’s Feasts

the light of the sun, will in fact, mean
the difference between the total
extinction of the mankind, or life to

Mean To YOU the few who survive. Now, notice the

rest of the picture the Apostle
Yahchanan paints for us in:
Revelation 6:12-17—

12 And I looked when He had opened
the sixth seal, and behold, there was a
here is a way that all this world who has escaped of those whom Yahweh
great earthquake; and the sun became
could have peace. Yes, this world calls. black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon
could even have perfect health, joy, became as blood.
and abundant living. But this way to There will also be deliverance during 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto
the Great Tribulation, just as the the earth, as a fig tree drops its untimely
peace has been hidden from mankind figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind.
for almost 6,000 years, except for very Prophet Yahyl has proclaimed. The 14 And the heaven departed like a scroll
short periods of time. time period referred to in Yahyl 2:31- when it is rolled together; and every
World leaders today do not know 32 is the Last Days and the end of mountain and island were moved out of
their places.
this way to peace. Church leaders are the age; that is: the end of Satan’s 15 And the kings of the earth, and the
blinded to it. Even the government rulership over the Earth. Yahshua great men, and the rich men, and the chief
and religious leaders now reigning in Messiah described the Last Days as captains, and the mighty men, and every
the land of Israyl are far removed from a time when mankind would have the bondman, and every free man, sought

protection for themselves in their
the knowledge that will one day bring capability of destroying all life from governments and in the assemblies and
peace to all this world. Praise the face of this planet. the houses of their gods (elohim);
Yahweh, the days of peace are not Mattithyah 24:21-22— 16 And said to the houses of their gods
too far off in our futures. 21 For then will be Great Tribulation, (elohim) and the assemblies: Fall on us,
and protect us from the face of Him Who
However, before peace on Earth such as has not come to pass since the
sits on the throne, and from the Judgment

reigns in this world, there will be a beginning of the world to this time no, nor of the Lamb.
ever will be. 17 For the Great Day of His Judgment
time of trouble, such as has never 22 And unless those days were
come upon mankind since the has come, and who will be able to stand?
shortened, there would no flesh be saved Mattithyah 24:29-31—
beginning. but for the elect’s sake, those days will be
29 Immediately, but after the
shortened. tribulation of those days will the sun be
The Day Of Yahweh darkened, and the moon will not give her
Please notice: This Scripture plainly light, and the stars will fall from heaven,
The Day of Yahweh is the time in shows that mankind will become and the powers of the heavens will be
the history of man when Yahweh steps capable of destroying all life. This time shaken.
into the affairs of mankind, sending 30 And then will appear the sign of
has now come to pass. This world is the Son of Man in heaven; and then will
His Son to take over the kingdoms capable of completely destroying itself. all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they
(governments) of this world, These are the Last Days. Only in the will see the Son of Man coming in the
effectually putting down all rebellion last 50 years has technology developed clouds of heaven with Power and Great
against the Kingdom (government) Glory.
to the point where mankind has the 31 And He will send His Malakim with
of Yahweh. The Day of Yahweh comes capability and means, via nuclear a great sound of a trumpet, and they will
immediately after the Great power, to destroy all life. gather together His Elect from the four
Tribulation. It will be nuclear wars during the winds, from one end of earth to the other.
However, keep this firmly in mind: great tribulation, that will block out
before the Day of Yahweh, this world the sunlight and moonbeams. This is Mankind is bringing this destruction
will become involved in a series of what is being spoken of in Yahyl 2:31- upon themselves. Yahweh is allowing
events in the time period known as 32. It is this debris in the skies, this destruction in order to teach
the great tribulation, a time when the caused by these nuclear wars, that mankind that they simply cannot live
detonation of this world’s nuclear the Apostle Yahchanan saw, the in peace while breaking the Laws of

arsenal will cause tons of debris to debris which was rolled back like a Yahweh.
be suspended in the atmosphere, scroll. However, Yahweh does promise

causing a blackout of the rays of the Revelation 6:14— protection for the Elect, those who
sun and the moon. And the heaven departed like a scroll will obey every Word that proceeds
when it is rolled together; and every
Yahyl 2:31-32— mountain and island were moved out of
from His Mouth.
31 The sun will be turned into darkness, their places.

and the moon into blood, before the Great Escape All These Things
and the Wonderful day of Yahweh comes. The word translated departed in this
32 And whoever will call with the Name
Scripture is word #673, apochorizo Yahshua Messiah said in:
of Yahweh will be delivered; for in Mount Luke 21:34-36—
Zion in Yerusalem there will be deliverance, in Strong’s Greek Dictionary, which
34 So be on your guard–see to it that
as Yahweh has said, among the remnant means: to rend apart, to separate. your minds are never clouded with
The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 17
carousing, drunkenness, or anxieties and Tribulation of those days will the sun be be in the winter, nor on the Sabbath Day,
worries of this life–so that day will not darkened, and the moon will not give 21 For then will be great tribulation,
come upon you unexpectedly, her light, and the stars will fall from such as has not come to pass since the
35 For it will come, like a trap, on all heaven, and the powers of the heavens beginning of the world to this time no,
those who dwell on the face of the whole will be shaken. nor ever will be.
earth. 30 And then will appear the sign of 22 And unless those days were
36 Because of this—watch, and pray the Son of Man in heaven; and then will shortened, there would no flesh be saved;
always that you may be accounted all the tribes of the earth mourn, and but for the elect’s sake, those days will
worthy to escape all these things that they will see the Son of Man coming in be shortened.
will come to pass, and to stand before the clouds of heaven with power and
the Son of Man. great glory.
31 And He will send His Malakim
In the Prophecies of the Book of
Revelation, it is revealed that
When Yahshua spoke these words with a great sound of a trumpet, and
they will gather together His Elect from Yahweh’s Called Out Ones will be
of inspiration, He was contemplat- the four winds, from one end of earth to taken to the place of safety, which
ing and expounding the Plan of the other.
means that they are gathered
protection which is offered to all of
The Prophet Yahyl and Yahshua together, just as Yahyl 2:32 has
Yahweh’s Called Out Ones: the Body
Messiah were both speaking of this proclaimed.
of Messiah. He was also meditating
same time span in Yahweh’s Plan: For a full understanding of this
on the horrible things that are com-
the Great Tribulation and the Day prophecy, you need our Books: The
ing on this world. Yahshua knew
of Yahweh. Mark Of The Beast, Volume One &
the devastation that would come
Yahweh has allotted mankind Volume Two. These books take you
upon mankind, because of mankind’s
6,000 years to go their own way, through the Prophecies written in
own government.
and has told rebellious mankind your own bible. These books show
However, Yahweh does promise
what will befall them in the Last you what you are required to do,
a way of escape. This way is in
Days of this 6,000 year period. Yahyl and where you are required to be.
Yahweh’s Plan of Salvation. This
way of escape from the things to 2:31-32 is a Prophecy of this Last These are fascinating Prophecies,
come is revealed in this article. Days’ time period, when the light of and they are all in your very own
the sun and moon will be blotted bible. These books will show you

Please, read it and may Yahweh
bless your understanding. out. In the last 100 years, where to look for these prophecies
technology has developed to the in your bible.
Escape—Before The point that global destruction is Luke 21:36—
Watch, and pray always that you may
Day Of Yahweh possible, through the use of nuclear
be accounted worthy to escape all these
devastation. things that will come to pass and to
We read the words Yahweh inspired Scientists from several nations

stand before the Son of Man.
His Prophet to write for our have made studies in order to
understanding in: determine what will take place when When Yahshua tells us to watch,
Yahyl 2:31-32— we have a nuclear war. They have we are to watch world events to see
31 The sun will be turned into
determined that the light of the sun, the Prophecies taking place, in order
darkness, and the moon into blood, to know what the next destructive
before the Great and the Wonderful Day moon, and stars will be blotted out
of Yahweh comes. at such a time. event will be.
32 And whoever will call with the Will these bombs be used?
Name of Yahweh will be delivered; for
in Mount Zion in Yerusalem there will Prophecy shows that these weapons Yahweh’s Instructions
will be used. Send for our free
be deliverance, as Yahweh has said,
among the remnant who has escaped of booklet, Nuclear War, Is It Really
There are direct promises made to
those whom Yahweh calls. all of Yahweh’s Called Out Ones in
Coming? for Scriptural proof that
these Last Days; promises that have
Before the Day of Yahweh comes these wars will soon take place.
never been made to any other group
the Earth will be shrouded in When nuclear war has begun to
in the history of Yahweh’s People.
darkness. Before the Day of Yahweh, devastate this planet, the debris from
These are precious promises, made
the Great Tribulation, will have the explosions will darken the sun
only to those who stay in contact
been accomplished upon all the and turn the moon into a shade of
with Yahweh by following Yahweh’s

Earth. The sun, moon, and stars will blood red.
Instructions and being involved in
no longer give their light after the Whoever will call with the Name
Yahweh’s Work for these Last Days.
Great Tribulation. of Yahweh will be delivered. When
Revelation 3:10—
According to Yahweh’s timetable the sun, moon, and stars are Because you have kept the Word of
of events, immediately after the darkened by these massive My Patience, I also will keep you from
Great Tribulation, the Day of detonations, then there is escape. the hour of temptation, which will come

. .
upon all the world, to test those who
Yahweh comes, just as Yahshua Yahshua Messiah spoke of this time dwell upon the earth
Messiah prophesied: period in:
Mattithyah 24:29-31— Mattithyah 24:20-22— Because you have kept the Word of
29 Immediately, but after the Great 20 But pray that your flight will not My Patience: the word translated
Page 18 The Prophetic Word 02/2012
patience is word #5281, hupomone 8 He who commits sin is of the devil, Yes, by the very things which have
for the devil has sinned from the

in Strong’s Greek Dictionary, which been written, through Yahweh’s

beginning. For this purpose the Son of
means: cheerful (hopeful) endurance. Yahweh was manifested; that He might Holy Scriptures, we know what His
Yahshua Messiah said in: destroy the works of the devil. Truth is, and we also find what a
Mattithyah 24:13— I Yahchanan 2:4— liar is.
He who says: I know Him, but does
But he who endures until The End,
not keep His Laws, is a liar and the Truth Yahweh has not allowed His
the same will be saved is not in him. People to guess about what His
Righteousness is either. This is

Keeping the Word of Yahweh’s Pa- The religious leaders of today’s clearly written for our understanding
tience means that one endures living world rebel against Yahweh’s Laws. in:
by every Word that proceeds out of They preach that His Laws, ‘‘were Deuteronomy 6:25—
Yahweh’s Mouth, just as Mattithyah nailed to a cross or done away with And it will be our Righteousness, if
4:4 and Deuteronomy 8:3 state em- we observe to do all these Command-
by the Messiah.’’ ments; His Laws, before Yahweh our
phatically. Father, as He has commanded us.
Yahweh tries us also by setting Yahweh’s Righteousness

. .
His Laws in front of us, in order to
Revealed The Scriptural definition of Truth
see if we will do what He commands. is found in:
Exodus 16:4— Many people today believe that Psalm 119:142,151—
Then Yahweh said to Mosheh: I will Yahweh is a cruel Being because 142 Your Righteousness is an
rain bread from heaven for you. The Everlasting Righteousness, because Your
He allows man to suffer now, and Laws are the Truth.
people are to go out and gather enough

for each day, in order that I may test has allowed mankind’s suffering for 151 You are near, O Yahweh, and all
them, to see whether they will walk in almost 6,000 years. However, when Your Commandments (613 Laws) are
My Laws, or not one understands the whole Plan of
Exodus 20:20—
Mosheh said to the people; Do not
Yahweh for man, one then Therefore, those who say they know
fear, for Yahweh has come to test and understands why Yahweh has Yahweh, but do not practice keeping
prove you so that the reverence for allowed mankind to go their own the Laws of Yahweh are liars, just
Yahweh will be with you, so that you do way for this period of time. as I Yahchanan 2:4 says. Yahshua
not commit sin. I cannot impress upon you Messiah says that these liars will

enough the importance of reading
Contrary to what worldly preachers our books: The Mark Of The Beast,
be cast out of His sight, as we find
may tell you today, it is obedience in:
Volume One & Volume Two; Mattithyah 7:21-23—
to Yahweh’s Laws that keeps us in
Deceptions Concerning Yahweh’s 21 Not everyone who says to Me;
contact with Yahweh, and it is the
Calendar Of Events; and Did Teacher. Teacher. will enter into the
breaking of Yahweh’s Laws that cuts Kingdom of Yahweh, but only he who

Yahshua Messiah Pre-Exist? which
us off from Yahweh. This is clearly does the will of My Father Who *is in
discuss the entire Plan for mankind heaven.
written for our instruction in:
in these Last Days. 22 Many will say to Me in that day;
Isayah 59:1-2— Teacher. Teacher. Have we not prophesied
By understanding Yahweh’s
1 Behold, Yahweh’s Hand is not in Your Name, and cast out demons in
shortened, that it cannot save; nor His entire Plan, we also see His Your Name, and in Your Name performed
Ear heavy, that it cannot hear. Righteousness revealed. Yahweh’s many wonderful works?
2 But your own iniquities have Message in these Last Days is to 23 But then I will declare to them; I

separated you from your Father; and never knew you. Get away from Me, you
reveal His Righteousness. Shaul was who practice iniquity; you who break
your own sins have caused Him to hide
His Face from you, so He will not listen.
inspired to write in: the Laws of Yahweh.
Romans 1:17-20—
The Apostle Yahchanan said the 17 For in this Message is the T he word which has been

Righteousness of Yahweh revealed translated iniquity in this Scripture
same thing, only in a different way, originating from the Faith and leading
in: to the Faith; as it is written: the just will is word #458, from word #459, in
I Yahchanan 3:22— live by the Faith. Strong’s Greek Dictionary, the word
18 For the Judgment of Yahweh is anomia, and means doing away with
And whatever we ask, we receive from
revealed from heaven against all
Him, because we keep His Laws and do
unholiness and unrighteousness of men,
the Laws of Yahweh and teaching
those things that are pleasing in His others to transgress the Laws.
who suppress the truth in
sight. unrighteousness. So those who practice iniquity,
19 For that which is known about the breaking of Yahweh’s Laws, are
Therefore, it is a Scriptural fact that Yahweh is manifest to them, because

Yahweh has shown it to them. Scriptural liars. As the Apostle
we remain in contact with Yahweh
20 For since the creation of the Yahchanan was inspired to write in
by obeying Him. world, the invisible things of Him are I Yahchanan 3:7-8, and I Yahchanan
I Yahchanan 3:7-8— clearly seen—His Eternal Power and
7 Little children, let no man deceive Holiness—being understood by the 2:4, in effect saying: ‘‘Don’t let these
you; he who practices Righteousness is things that are written; so that they are men deceive you by telling you that
Righteous, just as He is Righteous. without excuse. the Messiah did away with Yahweh’s

The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 19

Laws.’’ It is they who rebel against
Yahweh. .
Sabbaths in:
Leviticus 23:6-8—
6 And on the Fifteenth Day of the same
proceeds from Yahweh’s Mouth, this
person is marked by Yahweh as
belonging to Him. Yahweh’s Mark is
Yahweh’s Sabbaths— Moon is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to
Yahweh; seven days you must eat
in this person’s forehead because this
Yahweh’s Mark unleavened bread. person’s mind is upon Yahweh and
7 On the first day you shall have a Holy His every Word. Yahweh’s Mark is
The Scriptures speak of more than Convocation; you shall do no regular work also in this person’s hands because
one Sabbath, which must be observed on it,
8 But you shall offer an offering made this person’s hands cease from doing
by those who want to know Yahweh. his own work on Yahweh’s Sabbaths.

by fire to Yahweh for seven days. The
Let us first read of Yahweh’s Weekly Seventh Day shall be a Holy Convocation; Yahweh’s mark is the sign upon one’s
Seventh Day Sabbath in: you shall do no regular work on it.
hands and a remembrance between
Exodus 31:13-17— one’s eyes.
13 Speak also to the children of Israyl, Not only are we to keep Yahweh’s
When a person obeys Satan, that
saying; Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep, Seventh Day Sabbath, we are also to
for it is a sign between Me and you person is also marked in the hand
keep His Feast Day Sabbaths.
throughout your generations, that you may and in the forehead__those who obey
Satan has a very special reason
know that I am Yahweh Who sanctifies Satan definitely do not have Yahweh
you, and makes you Holy for hating the Feasts of Yahweh so
and His Laws on their minds, nor do
14 You shall keep the Sabbath, very much: Yahweh’s Holy Days
therefore, for it is Holy to you Everyone they stop doing their own work on
during His Ordained Feasts are called
who profanes it shall surely be put to death; Yahweh’s Sabbaths.
for whoever does any work on that day, Sabbath Days, and if you observe
that person shall be cut off from among Yahweh’s Sabbaths, then that is a
his people. sign that you belong to Yahweh, and
Yahweh’s Rest
15 For six days work shall be done, but
the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of rest, not to Satan. It is very plain to see that the only
holy to Yahweh. Whoever does any of his Satan’s influence has caused this way to Life is by doing the Will of
own work on the Sabbath Day, he shall whole deceived world to reject the Father, Yahweh; by living by His
surely be put to death.
16 Therefore the children of Israyl shall Yahweh’s Sabbaths in order to every Word.
keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath observe the pagan celebrations of this Many people today have rejected
throughout their generations as a perpetual world, therefore this whole deceived the Way of Yahweh simply because
world belongs to Satan. of what they have heard some

17 It is a sign between Me and the
children of Israyl forever, for in six days The following Scriptures are from preacher say about it. These deceived
Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, the King James Version: people fight against the Laws of
and on the Seventh day He rested and
was refreshed.
Exodus 13:9, KJV— Yahweh, not because of the Holy
And shall be for a sign unto thee upon Scriptures, but because some blind
thine hand, and for a memorial between

thine eyes, that the Lord’s Law may be in preachers said that the Laws of
thy mouth; for with a strong hand hath Yahweh were done away with.
The first thing I want you to be the Lord brought thee out of Egypt. Those who preach against
absolutely aware of is that keeping Ezekiel 20:12-13,16,20, KJV— obedience to Yahweh’s Laws, as well
12 Moreover also I gave them my
Yahweh’s Sabbaths (plural) is a sign Sabbaths; to be a sign between me and as those who listen to these lies, do
between You and Yahweh. Keeping them that they might know that I am the not even consider the Perfection and
Yahweh’s Sabbaths is the Mark of Lord that sanctify them. Righteousness of these Laws. They
Yahweh, the sign that you belong to 13 But the house of Israel rebelled
do not consider the peace and joy
against me in the wilderness: they walked
Him. The second thing I want you to not in my statutes, and they despised my that obedience to Yahweh’s Laws
be aware of is that when you keep all judgments, which if a man do, he shall would bring to all in this world, if
of Yahweh’s Sabbaths, which even live in them; and my Sabbaths they only these Laws were kept today.
includes Yahweh’s Feast Day greatly polluted: then I said, I would pour
out my fury upon them in the wilderness,
Because of the propaganda against
Sabbaths, then you have the to consume them. the Laws of Yahweh, many will not
understanding to know the Will of even consider what perfect, liberating

16 Because they despised my
Yahweh. Remember the words of the judgments, and walked not in my statutes, Laws they really are, or the blessings
Apostle Yahchanan in: but polluted my Sabbaths: for their heart
went after their idols.
they would bring to mankind, if only
I Yahchanan 2:4— 20 And hallow my Sabbaths; and they mankind obeyed them.
He who says: I know Him, but does
not keep His Laws, is a liar, and the Truth
shall be a sign between me and you, that From childhood most of us have
ye may know that I am the Lord your been told that the Laws of Yahweh
is not in him.
were a burden to those who kept
T he Feast of Passover and The Hebrew word translated sign is them; that they were impossible to
Unleavened Bread is spoken of in owth, and means mark. When one keep; that the Messiah did away with
Leviticus 23:6-8. We are shown that obeys Yahweh’s Laws, and observes them, nailing them to a cross. I
we are to celebrate the First day and His Ordinances which govern His challenge each of you reading this
the Seventh Day of the Feast as Feasts, doing every Word that article, to read these Laws for
Page 20 The Prophetic Word 02/2012
yourselves, then write to me and let the Holy Scriptures. These are the Mountain, and make them joyful in My
House of Prayer. Their burnt offerings and
me know which Law would be a Thoughts and Ways of Yahweh. The

their sacrifices will be accepted upon My
burden, or impossible to obey. Prophet Isayah was inspired to write altar; for My House will be called a House
Yahweh’s Ten Commandment Laws in: of prayer for all people.
(which are a general outline for all Isayah 56:1-7—
613 of Yahweh’s Laws) are found in 1 This is what Yahweh says: Keep the This is the Rest that Yahweh has
Judgments, and do justly; for My Salvation spoken of—the Rest of His Ordained
Exodus 20:2-17. The first four of the is near, to come, and My Righteousness
ten commandments teach love for Sabbaths. I say Sabbaths (plural),
to be revealed
Yahweh; the last six of the ten 2 Blessed is the man who does this, for there are more than one Sabbath
commandments teach love for and the son of man who lays hold on it; spoken of in the Scriptures. Leviticus
who keeps the Sabbaths without Chapter 23 lists the Sabbaths (plural)
mankind. polluting; defiling, them; and keeps his
of Yahweh. There is the Seventh Day
If you will just read these Laws hand from doing any evil.
3 Do not let the son of the gentile, who Sabbath, which is the weekly
for yourself, you will begin to see that
has joined himself to Yahweh, speak, Sabbath. Yahweh’s Feast days, which
Yahweh’s Laws are exactly opposite saying; Yahweh has utterly separated me Yahweh commands His Children to
to the picture the deceived preachers from His people. Nor let the eunuch say; observe, will also be celebrated
have painted in your mind. Behold, I am a dry tree.
forever, just as we are told in
The Rest of Yahweh still remains 4 For this is what Yahweh says: To the
Zecharyah 14:1-21 and Isayah 66:1-

eunuchs who keep My Sabbaths, and
for the People of Yahweh today, as choose those things which please Me, and 24. The Holy Convocations during
we find in: hold fast to My Covenant: Yahweh’s Ordained Feasts are also
Hebrews 4:9-11— 5 I will give to them, in My House, called Sabbaths.
9 Therefore, there remains the keeping even within My walls, a place; ministering If we observe Yahweh’s weekly
of the Sabbath to the people of Yahweh position with power, and a Name equal
10 For he who has entered into His Rest to that of sons and of daughters; I will Sabbath, if we keep Yahweh’s Feasts,
has also ceased from his own works, as give them the Name of the Everlasting: and if we obey every Word that
Yahweh did from His. YAHWEH; which will not be cut off. proceeds from Yahweh’s Mouth, then
11 Therefore, let us be zealous to enter 6 Also the sons of the gentile who join we have the Mark of Yahweh, and
into that rest, so that no one may fall themselves to Yahweh, to serve Him, and
after the same example of unbelief. we will be protected by Him. When
to love the Name of Yahweh, to be His
servants everyone who keeps the we keep Yahweh’s Holy Days, we are
The 613 Laws of Yahweh, which Sabbaths without polluting; defiling, set apart as belonging to Yahweh.
teach True Justice, Salvation, and them and who holds fast to My Covenant Yes, Yahweh will protect those who
True Love, are the central theme in 7 I will bring them to My Holy obey Him.

The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 21

Was The
On Sunday
The Christian religions want to keep Was The Resurrection phase of the
secret the Gods they worship and from moon that the
On Sunday? pagans long ago
where they originated. They say the
Savior’s birth date was December 25th T he whole Christian world
decided was the
appropriate time
and that’s why they celebrate that day. religiously celebrates festivals which to venerate their
That’s one lie. had their origins in pagan antiquity. gods.
They say the Savior rose from the They celebrate a day they call Although
Christmas, and they celebrate a day Christianity has
dead on Sunday morning. That’s lie swept the world in a relatively short
#2. The proof is in this article. Your they call Easter. Christmas falls time, as the histories of great religions
Salvation is at stake, but Yahweh, the during the time of the winter solstice; go, the early missionaries faced an
Creator, gives you the right to choose and Easter falls in the spring of the uphill task. The pagans were reluctant
life by Righteousness or the way the year, after the vernal equinox. These to give up their false gods and ancient

celebrated days, originated hundreds practices.
religions are going today, death by de- So the missionaries, unable to
struction. of years before the birth of Yahshua convert them easily to an entirely new
Romans 6:16— Messiah! This fact is no secret. One code of worship, did the next best
Do you not know that to whom you need only search through the pages thing. They took the pagan festivals as
yield yourselves as servants to obey, his of a reliable encyclopedia, finding the they were and gradually grafted the

servants you are whom you obey—whether observances of the new faith onto these
of sin, which leads to death, or of subjects Christmas or Easter, to find
festivals and the rites and customs
obedience, which leads to Righteousness? this basic information. The very surrounding them.
Deuteronomy 30:15-20— prestigious Reader’s Digest, in their December 25 was not called
15 See, I have set before you this day book, Strange Stories, Amazing Facts, Christmas until the ninth century. Until
life by Righteousness, and death by then it had been the Midwinter Feast,
1980, pages 283-284, confirms this
information. These pages are a combination of the Norse Yule
16 In that I command you this day to Festival and the Roman Saturnalia, both
love Yahweh your Father, by walking in all displayed, so you may read about the of which took place in late December.
His Ways, by keeping His Laws, His origin of these religious celebrations
Statutes, and His Judgments, so that you Weeklong feast
may live and multiply, and so Yahweh your for yourself.
The seven days of Roman feasting

Father may bless you in the land which
you go in to possess. hristmas and Easter, although were an occasion for exchanging
17 But if your heart turns away, and the greatest festivals in the presents__one of the pagan customs
you are not obedient, and you are drawn Christian calendar, are that was gladly incorporated into
away to submit to gods (elohim), to celebrated with customs that originated Christmas.
worship them by serving them— in superstition and heathen rites When the Normans invaded England
18 I declare to you this day that you hundreds of years before Christ was in 1066, they introduced into the
will surely perish; you will not prolong your born. Christmas festivities a mock king,
days in the land which you cross over the Even the dates owe more to pagan called the Lord of Misrule, whose job
Yardan to possess. practices than to the birth and was to ensure that the celebrations
19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses resurrection of Jesus. It was not until were conducted in the old pagan style.
against you this day, that I have set before the fourth century that December 25 Wearing paper hats and using
you life and death, blessings and curses. was fixed arbitrarily as the anniversary firecrackers are throwbacks to the
Therefore choose life, so both you and your
of the Nativity__because the pagan wilder excesses of ancient Rome. Yule
children may live.
20 So you may love Yahweh your Father, festivals from which so many logs and candles belong to the Norse
by listening to Him, and then obeying Him. Christmas customs spring were held tradition: They were symbols of fire and
Hold fast to Him, for He is your life. He around that time. light, bringing welcome relief in the cold
will also give you many years in the land And Easter, still a movable feast and darkness of the northern midwinter.
He vowed to give to your fathers; to despite much pressure to allot it a In the centuries that followed the
Abraham, Isaac, and Yaaqob. specific date, falls according to the Norman Conquest, as Christianity
Page 22 The Prophetic Word 02/2012
gained a firmer hold, carols and the proclaimed a national public holiday. revealed from heaven against all
Nativity play were added. And Father Easter, like Christmas, was set by the unholiness and unrighteousness of men,
Christmas evolved as a mixture of the early Christians to fit smoothly into the who suppress the Truth in unrighteousness.
red-robed Lord of Misrule and St. pagan time-table. In this case they chose 19 For that which is known about
Nicholas (Santa Claus), the patron saint the spring festival of Eastre, the Yahweh is manifest to them, because
of children. Germanic Goddess of Dawn, held around Yahweh has shown it to them.
20 For since the creation of the world,
the vernal equinox__the date when day
These teachings come from Rome, and night are of equal length.
the invisible things of Him are clearly
history says. But before the Roman seen__His Eternal Power and Holiness__
“One a penny, two a penny...” being understood by the things that are
Catholic church moved to Rome, they Hot-cross buns, eaten nowadays by many written; so that they are without excuse.
were called the Pharisees, Sadducees, people during Lent, are also a survival 21 Because that, when they knew
and Essenes, and they controlled from pagan festivals. Both Greek and Yahweh, they did not glorify Him as
Jerusalem, Israyl, Babylon and Rome. Roman women used to bake little Father, nor were thankful, but became
“magic” wheat cakes. Two such buns, idolatrous; godworshipers (worshippers
Before they were called the Pharisees, of elohim), in their reasoning, and their
Sadducees, and Essenes, they were each with a cross on it, were found in the
ruins of Herculaneum (Named after senseless minds were darkened.
called the prophets and priests of the Hercules, offspring of Zeus), destroyed 22 Professing themselves to be wise,
lord, and are identified by the Prophets they became fools; simpletons,
when Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 79. 23 And exchanged the glory of the
of Yahweh as the rebellious priests in The origins of the Easter-egg go back uncorruptible Father for images, made to
the Book of Yeremyah Chapter 23. even further in history. Most of the resemble corruptible man, and birds, four-
Please call, write, or email us for proof ancient civilizations regarded the egg as footed beasts, and creeping things.
on this subject. the seed of life and fertility or a symbol 24 Therefore, Yahweh also gave them
of reincarnation. So it is not surprising up to uncleanness through the lusts of their
This definition of the word Nick that it was adopted along with the spring own minds, to dishonor their own bodies
comes from Webster’s Dictionary: festival as a reminder of Jesus Christ’s between themselves:
Nick, (nik) n. the Devil; Satan: resurrection. 25 Who exchanged the Truth of
Yahweh for the lie; Lords (Baalim) Gods,

usually Old Nick. Egg rolling
and Goddesses (Elohim), and
The egg rollings of today are leftovers
Quickly compare this with: from the days when farmers hopefully
worshipped and served the creation, rather
than the Creator, Who is blessed forever.
Revelation 12:9— rolled eggs across their fields to ensure Praise Yahweh! HalleluYahweh!
And the great dragon was cast out, that good crops.
old serpent, called the devil, and Satan,
The religious customs accepted now The Truth Of Yahweh

who deceives the whole world. She was
cast out into the earth, and her angels were by Christianity were the same rituals
cast out with her. practiced by the Pharisees, Sadducees, Yes, Christianity has grafted these
I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8— and Essenes before the temple days religious customs into their own faith
4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses in Israel. They built their religious just as the facts show. They rejected
also the Laws; for sin is the transgression temples all around in Jerusalem in
of the Laws.
Yahweh and His Truth, turning to
7 Little children, let no man deceive you;
the days of Solomon and celebrated lies.
he who practices Righteousness is the same customs as today. They were In order to understand the
Righteous, just as He is Righteous. the original rituals of worship to Scriptural definition of a lie, one must

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, pagan Gods, or to be right to the
for the devil has sinned from the beginning. understand the Scriptural definition
point to Satan. The Apostle Shaul
For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was was inspired by Yahweh to write: of Truth. Yahweh has not left us
manifested; that He might destroy the groping around in the dark about
works of the devil. I Corinthians 10:20—
But I say that the things which the what Scriptural truth is. It is written
Now proceed with Strange Stories, gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons in black and white for anyone to read,

Amazing Facts: and not to Yahweh; and I do not want you telling us exactly what Yahweh’s
to have fellowship with demons.
The mistletoe Truth is in:
Mistletoe, a plant sacred to the Druids, The word which has been translated Psalm 119:142,151—
was hung outside Viking homes as a sign demons in The Book of Yahweh, The 142 Your righteousness is an everlasting
of peace and welcome to strangers. Holy Scriptures, was translated devils righteousness, because Your Laws are the
The custom of kissing under the in the King James Version. The word, Truth!
mistletoe has been traced to the Roman 151 You are near, O Yahweh, and all
devils, is word #1140, from word
Saturnalia. It has also been associated Your Laws are Truth!
with certain primitive marriage rites. #1142 in Strong’s Greek Dictionary,
Even in relatively modern times, and means devil, god.
Will you believe what is written for

Christmas has not always been
celebrated with unmixed enthusiasm. Devil Or God! your benefit, or not? As the Apostle
Under the 17th-century Puritan regime in
England it was attacked because of its
These religious customs, the same Shaul said in:
customs which are currently practiced Romans 1:19-20—
heathen associations, and Cromwell’s 19 For that which is known about
soldiers were ordered to tear down
throughout the whole Christian world
Yahweh is manifest to them, because
seasonal decorations. at this time, were the very ceremonies Yahweh has shown it to them.

The prohibition spread to North actually conducted in the worship of 20 For since the creation of the world,
America, where it remained in force until Satan the Devil in ancient times. The the invisible things of Him are clearly
1836 when the straitlaced descendants Apostle Shaul was inspired to write: seen—His Eternal Power and Holiness__
of the Pilgrim Fathers finally overcame Romans 1:18-25— being understood by the things that are
their distaste, and December 25 was 18 For the Judgment of Yahweh is written; so that they are without excuse.

The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 23

Yahweh inspired Shaul to write that

Laws, the Laws have been done away following them by asking about their gods
those who suppressed His truth, did with, they were nailed to the cross,” (elohim), saying: How did these nations
so in unrighteousness, saying in: serve their gods (elohim)? I also will do
“don’t do Yahweh’s Righteousness!” the same.
Romans 1:18— “Do keep all these pagan holidays” 31 You must not worship Yahweh your
For the Judgment of Yahweh is revealed (Sunday worship, Halloween, Father in their way, for every abomination
from heaven against all unholiness and to Yahweh, which He hates, they have done
unrighteousness of men, who suppress the Thanksgiving, Christmas, Roman
to their gods (elohim). They even burn their
Truth in unrighteousness. New Year, Valentine’s Day, Easter, sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices
May Day, etc.). to their gods (elohim).
The Righteousness Of I urge you to write for each of our 32 Whatsoever I command you, be
Yahweh booklets on these particular holidays, careful to observe and do it, you shall not
add to it, nor take away from it.
which will prove beyond any doubt
Y ahweh has not left anyone

where they originated.
wondering what His Righteousness In other words, the preachers The Apostle Shaul went on to say
is. We are positively told in: throughout Christianity suppress that you cannot worship Yahweh and
Deuteronomy 6:25— worship Satan at the same time. This

Yahweh’s Truth and exchange
And it will be our Righteousness, if we Yahweh’s Truth for Godworship. grafting of customs—this adding to
observe to do all these Laws before Yahweh His Word—cuts one off from Yahweh.
our Father, as He has commanded us. Because Christianity has
suppressed Yahweh’s Truth, His I Corinthians 10:20-21—
Do not allow anyone to deceive you. Laws, Statutes, and Judgments, in 20 But I say that the things which the
Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons
Yahweh has said in no uncertain unrighteousness, Yahweh in turn

and not to Yahweh; and I do not want you
terms that it is our own righteousness gave them up to uncleanness to have fellowship with demons.
that is as filthy rags, as we find in: (Romans 1:24-25), because they 21 You cannot drink the cup of Yahweh
Isayah 64:6— served the creation, rather than Him. and the cup of demons; you cannot partake
But we are all like one who is unclean, of Yahweh’s table and of the table of
and all our righteousnesses are as filthy demons.
rags; we all fade as a leaf, and our Yahweh Condemns
iniquities, like the wind, will take us away. Unrighteousness! Sunday Worship?
Yes, it is their own righteousness It seems shocking to most people to The majority of the churches and
which is being taught throughout learn that our Creator Yahweh, Who assemblies in Christianity observe
Christianity today. The preachers in is the only giver of life, actually Sunday as their day of rest, although
the Christian churches and condemns the grafting of customs there is no Scriptural authority for

assemblies will tell you “don’t dance,” into the Faith. Yahweh inspired this resting on Sunday.
“don’t drink,” “don’t keep the warning to be written for our benefit. Yahweh, in the Holy Scriptures
Sabbath Holy,” “don’t keep those old Deuteronomy 12:30-32— commands us to rest on His Sabbath,
Feasts,” “we can’t keep those old 30 Be careful not to be ensnared into just as He does.

Page 24 The Prophetic Word 02/2012

. Genesis 2:1-3—
1 Thus the heavens and the earth, and
all the host of them, were finished,
Sun´day, n. [AS. sunnon dæg, day of
the sun; used as transl. of L.L. dies
solis, day of the sun.] the first day of
The Apostle Yaaqob was inspired
to write, telling us that if we break

any one of Yahweh’s Laws, then we
2 And on the Seventh Day Yahweh the week; it is observed as the are guilty of having broken all of His
ended His Work which He had done, and Sabbath by most Christian
He rested on the Seventh Day from all His Laws.
work which He had done. Yaaqob 2:10-11—
3 Then Yahweh blessed the Seventh Day You may call Sunday the seventh day, 10 For whoever keeps the whole Law,
and set it apart to be holy, because in it He but you bring forth a lie in doing so. and yet offends in one point, he is guilty of

rested from all the work which Yahweh all.
had created and made. Lying will only qualify you for the lake 11 For He Who said: Do not commit
of fire. adultery, also said: Do not murder. Now if
I have heard more than one deceived Revelation 20:11-15— you do not commit adultery, yet you do
murder, you have become a transgressor
person tell me: “It doesn’t matter 11 And I saw a Great White Throne,
and Him Who sat on it, from Whose Face of the Law.
which day you worship on, I can keep the powers of the earth and the powers of
any day holy.” the heavens, the Gods (elohim), were T he two Commandments which
Well, it may not matter to them, driven away; for the verdict was reached Yaaqob directly quoted in the previous
but it certainly does matter if you want that there is no place for them. verse, are Commandment #7 (Exodus
12 And I saw the dead, small and 20:14) and Commandment #6
Salvation, for Salvation only comes great, standing before Yahweh. And the (Exodus 20:13) of the Ten
from Yahweh. Yahweh is the One books were opened; and another book was
opened, which is The Book of Life. And Commandments.
Who set the Sabbath Day apart as By the same example, if you were
the dead were judged out of those things
Holy and He most certainly did not which were written in the books, according to go to church on Sunday, you would
authorize any changes of His holy to their works. be just as guilty of breaking Yahweh’s
Sabbath Day. In fact, when the Ten 13 And the sea gave up the dead which Laws as a murderer or an adulterer.
were in it; and death and sheol; the grave,
Commandments were given to delivered up the dead which were in them.
The Law to keep the Seventh Day
Mosheh, the Fourth Commandment And they were judged, every man, Sabbath holy is Commandment #4 of
stated that we were to keep the according to his works. the Ten Commandments.

Seventh Day of the week Holy, as we 14 And death and sheol were cast into The Apostle Yahchanan was
the lake of fire. This is the second death. inspired by Yahweh to tell us that
see in: 15 And whoever was not found written

anyone who does not keep Yahweh’s
Exodus 20:8-11— in The Book of Life was cast into the lake
8 Remember The Sabbath Day, to keep of fire. Laws, does not know Yahweh and
it Holy. they belong to Nick—Satan, the devil.
9 Six days you shall labor and do all Servants To I Yahchanan 2:3-4, 7-8—
3 Now by this we do know that we
your work,
10 But the Seventh Day is the Whom You Obey know Him: If we keep His Laws.
4 He who says: I know Him, but does
Sabbath of Yahweh your Heavenly Father.
In it you shall do none of your work: you, The Apostle Shaul was inspired to not keep His Laws, is a liar, and the truth
nor your wife, nor your son, nor your write that we are servants to whom is not in him.
we obey, showing the rewards or 7 Brothers, I write no new Laws to you,

daughter, nor your manservant, nor your
maidservant, nor your cattle, nor the consequences of our obedience, saying but the old Laws which you had from the
stranger who dwells within your gates. beginning: The old Laws are the Law
in: which you had from the beginning.
11 For in six days Yahweh made the
Romans 6:16— 8 On the other hand, the Laws I write
heavens and the earth, the sea, and all
Do you not know that to whom you are new to you, which are true to Him and
that is in them; and rested the Seventh
yield yourselves as servants to obey, his true to you, because the darkness is passing
Day. Therefore, Yahweh blessed the
servants you are whom you obey—whether away from you, and the True Light now
Sabbath Day, and hallowed it; Yahweh of sin, which leads to death, or of shines to you.
made the Sabbath Day Holy. obedience, which leads to Righteousness?
Y ahshua Messiah showed
It seems to me that Yahweh’s What Is Sin? Yahchanan, through the Revelation

command to keep the seventh day that Yahweh had given to Him, that
holy is as plain as it can get. The
The Scriptural definition of sin is only those who keep Yahweh’s Laws
written for our understanding in: would be given the right to the Tree

definition of Saturday, from Webster’s I Yahchanan 3:4—
Complete Unabridged Dictionary, of Life, which is Eternal Life, saying
Whoever commits sin, transgresses also
Second Edition, 1979, Simon and the Law; for sin is the transgression of the in:
Schuster, New York, NY, tells us that Law. Revelation 22:14—
Blessed are those who keep His Laws,
Saturday is the seventh day.
Yahweh’s Commandment to keep that they may have right to the tree of life,
and may enter in through the gates into
Sat´ n. [AS. Sæterdæg, or His Seventh Day Sabbath Holy is
S æ ternes-d æ g, S æ tern, from L. the city.
found in the Law and if we do not
Saturnus, Saturn.] the seventh or last Yahshua Messiah Himself was doing

day of the week; the day of the Jewish keep Yahweh’s Seventh Day Sabbath
Holy, then we have committed a sin. the talking in Revelation 22:12-16,
The Apostle Shaul said that sin leads as we read in:
However, the definition of the word Revelation 22:16—
to death; the Apostle Yahchanan said I, Yahshua, have sent My malak to testify
Sunday shows that it is the first day that breaking any of Yahweh’s Laws to you these things in the congregations of
of the week. is sin. The House of Yahweh. I am the root and

The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 25

the offspring of David, and the Bright and practice Yahweh’s Truth, who maketh Days—the Seventh Day Sabbath of
Morning Star. a lie, will be among those who are Yahweh is one of His Feasts
outside. (Leviticus 23:2-3). Yahweh also
Y es, Yahshua Messiah sent His inspired Daniyl to write that His Laws

Malak (messenger) to Yahchanan, Sunday Or Sabbath? and His Feast Days would be given
telling Yahchanan to testify of His into his hand until a certain time.
Words to Yahweh’s Called Out Ones, The whole Christian world fights
Daniyl 7:25—
and say to them (Revelation 22:14) against the Laws of Yahweh,
And he will speak great words against
blessed are those who practice especially the Fourth Commandment Yahweh, and will wear out; mentally
to keep Yahweh’s Seventh Day attack to cause to fall away, the saints of
Yahweh’s Laws.
Sabbath Holy. If one fights against Yahweh, and think to change times;
Yahshua also wrote about those Yahweh’s Feast Days, and Laws; and they
Yahweh’s Laws, where does that
who refuse to obey Yahweh; who do

place them? If you will believe what will be given into his hand until a time,
not practice keeping Yahweh’s Laws, and times, and the dividing of time.

the Bible says, you will believe that
saying in: they are among the ones whom Satan Just as Daniyl 7:22 shows, the whole
Revelation 22:15 KJV— deceives and whom Satan controls. deceived world will go in their
For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and
whoremongers, and murders, and idolaters,
Revelation 12:9— deception, not keeping Yahweh’s
and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. And the great dragon was cast out, that Feast Days, including His Seventh
old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, Day Sabbath, and breaking Yahweh’s

The word translated loveth is word who deceives the whole world. She was
cast out into the earth, and her angels were
Laws, up until the very time that
#5368, from word #5384, in Strong’s cast out with her. Yahshua Messiah returns.
Greek Dictionary, and means to be a I Yahchanan 5:19— To cover this sin of worshipping
friend to; a friend, associate, neighbor. We know that we belong to Yahweh, on Sunday, Christianity has devised
In other words, one who professes to and that the whole world is under the a means of veneering the dies solis
control of the evil one. invictus, The day of the invincible
love Yahweh and love the brothers.
The first point I want you to If one goes to church on Sunday, sun, with respectability. Christianity
understand is the fact that we love rather than obeying Yahweh by teaches that the Messiah rose from
Yahweh and we love the children of Keeping His Seventh Day Sabbath His grave on Sunday morning and
Yahweh by keeping Yahweh’s Laws. Holy, that one is under the control because of this, they say, they are
That is the Scriptural definition of of Satan. That one is deceived, just worshipping on the day of His

love, for that is exactly what the like the rest of this world, and is resurrection. Those who make this
Scriptures say: committing a sin. statement are most certainly deceived.
The Apostle Shaul tells us in no They call Sunday “the Lord’s day”
I Yahchanan 5:2-3—
and the whole world follows in this

2 By this we know that we love the uncertain terms that the wages we
children of Yahweh: When we love Yahweh will be paid for having practiced sin deception.
by keeping His Commandments. is death. Since the whole world is deceived,
3 For this is the Love of Yahweh: That Romans 6:23— just as Revelation 12:9 says, and the
we keep His Laws, and His Laws are not Scriptures Yahweh inspired to be
For the wages of sin is death; but the
grievous. written do not lie; and since the whole
gift of Yahweh is Eternal Life through
Yahshua Messiah, our Savior. world is under the control of Satan,
The word translated maketh is word just a I Yahchanan 5:19 states; and
#4160 in Strong’s Greek Dictionary The Scriptures have already told us since the whole deceived world has
and means, among other things, that only those who keep Yahweh’s
Laws will be given Eternal Life; those accepted the pagan practices that our
transgress the Law. Creator, Yahweh, plainly condemns,

who refuse, will be outside. Only those
The word translated lie is word who keep Yahweh’s Laws will be should we accept this world’s doctrine
#5579, from word #5574, and means justified, as we read in: that the Messiah rose on Sunday
utter an untruth, attempt to deceive Romans 2:13— morning without searching Yahweh’s
by falsehood. For not the hearers of the Laws are the Scriptures, and proving this doctrine
The second point I would like to from these same Scriptures?

Righteous in the sight of Yahweh, but the
bring to your attention, is the fact doers of the Laws will be justified. Yahweh’s inspired Scriptures tell us
that a lie is the exact opposite of in no uncertain terms in:
truth. We have already read the The word which has been translated I Thessalonians 5:21—
Scriptural definition of truth in Psalm justified is word #1344 in Strong’s Prove all things; hold fast that which is
119:142, 151. Yahweh’s Laws are the Greek Dictionary, and means to show Righteous.
or regard as just or innocent; be
righteous. Let us now search the Scriptures for
Therefore, to maketh a lie, as is proof and see when Yahshua Messiah
translated in the King James Version, Yes, only the doers of Yahweh’s
Laws will be innocent and only they actually was resurrected from His
Scripturally means to practice a grave.
will be Righteous in Yahweh’s Eyes.
lie__practice breaking Yahweh’s Laws.
In other words, to not practice The Beastly System The Resurrection Day
Yahweh’s Truth, which are His Laws
and Commandments. Yahweh inspired the Prophet Daniyl The words coming from Yahshua’s
You may be well assured that those to write that the beast would think own mouth about His resurrection,
who do not love and who do not to change His Laws and His Feast were that He would be in the grave
Page 26 The Prophetic Word 02/2012
three days and three nights, saying If Yahshua remained three days 9 Yahshua answered: Are there not
in: and three nights in the grave, He twelve hours in the day? If any man walks
Mattithyah 12:40— would prove that He was the Messiah in the day, he does not stumble, because he
sees the light of this world.
For as Yahnah was three days and three sent by Yahweh; if Yahshua failed to 10 But if a man walks in the night, he
nights in the belly of the great fish, so will fulfill this sign, then He must be stumbles, because there is no light in him.
the Son of Man be three days and three rejected as an imposter.
nights in the heart of the earth.
No wonder Satan has caused Yahshua knew how long He would
H owever, the teaching of the unbelievers to scoff at the story of be in the grave. There was no
guessing nor speculation. He testified
majority of Sunday keeping Yahnah and the great fish. No wonder
Christianity, is: the Messiah was put that Satan has set up a lying tradition to the fact that He would be killed,
in the grave on Good Friday at that actually denies Yahshua as the and then He would be resurrected the
sunset and that He was resurrected true Messiah. third day—a fact that Yahshua
Even a child can figure that there repeated to His Disciples, in order
at sunrise on Easter Sunday morning.
are not three days and three nights that they might believe when it came
I would like to ask you to add
from Friday sunset to Sunday sunrise, to pass.
this for yourself. Can you get three
days and three nights from this time yet Satan has caused most of the

Friday NIGHT—One Night
people in this world to accept this
A Day—Yahweh’s Way
To know the time sequence in a day,
Saturday DAY—One Day
Saturday NIGHT—One Night
Resurrected Sunday At DAWN—
Commentators and critics alike
have tried to explain away this sign,
in order that they might hold onto .
we will let the Creator of the day,
Yahweh our Heavenly Father, tell us:
Genesis 1:4-5—
No Day the pagan practice of Good Friday and 4 And Yahweh saw the light, that it
Easter Sunday worship. was beneficial; and Yahweh divided
There are two nights and one day

Some have tried to justify their between the light and between the
in this time sequence. But our rejection of Yahweh’s Scriptures, by darkness.
Messiah said that the only sign He making the following statements: 5 And Yahweh called the light Day, and
would give that He was the true the darkness He called Night. And the

We know that our Savior was evening and then the morning were the
Messiah, was the sign of the Prophet actually in the tomb only half as First Day.
Yahnah__the sign that He would be

long as He thought He would be.
in the grave three days and three Three days and three nights only Yahweh created a day to be an
nights. mean three periods, either of day or evening (darkness) first, and then the
Mattithyah 12:38-40— of night. morning (light). And, this same
38 Then some of the scribes and
principle applies to the time span in
Pharisees answered, and said to Him; We
desire to see a sign from You.
Three Days which Yahshua was in the grave.
39 So He answered, and said to them: And Three Nights Genesis 1:4-13 gives the story of
An evil and adulterous generation seeks
However, the proof that Yahshua the creation of the seven days in a
after a sign, and no sign will be given to it week; each day was one night, then
except the sign of the prophet Yahnah: was in the grave three days and three
40 For as Yahnah was three days and nights is in your own Bible. And, by one day, which is one day, Yahweh’s
way. The first three days of creation

three nights in the belly of the great fish, letting Scripture interpret Scripture,
so will the Son of Man be three days and we see that Yahnah was three days was a time sequence of 72 hours,
three nights in the heart of the earth.
and three nights in the fish’s belly: spanning one night—one day; one
I t is absolutely necessary that Yahnah 1:17— night—one day; one night—one day.
Now Yahweh had prepared a great fish Yahshua Messiah, as well, was
Yahshua Messiah fulfill this Prophecy,
to swallow up Yahnah. And Yahnah was buried for three days, Yahweh’s Way:
or He would not prove to be the true
in the belly of the fish three days and three one night—one day; one night—one
Messiah! The true Messiah must have nights. day; one night—one day!
remained in the grave three days and
three nights. E ven the critics admit that the
In effect, Christianity calls Him a phrase in Yahnah 1:17, three days No Proof!
and three nights, means a period of
liar and not the true Messiah. By their
72 hours. They admit that there were The Word of Yahweh is so simple
count, He only remained in the grave that even a child is able to
two nights and one day. three 12 hour days, and three 12 hour
nights in which Yahnah was in the understand it; yet, it seems, the wise
Yahweh has instructed us to prove and prudent are just unable to do so.
all things. The Pharisees demanded belly of the fish.
Just as distinctly Yahshua What proof do these wise and prudent
proof; Yahshua Messiah offered only have for their Good Friday-Easter
one proof. That proof was the length Messiah said that He would be in
the grave for the same length of time. Sunday tradition? The simple truth
of time that He would be in the grave is they have no proof at all!
He said three days and three nights,
before He was resurrected. They follow a tradition which has

just as Yahnah (Mattithyah 12:40).
Do you understand what this its foundation in pagan antiquity,
Yahshua Himself gives us the length
means? Yahshua stated that His which is taught to deceived
of time in a day, saying in:
claim to being the True Messiah sent Christianity as Scripture. By their
Yahchanan 11:8-10__
by Yahweh would be verified only by 8 His Disciples said to Him; Teacher, following tradition rather than the
His remaining in the grave for exactly the Yahdaim just recently tried to stone Word of Yahweh, they have made the
three days and three nights! You, and You go there again? Word of Yahweh of no effect.
The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 27
. Yahchanan Mark 7:13—
Making the Laws of Yahweh of no effect
through your tradition you have handed
19 Yahshua answered, and said to
them: Destroy this House, and in three days
it will be raised up.
of vinegar; sour wine, put it on a reed,
and gave it for Him to drink, saying; Leave
Him alone! Let us see whether Yliyah will

down! And many other similar things you 20 The Yahdaim then said; It took forty- come to take Him down.
do. six years to build this House, and You will 37 Then Yahshua cried with a loud
raise it up in three days? voice, and died.
To make the Word of Yahweh of no 21 But He spoke of the House of His Luke 23:44-46—
effect means that Yahweh’s Word is body. 44 Now this was about the sixth hour;
kept from guiding you to Salvation. 22 Now when He was raised from the around 12:00 noon, and there was a
This is exactly the effect Satan wants. dead, His Disciples remembered that He darkness over all the earth until the ninth
had said this to them; and they believed hour; around 3:00 in the afternoon,
the Scripture and the Plan of Yahweh,
The Third Day which Yahshua had spoken.
45 And the sun was darkened, and the
veil of the Most Holy Place was torn in
Yahshua Yes, Yahshua Messiah did fulfill the two.

Messiah was telling His
46 And when Yahshua had cried with a
Disciples of His death and only sign of the True Messiah, for loud voice, He said: Father, into Your hands
resurrection, saying in: just as the Inspired Scriptures say: I commit My spirit. And having said this,
Yahchanan Mark 8:31— He was in the grave three days and He expired; breathed His last.
Then He began to teach them that the three nights, and He did rise the third
son of Man must suffer many things, and
be rejected by the elders, the chief priests,
day, regardless of what Christianity Yahshua Messiah Died
and the scribes, and be killed; and after may teach. And Was Placed In The
three days, raised up.
In The Grave Grave On The
This Scripture plainly states Yahshua Preparation Day Before
Messiah Himself said that He would For Yahshua Messiah to be in the
be killed, and then after three days grave for exactly three days and three The Feast
nights, as He said He would be, He
rise from the dead.
would have to be resurrected exactly The day on which Yahshua Messiah
Anyone reading this Scripture was sacrificed, was the day before the
should have enough sense to know 72 hours after He was buried. What
this also means is that He would First Holy Day Sabbath of the Feast
that if Yahshua was placed in the

have to be resurrected at exactly the of Unleavened Bread. The day before
grave on “Good Friday” evening at the First Holy Day is called the
sunset (as most of Christianity same hour of the day in which He
was placed in the grave. preparation day.
teaches), and the Scriptures also Mattithyah 27:62—
Therefore, all one has to do to find

plainly state that He must be in the Now the next day that followed the Day
grave three days and three nights in the exact time of His resurrection is of Preparation, the chief priests and
order to fulfill the only sign of the to find the exact time of His burial. Pharisees came together to Pilate.
True Messiah, then His resurrection The Scriptures are not silent about Yahchanan Mark 15:42—
should not even have taken place these facts. All one has to do is By now, the first evening had come, and

search the Word of Yahweh, to find because it was the Preparation, that is,
until Monday evening at sunset. the day before the Passover High Holy
Yet, most of Christianity teaches Yahweh’s Truth about the events of Day Sabbath.

that the Savior was placed in the Yahshua’s death and resurrection. Luke 23:54—
grave on Good Friday at sunset and And that day was the Preparation, and
rose Sunday morning at sunrise. Yahshua Cried Out the Sabbath was drawing near.
However, it should not be too difficult About 3:00 P.M. Then Yahchanan 19:31—
for anyone to understand that this Now because it was the Preparation
was only a period of about 36 hours, He Died Just After That Day, and since the Yahdaim did not want
to have the bodies left on the stake during

encompassing only two nights and
one day. But the Scriptures plainly
The Scriptures show that Yahshua the Sabbath: for that Sabbath was a High
Feast Day; they asked Pilate to have their

cried out to Yahweh about the Ninth
say: legs broken, so they might be taken away.
Hour, which is around 3:00 in the
Yahchanan Mark 9:31—
Because He was teaching His Disciples,
afternoon, and He died after that. The world has lost sight of the way
and telling them: The Son of Man is being Mattithyah 27:46, 50— Yahweh sets the days. Because

delivered into the hands of men, and they 46 And about the ninth hour Yahshua Yahweh’s Way is lost to the world,
will kill Him; and after He is killed, He cried out with a loud voice, saying: Yli!
Yli! lamah ozabatniy?! which means: My
the world can read these previous
will be raised up the third day.
Strength! My Strength! Why have You Scriptures and never comprehend the
Yahchanan Mark 8:31— time span that the preparation day,
forsaken Me?

Then He began to teach them that the
Son of Man must suffer many things, and
50 Yahshua, when He had cried out the day on which Yahshua Messiah

again with a loud voice, yielded up His was sacrificed, encompasses.
be rejected by the elders, the chief priests,
Spirit. To those who do not understand
and the scribes, and be killed; and after
three days, raised up. Yahchanan Mark 15:34-37— how Yahweh begins and ends His
34 And at the ninth hour Yahshua cried
Mattithyah 27:63— days, the preparation day always

with a loud voice, saying: Yli! Yli! lamah
Saying; Ruler, we remember how that means Friday. Their minds
ozabatniy?! which is, being translated: My
deceiver, while He was still alive, said:
Strength! My Strength! Why have You immediately think of Friday, because
After three days I will be raised up. forsaken Me?!
Yahchanan 2:18-22— when the Sabbath is mentioned, most
35 Then some of those who stood by, people in this world think only of the
18 Then the Yahdaim answered, and when they heard this, said; Behold, He
said to Him; What sign can You show us calls Yliyah! weekly Seventh Day Sabbath, which
that you have authority to do these things? 36 And one ran and filled a sponge full is on Saturday. So it is no wonder
Page 28 The Prophetic Word 02/2012
that they are deceived into thinking
that Yahshua was placed in the grave
. Leviticus 23:32—
It is to you a Sabbath of Rest, and you
shall afflict yourselves. On the Ninth of
on the preparation day, which He
on Friday. Yahshua died around the ninth
the Moon at evening; at the setting of the
sun, through the Tenth of the Moon at
hour: around 3:00 in the afternoon,
Yahweh’s Sabbaths evening; at the setting of the sun, from between the two evenings. I urge you
to read our book: Deceptions
The Scriptures speak of more than evening until evening, you shall celebrate
your Sabbath. Concerning Yahweh’s Calendar of
one Sabbath, which must be observed
Events, for an in-depth study about

by those who want to know Yahweh. 23:34-36 speaks of the the day of Yahshua’s death. This one
Let us first read of Yahweh’s weekly Feast of Tabernacles. We are shown book addresses all of the doctrines

Seventh Day Sabbath in: that we are to celebrate the first day which have been misunderstood
Exodus 31:13-17— and the eighth day of the Feast of throughout the centuries and proves
13 Speak also to the children of Israyl, Tabernacles as Sabbaths. the truth from the Holy Scriptures.
saying; Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep, Leviticus 23:39—
for they are a Sign between Me and you
throughout your generations, that you may
So on the Fifteenth Day of the Seventh
Moon, when you have gathered in the fruit
Yahshua Put In The
know that I am Yahweh Who sanctifies
you, and makes you Holy.
of the land, you must keep the Feast of Grave Before Sunset
Yahweh for seven days. On the first day
14 You shall keep the Sabbath, there shall be a Sabbath, and on the eighth I would like for you to remember at
therefore, for it is Holy to you. Everyone day a Sabbath. this point that the Scriptural day,
who profanes it shall surely be put to death;
for whoever does any of his own work on We must keep Yahweh’s Sabbaths, Yahweh’s day, begins and ends at
that day, that person shall be cut off from and Yahweh’s Sabbaths include His sunset, not at 12:00 midnight
among his people. Feast Day Sabbaths, which may fall according to the Roman tradition. I

15 For six days work shall be done, but on any day of the week; therefore, want you to also remember that
the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of Rest, Yahshua was put in the grave before
the preparation days for Yahweh’s
Holy to Yahweh. Whoever does any of his sunset. We find in:
own work on the Sabbath Day, he shall Feast Day Sabbaths may fall on any
day of the week, as well. Luke 23:50-54—
surely be put to death.
50 Now behold, there was a man
16 Therefore the children of Israyl shall
named Yahseph, a member of the council,
keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath Passover Sacrificed a virtuous and just man.
throughout their generations as a perpetual
Covenant. Before The Feast 51 (The same had not consented to their
decision nor their action.) He was from
17 It is a Sign between Me and the
children of Israyl forever, for in six days
Then we read about Yahweh’s Feast Arimathea, a city of the Yahdaim, who

of Unleavened Bread, and about the himself was also waiting for the Kingdom
Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, of Yahweh.
and on the Seventh Day He rested and Passover sacrifice to Yahweh before
52 This man went to Pilate and asked
was refreshed. this Feast even began: him for the Body of Yahshua.
Leviticus 23:5-8— 53 Then he took it down, wrapped it in
The first thing I want you to be 5 On the Fourteenth of the First Moon,
between the two evenings, Yahweh’s
linen, and laid it in a sepulcher that was
absolutely aware of is the fact that cut out of the rock; in which no one had
Passover Sacrifice is to be killed. ever lain before.
keeping Yahweh’s Sabbaths is a Sign 6 And on the Fifteenth Day of the same 54 And that day was the Preparation,
between you and Yahweh. It is the Moon is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to and the Sabbath was drawing near.
Mark of Yahweh, the Sign that you Yahweh; seven days you must eat
belong to Him. The second thing I unleavened bread. Yes, Yahshua was buried on the
7 On the first day you shall have a Holy preparation day before the first Holy
want you to be aware of is that, when Convocation; you shall do none of your Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread,
you keep all of Yahweh’s Sabbaths, own work on it, which is a Sabbath__being buried
which include Yahweh’s Feast Day 8 But you shall offer an offering made
before that Sabbath even began.
Sabbaths, then you have the by fire to Yahweh for seven days. The

Seventh Day shall be a Holy Convocation; By the time Yahshua was finally
understanding to know that prepared for burial and buried, the
you shall do none of your own work on it.
Yahweh’s Feast Day Sabbaths can Sabbath was almost ready to start.
The Holy Scriptures plainly show

fall on any day of the week, not just Luke 23:54, KJV—
Saturday. that the Passover sacrificial lambs
And that day was The Preparation, and

were merely a representation, or a
We see the Feast of Trumpets is the Sabbath drew on.

shadow, of the true sacrifice to come: Luke 23:54, NKJV—
called a Sabbath in:

Yahshua Messiah, our Passover And that day was The Preparation, and
Leviticus 23:24— Sacrifice. The Apostle Shaul plainly the Sabbath drew near.
Speak to the children of Israyl, saying; said in: Luke 23:54, NASV—
In the Seventh Moon, on the First of the
Moon, you shall have a Sabbath, a I Corinthians 5:7— And that day was The Preparation, and
Therefore, purge out the old leaven, that the Sabbath was about to begin.
Memorial of Blowing of Trumpets; The
Feast of Trumpets, a Holy Convocation. you may be a new batch, since you are
unleavened. For truly Yahshua our
A nother vital fact which is
Passover was sacrificed for us. completely overlooked in Christianity
In Leviticus 23:27-31, we find the is that there is a Scripture which
Day of Atonement is to be kept Holy. In order for Yahshua to be our emphatically states that this
None of your own work is to be done Passover Sacrifice, He had to have particular Sabbath Day was a High
and you are to afflict your soul. You been sacrificed at the exact same time Day, not the weekly Sabbath, which
are to fast on that day. We find that that the lambs were being sacrificed is the Sabbath according to the
the Day of Atonement is a Sabbath. for Passover on the temple mount, Laws. This Scripture is found in:
The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 29
. Yahchanan 19:31—
Now because it was the Preparation
Day, and since the Yahdaim did not want
Yahshua Messiah was resurrected
very late in the afternoon on the third
The period of time which is coming
to its end is shown in the last two
day before sunset, not at sunrise. Greek words of this phrase, tou (the)
to have the bodies left on the stake during
the Sabbath: for that Sabbath was a High
If Yahshua had risen from the heliou (sun). The phrase anateilantos
Feast Day; they asked Pilate to have their dead at any other time of day, tou heliou, properly translated, says

legs broken, so they might be taken away. without being in the grave three days After the setting (end) of the sun. This
and three nights, He would not have Scripture is properly translated in The
You may read this Scripture for
fulfilled the only sign of the true Book of Yahweh:
yourself in the popular King James
Messiah, which He gave as proof. Yahchanan Mark 16:2—
Version, and you will read the same And very early on the first of the week,
thing. Therefore, this Scripture has The Day Of The they came to the sepulcher just after the
been overlooked or ignored by those setting of the sun.
who teach Christian doctrine. Resurrection And The
Since Yahweh’s days begin at sunset,
According to the Law, bodies Mistranslated Scriptures the fact is that when they came to
could not remain hanging on any
Sabbath Day, and that is why the S ince the Scriptures prove that the grave very early on the first day
Yahshua Messiah was not resurrected of the week (which is Sunday), they
Yahdaim asked Pilate to have their
on a Sunday, can we locate this day would have come to the grave
legs broken so they would slump
through the Holy Scriptures? Yes, we immediately after sunset on Saturday.
down, which would cut off their

can! The confusion abounds about Another Scripture which has been
breath and they would die of
the day on which Yahshua was mistranslated, as well as being
resurrected, because the very misunderstood, is:
However, when the Romans came
Scriptures on which Christianity Luke 24:1, KJV—
to break Yahshua’s legs, they found Now upon the first day of the week,
that He was already dead. The bases its doctrine concerning the
very early in the morning, they came unto
Romans did break the legs of the Sunday sunrise resurrection have the sepulchre, bringing the spices which

other two men who were hanged been mistranslated and misunder- they had prepared, and certain others with
alongside of Yahshua; they did slump stood. An example of mistranslation them.
down, their breathing was shut off, is found in: The word for word Greek, from The
and they did die quickly thereafter so Mark 16:2, KJV— Zondervan Parallel New Testament in

their bodies could be removed before And very early in the morning the first
day of the week, they came unto the Greek and English, by Alfred
the Sabbath arrived. sepulchre at the rising of the sun. Marshall, 1975, is displayed:
A s we have proven from the The Zondervan Parallel New
Scriptures, Yahshua Messiah died
Testament in Greek and English, by
around 3:00 in the afternoon on the
Alfred Marshall, 1975, then shows
preparation day. Then Yahshua was
us the word for word translation of
buried after 3:00 in the afternoon,
this Scripture:
but before sunset, before the Sabbath T he phrase which has been

began, just as the Scriptures also translated in the King James Version
plainly show: as very early in the morning is circled
Yahseph of Arimathea asked for your convenience. We will let A

Pilate for Yahshua’s body (Luke As you can read for yourself the Critical Lexicon And Concordance To
23:50-54) words, “in the morning,” were added The English And Greek New
Yahseph of Arimathea claimed by the translators of the King James Testament, by Ethelbert W. Bullinger,
Yahshua’s lifeless body from the Version. These words are not written. page 507, show us how this should

Romans (Mattithyah 27:57-60, These words were added to bolster have been translated:
Yahchanan Mark 15:42-46) the pagan Christian doctrine of a
Yahseph of Arimathea and sunrise resurrection.
Nicodemus wrapped Yahshua’s The words translated, “rising of

body in linen, with myrrh and aloes the sun,” should have been
(Yahchanan 19:38-42) translated, “setting of the sun.”
They laid Yahshua in a new The Greek phrase that is circled

sepulcher and rolled a stone over in the copy of the Interlinear,
the door. anateilantos tou heliou, all
All of these burial preparations translators have translated it as “at
were completed, then Yahshua was the rising of the sun.” The Greek word
officially buried. anateilantos is the genitive singular
At the very moment that Yahshua masculine particle form of the Greek
was buried, His resurrection had to word anatello. This word is a
take place exactly three days and three combination of the preposition ana,
nights later. which means after, and the ancient
We know that Yahweh’s days Greek root tello, and its later form
begin and end at sunset, and we know telos, a derivative of the Hebrew word
that Yahshua was buried sometime qets, which means end, cutting off of
just before sunset, we also know that a period of time.
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As you may read for yourself from
this Lexicon, this should have been
misunderstood, Scriptures to prove
that the resurrection took place at
. Mattithyah 28:6—
But He is not here. He has been raised
up, as He said. Come, see the place where
translated “deep twilight” or “earliest sunrise on Sunday morning.
Yahshua lay.
dawn.” The Greek words which meant However, as we have proven, these
“very early in the morning” were not Scriptures simply do not say that. If Yahshua had not been in the grave
the Greek words which were used in This misunderstanding stems from for exactly three days and three
this Scripture. their misunderstanding of how a day nights, then He would not have risen
Again, I remind you that Yahweh’s Yahweh’s Way begins and ends. I just as he said. If He had been in the
days begin and end at sunset. would like for you to think about the grave for a shorter length of time, as
Therefore, when a day dawns following point for one moment. If Christianity proclaims, then He was
Yahweh’s Way, that means that the Miriam Magdalene arrived at the not resurrected just as He said.
sun has just set, which marks the sepulcher while it was yet dark, which The Malak of Yahweh, who gave

beginning of a new day. Correctly the Christians maintain, as being the joyous news to the women who
translated in The Book of Yahweh, before sunrise, why did she not give came to Yahshua’s grave that He was
this Scripture reads: us an eye-witness account of risen also said that Yahshua was
Luke 24:1__ Yahshua’s resurrection? She was resurrected. Yahshua Messiah said
Now on the First Day of the week, at supposed to have been there before three days and three nights He would
the earliest dawn, they came to the sunrise and the Savior was be in the grave.
sepulcher bringing the spices which they
had prepared, with certain other women
resurrected at sunrise on Sunday Yahshua was resurrected on the
with them. morning, so the Christians claim. As weekly Sabbath (Saturday) afternoon,
so many of Christianity’s doctrines, exactly 72 hours—three nights and
Therefore, when these women came this just does not make any sense. three days, after He was put in the
at the earliest (Scriptural) dawn, they

grave. The Apostle Shaul was inspired
came just after sunset, not just before The Resurrection Day to write of Yahshua’s resurrection,
sunrise. saying in:
The Scriptures positively show that

The third Scripture which has I Corinthians 15:3-4—
been mistranslated and misunderstood Yahshua was put in the grave in the 3 Now first of all, I delivered to you
is found in: late afternoon. Therefore, three days that which I also received: how that the
John 20:1, KJV__ and three nights later, a 72-hour Messiah died for our sins in accordance
The first day of the week cometh Mary period having elapsed__late in the with what the Scriptures foretold;
Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, afternoon of the third day, Yahshua 4 That He was buried, and that He rose
unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone again the third day, in accordance with
would have been resurrected. what the Scripture foretold.
taken away from the sepulchre.
Let us review the events that took

The word for word Greek translation place from the time of burial until When Was Yahshua
of this Scripture, from The Zondervan the time of resurrection.
Parallel New Testament in Greek and Yahshua Messiah was placed in the Placed In The Grave?
English, by Alfred Marshall, 1975, is grave just before the First Holy Day By rising from His grave on Saturday
shown: Sabbath of the Feast of Unleavened afternoon, according to the

Bread was beginning to start, and Scriptures, it is evident that Yahshua
the Feast began at sunset. was placed in the grave on a

Yahshua Messiah was in the grave Wednesday afternoon, three days and
for three days and three nights. three nights before.
The women came to Yahshua’s Count this for yourself: From
grave the first day of the week, which Wednesday afternoon, very shortly
began directly after sunset, and before sunset, to Saturday afternoon,
The Greek phrase which has been Yahshua was already gone from the very shortly before sunset, you will
underlined reads skotias eti ousas. area, as you may read for yourself in find that Yahshua was in the heart

The Greek word skotias means Yahchanan Mark 16:6, Luke 24:3, of the earth for exactly three days
dimness, darkness. Eti means further, and Yahchanan 20:2. and three nights, just as Yahnah was
yet, after that. Ousas is a form of the Therefore, Yahshua Messiah was in the belly of the fish for exactly
Greek verb eimi, which means to resurrected by Yahweh on the seventh
day (Saturday) Sabbath afternoon, ..
this length of time.
Wednesday NIGHT—one night

exist. In other words, what this is
saying is darkness yet to exist. not on Sunday morning at sunrise. Thursday DAY—one day
Thursday NIGHT—two nights

Darkness did not yet exist. Therefore,

correctly translated in The Book of As He Said Friday DAY—two days
Friday NIGHT—three nights
Yahweh, this Scripture reads: Yahshua Messiah stated that He
Saturday DAY—three days
Yahchanan 20:1— would be in the grave for three days
Early on the First of the week, before and three nights, but only the Yahshua was not resurrected at
darkness arrived, Miriam Magdalene went Malakim of Yahweh were witnesses sunrise on Sunday morning because
to the sepulcher, and saw the stone taken He had already been resurrected just
away from the sepulcher.
to the actual minute in which He
was resurrected. However, Yahshua before sunset on Saturday afternoon.
The whole Christian world, under said that He would be resurrected
the influence of Satan the devil, has according to a certain time span, and What Sabbath?
taken these three mistranslated, and He was resurrected, just as He said. In the following Scriptures, using the
The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 31
King James Version, we will see that Passover. This night in which He was If you will remember, the Passover
Yahshua was sacrificed and placed betrayed was the night in which He night is a Sabbath and a Feast and
in His sepulcher on the Preparation washed His Disciples’ feet. Yahweh commands us is to keep His
Day for the Sabbath. But which Yahchanan 13:5— Sabbath Days Holy. Therefore, one
Sabbath is meant here? After that, He poured water into a basin, is not to buy or sell on His Sabbaths.
As I have said previously, many then began to wash the Disciples’ feet,
and to wipe them with the towel that He Had this been the night of the
have mistaken this Sabbath to be the had tied around Himself. Passover, as some teach, then

Friday preparation day for the weekly Yahdah could not have been expected
seventh day (Saturday) Sabbath, Yahshua knew that He would be
to buy something. Scripture proves
which is the mistake that the betrayed that night, as we find in:
Yahchanan 13:21,27— the night in which He was betrayed
majority of the world makes.
21 When Yahshua had said these was not a Sabbath, it was the
This Sabbath was the First Holy
preparation day. The night in which

things, He was troubled in spirit, and
Day Sabbath of the Great Feast of testified, and said: Truly, truly, I say to you:
the Passover (Feast of Unleavened He was betrayed was also the night
One of you will betray Me. in which He was arrested.

Bread), that is exactly what the 27 And after the piece of bread, Satan
Apostle Yahchanan (John) was entered him. Then Yahshua said to him: Yahchanan 18:12—
What you are going to do, do quickly! Then the band and their captain, with

inspired to write, saying in: the officers of the Yahdaim, arrested
John (Yahchanan) 19:14, KJV— Yahshua was betrayed by Yahdah Yahshua, bound Him.
And it was the preparation of the Iscariot, as we read in:

passover, and about the sixth hour (around
12:00 noon): and he saith unto the Jews,
Yahchanan 13:26— After a mockery of a trial, and after
Yahshua answered: It is he to whom I enduring the remainder of that night
Behold your King! will give a piece of bread after I have dipped suffering humiliating torture, Pilate

John (Yahchanan) 19:31, KJV— it in the dish. Then having dipped the
The Jews therefore, because it was the bread, He gave it to Yahdah Iscariot, the then handed Yahshua over to be
preparation, that the bodies should not son of Simon. sacrificed on the stake.
remain upon the cross on the Sabbath day, Yahchanan 19:16-18—
(for that Sabbath was a high day)... All of this had taken place, and it 16 So then he handed Him over to them
was still before the Passover. The to be nailed to a stake. And they took
A High Day

Scriptural proof of this fact is evident Yahshua, and led Him away.
if one merely knows where to look to 17 And He, carrying His stake, went
A High Day is one of the Holy Days find it. We read in: out to a place called The Place of a Skull
celebrated during Yahweh’s Feasts. Yahchanan 13:1— (which is Golgotha in Hebrew),
There are seven High Days in Now before the Feast of the Passover, 18 Where they nailed Him to a stake,
Yahweh’s sacred year, and each of when Yahshua knew His hour had come and with Him two others: one on either
Yahweh’s High Days are called that He should depart out of this world to side, and Yahshua in the middle.
Sabbaths. the Father, having loved His own who were
Yahweh’s High Day Sabbaths can in the world, He loved them to the end. Yahshua Messiah died at the very
same time in which the passover
fall upon any day of the week, because The first proof we find is the fact
lambs were being slaughtered on the
they are not set days according to a that the Scripture says that this was
man-made calendar. temple mount, between the time of

before the Feast of the Passover. The
next proof that this was before the approximately 3:00 in the afternoon
and sunset on the preparation day.
The Night He Was Feast is found in:
The day that Yahshua died was
Betrayed Yahchanan 13:29—
For some thought, since Yahdah had the the preparation day for Passover: and
In Yahchanan 13 we find undeniable He died in the very afternoon, before

moneybag, that Yahshua had said to him:

Scriptural proof that Yahshua was Buy those things that we have need of for the Passover began that night, as we
the Feast; or that he should give something see in:
betrayed and killed before Passover. to the poor.
Yahchanan 13:1— Yahchanan 19:30-31—
Now before the Feast of the Passover, The word which has been translated 30 And when Yahshua had received
when Yahshua knew His hour had come for in The Book of Yahweh, The Holy the vinegar, He said: It is finished; then
that He should depart out of this world to Scriptures, is translated against in The He bowed His head, and expired; breathed
the Father, having loved His own who were His last.
King James Version. These words 31 Now because it was the
in the world, He loved them to the end.
come from the Greek word eis, which Preparation Day, and since the Yahdaim
Yes, this was before the Passover. in Strong’s Greek Dictionary means did not want to have the bodies left on
In fact, this was the very night before into, to, unto, toward, in regard to. the stake during the Sabbath: for that

the Passover night. It was on this Yahshua’s Disciples thought that Sabbath was a High Feast Day; they
night, the night before the Passover Yahshua had instructed Yahdah asked Pilate to have their legs broken, so
night, that Yahshua symbolically Iscariot to purchase something that they might be taken away.
gave His Disciples the bread and wine they had need of in regard to the Yahchanan 19:42—
So they laid Yahshua there, because of
which represented His body and blood Feast. However, if this night in which the Preparation Day of the Yahdaim, for
because He knew that He was to be He was betrayed was the Passover the sepulcher was nearby.
sacrificed as the Passover Lamb, to night, it would have been a high day
die the very following afternoon. and there would be no buying taking Yahshua Messiah was buried before
This night in which He was place whatsoever. Yet, the Disciples the Passover, the Scriptures plainly
betrayed, and all the following day thought purchases were going to be show that He was buried on the
was the preparation day of the made. preparation day, shortly before sunset.
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The Passover Service sunset. Therefore, the beginning of Yahweh, purge your conscience from dead
works to serve the Living Father?
the fifteenth day started on the
The joyous Passover service today fourteenth day at sunset.
15 And for this reason He is the
commemorates the ancient day when Mediator of the renewed Covenant, under
which, through the means of death to bring
Israyl was delivered from Egypt. Egypt
symbolically pictures sin, Passover Yahshua Our Passover redemption from transgressions committed
under the Covenant, the first who are
pictures the deliverance from sin. The Holy Scriptures plainly show called may receive the Promise of the
This joyous Passover Feast, when that the Passover sacrifices were Eternal Inheritance.
unleavened bread is first eaten, which merely a representation, or a shadow, Yahshua our Passover was killed as

. .
begins the Feast of Unleavened Bread, of the true sacrifice to come: Yahshua

a sacrificial Passover offering, as a
is recorded in Exodus 12 and Messiah, our Passover sacrifice. The Lamb without blemish or spot:
Numbers 28. Apostle Shaul said plainly in: I Kepha 1:19—
Exodus 12:5-6— I Corinthians 5:7— But with the precious blood of Messiah,
5 Your lamb must be without blemish, ...for truly Yahshua our Passover was as of a lamb without blemish and without
a male of the first year. You may take it sacrificed for us. spot.
from the sheep or from the goats:
6 And you must keep it until the
As our Passover sacrifice, Yahshua J ust as the joyous Passover
Fourteenth Day of the same Moon: then Messiah was killed on the fourteenth celebration symbolically pictures

the whole multitude of the congregation day of the Moon of Green Ears of coming out of Egypt, sin, so
of Israyl shall kill it between the two Barley, in the afternoon. Yahshua’s death as our sacrifice
evenings. Yahshua our Passover sacrifice pictures our deliverance from sin,
Exodus 12:18— was killed at the same time that the because Yahshua our Passover died
In the First Moon, on the Fourteenth lambs were being killed on the temple for us.

Day of the Moon at evening, you must eat mount, on the very same day.
unleavened bread until the Twenty-First Two Sabbaths

day of the Moon at evening. Yahshua our Passover sacrifice
Numbers 28:16-17— was killed for the remission, the The Passover sacrificial offering had
16 On the Fourteenth Day of the First passing over, of our sins. to be killed in the afternoon on the
Moon, between the two evenings, Hebrews 9:22,28— fourteenth day, so that it could be
Yahweh’s Passover lamb is to be sacrificed; 22 For to bind anything by the Law it
17 And on the Fifteenth day of this must be purged with blood; so without eaten after sundown, which officially
Moon is the Feast; unleavened bread must shedding of blood there is no remission; began the fifteenth day—the Passover
be eaten for seven days. forgiveness of sins. Feast—Yahweh’s Way.
28 So also the Messiah was once The fifteenth day of the Moon of
This Passover offering was a lamb.
offered to bear the sins of many; and unto
those who look for Him will He appear
Green Ears of Barley is the first Holy
This Passover offering was killed on the second time, apart from sin, unto
day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread,
the fourteenth day of the First Moon Salvation. which is a Sabbath Day. This High
of Yahweh’s sacred year in the Day Sabbath, unlike the weekly
afternoon. After this lamb was
Y es, Yahshua was killed as a Seventh Day Sabbath, can and does
sacrifice in order that the past sins fall on any day of the week.
sacrificed, its blood was shed into a

of those who turn to Yahweh with During the time of Yahshua’s
basin, and then was poured out all of their hearts might be forgiven,
against the sides of the altar of burnt sacrifice, the fourteenth day of the
as we find in: Moon of Green Ears of Barley was
sacrifice. Thereafter, its carcass was Hebrews 9:13-15— on a Tuesday night and Wednesday
roasted with fire, and eaten that very 13 For if the blood of bulls and goats,
and the ashes of a red heifer sprinkling the
day, the very day upon which the
following night. Passover lambs and Yahshua Messiah
The night in which this lamb was unclean, sanctifies for the purifying of the
flesh, were killed.
eaten was Passover night. I must 14 How much more will the blood of Then, the fifteenth day, the high
remind you that Yahweh’s days, the Messiah, Who, through the eternal
day Sabbath, fell on a Wednesday
Yahweh’s Way, begin and end at Spirit offered Himself without spot to
night and Thursday day that year.
Therefore, there were two Sabbaths
The following diagram shows the night in which He was betrayed, as well in that one week: the High Day
as the following Passover Night, and the exact days in which unleavened Sabbath, which fell on Wednesday
bread must be eaten. night/Thursday day, and the weekly
Sabbath, which fell on Friday night/
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Saturday day.
Night of Yahshua’s Memorial on the preparation day for Passover.
The night in which He was betrayed. Other Proof
The 14th day__the preparation day, Do other Scriptures show that there

lamb killed between the two evenings. were more than one Sabbath in that
week? Yes, there most assuredly are.
We find in:
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Yahchanan Mark 16:1—
The Feast of Unleavened Bread__14th at even through 21st at even. Sacrificed And when the Passover Sabbath was
Lamb eaten at Passover Meal__the First Meal of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. past, Miriam Magdalene, and Miriam the
mother of Yaaqob and Salome, bought

The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 33

sweet spices, that they might go and anoint When the sun had set on Saturday things to be the Truth, then you are
Him. afternoon, which marks the also commanded to hold fast to it.
Notice that the Sabbath was past beginning of the first day of the week The Companion Bible, 1964,
when they bought the spices. This Yahweh’s Way, these women went Samuel Bagster and Sons, LTD,
Sabbath was not the weekly Seventh to Yahshua’s grave and were London, England, page 188, in the
informed that Yahshua Messiah had Appendixes, shows The Hours of
Day Sabbath.
already risen, just as He had said. Yahshua’s Last Day, and the events
These women could not prepare
Yahshua Messiah had already risen of His sacrifice and resurrection as
the spices until after they had bought
late Saturday afternoon, so naturally, they came to pass. Please notice this
them, and they did not buy them until chart on the page below.
after the Sabbath had passed. After when these women came to the
sepulcher as it began to dawn toward The information that you have just
preparing the spices, these ladies

the first day of the week Yahweh’s read, concerning the Truth about the
rested on the weekly Seventh Day day on which Yahshua Messiah was
Way, He had already left the area.
Sabbath as we find in: resurrected, is only one of the Truths
Thousands of people all over the
Luke 23:56— that have been brought to light by
Then they returned. Then they prepared world are now coming to the truth
about the sacrifice and resurrection the Work which was prophesied to
spices and ointments. Then they rested the
Sabbath Day according to the of Yahshua, the True Messiah sent be established in these Last Days.
Commandment. by Yahweh. Yes, many of the Prophets, under the
Inspiration of Yahweh’s Spirit Holy,
After the first High Day Sabbath of Unsuspecting, innocent people
prophesied of a Last Days’ Work, so
the Feast of Unleavened Bread had throughout this world have been
deceived by Satan. Pagan practices we who now live in the Last Days
passed, these women bought the could know of this Work that Yahweh
spices. and customs have been engrafted into
would establish. This Work would
These two Sabbaths had one day the Pure Word of Yahweh.
bring forth Yahweh’s Truths, Truths
in between them on which to prepare Superstition and counterfeit doctrines
that Satan has managed to keep
spices. The High Day Sabbath was have taken the place of the True hidden from this world for almost
on Wednesday night/Thursday day— Teachings of the Prophets and 2,000 years.
they rested and observed Yahweh’s Apostles. There are many deceptions
Feast Day. The very next day was Although the Truth of Yahweh’s rampant in this world. The more you
Friday, the day on which these Word has been twisted throughout study your bible for yourself, the more
women bought and prepared spices— the generations, Yahweh’s Truth has you will see that churches and
Friday day. Knowing the customs of always been preserved in the pages assemblies all over this world are
the observant Yahdaim, we also know of the Holy Scriptures. All one has teaching a mixture of Righteousness
that these women prepared for the to do is prove all things, thereby and evil. This mixture is exactly what
weekly Seventh Day Sabbath on that showing themselves approved to Satan presented to Mother Eve, which
same day__Friday. Then, these women Yahweh, just as He commands. Adam accepted. This mixture has
rested on the Sabbath Day according Therefore, prove all things, and show been accepted by all the world without
to Yahweh’s Laws—they rested on yourself to be a faithful servant to question.
Saturday. Yahweh. When you have proven these I encourage you to read every
article and book published by
Yahweh’s Only Prophesied
Established Work, The House of
Yahweh, Abilene, Texas.
Through His Inspired Scriptures,
Yahweh shows you where His Work
is, pinpointing the exact location,
when His Prophesied Work would
begin and whom Yahweh would send
to begin His Work in these Last
Days, even naming these two men.
The above named book and booklet
will show you where to look in your
own bible to discover these precious
Truths. You will then start to learn
the many wonderful Truths of

Yahweh, which Satan has hidden
from this world.
Yahchanan 8:32—
And you will know the Truth, and the
Truth will make you free.
Yes, the Truth will make you free
from deception. Praise Yahweh! May
Yahweh be glorified!
Page 34 The Prophetic Word 02/2012
Education Program. In the Intermediate
Series, Respect Unit page 94 we learn
A child who is diligently taught that to use physical force against
someone else is one of the worst and
Yahweh’s Laws knows how to most dangerous forms of disrespect. On
page 64 of this same book it shows you
recognize problems in society today how to show respect to people of the
opposite or same sex. Just a few of
and how to offer solutions. these points include: Each person’s
body is private and must be treated with
Problem: Texting While Driving Is Solution:
respect, avoid any comments about
A Real Killer The Peaceful Solution Character
someone’s physical development or
Legislators agonize over banning Education Program teaches all children,
appearance, always regard another’s
texting while driving and, even more so, from a very young age, the difference
body as private (off limits), and be
barring the use by drivers of hand-held between a wrong touch and a right
mindful of your own gestures and body
cell phones and other electronic touch. In the Peaceful Solution
language so they are not
devices. Character Education Program, Grade 1,
The National Transportation Safety Unit 1, Ownership, we see the difference Everyone on earth can be taught
Board, which investigates the too- between a wrong touch and a right these basic principles found in the
frequent results of distracted driving, has touch. A right touch is a touch that does Peaceful Solution Character Education
no such qualms. It recently called for not make us feel uncomfortable in any Program. All would learn that life is
all states to ban texting while driving way. It may come from our parents, valuable and must be respected.
and the use of hand-held cell phones grandparents or other trusted adults or Through time, all characters can be
by drivers. family members. It may be an adult remolded and through time all can learn
holding their hand to guide them across to become better people. We cannot
Solution: the street, giving them a big hug or in change the past, but we can change
People die from texting and driving. the case of needing medical care. A the future so that we never have to hear
Texting and driving do not only affect wrong touch is one that is unwanted, such stories as children being abused
the driver but affects the passengers in can be harmful or violent and makes the ever again!
that car as well as the ones who may child feel uncomfortable or confused. A —Keilah, age 16
get hit by a distracted driver. Other wrong touch may come from anyone,
consequences could include the driver someone the child knows or someone Problem: Hospital fined for mistake
going to jail or causing an accident and he doesn’t know and any touch where Sutter Solano to pay $50,000 for errant
killing someone else or even themself. a child is told to keep it a secret is a sponge
There will also be lifelong guilt feelings wrong touch. Vallejo’s Sutter Solano Medical
if a distracted driver were to hurt or kill
In the Peaceful Solution Character Center was among 14 hospitals
someone else.
Education Program the children are statewide slapped with administrative
Consider the following quote from the
taught to tell a parent or other trusted fines for potentially fatal mistakes, state
Peaceful Solution Character Education
adult about any touch that makes them officials announced Thursday.
Program, Respect Unit, page 11,
uncomfortable or confuses them and to
“Showing respect is to recognize the
never keep it a secret. If children all Solution:
qualities and worth of others and to treat
around the world were taught this The quality of work you do says a lot
them the way you would want to be
concept and it was reinforced by about your character. I would like to talk
teachers and parents, no child would to you about 2 main topics:
When you are driving and get a text,
ever suffer abuse again nor would responsibility and respect. Everyone
use self-control and choose not to
children grow up to become predators involved should be focused on helping
check it or reply to it while driving. When
themselves. the patient and following all procedures
you do so, you are showing respect to
yourself and to others. The men, who this act at Penn State and instructions. Consequences occur
—Azanyah, age 15 was witnessed by or reported to, should when we make mistakes with our
have done everything within their power duties. Anything worth doing is worth
Problem: Trial OK’d for Gary Schultz, to make sure that this was reported to doing right. That is a quote from the
Tim Curley authorities so that the proper steps Peaceful Solution Character Education
Two Penn State officials can be tried could have been taken to prevent any Program, Intermediate Series,
on charges of lying to a grand jury about more children from being hurt. Responsibility book, page 3. I
an allegation of child sex abuse against What all those who have a problem encourage you to always follow
former Nittany Lions defensive with hurting children need is to be instructions.
coordinator Jerry Sandusky, a judge taught the Peaceful Solution Character —Katorah, age 11
ruled Friday.

The Prophetic Word 02/2012 Page 35

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‰11/12/2011 ‰12/03/2011
Wars And Rumors Of Wars The Beast System–The Great Whore Of
Kohan Nearyah Hawkins Revelation: The Same Today As It Was From The
You Are Cursed With A Curse #2 Beginning. Satan Targets The Children To
It’s No Accident About The Economy. It’s All Control And Teach Them In Order To Perpetuate
Prophesied By The Prophets Of Yahweh The Beastly System
Overseer Yisrayl Hawkins Kohan David H. Hawkins
They Polluted The Sanctuary Of Strength,
‰11/19/2011 Bringing Destruction To All Nations
Keep Your Vows To Yahweh Overseer Yisrayl Hawkins
Kohan Shaul Hawkins
Yahshua’s Coming Is Near. We Are Seeing Signs ‰12/10/2011
In Heaven At This Time. We Will Soon Take Our Wars And Rumors Of Wars #2
Places In The Kingdom Of Yahweh Kohan Nearyah Hawkins
Overseer Yisrayl Hawkins Following Instructions
Kohan Shaul Hawkins
Do You Remember? ‰12/17/2011
Deacon David K. Hawkins What Are We Passing On To Our Children?
What Separates The House Of Yahweh From The Kohan Chizqiyah Hawkins
Rest Of The World Are The Laws And The The Prophecies Are Being Fulfilled–We Can See
Prophets Of Yahweh. All Things Are Prophesied Them Day After Day. Yahweh Said You Are A
And Are Being Fulfilled By His House: The Two Fool If You Don’t Believe All That The Prophets
Witnesses Have Spoken
Overseer Yisrayl Hawkins Overseer Yisrayl Hawkins

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