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Analysis of Carotenoids and Carotenol Fatty Acid Esters

by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (MALDI)
and MALDI–Post-Source-Decay Mass Spectrometry
Raimund Kaufmann,*,† Thomas Wingerath,‡ Dieter Kirsch,* Wilhelm Stahl,‡ and Helmut Sies†,‡
*Institut für Lasermedizin, ‡Institut für Physiologische Chemie, and †Biologisch-Medizinisches Forschungszentrum,
Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Postfach 101007, D-40001 Düsseldorf, Germany

Received August 24, 1995

2 nm) and nonspecific. On the other hand, identifica-

Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) tion based on HPLC retention times alone can become
time-of-flight mass spectrometry and MALDI post- rather cumbersome, and the results obtained can be
source-decay (PSD) fragment ion mass analysis were ambiguous with complex mixtures where coelution is
employed to examine various model carotenoids and fairly common (1, 2).
some of their fatty acid esters. It was demonstrated This situation lends itself to the use of mass spec-
that the use of MALDI helps overcome problems re- trometry for unambiguous structural elucidation.
sulting from the inherent thermal instability and lack There is an abundant literature on the identification
of solubility which render this group of compounds of carotenoids by mass spectrometry (for a recent re-
rather difficult for conventional ionization tech-
view, see 3). Although carotenoids are amenable to al-
niques. Detection limits were in the subpicomolar
most all ionization protocols including EI,1 CI, FAB,
range. Rather abundant metastable fragmentation oc-
and PD, practical MS of carotenoids suffers from their
curred under conditions of prompt extraction, but was
significantly restricted under conditions of delayed ex- nonvolatility and thermal lability (EI, CI) and from
traction (DE). In DE the quasimolecular ion signals their lack of solubility and surface activity in the com-
(mainly as odd electron radical ions) became the base mon liquid matrices of FAB–MS (4–6). This may ex-
peak even in spectra of the most delicate fatty acid plain why MS studies on the identification of carot-
esters. PSD fragment ion patterns were similar to enoids in biological samples are rather scarce.
those recorded under linked B/E scanning in conven- With the advent of new ionization techniques such
tional fast atom bombardment–MS and contained in- as electrospray ionization (ESI) (7) and matrix-assisted
formation on structural end group substituents such laser desorption ionization (MALDI) (8), high-molecu-
as hydroxyl, epoxide, or carbonyl functions and on the lar-mass compounds (especially biopolymers) hitherto
extent of double bond conjugations. The mono- and inaccessible have become amenable to mass analysis.
bis-fatty acid esters fragmented mainly by simple fatty Especially MALDI, originally introduced as an ex-
acid cleavage but also furnished some of the end tremely sensitive tool (femto- to attomolar range) for
group-specific fragments. q 1996 Academic Press, Inc. mass analysis of very large molecules (proteins up to
300 kDa), has rapidly extended its applicability to other
groups of ‘‘difficult compounds’’ such as oligonucleo-
tides, oligosaccharides, and phospholipids (9–11).
Conventional analytical protocols for the identifica-
tion of carotenoids and their fatty acid esters in biologi- A recent extension of MALDI time-of-flight (TOF)
cal samples usually rely on reversed-phase HPLC re- mass spectrometry also provides structural informa-
tention times in conjunction with UV/visible absorption tion on such molecules by means of so-called post-
spectra. Although the unsubstituted compounds are 1
strong absorbers in the wavelength range 400–500 nm, Abbreviations used: EI, electron ionization; CI, chemical ioniza-
tion; FAB, fast atom bombardment; ESI, electrospray ionization;
where most of them can be identified by their charac- MALDI, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization; TOF, time-of-
teristic absorption maxima, the spectral shifts of such flight; PSD, post-source-decay; DE, delayed extraction; PE, prompt
maxima induced by esterfication are usually small (1– extraction.

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Copyright q 1996 by Academic Press, Inc.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

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source-decay (PSD) fragment ion mass analysis (12, Its second field free drift path (reflectron to detector)
13). For analytes amenable to MALDI–MS this ap- extends over 175 cm. The nominal half angle between
proach can substitute for the more conventional MS/ the two drift path center lines is 47. Standard accelera-
MS techniques on sector- or triple quadrupol instru- tion voltage in this instrument is 10 kV. For ion detec-
ments relying on less-sensitive ionization methods. tion a 75-mm-diameter dual microchannel plate is
This study reports results of MALDI–PSD fragment again employed. The ion source in this instrument is
ion mass analysis performed on model carotenoids and unusual insofar as accelerated ions are fed through a
some of their fatty acid esters. The results demonstrate center bore (6-mm diameter) in a coaxial optical/ion
that the body of structural information which can be optical device which simultaneously serves for laser
obtained by MALDI–PSD is very similar to that known focusing, sample imaging, and ion optical beam colli-
from conventional mass spectrometry but with greatly mation, all in a common axis strictly perpendicular to
improved sensitivity. Thus, this approach may be use- the surface plane of the sample. The rationale behind
ful for structural determination or confirmation of ca- this arrangement is the peculiar angular distribution
rotenoids isolated from natural sources such as plant of the MALDI ion plume. It has been shown (16, 17)
or animal tissues. An example of practical application that the major fraction of analyte ions formed is con-
will be published elsewhere (15). tained in a jet-like forward-peaking cone, but that its
take of angle deviates from the instrumental z axis in
MATERIALS AND METHODS a fashion roughly symmetrical to the incident angle of
the laser beam. Thus, it is believed that an incident
Samples and Sample Preparation laser beam strictly perpendicular to the sample plane is
Reference samples of cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, and the most favorable arrangement for achieving ultimate
lutein were a gift from Dr. J. Bausch, Hoffmann–La- useful ion transmission and source stability.
Roche (Basel, Switzerland). b-Carotene was purchased The acceleration stage is a split device (2/6 mm) also
from Fluka (Basel, Switzerland). Partial synthesis of in MS2 with the option to apply delayed extraction
further carotenoids and fatty acid esters was performed (DE) conditions. This means that desorbed ions are ini-
as described (15). MALDI specimens were prepared by tially (for Ç0.2–0.5 ms) allowed to expand against a
dissolving 50–200 pmole of analyte in about 20 ml ace- slightly retarding field before an accelerating field is
tone. To this solution 10 ml of acetone saturated with turned on (fast HV switch). If the delay time and the
2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid was added. A 5- to 10-ml ali- ratio of field strengths in the two acceleration stages
quot (sample load of about 10–60 pmol) of this mixture are properly chosen (settings dependent on the mass
was pipetted on the surface of a slightly preheated sam- range of interest), so-called velocity focusing conditions
ple holder, on which the solvent evaporated within a can be fulfilled, resulting in a dramatic improvement
few seconds. Transfer of the sample into the instru- of mass resolution (18, 19). In the present investigation
ment was performed as quickly as possible. delay times between the desorption pulse and the onset
of the extraction field of 0.23–0.44 ms were chosen, and
a ratio of 0.47 for the field strength in the first and
MALDI (PSD) Mass Spectrometry
second acceleration stages, respectively, was found to
The investigation was carried out by means of two perform best with respect to mass resolution of the
in-house-built TOF–MS instruments. The technical quasimolecular ion species. Typical values obtained un-
details of the two instruments have been described der these conditions were 2500–4000 M/dM (FWHM).
elsewhere (13). Their main features are summarized MS2 has a so-called precursor ion selector. This is an
as follows: Both instruments use a nitrogen laser (VSL electrostatically switched ion gate located at a distance
337 ND Laser Sciences, Inc., Newton, MA) for desorp- of about 220 mm from the sample. It allows a precursor
tion. In the linear TOF–MS (MS1), standard accelera- ion selection with a mass selectivity of about 60 M/dM
tion voltage is 20 kV applied over a split acceleration and is a mandatory device for PSD fragment ion mass
region (7/7 mm). The field free drift path has a length analysis in nonhomogeneous samples.
of 110 cm; ion detection is performed by means of a 75- PSD fragment ion spectra were sequentially recorded
mm-diameter dual microchannel plate with its front over 12–15 mass windows by incremental reduction of
face biased to ground. Over the last 25 cm of the field the reflectron voltages. In each spectral window 30–
free drift path, a retarding field can be applied in order 100 single-shot spectra were averaged depending on
to separate the flight times of charged and neutralized sample conditions. For signal recording, the output of
ion species. the MCP was fed to a 300-MHz digital oscilloscope (Le-
The second instrument (MS2) is a reflectron-type in- Croy 9450A Chestnut Ridge, NY) and digitized at a
strument employing a gridded two-stage reflectron at sampling rate of either 10 or 5 ns. Signal averaging
the end of a first field free drift path of 204 cm in length. and processing were carried out using a 486 PC with

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Ulisses software (version 7.31, Chips at Work, Bonn, and/or a hydroxyl function induced the appearance of
Germany). A subroutine provides for easy PSD ion protonated [M / H]/ and of sodiated [M / Na]/ ions,
mass assignment without the need to calibrate the in- which were occasionally even more abundant. It appears
strument by PSD reference standards (for further de- that the ratio of [M / H]//M/• tends to increase with the
tails see 13). Accuracy and precision of PSD mass as- number of polar groups which provide possible sites for
signments reach {0.2–0.3 u in the mass range of m/z protonation (see Table 1). These findings are in line with
500–1000. Compilation (stitching) of a set of PSD mass similar observations in FAB–MS (4).
windows was performed by a subroutine contained in Although the apparent abundance ratios of M/•/
the ‘‘MALDI–PSD Peptide Sequencer’’ software (ver- [M / H]/ seem to indicate that, in the majority of com-
sion 3.2, copyright by Frank Lützenkirchen, ILM, Düs- pounds, protonated molecular ions represent only a mi-
seldorf, Germany). nor fraction of the total precursor ion yield, this must
be taken with caution. We have observed in other
RESULTS MALDI–PSD studies that the degree of metastable
Model–Carotenoids in MALDI–TOF MS fragmentation depends largely on the type of precursor
Sensitivity. Carotenoids and their fatty acid esters ion chosen and that protonated molecular ions tend to
were detected by MALDI–TOF MS at about the same be more prone to subsequent metastable disintegration
sensitivity as other analytes amenable to MALDI (pep- than, e.g., radical (or sodiated) precursors. Thus, in the
tides, oligosaccharides). Typical sample loads for PSD present case we cannot exclude the possibility that the
fragment ion analysis used in this study were in the apparent yields of molecular ion species possibly under-
range 10–100 pmol but only a few femtomoles was estimate the true [M / H]/.
consumed during a full session of PSD fragment ion The actual state of the art of our instrumentation did
mass analysis (200–1000 laser shots with an attomolar not allow selection of monoisotopic precursor ion species.
consumption per shot). Under DE conditions quasimo- Thus, while sodiated precursors could easily be sup-
lecular ions were detected with sample loads down to pressed by the ion gate, we had to accept that the PSD
some tens of femtomoles. fragment ion mass analysis is inevitably carried out on
Molecular ion species. All carotenoids and fatty acid a mixed precursor ion population consisting of mainly
esters investigated so far produced mixed populations of M/• and minor fractions of [M / H]/ and [M 0 H]/
odd- and even-electron molecular ions. In hydrocarbons species. Nonetheless, for the sake of convenience and sim-
the M/ radical ion and the [M / H 0 2H]/ ion were plicity we will denote the molecular masses of our parent
dominant. [M 0 2H]/ ions were seen only in the case of ions as the monoisotopic mass of the majority M/• ion.
b-carotene (see Fig. 1, top left). The presence of an oxygen Also, the mass losses of PSD fragment ions are always
given as differences calculated with respect to the nomi-
nal M/• precursor ion mass.
PSD fragment ion yield. Under the conditions of
prompt extraction (PE), the total fraction of carotenoid
parent ions which underwent metastable fragmenta-
tion in the first field free drift path was remarkably
high. The abundance ratio (Ifr/Ip ) of ions which arrived
at the detector as either fragmented neutrals (Ifr ) or
unfragmented precursors (Ip) could be readily deter-
mined in MS1 by means of the retarding field in front
of the detector. Ifr/Ip ratios varied between 0.15 and
0.25 in the case of hydrocarbons but could reach over
0.9 in the case of some diepoxides or fatty acid esters.
Since in the MS2 instrument flight times and, hence,
time spans available for metastable decay are more
than twice as long as those in MS1, occasionally the
molecular ion signals of the most unstable parent ions
(e.g., some fatty acid esters) barely exceeded the noise
level, although abundant PSD fragment ion signals
could be recorded at the same time. Thus, in MALDI–
FIG. 1. Isotopic pattern of molecular ion regions in the spectra of
PSD MS of carotenoids and their fatty acid esters,
cartenoids recorded under delayed extraction (DE) conditions. See yields of diagnostic fragment ions are higher than those
Table 1 and text for further explanation. occurring in B/E-linked tandem MS by more than an

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Relative Intensity Distributionsa of Quasimolecular Ion Species Observed in MALDI–TOF MS of Some Carotenoids

No. of No. of
Compound Mol. mass. monoisotop. {OH |O (M 0 1)/ M/• (M / 1)/ (M / 2)/•

Lycopene 536.4 0 0 15 100 3 2

b-Carotene 536.4 0 0 70 100 3 0
Cryptoxanthin 552.4 1 0 26 100 6 1
Canthaxanthin 564.4 0 2 12 100 26 13
Zeaxanthin 568.4 2 0 30 100 21 1
Astaxanthin 596.4 2 2 10 100 55 2
Zeaxanthin laurate–myristate 960.6 2 0 10 100 2 3
Antheraxanthin palmitate–myristate 1032.6 2 1 — 100 3 8

Note. Data of [M / H]/ and [M / 2H)]/• are derived from averaged (32–40 shots) signal intensities (as recorded under delayed extraction
conditions) by subtracting the expected isotopic (13C) contributions of the M/• species. For comparison with FAB–MS see data in (4).
Note. Intensities expressed as percentages of the base peak M/• signal rounded to the nearest integer value.

order of magnitude (3, 4, 6). Under the conditions of 6), carotenoids with unsubstituted or hydroxylated
DE, the yield of PSD ions decreased by up to an order ring structures furnish a polymorphic pattern of only
of magnitude (see also Figs. 2 and 5). It appears, how- small to middle mass fragments which, from a diag-
ever, that the drop in PSD fragment ion abundances nostic point of view, are rather unspecific (the only
occurs mainly at the expense of the nondiagnostic low exceptions are a-carotene and lutein; see below). If,
mass fragments, whereas the intensities of diagnosti- however, end groups contain 5,6- or 5,8-epoxide func-
cally useful ions (middle and higher mass range) are tions, sets of characteristic low and middle mass frag-
much less affected (factor of 0.7–0.3). Thus, the ments are produced by breaking of polyene bonds be-
MALDI–PSD spectra shown in this work were re- tween positions 8 and 8*. Larger fragments of these
corded under DE conditions unless otherwise stated. species can be formed by mechanisms involving the
transfer of a (radical) hydrogen from the larger to the
PSD Fragment Ion Pattern smaller fragment.
The appearance of MALDI–PSD fragment ion spec-
Elimination of in-chain fragments. In line with tra obtained from carotenes and xanthophylls was
conventional mass spectrometry, MALDI–PSD spectra largely in line with the above rules.
of hydrocarbon compounds with cyclic end groups con- Carotenoids with unsubstituted or hydroxylated
sisted nearly exclusively of fragments formed by in- rings exhibited the expected unspecific cleavage pat-
chain elimination of toluene and xylene. In the case of tern in the m/z 70–250 mass range. The only excep-
b-carotene, the dominant PSD-fragment ion signal was tions were found for a-carotene and lutein (see Figs. 3
the [M 0 92]/• species (see Figs. 3A–3C). The much and 4), in which the double bond of the cyclic end group
smaller [M 0106]/• signal never exceeded 10% of the is not conjugated with the polyene chain. In both cases
[M 0 92]/• signal. The (IM 0 92/IM 0 106 ) ratio of ú10 is elimination of end groups was seen by bond breaking
consistent with corresponding conventional mass spec- at position 6/7 (6*/7*). This mechanism furnished rather
trometric data for carotenoids carrying nine double prominent diagnostic fragments at m/z 123 and m/z
bonds in the polyene chain (20, 21). 413 [M 0 123]/ for a-carotene and at m/z 429 [(M 0
Formation of [M 0 78]/•, [M 0 79]/, and [M 0 80]/• 138) 0 H]/ for lutein. The elimination of a fragment
was seen occasionally in hydrocarbon compounds and by ring opening was found only in lutein, where the
carotenoids with hydroxylated end groups but never formation of a [M 0 56]/• fragment is a highly diagnos-
exceeded 2% of the [M 0 92]/• fragment ion intensity. tic feature (see Fig. 4B).
Abundant [M 0 80]/• fragments were, however, ob- The presence of one or two epoxide functions in the
served in all investigated cases of 5,6- and 5,8-epoxides 5,6- and/or 5,8-position (antheraxanthin, violaxanthin,
(see Fig. 4) and are an important diagnostic feature for luteoxanthin) very much favored the characteristic
this group of substances. mechanism of cleavage and rearrangement in the poly-
Elimination of end groups and end group consti- ene chain. Thus, a wealth of diagnostic fragments (see
tuents. It is well known from conventional mass Fig. 5 and Table 2) have been recorded from such com-
spectrometry of carotenoids that most cyclic end pounds. The most prominent was usually the m/z (204
groups are rather stable. Thus, in FAB MS/MS (2, 4, / R) signal (R Å H or OH at position 3) which, in the

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FIG. 2. Comparison of MALDI–PSD fragment ion spectra of cryptoxanthin recorded under conditions of delayed extraction (top) and
prompt extraction (bottom). See text for further explanation.

case of violaxanthin and luteoxanthin, largely exceeded observations. Many of the diagnostic signals in this
the amplitude of any other fragment. group reached 10–40% precursor ion intensity.
The presence of carbonyl groups as in canthaxanthin or Hydroxylated carotenoids such as cryptoxanthin or
astaxanthin also facilitated polyene bond fragmentation. zeaxanthin formed [M 0 17]/ and [M 0 18]/• ions; the
The patterns, however, were qualitatively and quantita- presence of an oxygen function induced the formation
tively different from those of the epoxide species. The type of an [M 0 16]/• fragment. Analog satellite signals
of fragment which appears to be diagnostic for this group were also seen with the [M 0 92]/• fragment. Those
is the cleavage of the 8/7 (8*/7*) bond(s). signals, however, were difficult to entangle due to the
The data shown in Table 2 summarize the major mixed precursor ion population (see above). It is note-

AID AB 9549 / 6m18$$$$63 05-31-96 03:42:35 abas AP: Anal Bio


FIG. 3. PSD fragment ion spectra displaying diagnostic ions in the middle and higher mass range of (A) b-carotene, (B) a-carotene, and
(C) lycopene.

worthy that under DE conditions the abundance of the the intensity of the [M 0 92]/• signal. Additional promi-
[M 0 18]/• fragment was significantly increased up to nent signals occurred at m/z 398 [M 0 2 1 69]/• and m/
50% precursor intensity. z 375 [(M 0 92) 0 69]/. This pattern, although qualita-
The only acyclic carotenoid included in this study was tively consistent with B/E linked-scan spectra of lycopene
lycopene (see Fig. 3). Here we observed the formation of (2, 4), differs quantitatively insofar as in the MALDI–
an abundant [M 0 69]/ ion which occasionally exceeded PSD spectra the m/z 398 and 375 signals seem to be

AID AB 9549 / 6m18$$$$63 05-31-96 03:42:35 abas AP: Anal Bio


FIG. 4. PSD fragment ion spectra (DE conditions) of (A) zeaxanthin and (B) lutein. Note that these isomeric xanthophylls can be readily
distinguished by some end group eliminations (e.g., m/z 512 [M 0 56]/•, m/z 429 [M 0 139]/) which, in agreement with MS/MS data, are
diagnostic for lutein. The rather prominent fragment ion peak at m/z 338 in the lutein spectrum has not been observed in conventional
MS. See text for further explanation.

much more intense (up to 50% precursor ion intensity) metastable fragmention to under 10% so that molecu-
than those in the B/E linked-scan spectra. lar ion signals become the base peak in the mass
Carotenoid fatty acid esters. Mass spectrometric spectra (Fig. 6).
studies on carotenoid fatty acid esters are scarce (22, The MALDI–PSD spectra of carotenoid fatty acid
23). Molecular ions are rather unstable under EI condi- esters are remarkably simple (see Table 3). The vast
tions and reach only 5–10% relative intensity (22). Bet- majority of fragment ions belong to only four groups of
ter results have been obtained with ammonia desorp- diagnostic ions. Three of them are formed by the loss
tion chemical ionization (23). of either one or both fatty acids: [M 0 R1COOH]/•, [M
While in MALDI MS, at least under conditions of 0 R2COOH]/•, [M 0 R1COOH 0 R2COOH]/•. De-
prompt desorption when the rate of metastable frag- pending on the nature of the xanthophyll, all three
mentation can be rather high (up to 95% fragmented species of fragments can be accompanied by either [M
ions), delayed desorption can reduce the extent of 0 92]/• or [M 0 80]/• or both satellites formed by the

AID AB 9549 / 6m18$$$$63 05-31-96 03:42:35 abas AP: Anal Bio


FIG. 5. PSD fragment ion spectra of (A) zeaxanthin, (B) canthaxanthin, and (C) violaxanthin. Note the multiplicity of end-group-specific
diagnostic signals formed by bond breaking in the polyene chain of the epoxidized species (B) and (C).

usual in-chain elimination of toluene or xylene. Finally, seems to be preserved in the respective fatty acid es-
there are also abundant [M 0 92]/• and/or [M 0 80]/• ters. Especially under PE conditions we found a charac-
fragments without loss of a fatty acid. In contrast to teristic repetitive signal pattern over nearly the whole
EI ionization, MALDI–PSD does not furnish ionized middle and high mass range (see also Fig. 6, bottom).
fatty acids or fragments thereof. Most of these signals seem to represent fragments
The tendency of epoxidized xanthophylls to produce formed by eliminations of an end group with and with-
end group eliminations via polyene bond breaking out cleavage of the respective fatty acid. While these

AID AB 9549 / 6m18$$$$63 05-31-96 03:42:35 abas AP: Anal Bio

Patterns of Main MALDI – PSD Fragment Ions Recorded in the Spectra of Carotenes and Xanthophylls (Delayed Extraction Conditions)

AB 9549
|O In-chain eliminations M/•- Elimination reactions of terminal groupsa,b (polyene bond cleavage)

{O{ 80 92 106 146 172 9/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 14/15 15/15* 15*/14* 14*13* 13*/12* 12*/11* 11*/10* 10*/9* 9*/8* 8*/7* 7*/6*

b-Carotene XXX X
M/• Å 536.4 u 444 428

Lycopene XXX
M/• Å 536.4 u 444
Cryptoxanthin XXX X
M/• Å 522.4 u 460 444
Zeaxanthin XXX X
M/• Å 568.4 u 476 460

05-31-96 03:42:35
Lutein XX (X) (X) XX
M/• Å 568.4 u 476 460 416 429
Cryptoxanthin X XXX X XXX X X X X X XX

5,6-Epoxid 488 476 422 221 231 283 296 336 349 375
Antheraxanthin X XXX (X) XXX X X X (X) X X
M/• Å 584.4 u 504 492 476 221 247 287 299 312 352 365
Violaxanthin XX X (X) XX (X) XXX X XX XX XX X (X) (X) XX XX XXX
M/• Å 600.4 u 520 494 454 428 181 221 234 247 287 299 312 325 352 365 391 419
Luteoxanthin XX X (X) XX X XXX (X) XX XXX XX XX X X XX XX XXX

AP: Anal Bio

M/• Å 600.4 u 520 494 454 428 181 221 234 247 287 299 312 325 352 365 391 419
Canthaxanthin XXX XX X (X) (X) (X)
M/• Å 564.4 u 472 203 269 281 284 413

Astaxanthin XXX (X) (X) X XX X X XX
M/• Å 596.4 u 504 488 219 (285) 298 311 363 429

Note. Signal intensities: XXX, ú40% (bold, leading signal); XX, 10 – 40%; X, 5 – 10%; (X); õ5% precursor ion intensity.
Analogous eliminations from the right-hand side of the molecule are ignored.
Larger fragments formed by bond breakings between position 15 and 8* can occur with and without transfer of a hydrogen to the smaller fragment. The mass numbers
given in italic indicate the respective fragments.

FIG. 6. PSD fragment ion spectra of bis-fatty acid esters of antheraxanthin recorded under conditions of delayed extraction of palmitate-
myristate (top) and prompt extraction of dipalmitate (bottom).

species of fragment ions are rather equally distributed In conclusion, the present study has demonstrated
over the middle and high mass range and, thus, cannot that MALDI produces molecular ions of nonpolar car-
be identified for diagnostic purposes, there are at least otenes of polar xanthophylls and of their fatty acid
a few of the xanthophyll-specific end group fragments esters equally well. Metastable PSD is abundant es-
at the low mass end which help to identify the nature pecially with the fatty acid esters where, under PE,
of the carotenoid involved. This is particularly true for only a few percent of the molecular ions reach the
epoxidized end groups where the prominent signal at detector as intact molecules. It is generally assumed
m/z 221 of, e.g., antheraxanthin, violaxanthin, and lu- that ions produced by MALDI acquire much internal
teoxanthin (bond breaking at position 10/11) transform energy by collisions during the early phase of acceler-
into a signal at m/z 203 (1 H2O has been lost by the ation through the expanding plume of laser-induced
cleavage of the respective fatty acid). particles. This can be minimized, however, by the

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Pattern of MALDI–PSD Fragment Ions Recorded in the Spectra of Fatty Acid Esters of Xanthophylls

Cleavages of fatty acids

Elimination of
In-chain [M- [M-R2- [M-R1COOH- terminal
cleavages R1COOH]/• COOH]/• R2COOH]/• groups: polyene
M/• chain cleavages
092 092 092
092 080 080 080 080 leading

Cryptoxanthin monopalmitate XX XX XX

Zeaxanthin monomyristate XX XX XXX

Zeaxanthin dipalmitate XX XX XX — —

Zeaxanthin laurate–myristate XX XX XX XX XX XXX
— —
Zeaxanthin myristate–palmitate XX XX XX XX XX
— —
Antheraxanthin dipalmitate XX XX XX XXX — — XX XX (X) 203
Antheraxanthin palmitate–myristate XX X XX X XX XX X (X) (X) 203
(X) (X) —
Violaxanthin myristate–palmitate XX (X) XX X XX X X (X) 203
(X) (X)

Note. Delayed extraction (DE) mode. Code of signal intensities as in note to Table 2.

protocol of DE, which indeed restricted the extent ACKNOWLEDGMENT

of (unspecific) metastable fragmentation by up to an
Technical support for this study was provided by Thermo Bioanaly-
order of magnitude. Remarkably enough, fragment sis, Paradise, Hemel, UK.
ion formation of diagnostic ions was far less sup-
pressed under DE conditions, which, thus, appear to
be the modality of choice for the investigation of ca- REFERENCES
rotenoids with MALDI – PSD. 1. Schmitz, H. H., van Breemen, R. B., and Schwartz, S. J. (1992)
The sensitivity limits have not been systemically Methods Enzymol. 213, 322–336.
explored. For the PSD studies, standard sample loads 2. van Breemen, R. B., Schmitz, H. H., and Schwartz, S. J. (1993)
Anal. Chem. 65, 965–969.
employed were in the range of 10 – 60 pmol; molecular
ion detection could, however, be followed down to the 3. Enzell, C. R., and Back, S. (1995) in Carotenoids (Britton, G.,
Liaaen-Jensen, S., and Pfander, H., Eds.), Vol. 1B, Spectroscopy,
range of 10 fmol where S/N ratios for molecular ions pp. 261–317, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel.
were still at about 10 or higher. It is believed that 4. Caccamese, S., and Garozzo, D. (1990) Org. Mass Spectrom. 25,
the MALDI – PSD approach can overcome many of the 137–140.
difficulties encountered in the conventional MS anal- 5. Lusby, W. R., Khachik, F., Beecher, G. R., and Lau, J. (1992)
ysis of carotenoids and thus, from a practical point Methods Enzymol. 213, 111–129.
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