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• Worship: reverence offered to a divine being or
supernatural power
• Islam projects the entire life of a person as worship
• Worship in Islam creates a bond between the Creator
and his servants
• In Islam, men, women, girls, boys all recognise their
Creator as one and show all forms of devotion to the
Only Creator
• They submit to him with their bodies and minds to
declare that there is none worthy of their worship other
than Allah.
• With the aforementioned declaration, Muslims
dissociate themselves with idolatry
• Allah is the ultimate master…?
• Everything in the universe is a slave of Allah- they can’t
disobey Allah whereas we are ‘servants’ as we have a
• No one but Allah has the right to be worshipped
• The scope of worship is vast- there are not limited
duties, times or locations dedicated for worship
• Every good deed done to please Allah is an act of
• It is possible to fully enjoy the wonders of the lively
world and to excel as a truly good Muslim
• Selecting good friends equates to following one of the
commands of Allah
• The three conditions for a daily activity to be considered
as ibadah : our actions must have good intention, they
must be lawful and morally good, it must not prevent us
from performing our religious duties
• There is no intermediary when worshipping god
• Islam recognizes any clean place as a good enough place
to perform ibadah

• God consciousness
• An act of obedience of Allah
• To attain taqwaa, one should protect and keep
themselves away from committing sin, protect yourself
from Allah’s displeasure and punishment
• Satan is all-pervasive
• People who have taqwaa do not lapse into evil
• Satan can cloud inner thoughts
• He has no sway over those who are on guard against
invasion of their moral integrity
• Satan is not powerfull, man is weak
• Taqwaa literally means defence
• Taqwaa is the essence of religion
• A prayer of guidance in time of confusion the best
• When a problem faces us and we aren’t sure how to
resolve it
• We must not turn to any sort of fortune telling such as
tarot reading, palmistry, astrology etc
• To go to them just for the sake of it, your prayer will not
be accepted for 40 days, to believe in them, you have
left the religion of Islam
• Istikhara means to ask Allah to guide one to the right
kind of action concerning ANY matter or task
• 2 units of prayer
• During the du’a : The supplicant should state or at least
visualise the exact nature of the proposed enterprise
• From sunrise until the sun is a spear’s length from
the horizon
• From the point the sun is at the sun is at the highest
point in the sky until it moves on
• From when the sun yellows, before sunset until after it
has set
• After praying the current dawn and Asr (mid afternoon)
• The dua is said before the tasleem after tashahhud
• The ultimate aim for every Muslim is to be in the
company of the prophet in the hereafter
• In Jannah we will be in the company of those who we
love, therefore, we must love the prophet
• EYES: slight redness in the white of his eyes
• SMILE: he smiled a lot, but never uncontrollably
• SKIN: he was neither pale white or dark brown. He was
‘fair and radiant’ when angered the redness of his cheeks
would show
• SWEAT: His blessed sweat had a miraculous fragrance
• CRYING: he wouldn’t wail or raise his voice. His eyes
would shed tears and his chest would make a wheezing
• HEAD: he had a proportionally large head as a sign of
intelligence and sharpness of mind
• UPPERBODY: he had a beautiful upper body and broad
shoulders. Between his shoulder blades was the seal of
• VOICE: most beautiful voice in the recitation of the Quran
• HEIGHT: Neither too tall or too short
• HANDS: moderately large and softer than silk
• HAIR: wavy hair, he had long hair and kept his hair lose.
He would part his hair and applied perfume to the
parting, he would oil his hair
• FEET AND LEGS: His shins bright and radiant. His feet were
fully fleshed yet his heels were free of excess flesh
• WALK: he would walk bristly as if he was descending a
• 4 ways of gaining close ness: iman & taqwaa, love for him
and his sunnah, salawat, good character

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