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Case Study 1

Title: Wells Fargo, Crisis and Scandal

Summary: This summary is about a multinational bank called the Wells Fargo, and how it used

unethical ways to meet the sale goals it had set. It is one of the biggest frauds in the financial

market. Well Fargo’s representatives presumably made 3.5 million fake accounts, opening bank

accounts for those who were not interested and didn’t even require them to show positive

financial gains to meet high-pressure objectives of the senior management. Controllers and

examinations tracked down that the wrongdoing was undeniably more inescapable and

tirelessthan had been figured it out. Hence the company had to pay huge sums of fines and go

through several law suits as there was a lot of government pressure which in hand lead to

increasing in legal regulations for the banking industry. The company was forced to give

permission to authorities to forcefully set a strict framework to avoid such happenings.

Question 4

Response: The decentralization of management is one of the concepts I see in this case study,

the authority was delegated from the top to the lower levels of management without a proper
[Last Name]2

blueprint, only goals were set and there was high pressure for the goals to be achieved. One more

concept I see is Principal Agent problem which is that there was a conflict or priorities between

the managers and the CEO as the employees carried all the fraud out on behalf of the

management. Socio culture Forces as we can see this concept involves ethics and while reading

the case study we can see that the company has been quite unethical in order to achieve its goals

might have gone against the code of conduct as well.

The scandal occurred due to the way management behaved at the first time as no formal strategic

plans were made just the goals were set out to be followed with anything in hand that would have

acted as a guidance for the employees. I believe the management was at fault, as dual roles were

being played by John Stumpf, as we know that two roles cannot necessarily be interchangeable,

meaning there could be different leadership styles

Question 5

Response: Well I believe the company should carry out proper planning and not only pass down

goals but a proper path that needs to be followed by the employees to achieve certain goals

ethically. Realistic goals should be set, so no fraud can take place while achieving them. Every

plan should be discussed with the entire team so the final plan could be executed in the best

possible way. I believe providing better environment for the employees should be a major part of

this and they should not be forced to carry out any tasks.

Case STUDY 2

Summary:The case signifies the major problem with tipping culture in restaurants which is

identified by Meyer, CEO of Union Square Hospitality. He decided to end the tipping culture in
[Last Name]3

most of his restaurants. He has noticed that Eliminating tip culture brought the largest negative

impact on employees. Meyer resolved the issues by interacting with affected employees in town-

hall talks. Moreover, to justify his ways Meyer conducts town halls with customers to discuss the

importance of equal wages for all his employees at the restaurant. Meyer has been able toexpand

the salary structure and hire worker with a purpose to deliver extra ordinary hospitality as a result

of cutting out the tip structures. He focuses on the relationships between customers and usually

focuses on helping workers to work more efficiently together He constantly uses feedback from

his employees to enhance, previous trends and way within the organization.

1. Meyer identified the major problem with tipping culture in restaurants which lead Meyer to

transformational change. According to the case, transformational change was desired to bring

significant shifts to some underlying aspect of the organization in an organizational, such as: tip

structure. For some employees, Transformational change can be invigorating, but also highly

disruptive and stressful for others. Eliminating tip culture brought the largest negative impact on

employees. One of the reason is, employees caught in front-line positions with no chance to

progress to management without taking substantial pay cuts. Meyer resolved the issues by first

involving the affected employees in town-hall talks and consumers to explain the importance of

fair earnings for all his employees at the restaurant. As a result of eliminating the tip structure in

most of his restaurants, Meyer has been able to increase the pay structure and hire employees

with a purpose to deliver outstandinggenerosity. Meyer constantly uses feedback from his

employees to improve, existing aspects and practices within the organization.

2. Meyer aims at Organization-level change as it marks a whole organizational structure or

several of its divisions. Strategic planning and implementation is perhaps the most common type
[Last Name]4

of organization level variation. Organization may require change at both team and individual

levels. Meyer removed tip structure which results in changes at lower levels. Later on, Meyer

also focuses on the relationships among people and usually centers on helping people to work

more efficiently together by considering Group-level change. Team development, or

teambuilding, is one of the most common forms of a team change process.

3. Meyer adopted Lewin’s model that follows a basic process that accompanies to the routines

that exist in organizational changes. This model helps to replace Regular routines and behaviors

that are needed to be disrupted and describes to introduce a basic pattern of model that

appearsright in organizations where any variation is likely to last for an extended period of time.

For instance, Meyer’s organization was stuck with old existing tip culture that was required to be

eliminated for fair hierarchical structure.

Furthermore, to bring forward the system of free tip changes were introduced. Typically, people

reacted to a new form of order that caused moments of disorder. For example, managers can

provide interventions that will help people adapt to the new real-world trends they are

experiencing. To that end, Meyer held city hall meetings with staff and customers, and discussed

changes and problems. The purpose of this section is to help them adjust to the expected change.

Eventually, Meyer led to the final phase of the "revival" of the organization. Strengthen new

practices or practices that should be accompanied by changes in restaurants. Meyer has been able

to expand the taxpayer structure and solve the problem of common shortages in the industry. He

introduced new customs or practices, including hiring staff for the purpose of extraordinary

hospitality. In addition, he used follow-up feedback from his staff even after the tip was

[Last Name]5

Discussion 1

If there is a conflict between two of my employees, first of all I would give a chance to both of

them to speak out what they have to say and will not make a biased decision. Moving on, to

come to a final decision, I would test both the employees, as we all the one who has More

confidence and knowledge. I would surely remind them code of conduct so they don’t forget

about. About the morals and ethics while reporting lies or trying to play around. Furthermore, I

can enhance the quality of the decision-making by including more members in the process as

people they have worked with before will be able to share the employee’s performance,

specifically when attaining a decision, differentpeople see situation from different outlooks

asthey have had diverse life experiences. This can help producesubstitutes that you might not

otherwise have well thought-out. Talking through vastjudgements with a advisor can also be

constructive, especially for new managers who are stagnant learners and developing their

expertise; someone with more experience will often be able to put forward more possibilities.

Moreover, I would like to see the history of both employees to see how have they performed

throughout time so I can see clearly that which one could be at fault. I willingly cooperate with

both of them to come up to a solution and cater to their problems. In order to prevent such

happenings, I would make sure that every person individually reports to me and share about the

part they have carried out so it becomes easier or I will appoint someone who they can report to

in their free time. This will be enough to resolve such matter and I would put forward some

guidelines giving some basic instructions on how the employees can work together.

Discussion 2
[Last Name]6

I would take action once I come up with a plan to cater this problem before it gets out of control.

Iwill reach out to the employee who is generally having the issue with me, I would clearly want

to know the problems that have existed because of my lacking abilities and allow the employee

to share what he believes is wrong I would try my best to understand his point of view and

consult him for a resolution, in all this process I will remain calm and patient as much as I can

be.On the other hand, I would also take a step and explain the employee a bit about my

communication and working skills and leadership styles and how I like my employees to work

under me. As the complaint considers others in the department as well I would go for a meeting

with them as well and see whether everyone comes to the same conclusion or whether it is one

person, I can do this by voting or ways by a company in meetings. And if everyone agrees to one

thing I will surely be willing to work on this with them as I do not want to ruin my terms with

my boss as it can put my career on a bumpy road. I would take a decision best in my interest and

working on the lack if the employees say so, as I can’t let go of this I have to maintain my

relationship with them as well.

Discussion 3

When I detect any stress I would surely find ways to manage stress in the best possible, first of

all I would consider what is making me upset and the moment I figure it out I will relocate my

attention towards what has to be done and how can I start helping myself. For example, I’ll start

by figuring out how can the work be done in the easiest way and not bother me, and then I would

cut the work into small pieces. Then do one part at a time, rather than looking at all the work.

When I finish each piece, the work decreases. Make a list of what I need to do. This will help me

sleep better because my head will not run around worrying about whether I can do everything. At

the end of the day, I will have little to worry about being able to mark the things I have
[Last Name]7

completed. I will look at a lot of the same work and see if I can handle it if I move forward I will

make timelines as they can help with big projects. I would try to look at things in a much more

practical way and let go of impracticalities as they misguide a person.

Furthermore, if I want help handling my stress I would talk to professionals with more

experience than my own to manage work in the best possible manner. Take advices from senior

employees and see how they carry their work out in the given time while handling stress.

Observing my behavior at work and finding better ways to handle stress as I don’t want to ruin

my work in stress.

Discussion 4

I would not accept the request as I believe it is unprofessional because I would keep professional

and personal pages separate. The best way to communicate between professional workers is

through email. CO-Workers do not have a relationship apart from work. Making a friend out of

work outside of work can lead to many problems. If you post a personal photo, for example, a

coworker may post negative comments that make you feel uncomfortable, harassed or

discriminated against. This can make communication at work very difficult, especially if the

situation escalates to an area where HR is involved. Which in turns creates a mess for both, I

would be accountable for my actions and getting blamed for such things which I have not even

done can damage career opportunities as some employees do such acts in order to destroy the

reputation of others, in hatred or jealousy. The lower level of management should always be

aware of such things as this can be taken very negative at their own part as well and it can ruin

further opportunities for them and create a certain impression of them to other employees as well

ruining the work environment and relationship between a boss and a employee.
[Last Name]8

Moreover, I wouldn’t be hesitant to have a talk with the employee. I would have a personal

conversation in my office with the employee to guide him/her that how things are done, and

sending requests on social media isn’t quite a professional way. I will make sure any further

communication should be carried out on email and such incidents don’t happen again. As it is

bad for my reputation as well, and leaving no personal space in my life and such matters travel

up to the higher levels of management in no time.

Works Cited

Admin. "What Is Decentralisation: Meaning, Definition, Example." BYJUS. BYJU'S, 05 Oct.

2020. Web.

David S. Bright, Wright State University Anastasia H. Cortes, Virginia Tech University Eva

Hartmann, University of Richmond K. Praveen Parboteeah, University of Wisconsin-

Whitewater Jon L. Pierce, University of Minnesota-Duluth Monique Reece Amit Shah,

Fr. "OpenStax." OpenStax. Web.

Flitter, Emily. "The Price of Wells Fargo's Fake Account Scandal Grows by $3 Billion." The

New York Times. The New York Times, 21 Feb. 2020. Web.

Terry, George R., and Stephen G. Franklin. "Principles of Management." Principles of

Management. AITBS, 1997. 81-118. Print.

"The Wells Fargo Banking Scandal - Case Solution." Casehero. 21 Jan. 2021. Web.

Terry, George R., and Stephen G. Franklin. "Principles of Management." Principles of

Management. New Delhi: AITBS, 1997. 21-54. Print.

[Last Name]9

Ginsburg, Ken. "Creating a Stress Management Plan." Center for Parent and Teen

Communication. 17 Mar. 2020. Web. 24 Mar. 2021.

"How to Effectively Deal With Employees' Complaints." Bizfilings. Web. 24 Mar. 2021

Debbycarreau. "Never, Ever Friend These 5 Types of Co-workers on Facebook, Instagram-or

Any Social Media Site." CNBC. CNBC, 29 Mar. 2019. Web. 24 Mar. 2021.

Terry, George R., and Stephen G. Franklin. "Principles of Management." Principles of

Management. New Delhi: AITBS, 1997. 21-54. Print.

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