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Week Chapter Learning Activities HOTS CCP HISTORY Assessment Activities

Review Chapter 1 – Algebra (2 lessons)

T1 Opening Problem Pg 88
Review Chapter 2 – Indices (2 lessons)
Wk 1
Ex 5A – The Distributive Law
5 – Algebraic Ex 5B – The Product (a+ b)(c +d )
2 Expansions and
Ex 5C – Difference of Two Squares
Ex 5D – Perfect Squares
Skills Assessment Task –
3 Ex 5E – Further Expansion
Chapter 5
Ex 7A – Linear Equations Opening Problem Pg 126
7 – Linear Ex 7B – Rational Equations Discussion Pg 134
Equations Ex 7C – Problem Solving Activity Linear Equations Skills Assessment Task –
Ex 7D – Mixture Problems Pg 129 and Pg 132 Chapter 7
Ex 4A – Sets Opening Problem Pg66
6 Ex 4B – Special Number Sets Activity Pg 75 , 76
4 – Sets and Venn Ex 4C – Set Builder Notation
Diagrams Ex 4D – Complement of a Set
Skills Assessment Task –
7 Ex 4E – Venn Diagrams Puzzle Pg 77
Chapters 4
Ex 4F – Problem Solving with Venn Diagrams
Ex 8A – Square Roots OP Pg 142
8 Ex 8B – Rules for Square Roots Historical note
Ex 8C – Solving x 2=k Pythagoras Pg 142
8 – Radicals and
Pythagoras Ex 8D – Pythagoras’ Theorem Investigation – Surf
9 Discussion Pg 150
Ex 8E – The Converse of Pythagoras’ Theorem Rescue
Ex 8F – Pythagorean Triples Skills Assessment Task –
10 Activity Pg 154
Ex 8G – Problem Solving using Pythagoras Chapter 8
Ex 10A – The Distance Between Two Points
OP Pg 194
11 Ex 10B – Midpoints
Ex 10C – Gradient
10 – Coordinate Ex 10D – Axes Intercepts Use GC to draw graphs
T2 Wk 1 Geometry Ex 10E – The Equation of a Line Activity Pg 215 Moving
Ex 10F – Graphing Lines from Equations staircases
Ex 10G – Vertical and Horizontal Lines Skills Assessment Task –
Ex 10H – Finding the Equation of a Line Chapter 10
3 NAPLAN PRACTICE – Calculator and Non Calculator
Ex 9A – Length
Ex 9B – Perimeter OP pg 168
Ex 9C – Area
9 – Length and Ex 9D – Area Formulae
Area Ex 9E – Areas of Composite Figures
Investigation – The
5 Ex 11A – Solids Activity Pg 186
Shadehouse Pg 182
11 – Further Ex 11B – Surface Area
Measurement OP Pg 220
Ex 11C – Volume
Time in Aboriginal Skills Assessment Task –
6 Ex 11D – Capacity
Culture Pg 239 Chapters 9 and 11
Ex 11E – Time
Asian Calendars Pg 240
COMMON TEST – Algebraic Expansions and Simplification, Linear Equations, Sets and Venn Diagrams,
Radicals and Pythagoras, Coordinate Geometry, Length and Area, Further Measurement
ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Name: __________________________ Grade:
Criteria 0 1 2 3 4 5

Understanding of concepts and

None Limited Basic Generally competent Some depth Comprehensive
Mostly effective selection Highly effective selection
Some selection and Generally effective selection
and application to find and application to find
Selection and application of Limited attempt with limited application to find some and application to find
mostly accurate solutions to efficient and accurate
Mathematical techniques and No attempt accuracy in solving routine accurate solutions to mostly accurate solutions to
routine and some complex solutions to routine and
algorithms problems routine problems in some routine problems in a
problems in a variety of complex problems in a
contexts. variety of contexts.
contexts. variety of contexts.
Successful application and Successful application and
Attempt with limited Some application to find Successful application to
Application of Mathematical models No attempt some development to find development to find concise
accuracy partially accurate results find most accurate results
most accurate results and accurate solutions
Mostly appropriate and
Generally appropriate and Appropriate and effective
Attempted with limited Some appropriate use to effective use to find mostly
effective use to find mostly use to find accurate
Use of electronic technology No attempt accuracy in solving routine find some accurate solutions accurate solutions to
accurate solutions to solutions to routine and
problems. to routine problems. routine and some complex
routine problems. complex problems
Interpretation of mathematical results
None Limited Some Generally appropriate Most appropriate Comprehensive
in the context of the problem

Understanding of reasonableness and

None Limited Some awareness Some understanding Some depth Comprehensive
limitations of mathematical results
Use of appropriate mathematical
notation, representation and None Limited Some appropriate Generally appropriate Most accurate Proficient and accurate
Generally effective Mostly effective Highly effective
Some communication with
communication and communication and communication and
Communication of mathematical ideas No attempt Limited attempt attempted reasoning and/or
reasoning to develop some reasoning to develop mostly reasoning to develop logical
logical arguments logical arguments. and concise arguments
Most effective development
Development and testing of Limited attempt of a Attempt of a reasonable Development and testing of Effective development and
No attempt and testing of valid
conjectures conjecture conjecture a greatly valid conjecture testing of valid conjectures

Year 9 Achievement Standard

By the end of Year 9, students solve problems involving simple interest. They interpret ratio and scale factors in similar figures. Students explain similarity of triangles. They recognise the
connections between similarity and the trigonometric ratios. Students compare techniques for collecting data from primary and secondary sources. They make sense of the position of the mean
and median in skewed, symmetric and bi-modal displays to describe and interpret data.
Students apply the index laws to numbers and express numbers in scientific notation. They expand binomial expressions. They find the distance between two points on the Cartesian plane and
the gradient and midpoint of a line segment. They sketch linear and non-linear relations. Students calculate areas of shapes and the volume and surface area of right prisms and cylinders.
They use Pythagoras’ Theorem and trigonometry to find unknown sides of right-angled triangles. Students calculate relative frequencies to estimate probabilities, list outcomes for two-step
experiments and assign probabilities for those outcomes. They construct histograms and back-to-back stem-and-leaf plots.

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