Event Advantages Disadvantages: People's Republic of China In, Taiwan Out, at U.N

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Event Advantages Disadvantages

People’s It has no clear advantages, but since It's necessary to understand that
Republic of there is a dual representation of Taiwan's approach to vying
China In, China (People's Republic of China international participation even just as
Taiwan Out, and Republic of China), PRC has "observer" status in the UN is
at U.N. opposed to such solutions where something salient in our ever-
| October 25, they will be classified as a divided interconnected world. There are
1971 | country or a two-state. While Chiang inclusive issues that should not have
Kai-shek (Former President of ROC) any political boundaries and require
was inflexible to such claims that absolute participation by all political
Taiwan, who ROC is the legal representative of the entities (state and nations).
has its own set whole of China. The United States
of proposes that both countries be Take United Nations Framework
government, classified as members of the UN but Convention on Climate Change
the military, broke its promise when it saw the (UNFCCC) who attempts to create a
and laws – all geopolitical opportunity to move global paradigm in the battle against
separate and closer to China in a strategic move climate change. It means that even
completely against the Soviet Union. though Taiwan is not a member of the
different from UN, it still is concerned about the
China, are In conclusion, Taiwan walked out of climate change - thus, are also working
denied entry the UN to prevent further humiliation. to restrain greenhouse gasses such as
over and over The UN decided to fend off a farther chlorofluorocarbons, aerosol, and
again to the conflict between the two states that hydrofluorocarbons. Also, as in island,
United might even use force to retain their Taiwan has collected and promulgated
Nations. positions, thus war. The UN has efficiently important meteorological data
stood by its decision as they that could be useful in understanding
continuously deny Taiwan entry to climate change. The denied entry of
the UN assembly; fearing that Taiwan (as an observer) to the UN has
disputes might break between the also contested the information Taiwan
two states once more. has gathered. Thus, the UN itself
created a risk that creates holes in their
data, making the global paradigm in the
battle against climate change slower
and could even be ineffective.

In conclusion, there are universal

issues larger than political issues and
conflicts. UN, founded on the principles
of global governance and responsibility
should not deny entry to Taiwan's
approach in vying even just as an
"observer". They should give
recognition to Taiwan's contribution to
the globe itself and must not deny the
23 million people the participation in the
world events. Taiwan, the same as
other states, can contribute to the
United The UN Peacekeeping was formed
Nations initially to maintain peace and
Peacekeepin security, but as the world progressed Though the Though the United Nations
g and has become interconnected, it Peacekeeping has its advantages,
| 1948 | has sprouted to different purposes. there's no doubt that the program has
Its purposes are divided mainly into its drawbacks and controversy. First,
protecting civilians, preventing there's an abuse of power. There's a
UN conflicts, building a rule of law and scandal of a rapid increase of
Peacekeeping security institutions, supporting prostitution in Cambodia, Mozambique,
helps organization of elections, promoting Bosnia, and Kosovo after the UN
countries human rights, empowering women peacekeepers have moved in.
navigate their and delivering field support. According to Associated Press (AP),
way from the investigation revealed that there
being a The most recent peacekeeping's have been more than 2,000 (and
country of successful operation was the mission perhaps many more) allegations of
conflict to a in Côte d'Ivoire. In 2004 the country sexual exploitation and prostitution by
country of was divided in half by civil war and in the UN peacemakers. Also, sexual
peace. 2010's the presidential crisis, 3,000 abuse has targeted mostly children and
residents were killed, and 300,000 minors. Investigations also revealed
became refugees. The UN authorize that some UN peacemakers are directly
the United Nations Operation in Côte involved in brothels. Moreover, these
d'Ivoire (UNOCI), deploying over UN peacemakers who have been
6,000 peacekeepers, disarming more abusing their authority have never been
than 70,000 combatants, held two imprisoned. Note that these incidents
presidential and legislative elections. occurred for more than ten years.
Also, over 200,000 refugees were
returned to their homes, human rights Also, the UN deployed peacekeepers
are strengthened and decrease rights from Nepal to Haiti without constructing
violation and intercommunal conflicts adequate sanitation facilities. It turns
were decreased by 80%. out that the peacemakers they've sent
are infected with cholera. The decision
In conclusion, what the UN of the UN made a country suffer
Peacekeeping program intends to do fatalities. The virus killed more than
is to help countries make the 8,500 and has sickened more than a
transition from a state of conflict to a hundred thousand more. Moreover, the
state of peace. The global UN pledged $400m to compensate
partnership of UN Peacekeeping cholera clean up, but the UN has only
makes it convenient and accessible garnered $21m and spent $3m. Until
to deploy peacekeepers around the now, the UN denied allegations and
world. Throughout the years since have escaped liabilities because
1948, there are 72 peacekeeping ironically, it has the power to do so.
missions, 14 of which continues
today. In conclusion, the peacekeeping
program gave birth to casualties and
more importantly, bent justice upon
their favor. The UN itself immunes their
peacemakers from the liability they
have incurred. Upon their favor.
The program achieved its primary goal
to help rebuild the Iraqi citizens and to
demilitarize Saddam Hussein.
However, lapses, negligence, and
corrupt practices helped the Saddam
The purpose of the oil-for-food
Hussein regime to garner over $11
programme is to allow Iraq to sell oil
billion while under economic sanctions.
globally in exchange for food,
One cause is the negligence of the UN;
medicine and other necessities to
the failure of pursuing transactions to
help the citizens of Iraq rebuild. The
the son of Saddam Hussein, and
program aims to respond to the
companies involved in the program
needs of Iraqi citizens who were
itself. Moreover, there are accusations
Oil-For-Food- affected greatly by the economic
to the head of the oil-for-food
Programme sanctions which are imposed to
programme itself, being the key person
demilitarize Saddam Hussein (former
| 1995 | of corruption and bribery.
President of Iraq, guilty of a
massacre, mass murder, torture and
In conclusion, the UN lacks
Oil-For-Food- illegal arrests). The program benefits
accountability, as even the head of the
Programme ordinary residents while those who
program, and Secretary-General is
was launched abuse military power is chastised.
negligent about corruption and bribery.
by the UN to Their negligence has caused a domino
help Iraq It was March 1997 when the first
effect in criminal developments. The
rebuild and at shipment of food arrived. Almost 2/3
involvement of companies in the bribery
the same time of the population of Iran was
has led the Saddam Hussein regime to
to demilitarize dependent on the rations of the oil-
gain funds in exchange for oil coupons.
Saddam for-food programme, and to avoid
Also, the UN has misallocated the
Hussein corruption, the oil exported was paid
funds, rendering the program less
using an escrow system instead of
efficient that it's supposed to. On the
the Iraqi government. The money
program's income of $60 billion, only
paid by countries will be first
65% were applied to the aid of the Iraqi
allocated to war reparations, and the
citizens. Moreover, $150,000 worth of
remainder shall be used to buy
foods is adulterated due to bribery.
regulated items (items that are not
Another scheme that the UN was
illegal under the economic sanctions)
unaware of is the refunding of
to rebuild the country and help the
transaction fee directly to the Iraqi
government leading to corruption once
again. Though the program itself has
benefited the Iraqi citizens, it's also
undeniable that there are drawbacks
more substantial than its benefits.

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