Herbal Tea Extracts Inhibit Cytochrome P450 3A4 in Vitro

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Journal of Pharmacy
Research Paper
And Pharmacology

Herbal tea extracts inhibit Cytochrome P450 3A4 in vitro

Sophie Dufaya, Alan Worsleya, Aymeric Monteilliera, Charlotte Avanzia, Jaclyn Syb, Ting Fat Nga,
Jean-Michel Garciac, Man-Fai Lamd, Paul Vanhouttea and Ian C. K. Wonga
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, bChemistry Department, The University of Hong Kong, dDepartment of Medicine, Queen Mary
Hospital Hong Kong and cInstitute Pasteur Korea, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

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Keywords Abstract
ciclosporin; Cytochrome 3A4; herb–drug
interaction; herbal teas; sirolimus; traditional Objectives Ciclosporin and sirolimus, two immunosuppressive agents with
Chinese medicine narrow therapeutic windows, are mainly metabolized by Cytochrome 3A4
(CYP3A4). A clinical case of toxic blood levels of these drugs after the consump-
tion of a ‘24-flavours’ tea was reported. This study aims to identify the causative
Sophie Dufay, Department of Pharmacology
ingredients of the 24-flavour herbal tea in the inhibition of CYP3A4 metabolism.
and Pharmacy, The University of Hong Kong,
21 Sassoon Roads, Pokfulam, Hong Kong Methods Two commercially available 24-flavour tea products purchased in Hong
SAR. Kong and the six plant constituents were tested for their CYP3A4 inhibitory
E-mail: sdufay@hku.hk effects utilizing an in-vitro fluorometric assay.
Key findings Of the commercially available teas available in Hong Kong, the most
Received August 21, 2013 potent inhibitory effect was observed with the tea consumed in the initial clinical
Accepted March 23, 2014
case. Of the six universal constituents, chrysanthemum exhibited the greatest
inhibitory effect, with an IC50 of 95.7 μg/ml. Dandelion, liquorice and bishop’s
doi: 10.1111/jphp.12270
weed have IC50 of 140.6, 148.4 and 185.5 μg/ml, respectively. Field mint and Japa-
nese honeysuckle have weaker inhibitory effect on CYP3A4 with IC50 of 1153.3
and 1466.3 μg/ml.
Conclusions This study confirms the possible implication of herbal tea constitu-
ents in the inhibition of ciclosporin and sirolimus’ CYP3A4 metabolism. Com-
bined usage of herbal teas with drug should be closely monitored.

The use of natural medicines has increased in western With the increased consumption of herbal remedies con-
countries primarily due to the belief that they are associated comitant to drug treatment, the potential risk of herb–drug
with fewer adverse reactions. A survey performed in the interaction and sparse scientific evaluation, more scientific
United States in 1998–1999 on ambulatory patients showed data are needed on assessment of the safety of such
that 16% of drug users concurrently used some form of combination.[6–10] In this article, a scientific investigation of
herbal supplement.[1] This number was even higher for a clinical case with suspected herb–drug interaction is pre-
patients with long-term disease. A survey performed in the sented. Experiments were designed to mimic real case situa-
United States in 2001 showed that 26% of patients with tion where most of in-vitro studies published failed.
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) consumed herbal A clinical case from a regional nephrology unit (Queen
remedies at the same time as their HIV treatment.[2] This Mary Hospital, Hong Kong) reported a tenfold increase in
number increases to more than one third of cancer patients the blood level of two immunosuppressants (ciclosporin A
in two European surveys.[3,4] The impact of combined thera- and sirolimus) in a patient with a stabilized renal allograph
peutic drug, natural medicine use has been evaluated in a for 10 years.[11] A full patient history revealed ingestion of a
clinical survey conducted over 804 patients from six outpa- commonly consumed herbal tea (24-flavour tea, 廿四味茶)
tient clinics in the United States. It showed that 40% of during the three previous days, and it was suggested to be
herbal users were at risk of herb–drug interaction, with 7% the possible causative agent of the increased levels of the
of them effectively reporting adverse reactions.[5] However, two immunosuppressant drugs. Herbal teas are part of daily
in most cases, potential interactions between the different life in Hong Kong and China. Many different kinds of
treatments were not evaluated. herbal teas can be found under different forms. They are

1478 © 2014 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 66, pp. 1478–1490
Sophie Dufay et al. Inhibitory effect of herbal teas on CYP3A4

sold as ‘ready-to-drink’ infusions in teashops at street of the gastrointestinal tract.[13] To access to liver cyto-
corners, but also are available as dried plant mixtures chromes, chemical compounds need to be lipophilic to pass
(which are subsequently prepared at home) or freeze-dried through the gut barrier. However, these chemical com-
granules of infused decoctions. They are drunk as a bever- pounds are water-soluble (infusion of the tea), then it is
age for many suggested reasons, primarily as a tonic and to most likely that inhibitory effect will occur at the gut level
improve health both physically and mentally and to prevent where chemical compounds will be available at a much
illness. higher concentration.
A comprehensive literature review, utilizing the search However, p-gp has been associated with competitive and
terms 24 flavour teas (廿四味茶), tea, herbal teas, herbal short-lived inhibition effect, whereas CYP3A4 has a poten-
infusion, interaction, herbal remedies, Chinese medicine, tial for a prolonged inhibitory effect.[14] Also, CYP3A4 is

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cyclosporin and sirolimus, was realized. From these papers, involved in the metabolism of more than 50% of the drugs
two clinical cases were observed by Nowack et al. (2005), in on the market,[13] so with regard to the mechanism but also
which increased plasma levels of ciclosporin were observed in the impact it was decided to evaluate the inhibitory effect of
patients concurrently consuming herbal tea products. These CYP3A4 in vitro. As 24-flavour tea composition varies, the
studies showed two renal transplant patients drinking herbal investigation of its inhibitory effect in vitro was performed
teas (one of whom had consumed chamomile tea, and the to confirm the doctor’s hypothesis on the identical tea con-
other one consumed a mixture called wild fruit tea drink sumed by the patient in the clinical case and another com-
containing rose hip extract, hibiscus extract and lemon) while mercially available product to avoid anecdotal conclusions.
both taking ciclosporin. Both patients showed an increase in The four commonly found plant within the list of 20 (two
ciclosporin level following their respective herbal tea con- third of the 22 brands of tea), and two widespread plants,
sumption. The authors suggested that the responsible agents included in more than one third of the 22 brand were tested
were probably orange peel, or other citrus ingredients and in vitro for their inhibitory effect on CYP3A4. A literature
possibly chamomile.[12] However, without herbal tea composi- search for the chemical constituents of those plants tested
tion, there was a lack of evidence that the ‘24-flavour tea’ was performed, revealing a whole series of compounds.
drunk by our patient could be linked with these two clinical Where those compounds identified were commercially
cases. With regard to the narrow therapeutic window of available, these were purchased and used as standards
ciclosporin and sirolimus, and the fact that renal transplanted against those plant extracts isolated after analysis by high-
patients are advised to consume a large volume of fluids to performance liquid chromatography hyphenated with
improve renal graft function, the impact of herb–drug inter- photodiode array (HPLC-PDA).
action on transplant patients might be significant due to the
risk of drug nephrotoxicity. Materials and Methods
To investigate the described clinical case and possible causes
Preparations of water extract of herbal
for observed elevation in immunosuppressant agents, the first
remedies and ‘24-flavour’ tea
step was to obtained detailed information about the composi-
tion of 24-flavour tea. As there is not set formula of 24-flavour ‘24-flavours’ tea (廿四味茶) and the identified constituent
tea, composition may vary between manufacturers, and there- plants were purchased from a traditional Chinese medicine
fore 22 different brands of 24-flavour tea were sought to wholesaler in Hong Kong. Taxonomic authentication of the
establish a list of those 20 plants present in the majority of plants has been realized with regard to Chinese Pharmaco-
these products. When screened into the literature for inhibi- poeia (year 2010, English version) by an expert of chemistry
tory effect on the cytochrome of these 20 plants, little or no department involved in Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica
information appeared available. The most reported interac- Standards at the University of Hong Kong. Voucher speci-
tion was the inhibition of Cytochrome 3A4 (CYP3A4) by mens were deposited and kept in chemistry department. The
citrus fruit consumption (in particular, grapefruit, which plants studied were chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum
however is not included into any 24-flavour tea formula). morifolium Ramat., 2014-SGD-01), dandelion (Taraxacum
Sirolimus and ciclosporin are mainly metabolized by mongolicum Hand-Mazz., 2014-SGD-02), Japanese honey-
CYP3A4 and are substrates of p-glycoprotein (p-gp) in the suckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb., 2014-SGD-03), bishop’s
small intestine. These two sites might be responsible for the weed (Houttuynia cordata Thunb., 2014-SGD-04), liquorice
increased level of ciclosporin and sirolimus. P-gp is an (Glycyrrhiza ularensis Fisch., 2014-SGD-05) and field mint
effective efflux transporter of the luminal surface of gastro- (Mentha haplocalyx Briq., 2014-SGD-06).
intestinal epithelial cells and opposes the absorption of The ‘24-flavours’ teas were prepared according to the rec-
some molecules like sirolimus and ciclosporin. CYP3A4 is ommendations given by the street tea store/wholesaler or by
the most abundant cytochrome enzyme in the liver, but it is the manufacturers’ instructions. One example of ‘24-
also present in sustentative amounts in the enteric mucosa flavours’ tea (廿四味茶) consumed by the patient in the

© 2014 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 66, pp. 1478–1490 1479
Inhibitory effect of herbal teas on CYP3A4 Sophie Dufay et al.

above-mentioned clinical report was purchased as an curves were plotted from the log values of the samples con-
aqueous infusion (the commonest form available in Hong centration versus the percentage inhibition calculated.
Kong). The entire content of one bottle (250 ml) was freeze- Ketoconazole was used as positive control, while negative
dried after filtration (number 1). control wells contained all constituents of the reaction
The second ‘24-flavours’ tea (廿四味茶) (number 2) pre- except the inhibitors (ketoconazole, teas or plants).
sented was purchased as a mixture of crude plant material
and was processed as recommended by the manufacturer. Data analysis
A sample of 15 g of each plant material was weighed and
Extracts of plants and 24-flavour teas will be tested in tripli-
extracted with 150 ml of distilled water and boiled for 1 h.
cate. Means and standard deviation of each inhibitory effect
The plant solid residues were then removed and further
measured were calculated. All three analyses will be used to

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extracted with the same procedure. Both water extracts were
determine IC50. The calculation of IC50 values for CYP3A4
combined and vacuum-filtered on Büchner with paper filter
inhibition values was carried out by nonlinear regression
(Advantec 90 mm; Toyo Roshi Kaisha Ltd, Tokyo, Japan).
analysis using REGTOX program freely available on
The combined filtrates were freeze-dried (freeze dryer,
Normale Superieure website (http://www.normalesup.org/
IlShin, IlShin Europe B.V., Ede, The Netherlands) overnight
∼vindimian/fr_index.html). It was also used for the fitting
and removed from the machine when extracts were totally
of the dose-response sigmoid curves.
dried. The resulting powders were weighed and stored in
airtight individual brown glass bottles, for light protection.
Analysis of 24-flavour teas and plants
extract by HPLC-PDA analysis
CYP3A4 enzyme assay
Different methods can be used to evaluate inhibitory effects
Different chemical compounds thought to be possible
on cytochromes: human liver slices, human hepatocytes,
causative agents of enzyme inhibition were identified in the
microsomes and human cytochromes. Human cytochrome
herbal extracts of 24-flavour teas and plants. When available
technique was selected with regard to reliability to assess an
commercially with purity higher than 98%, standards were
inhibitory effect on a given cytochrome, as it is isolated
used for identification by HPLC-PDA analysis: oleanolic
from others. CYP3A4 inhibition was measured using the
acid, ursolic acid, hesperidin and naringenin were pur-
fluorometric Cytochrome P450 CYP3A4/DBF Inhibition
chased from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis, MO, USA); quercetin
Kit (BD Supersomes, BD Biosciences, Le Pont de Claix,
from Cayman Chemical Company (Ann Arbor, MI, USA),
France) following manufacturer recommendations. Briefly,
glycyrrhizin ammonium was bought from Calbiochem
incubations were conducted in a reaction volume of 200 μl/
(EMD Chemicals Inc, San Diego, CA, USA, affiliated to
well in 96-well microlitre plate, as described below.
Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and hesperetin from Tokyo
The procedure was performed in two stages. During the
Chemicals Industry Co Ltd (Tokyo, Japan).
first step, NADPH co-factor mix was incubated with tested
samples (plants/teas or ketoconazole as positive control
Chromatographic system
inhibitor). During the second step, the enzymatic reaction
was started by addition of the enzyme (CYP3A4) and its The chromatographic system was composed of an HPLC
substrate (dibenzylfluoresceine, DBF) solution. The incuba- apparatus from Agilent 1260 Infinity Quaternary LC System
tion time for each step was 10 min at 37°C. Finally, NaOH (Agilent Technologies Ltd), which includes helium degasser
(2N) was added to stop the enzyme reaction, followed by (1260 Infinity Standard degasser), a quadratic pump (1260
measure of the fluorescence in Cary Ellipse plate reader Infinity binary pump VL) and an auto sampler (1260 Infin-
fluorometer (Agilent Technology, Santa Clara, CA, USA). ity Standard Autosampler). This system was piloted by the
The wavelengths set were 485 nm for excitation and 538 nm Open LAB CDS Chemstation software version B. 04.03.
for emission, specific of fluorescein, which is the metabolite Detection was done with a photodiode array detector (1260
of DBF used as substrate of CYP3A4. Infinity Diode Array Detector VL+).
To determine the concentration at which 50% of the Chromatographic analysis of plasma samples were per-
CYP3A4 activity is inhibited (IC50), the liquid herbal formed on the Agilent Prep-C18 Scalar Column 4.6 ×
extracts concentration was expressed as the quantity in 250 mm, 5 μm from Agilent (Bellafonte, PA, USA). The flow
gram of dry extract per litre. Eight points of threefold serial rate was set at 1.0 ml min. A gradient of phase A (water
dilutions of each sample were performed directly in the with 0.1% of phosphoric acid) and phase B (acetonitrile)
96-well plates, starting from a concentration of 10.0 mg/ml. was used to separate all the chemical compounds. The chro-
The logarithms of these values were plotted onto the matographic analysis was performed using the following
graphs. Each compound was tested in triplicate. Inhibition aqueous mobile phase (phase A) gradient with a flow rate

1480 © 2014 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 66, pp. 1478–1490
Sophie Dufay et al. Inhibitory effect of herbal teas on CYP3A4

Table 1 Doses and indications of plants commonly found into ‘24-flavours’ tea

English name/Latin name Chinese name Posology Therapeutic indication

Chrysanthemum/Chrysanthemum 菊花 10–15 g It is used as an anti-inflammatory agent, and for the treatment
morifolium of headache, cold, vertigo and conjunctivitis.[16]
Dandelion/Taraxacum 蒲公英 9–15 g[15] Upper respiratory tract infection, acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis,
mongolicum 9–30 g[17] gastritis, enteritis, general fatigue, relief of cholecystitis,
abdominal pain, pyoderma, snakes bites.[15,17]
Japanese 金银花 10–30 g[17] It is used as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent for
honeysuckle/Lonicera 10–60 g[15] the treatment of abscess, laryngitis, pharyngitis, infection of
japonica upper respiratory tract, dysentery, common cold and

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Bishop’s weed/Houttuynia 鱼腥草 15–60 g[17] It is used as an anti-inflammatory, antidote and diuretic agent
cordata for the treatment of pulmonary infection, bronchitis, asthma
oliguria and carbuncle.[16]
Liquorice/Glycyrrhiza ularensis 甘草 5–15 g i.e. 200–800 mg It is used as general tonic, an anti-inflammatory, mucolytic,
of glycyrrhizin[15] expectorant and analgesic agent for the treatment of
1–15 g (standard gastrointestinal and respiratory disorders.[16,17]
dose 3 g)[17]
Field mint/Mentha haplocalyx 薄荷 1–8 g[17] It is used to promote bile secretion, antiseptic and spasmolytic
action. It is used for gastrointestinal disorder, upper
respiratory infection and biliary disorder.[17]

of 1 ml/min: 0 min, 95%; 0–10 min, 75%; 10–20 min, 75%; Table 2 IC50 of 24-flavours teas (廿四味茶) on CYP3A4
20–36 min, 50%; 36–40 min, 18.4%; and 40–60 min, 18.4%. % of extract to
Concentration of IC50 reach IC50
Results 24-flavours tea the daily dose (g/l) (μg/ml) concentration.

24-flavours tea n°1 5.2 190.9 3.7

The experiments were designed to mimic closely the observed
24-flavours tea n°2 10.8 337.1 3.1
clinical situation as reported in the case. For this reason, the
doses tested were close to those recommended by the herbal
tea manufacturers. Table 1 represents the usage and those
doses recommended for the six most common plants found posology is 15–60 g, as a dose of 15 g lead to a concentration
in ‘24-flavours’ teas identified in Hong Kong.[15–17] The daily of 7 g/l, hence a dose of 20 g will reach 10 g/l. For field mint
dose for the six plants investigated ranges between 1 g and (Mentha haplocalyx), 15 g is twice higher than the higher rec-
60 g. With regard to the recommended dose of each plant, it ommended dose. This means that a dose of 10 g/l is a realistic
was decided to extract 15 g with water. All of these plants clinical gut concentration.
have some reported effect upon respiratory disease, as
explained in the chart below, and this may justify their his-
CYP3A4 enzyme assay
torical incorporation into ‘24-flavours’ teas (Table 1). The
plants described were extracted by water in the manner The enzymatic testing of the ‘24-flavours’ teas was performed
described to obtain all those hydrophilic compounds that at concentrations that reflected adult human doses. The rec-
would be present after preparation by the commercial tea ommendation made by Hong Kong herbal street sellers of
shop or in the domestic setting. 24-flavour tea is that an adult consumes the entire content of
Between 2 g and 4 g of freeze-dried powder was obtained one bottle as a single dose. Similarly those commercially avail-
for each tea/plant samples. The concentration of the daily able products where a customer prepares the 24-flavour tea
dose was calculated using the weight of the freeze-dried themselves, the instructions are that the full bag of plants
powder divided by the amount of water used (300 ml). (approximate weight 250 g) should be used for one infusion
To evaluate the inhibitory potency of the different plants, the with water, resulting in a total volume after processing of
starting dose of 10 g/l was chosen for all in-vitro experiments. 250 ml of beverage. Consequently, 250 ml of infused products
Tables 2 and 3 present the concentration of a daily dose of was reduced via freeze drying to dry residues.
herbal tea or plant (weight in grams of extract obtained after The sigmoid curves of the percentage of inhibition of
freeze-dried procedure divided by the extraction volume of CYP3A4 as a function of the concentration obtained after
water). They are all higher than 10 g/l except for bishop’s curve fitting by REGTOX program are presented in
weed (Houttuynia cordata) and field mint (Mentha Figure 1. All of them showed inhibitory effect when 15 g of
haplocalyx). But bishop’s weed (Houttuynia cordata) daily plants were used.

© 2014 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 66, pp. 1478–1490 1481
Inhibitory effect of herbal teas on CYP3A4 Sophie Dufay et al.

Table 3 IC50 of CYP3A4 by chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum maxima of compounds UV spectrum are different, chro-
morifolium), dandelion (Taraxacum mongolicum), Japanese honey- matograms are extracted at 208 nm and 254 nm, and iden-
suckle (Lonicera japonica), Bishop’s weed (Houttuynia cordata), liquo-
tification will be done with regard to retention time and
rice (Glycyrrhiza ularensis) and field mint (Mentha haplocalyx)
UV spectra, which improve the sensitivity of the detection
Concentration of but also the specificity of identification method in
the daily dose
such complex matrix. Retention time were hesperidin
Chinese of 15 g of IC50
(16.8 min), quercetin (29.6 min), naringenin (33.4 min),
English name/Latin name name plants (g/l) (μg/ml)
hesperetin (34.5 min), glycyrrhizin (36.0 min), oleanolic
Chrysanthemum/ 菊花 13.3 95.7 acid (55.0 min) and ursolic acid (55.7 min).
With regard to the retention time of standards and their

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Dandelion/Taraxacum 蒲公英 10 140.6
spectrum, some known chemical compounds were identi-
mongolicum fied in the plants extracts.
Japanese 金银花 15 1466.3 Figure 2 showed the analysis of herbal extracts by HPLC-
Honeysuckle/Lonicera PDA method. Quercetin was founded in Chrysanthemum
japonica morifolium (Figure 2a) and Houttuynia cordata (Figure 2d).
Bishop’s weed/Houttuynia 鱼腥草 7 185.5 Oleanolic acid and ursolic acid were founded in Taraxacum
mongolicum (Figure 2b) and Mentha hoplocalyx (Figure 2f).
Liquorice/Glycyrrhiza 甘草 10 148.4
Glycyrrhizin was identified in Glyccyrrhyzia ularensis
Field mint/Mentha haplocalyx 薄荷 9 1153.3 (Figure 2e). Hesperidin and hesperetin were found in
Mentha haplocalyx (Figure 2f). None of the tested com-
pounds were present either in Lonicera japonica nor in the
two brands of 24-flavour tea tested.
The concentrations at which the CYP3A4 activity is
inhibited by 50% (IC50) are presented in Table 2 for the Discussion
two ‘24-flavours’ teas brands (廿四味茶), and in Table 3 for ‘24-Flavours’ teas (廿四味茶)
individual plants. Table 4 showed the means and the stand-
ard deviations of the different concentration points. Testing the 24-flavours tea itself was important to evaluate
Ketoconazole was used as a positive inhibitor. All plants the total inhibitory effect of the herbal teas and in particular
showed inhibition activity at tested doses (15 g). The ‘24- the one drunk by the patient described in the initial clinical
flavours’ tea number 1 showed the same order of magnitude case. The two brand of 24-flavour tea showed inhibitory
of inhibitory effect than chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum effect on CYP3A4 at clinical doses. This testing was done in
morifolium), dandelion (Taraxacum mongolicum) and bis- an attempt to confirm the doctor’s hypothesis that the
hop’s weed (Houttuynia cordata), and twice than that of the 24-flavour tea was responsible for the inhibitory effects of
‘24-flavours’ tea number 2. CYP3A4. However, none of the seven compounds screened
The most potent plant, with respect to inhibitory effect by HPLC-PDA were identified in the 24-flavour tea. It
on CYP3A4, was found to be Chrysanthemum morifolium might be due to the limit of detection of the analytical
with an IC50 of 95.7 (μg/ml). It was followed closely by method, which does not allow identification of the low level
dandelion (Taraxacum mongolicum), liquorice (Glycyrrhiza of chemical compound even if they are present at concen-
ularensis) and bishop’s weed (Houttuynia cordata), which tration at which they show inhibitory effect (data not
were approximately1.5 times less potent than chrysan- shown). Also, as the tea is a mixture of different plant, the
themum. Field mint (Mentha haplocalyx) and Japanese amount of each of them might be low and the total effect
honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) were found to be 10–15 might be due to a synergistic effect of inhibitory com-
times less potent than chrysanthemum. pounds. As the formulation of 24-flavour tea varies, it was
important to try to identify the causative(s) plants included
into the formula.
Analysis of 24-flavour teas and plants
extract by HPLC-PDA analysis
Individual plants tested
Chemical compounds previously reported into literature to
Chrysanthemum morifolium/Chrysanthemum
be present in some of the plant tested and commercially
available with excellent purity were searched in the herbal Chrysanthemum morifolium showed the most potent inhibi-
extracts used for the CYP3A4 assay. Hesperidin, quercetin, tory effect on CYP3A4 among the six tested plant extracts.
naringenin, hesperetin, glycyrrhiza, oleanolic and ursolic Out of the seven standards tested, quercetin was founded in
acid were effectively separated by HPLC-PDA method. As the sample analysed. Three flavonoids also present in

1482 © 2014 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 66, pp. 1478–1490
Sophie Dufay et al. Inhibitory effect of herbal teas on CYP3A4

(a) (b)
120 120
% Inhibition of Cytochrome

% Inhibition of Cytochrome
100 100
3A4 activity

3A4 activity
0 20

–20 0 1 2 3 4 0

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0 1 2 3 4
–40 –20
Log (24-flavour tea 1 extract concentration) in µg/ml Log (24 herbal tea 2 extract concentration) in µg/ml
(c) (d)
120 120
% Inhibition of Cytochrome

% Inhibition of Cytochrome
100 100

80 80
3A4 activity

3A4 activity
60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
–20 –20
Log (Chrysanthemum extract concentration) µg/ml Log (Dandelion extract concentration) in µg/ml

(e) (f)
% Inhibition of Cytochrome

% Inhibition of Cytochrome

80 100

60 80
3A4 activity

3A4 activity

40 60

20 40
0 20
0 1 2 3 4
–40 0 1 2 3 4
Log (Japanese Honeysuckle extract concentration) in µg/ml
Log (Bishop’s weed extract concentration) in µg/ml
(g) (h)
120 120
% Inhibition of Cytochrome

% Inhibition of Cytochrome

100 100

80 80
3A4 activity

3A4 activity

60 60

40 40
20 20
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 1 2 3 4
Log (Licorice extract concentration) in µg/ml Log (Field mint extract concentration) in µg/ml

Figure 1 Percentage of inhibition of CYP3A4 activity by the two different 24-flavours teas (廿四味茶). (a and b), and the six individual plants
bought in Western Market in Hong Kong Island, (c) Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium), (d) Dandelion (Taraxacum mongolicum), (e)
Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), (f) Bishop’s weed (Houttuynia cordata), (g) Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza ularensis) and (h) Field mint (Mentha
© 2014 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 66, pp. 1478–1490 1483
Inhibitory effect of herbal teas on CYP3A4 Sophie Dufay et al.

Table 4 Means and standard deviations of Cytochrome 3A4 activity than kaempferol in the inhibition of human liver
24-flavour tea Another brand of microsomes.[24]
1 drunk by the 24-flaour tea
Concentration patient (number 1) (number 2) Taraxacum mongolicum/Mongolian dandelion
μg/ml Mean SD Mean SD The inhibitory effect of Taraxacum mongolicum can be
10000 100.3 1.4 96.5 1.7
linked to the presence of hesperetin, hesperidin and
3333.3 99.0 3.6 92.9 5.0 quercetin,[25] which are thought to be partially responsible
1111.1 93.5 6.2 80.5 4.8 for the effects of grapefruit juice on increasing the
370.4 71.5 9.2 48.0 1.4 bioavailability of ciclosporin.[19,20,24] When analysing the
123.5 38.4 9.3 21.1 4.0 extract by HLPC-PDA with hesperetin and quercetin stand-

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41.2 17.1 10.7 15.7 8.0 ard, none of these three compounds were identified, which
13.7 16.9 5.4 −2.8 10.2
might be due to the HPLC-PDA limit of detection. Ursolic
4.6 −18.2 1.2 −5.5 0.5
acid and oleanolic acid were newly reported as being
Chrysanthemum Taraxacum present in Taraxacum mongolicum. Oleanolic acid has been
Concentration morifolium mongolicum
reported to have inhibitory effect on CYP3A4 (IC50 of
μg/ml Mean SD Mean SD 78.4 μm), whereas ursolic acid has no inhibitory effect
10000 95.0 0.2 97.7 0.2 (IC50 > 500 μm).[26]
3333.3 99.3 0.9 99.7 1.2
1111.1 91.0 0.7 87.1 3.9 Glycyrrhiza ularensis/Liquorice
370.4 67.4 1.7 60.2 5.8
The inhibitory effect of Glycyrrhiza ularensis found in this
123.5 51.7 17.7 42.6 7.9
study has already been reported for a dose of 0.02 mg/ml.[27]
41.2 32.4 8.8 25.6 0.3
13.7 12.9 1.1 17.1 5.6 Another liquorice species, Glycyrrhiza glabra, has shown to
4.6 7.1 4.4 −9.3 6.9 inhibit CYP3A4 in human liver microsome experiments
with IC50 in a range of 1–2% of the full strength, which was
Lonicera Houttuynia
Concentration japonica cordata classified as a potent inhibitor by Budzinski et al.[28]
Glycyrrhiza ularensis has been reported to contain
μg/ml Mean SD Mean SD
glycyrrhizin, liquiritin and liquiritin aposide like all
10000 88.6 4.7 105.3 1.6 Glycyrrhiza species.[29] Glycyrrhizin was identified in the
3333.3 71.8 1.9 107.1 1.7 sample analysed by HPLC-PDA. Glycyrrhizin was reported
1111.1 37.7 3.7 102.6 2.3 to have no inhibitory effect (IC50 > 1.2 mM). However,
370.4 18.5 8.2 68.8 5.0
liquiritin and liquiritin aposide have IC50 of 57 and
123.5 7.5 16.3 26.2 10.6
41.2 4.5 7.9 28.2 24.6
655 μm, respectively, on human CYP3A4.[27]
13.7 0.9 1.9 14.9 3.4 Tsukamoto has also identify three other compounds
4.6 −2.7 14.8 8.0 18.0 in Glycyrrhiza ularensis that have potent inhibitory
Glycyrrhiza Mentha
effect on human CYP3A4: (3R)-vestitol (IC50 = 3.2 μm),
Concentration ularensis haplocalyx liquiritigenin 7,4’-digucoside (IC50 = 17 μm) and 4-
hydroxyguaiacol apioglucoside (IC50 = 20 μm).[27]
μg/ml Mean SD Mean SD

10000 101.5 0.3 92.0 1.1 Houttuynia cordata/Bishop’s weed

3333.3 97.5 3.4 88.3 1.8
The inhibitory effect was less potent but might be much
1111.1 90.5 0.3 60.6 1.0
370.4 65.3 4.8 35.3 2.1 more important if the dose used in the test is increased with
123.5 35.7 6.1 17.2 9.2 regard to recommended posology, 15–60 g. It has been
41.2 32.3 11.6 15.0 0.2 reported that Houttynia cordata contains quercetin,[30–36]
13.7 −2.5 6.3 0.7 1.3 which was also identified in the sample used in this current
4.6 18.7 23.1 2.4 1.3 research. Quercetin is thought to be involved in the increase
SD, standard deviation. of ciclosporin bioavailability with the consumption of
grapefruit juice.[20,24,37]

Mentha haplocalyx/Field mint

Chrysanthemum moriflorium have been thought to be
involved in causing an increase in ciclosporin serum levels The mild inhibitory effect of Mentha haplocalyx evalu-
by grapefruit juice:[14,18–20] hesperetin,[21] kaempferol[22] and ated in our study has also been reported with the use of
quercetin.[21–23] Quercetin was found slightly more potent peppermint oil on CYP3A4.[38] Hesperetin, hesperidin,

1484 © 2014 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 66, pp. 1478–1490
Sophie Dufay et al. Inhibitory effect of herbal teas on CYP3A4

(a) - Chrysanthemum morifolium (Chrysanthemum)


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10 20 30 40 50 60 min
(b) - Taraxacum mongolicum (Dandelion)


10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 2 HPLC-PDA analysis of plant extracts to identify chemical compounds. Chromatograms were extracted at 208 (ursolic acid and oleanolic
acid) and 254 nm (hesperidin, quercetin, naringenin, hesperetin and glycyrrhizin). (a) Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium). (b) Dandelion
(Taraxacum mongolicum). (c) Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica). (d) Bishop’s weed (Houttuynia cordata). (e) Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza ularensis).
(f) Field mint (Mentha haplocalyx).

© 2014 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 66, pp. 1478–1490 1485
Inhibitory effect of herbal teas on CYP3A4 Sophie Dufay et al.

(c) - Lonicera japonica (Honeysuckle)


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10 20 30 40 50 60 min
(d) - Houttuynia cordata (Bishop’s weed)







10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 2 Continued

1486 © 2014 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 66, pp. 1478–1490
Sophie Dufay et al. Inhibitory effect of herbal teas on CYP3A4

(e) - Glycyrrhiza ularensis (Licorice)


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0 min
10 20 30 40 50 60

(f) - Mentha haplocalyx (Field mint)

0 min
10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 2 Continued

© 2014 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 66, pp. 1478–1490 1487
Inhibitory effect of herbal teas on CYP3A4 Sophie Dufay et al.

oleanolic and ursolic acid were identified in the sample ana- The analysis of plant extracts by HPC-PDA helped dem-
lysed by HPLC-PDA. Hesperetin and hesperidin have been onstrate the presence of chemical compounds (quercetin,
described in the literature as being responsible for the hesperidin, hesperetin and oleanolic acid) possibly respon-
inhibitory effect on CYP3A4, and thus increased the sible of inhibitory effect on CYP3A4 in some of the herbal
metabolism of ciclosporin.[19,20,24] Oleanolic acid has also extracts studied. The implication of chemical compounds
been reported to have such effect when tested on liver previously reported in the literature in some of the used
microsomes.[26] Naringenin has been identified to be one plants but not identified in this study cannot be ruled out as
compound of Mentha haplocalyx species but was not found their concentration at which they exert their inhibitory
in this study possibly because of the low sensitivity of the effect might be lower than the ability of the HPLC-PDA
method. It was thought to be one of the compounds method to identify them.

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responsible for the grapefruit juice interaction with
Some in-vivo studies conducted by Wacher et al. revealed Conclusions
a significant increase of about threefold in ciclosporin peak This article was aimed to present a methodology mimicking
plasma concentrations and area under curve when a dose of closely clinical situation to investigate clinical case of pos-
100 mg/kg of peppermint oil was administered in rats.[41] sible herb–drug interaction when no information was avail-
The in-vitro liver microsomes test showed peppermint oil able in the literature. The in-vitro experiments on CYP3A4
was a less potent CYP3A4 inhibitor than ketoconazole, described above utilizing aqueous extracts at representative
while a fourfold increase in dose was required to elicit the clinical doses have demonstrated that ‘24-flavours’ teas and
same degree of inhibition on ciclosporin metabolism in the six mostly common plants have potential to inhibit the
human liver microsomes than in rats.[41] Another in-vivo metabolism function of CYP3A4.
trial by Dresser et al. showed significant increase in area The inhibitory effects of Taraxacum mongolicum, Chry-
under curve and peak plasma concentration of felodipine, santhemum morifolium and Houttuynia cordata can most
mainly metabolized by CYP3A4, in 12 subjects challenged likely be explained by the presence of specific chemical
with 330 μl of peppermint oil in 300 ml water.[42] The mean compounds that has already been proposed to play a role
increase was 140% compared with subjects with water in the interaction of grapefruit juice with ciclosporin
only.[42] With unchanged half-life, it was suggested that the (hesperetin, kaempferol, quercetin and hesperidin) but also
preparation predominantly affect the enteric enzymes.[42] by the presence of other compounds, ursolic acid and
The in-vitro test identified peppermint oil and its constitu- oleanolic acid. Further work is needed to purify and identify
ents, menthol and menthyl acetate, as reversible, partially other compounds present in the plant as shown on chro-
mixed CYP3A4 inhibitors in liver microsome test.[42] matograms to test potency of their inhibitory effect.
Maliakal et al. have reported no inhibitory effect but this Doctor should ask for herbal consumption in front of
was after chronic treatment for 4 weeks with peppermint tea unexplained drug toxicity and put in place clinical surveil-
(2% m/v).[43] lance programme especially for patients treated with immu-
Lonicera japonica/Japanese honeysuckle nosuppressant. Similar attitude should be adopted with
other drugs known to interact with grapefruit juice: antiar-
Lonicera japonica showed some mild inhibitory effect on rhythmics, calcium channel blockers, statins, cytotoxic
CYP3A4 (IC50 = 1466 μg/ml) compared with the other five agents, carbamazepine or some antipsychotics. Further sci-
plants. Pao et al. have tested water extracts of Lonicera entific evaluations of potential herb–drug interaction are
japonica at three different concentrations (2, 4 and 6 mg/ needed.
ml) on human liver microsomes and did not see any inhibi-
tory effect.[44] This might be explained by the usage of liver
microsomes technique, containing all liver cytochromes, Declarations
compared with individual cytochrome testing. Also, none of
the seven chemical compounds screened by HPLC-PDA
were identified into Lonicera japonica, possibly due to the This study has been funded by the Department of Pharma-
low sensitivity of HPLC-PDA method. cology and Pharmacy of the University of Hong Kong.

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