College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy: Cagayan State University

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy
Andrews Campus, Caritan, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan


1. Propose a program in the community (as a Sangguniang Kabataan member) that

will raise the awareness of the students/kabataan to help eliminate sexually
transmitted diseases among youth

To raise awareness and help eliminate sexually transmitted disease amongst our youth the following
programs are proposed:
a. Sex education for ages within 14-19 years old at least once a month or twice.
b. Distribution of contraceptives to provide safe sexual interaction.
c. Trace those who have more than 2 sexual partners and test them for possible STD or STI.

Teenagers will be attending a monthly or if in need, twice a month, for the purpose of educating
them about the probability of having or acquiring STD or STI’s by engaging into an unhealthy
sexual intercourse.
Contraceptives will be provided by the Sangguniang Kabataan for the purpose of providing
healthy and clean sexual intercourse for those who are active in their sexual life.
Private inquiry or interview will be held for those who have been having sexual intercourse with
two or more person rather it be on the same sex and the opposite sex to have them checked for
possible infection on the above mentioned Infectious disease.

2. Are you in favor of legalizing marriage among homosexuals and transgenders? Explain
your answer.

Legalizing marriage among homosexuals and transgender should be the done. I am in favor of
legalizing same sex marriage because of the following grounds:
a. Under the 1987 Philippine Constitution, it said that “the state recognizes the Filipino family
as the foundation of the nation.” It was not mentioned therein that marriage can only be
limited nor can only be granted to opposite sex couples, hence, a family headed by same sex
couples should also be granted marriage. Marriage is very important to couples aspiring to
build up their own family, it is a milestone as they go on live their lives as a family recognize
by the law.
b. We are already living in the 21st century where women are invoking their rights as they are as
equal as men, where African-American people are no longer slaves because of their color.
Where the norms are already discarded because what’s more important is that we live the life
the we want rather than we live the life of what somebody else wants.
c. Allowing same sex couple to be married will help orphaned children to have a second chance
of having a family. Since same sex couple cannot bear a child, they will resort to adopt less
fortunate orphaned children. As a couple they will be helping that child to have a new family,
to make that child’s dream come true. Ladies and gentlemen let us not blind ourselves of
hatred, being homophobic will get us nothing. Instead let us support them, because as we
support them, we will also be giving a chance of living a good life for others too.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy
Andrews Campus, Caritan, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan


Debit Card Challenge:

A very wealthy person gave you a debit card and told you to use it as much as you want to make
yourself happy. What are you going to do with it? Make a list of what you want to have. Write as
many as you want.
1. Food (B)
2. Spices (H)
3. Shoes (C)
4. Watch (B)
5. Books (H)
6. Laptop (H)
7. A car but it’s not possible to but a car with a debit card (F)
8. Motorcycle (H)

Q1.How do you feel as you do the Debit Card Challenge?

- It feels like as if I can buy the things I want to own and do. But in the end I realized that
would I be really happy if I had all of these things. Well apparently they say money can’t buy
happiness, from what I did, through this challenge I imagined what someone really did gave
me a debit card and ask me to buy what I want, I’d feel beyond grateful.

Q2. Which among the items in your list you like the MOST? Explain why.
- Books are what I like the most among the items I enumerated. Reading books whether it may
be fictional or not gives me an escape, a wide perception about things, of what is happening,
and why I do live. Books for a student like me is a must have, especially having Law books
because I’m taking up a pre-law course. Law books are very much expensive and quite many,
it would take me years and years to acquire them all. Knowledge is power as they say, I’d
better know how to earn my own money than depend on a debit card that will become empty.

Q3. If ever you were given the chance in real life to have one among the list, which would you
choose and why? Explain.
- A car or a motorcycle. I’m an adventurous person, I always want to travel and see the beauty
of my own country. As they say, “money comes and go, but experience will only happen
once”, it is true, all your expenditure will always be replaced but the happiness that you spent
your money with traveling the world will forever remain in your memory.

Q4. Does your choice different from what you answered in Q2? Why or why not?
- Yes, it differs. Real life would always be different. Yes, knowledge is everything but who
wouldn’t want a car nor a motorcycle? There’s a difference between a dream that without
much money you can acquire to a dream that is impossible for now to have. If someone gave
me a money worth buying a car or a motorcycle, I would love to buy a car or a motorcycle
with that money because, I myself alone can raise a money to buy a book but it will be very
difficult for me to save money for a car or a motorcycle.


Republic of the Philippines
College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy
Andrews Campus, Caritan, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

1. Go back to your DEBIT CARD CHALLENGE list. Put a mark across each item with the following
categories: B (If the item is related with your body), C (If the item is related with clothes), F (If the item
is related or intended to your family), H (if the item is related with home)
1. Food (B)
2. Spices (H)
3. Shoes (C)
4. Watch (B)
5. Books (H)
6. Laptop (H)
7. A car but it’s not possible to but a car with a debit card (F)
8. Motorcycle (H)

2. Which among the categories you have the most in your list?
- Home which are thing for myself and my family.

1. Make a reflection paper about YOUR MATERIAL SELF.

I have always been so passionate about cars and motorcycle to extent that one day when I am able
to acquire, I will be a collector of luxurious cars and motorcycles. But to ask, is it necessary? Having the
ability to acquire does not give you the reason to buy already. There are things that should be first
considered. William James said, material self pertains to the objects, places, or even people which
have the label “mine”. Such possessions are viewed as extensions of individuals' identities. Life
has many aspects, namely Physical, Spiritual, Psychological/Mental, Emotional. As for the
material self, it belongs to the aspect of Physical since it pertains to material or tangible elements
in our life that we possessed.

I was born with a family belonging on the middle class. Throughout the years my parents
work hard to expand the business up to now that we have our own house, garage, and car. That
was for my family’s use, never have I been bought with things I want the most, it was always
this and that. Things that yes has still value for me, but unnecessary to the point that those things
are left rotting because I do not use them often as they should be. I am jealous indeed, I held a
grudged for having things that for me is unnecessary while for my sister was quite given useful
things. Yet as I aged, I learned to accept things that what you want cannot always be given to
you in an instant. There’s always this waiting game that you have to endure, well for I apparently
gave up on that game and decided to find a way to buy the things I want and really need out of
my own savings. Waiting for probably 2-3 years is better that waiting for nothing at all. I am not
much a fan of branded clothes, for shoes yes; it would only be nike or adidas. I only want things
that I can actually afford to buy, many of us are buying things way off our paygrade or ability to
save but we buy it anyway, for showing off or for whatever reasons we have.

I have always been looking at my belongings, ask whether which is necessary and which is
not. Upon staring at it, I remember I was once not contented about the things I have, I want an
expensive laptop, an expensive shoes, an elite mobile phone and many more. But as I
contemplate more deeper I should be more thankful because I have this and that. Not all people
has the means to buy a laptop, even the cheapest ones because it’s still expensive, not all people
can afford a shoes. Be happy with what you have, I learned that without contentment you can
never be happy because if you are not contented with what you have you will be seeking for
things that are unnecessary for all you life.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy
Andrews Campus, Caritan, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

C.Tasks on: The Spiritual Self

Do This! Song Analysis

Pay close attention to the lyrics of the song

“I See You Lord” by Aiza Seguerra.
I'm so blessed my Lord
I can see you
In all the lovely things
So fine and true
I see you in the beauty
Of the flowers and the rain
I see you between the lines
Of a sweet refrain
I'm so blessed my Lord
I can see you
Even when I'm lonely and in pain
I see you in the beauty of the stars at night
I see you in my life
I feel alright
I see you Lord
In sorrow and in happiness
I see you in the glory
Of sweet success
I see you Lord
Every hour, every day
I can see you Lord
Whenever I pray
I'm so blessed my Lord
I can see you
In the smile of a baby
Sweet and true
I can see you in the eyes
Of my very best friends
I see you in these bonds
Just like your love that never ends
I see you Lord
In sorrow and in happiness
I see…


Upon hearing the song,

1. What emotional response does it suggest? What might be the message, viewpoint or lesson the
songwriter was trying to convey?
- The song suggest that our Lord God is Omnipotent, meaning he is all-powerful to the extent that he
can be seen through anything in this world. It portrays that whatever is happening, whatever things you
see in life God is manifested and seen through them. We all know that God created the universe, the
stars, our planet and everything that lives therein, all His creations represents Him, all of His creations
belongs to Him. The song delivers a strong message that we should be grateful of what God has
provided us, that we must not destroy His creations or we will suffer the same fate of what we had
destroyed. Such beauty our planet and universe possess, and it must be appreciated not destroyed.

2. What examples or concrete experiences can you relate from the song? Does it help you find your real
purpose and the true meaning of life? Why or why not?
- The very essence of life here on this planet, all living things that thrives in this majestic place is an
example. Another one would be struggling with your will to live and finding comfort and solace in
God’s words and promises. Through it I found the real meaning of life and also my purpose in this
world, it gave me strength when I was weak, gave me passion when I felt worthless, gave me the will
when I was drowning with my own questions of existence.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy
Andrews Campus, Caritan, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

3. Write a letter to God showing your thoughts and feelings in this current pandemic we are facing.

Dear God,
We are facing today an enemy that cannot be seen and hard to deal with. But with your help, grant us the
energy and help us in during this hard times. Many had fallen because of the incompetence of our government,
mercy are only given to the rich and powerful while the poor are left and treated inhumanely by those who abuse
their power. You my God is the protector of the weak and poor, guide them, give them strength to carry on in this
unforgiving world. Take care of our frontliners, those who risk their lives to keep us safe. Bring knowledge and
ideas to our scientists that they may already find the cure to this pandemic. We know oh God that yopu are greater
than this virus. You alone can stop this. Amen.

Do this:
*List 3 primitive Filipino beliefs about souls and spirits that you found interesting;
1. We Filipinos have “atang” whenever there are occasions so that our family members who departed can
also join us.
2. We say “bari bari” whenever we are walking on a jungle like place with big tall trees or taking a piss.
3. We throw rice on a newly constructed house so as to drive away evil spirits
*Give 2 personal belief that you have about souls and spirits. Explain.
1. Souls and spirits can roam around the world. I believe that spirits and souls are living with us, lurking
during the night and hides during daytime. Which is why ghost are mostly seen during daytime.
2. There are good and bad souls and spirits. Good spirits and souls like our ancestors or family members
that have passed guides us in our daily lives. While bad spirits are the ones that possesses us and do
bad things to others possibly hurting somebody else.

D. Tasks on: Political self and Being a Filipino

*Prepare 10 description or expression of a Filipino.


(Could be any of the following: Hugot lines of a Filipino, memes of the youth, #hashtags, values associated
with Filipinos)

Example: *You bring out the best kitchen wares if you have a visitor.
1. You’re mother is like a machine gun when she gets angry
2. You can only eat good food when there are guest
3. You eat with your barehands
4. You think drinking coke is better on a stainless baso.
5. You say “bari bari” when walking through a forest or you passed by a house of “nunos”.
6. You are ashamed to get the food when it’s already the piece of it.
7. Your parents doesn’t want you to take other courses than Law, Medicine, Engineering, and
8. You take home left-overs during occasions.
9. You are very optimistic.
10. You imitate a foreigner’s accent when you see one.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy
Andrews Campus, Caritan, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

*Make an acrostic below which will describe you, in relation to your being a Filipino.

E.Tasks on : The Digital Self

Read the situations below.

1. Lita, a senior high school student who happens to be chubby, dark skinned and curly hair is often bullied in
school. One time, a classmate, took a stolen photo of her, edited her face with a pig face and uploaded in
the Facebook with the caption, “black-boar for sale”. The post went viral and many more insulting
comments popped in.

2. John, 15 year old is fun of playing Mobile Legends using his gadget. He would missed eating his meals,
urinating, drinking water and the like just to finish his online gaming for a win. He would chat with his ML
friends more often. He then loss his concentration in school and family affairs.

3. Teacher Anna is a quiet person. But lately she would always post rants and complaints on her social media
account. She discloses things on public, and tries to humiliate her boss, her co-employees and subordinates

Reflect on the following questions:

On situation 1: What do you think will be the long term effect of cyberbullying to Lita?
- Lita would forever bear the scar of being bullied. There is a possibility that Lita will become depressed
and self-conscious, her self-steem will become low. As a product of being a depressed student she will
not be able to perform well academically, Lita might also have a lesser chance of finding a true friend
because of the insecurity and loss of trust to people.

On situation 2: What do you think is the major loss of John in getting addicted to playing Mobile Legends
- John’s major loss would be the possible memory he could’ve done together with his family. Their
family could’ve been happy watching a movie together, but John was too addicted he never even cared
if he was about to piss or not. When travelling he could seen the wonder of nature, but instead he so
addicted he’d only stare at his phone during a game. He missed every opportunity of what it is really to
say that you have lived your life. No one lives a fulfilling life for just playing games, unless, your
benefiting from it. But no, in the case of John he doesn’t get anything when he wins a match. Another
thing that he loss is his wealth; imagine those stones that might have formed in John’s kidney because
he wasn’t supposed to stop his urination, imagine developing a painful ulcer because you skipped
meals just to win a match. There’s nothing more painful for a parent to bury their own children, with
John’s unhealthy habit, he loss a better life.

On situation 3: What do you think is the persona Teacher Anna is being portray on her negative posts?
- The persona of teacher Anna is being a toxic person. People would see her as a person who talks at
your back and smiles when you see each other face to face. People would see her as a bashful person
who is not worthy of their trust because talking at the back of her boss and her other co-employees. It
will definitely affect her life and relationship with other people. With the teacher Anna being quite is
person as she will always be, people would see her, according to what she is posting online as a hateful
person, a person who talks about other people’s negativity, and a plastic person.

From the 3 scenarios above,

1. How does social media affects their life and their social relationships.
- Social media can affect the lives of many in many different aspects; it can be good or bad, it can be
helpful or it can pull you down to the ground. Social media and other things that our gadgets possess is
not harmful in its nature. What makes it destroy relationships, what makes it destroy lives depends on
Republic of the Philippines
College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy
Andrews Campus, Caritan, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

how a person uses it. The thing about addiction, bullying, and ranting unnecessary and important
information are ways of a toxic person that uses the social media. As they say, “social media can either
make you famous in a nice way, or make you famous by a fool’s way”.
2. Do you believe that your social media accounts reflect your true personality?
- For some it does, for others it doesn’t. I believe that our/my social medial does not reflect my true
personality. Sometimes I share happy things in the social media; memes, vines, pranks. But it does not
mean that I am a happy person, it doesn’t mean that I am a joker. Many people pretend to be someone
they are not in social media and I think personally that’s what makes the social media toxic to
everyone. What you post does not define who you are because sometimes we share things in the social
media because it’s the trend, it’s going to get more reactions and such. Social media is where
pretentious people (not all) are lurking.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy
Andrews Campus, Caritan, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Creative Work: In a bond paper, make a slogan or poster about becoming a responsible Internet user. Use coloring
materials to improve your output.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy
Andrews Campus, Caritan, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Research work: Search from journals/websites for the guidelines used in identifying FAKE NEWS.

Sources of News

A variety of sources for news exist, and the most widely used are listed below.
There are many types of radio broadcasters, including commercial and noncommercial, that deliver news
to listeners. It is common for local radio stations to exist as affiliates of larger broadcast networks.
The highest circulating print newspapers in the United States include USA Today, The Wall Street
Journal, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. Each newspaper's corresponding website has
varying levels of access. Many newspapers rely on content from The Associated Press and Reuters. There
is also a large number of local newspapers—more than 1,300 in the United States alone according to the
Newspaper Association of America. 
The largest broadcast US television news networks include NBC, CBS, ABC, and Fox. Local television
news channels carry national news programs as well as local news programs. The largest US cable
television news channels include C-SPAN, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Bloomberg Television, and Fox
Business Network.
Word of Mouth
News that you hear from others by word of mouth is also a source of news!
The Internet
Since its invention and widespread use, the Internet has rapidly become a major source for news. Many
news sites correspond to radio, newspaper, and television networks, but some news organizations, which
mostly focus on political news, only appear online such as Politico, RealClearPolitics, and The
Huffington Post.
Social Media
Social media is another source of news—users visit sites like Facebook and Twitter to follow and share
news. For mobile use, social media sites also develop and release apps for phones or other mobile devices
that users can download to access news.
What is Fake News?
Fake News is: information that cannot be verified, without sources, and possibly untrue.
Types of Fake News
While fake news can take many forms, there are several broad types.
Deliberate Misinformation
There is fake news written for profit and then shared on social media among targeted groups of people
who want to believe that it is true. The intention is for the fake news to spread without readers taking the
time to properly verify it. This type of fake news is untrue news.
False Headlines
A news headline may read one way or state something as fact, but then the body of the article says
something different. The Internet term for this type of misleading fake news is “clickbait”—headlines that
catch a reader’s attention to make them click on the fake news. This type of fake news is misleading at
best and untrue at worst.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy
Andrews Campus, Caritan, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Social Media Sharing

Social media’s ability to show a large number of news items in a short time means that users might not
take the time to research and verify each one. These sites often rely on shares, likes, or followers who
then turn news items into a popularity contest—and just because something is popular and widely-shared
does not mean it’s true.
Satire news or comedy news often begins with an aspect of truth then purposefully twists it to comment
on society. Satire news has the potential to be spread as though it is real news by those who do not
understand its humorous nature. An example of a well-known satire website is The Onion.

Evaluate and Verify: Questions to Ask Yourself

Media Literacy
The process and ability to be able to evaluate and separate fake news from real news is a part of media
literacy and, on a broader level, information literacy. There are strategies that you can use to become a
savvy judge of news especially online or when using social media. Below are three questions that you
should always ask yourself when evaluating a news story.
Question 1: Who is the creator?
The first question in figuring out if a something is fake news is by looking at the individual who created
it, or understanding the organization behind it. When assessing news, especially that which exists on the
Internet, it is important to review the following:

 Do you know the person behind the presentation of the material?

 Is there a byline or introduction, and are you aware of the person’s expertise?
 Is the author listed on the site, or is there an “about me” section?
 Does the organization have an “about us” link?
 What is the name of the organization creating or hosting the content?
 Look at the URL. Does it have a tilde ~ in it? This is frequently a personal site.
 Check for the ending of the website’s URL: .gov, .edu, .mil, and .org are more credible than
websites that end in .com, .net, and many others.
 Search the Internet for more information about the author.
 Search LinkedIn, a social media site for professionals.
 Search an online library catalog to see what books the author has written.
 Search online research databases to see what the author has written/published.
 Is this a firsthand account, or is this being seen through the eyes of an editor?
Republic of the Philippines
College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy
Andrews Campus, Caritan, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Question 2: What is the message?

The second question in determining if something is fake news is by looking at the message itself and
understanding what is being communicated. Review the following:

 What is the content of the message?

 Can I find this same news in multiple places?
 Do multiple places use different experts and sources in their reports?
 Is the website this news appears on updated regularly?
 What is the date of the story?
 Check the sources from the story and their expertise. Are they anonymous?
 Are sources in quotes? Quotes lend greater authenticity and credibility.
 Can you figure out if there is bias in the message? Is there a slant to the news?
 Is the news fact or is it more opinion?
 What viewpoint is being expressed and what is being left out?
 What is the format of the message? Look at visual elements and text elements.

Question 3: Why was this created?

The third question in determining if something is fake news is by looking at why the message was
created. Review the following:

 Can you tell what motivated the creation of this message?

 Was this message created for profit?
 Is this news actually an advertisement?
 Are the sources being paid?
 Is the author being paid?
 If the content lists itself as “sponsored content” that means an individual or organization is paying
to display the content.

It is always a good idea to verify information before you share it with others—in person or on social
media. Aside from the three questions above, an additional method that works is the CRAAP test—look
at the content for its currency—the timeliness of the information, relevance—the importance of the
information to your needs, authority—the source of the information, accuracy—the reliability and
truthfulness of the information, and purpose—the reason the information exists.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy
Andrews Campus, Caritan, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Task on: Learning to be a better student:

*Make a list of your top 10 tips/preferences/secrets for studying.

Studying is better and more effective during might time, preferably 9pm-3am.
Always study with a good food beside you. Only eat when you memorize a phrase. The
food is like a treat whenever you did something that enhances you knowledge.
Always put you off phone, or distance yourself as much as possible to anything that
might distract you.
Never study with an empty stomach, eat you meals.
Always buy foods or snacks that is good for the brain (dark chocolate, peanuts, etc.)
Organize you table, a cleaner more organize table will help you concentrate.
When you think your brain cannot take anymore information, stop and do something that
would make you feel relaxed. Play, watch, read fictions and many more.
Never procrastinate, always be ahead of the current lesson.
Always motivate yourself specially when the subject is hard.
Listen to calm music like bach, symphonies, etc..

Task on: Setting goals for success

Create a timeline indicating what you plan to accomplish.
I am to graduate at Cagayan State University with a Bachelor's deegre in Science Major in Legal Managemnet.
Afterwhich I will take my it's PHILSAT if still a requirement before heading to Law School. If not, I will seek to find a
2022 job suitable for my earned degree while studying Law to provide for my own Studies.

I will study hard to graduate in Law School while I'm working. without hindrance and a strong will to fight I will finish
my Juris Doctor at year 2026 without delay.

After Graduating from Law school, if there are sponsors that will aid me in my review i will seek review centers to
help me with my BAR Exam. Or if there's no sponsor, since review centers nowadays are pretty much expensive. I
2026-2027 will try my very best to self-review and pass the BAR Exam with flying colors in just one take.

I will employ myself to a well-known Law Firm and gather my experience there before opening my own Law and
Notarial Office.

I will marry my longtime sweetheart and make a family together.


I will open my own own Law and Notarial office after years of saving money and experience.

*Who are you or what would you become: in 5- 15 years

- 5 to 15 years from now I imagine myself building my talents and experience to become
the one of the best Lawyer that ever lived. After practicing and saving money for quite
some time I will be able to raise my own family and build myself my own house and own
Republic of the Philippines
College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy
Andrews Campus, Caritan, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Law firm. If God permits and my intelligence does not decline, I will ought to apply to
become a Judge and serve justice here in Region 2.

*What are your motivations for your envisioned self: in 5- 15 years

- I have a lot of motivations in my life. One of the reason is my family, my friends and
those who are special to me who believe in me and not to being greedy but yes the
income. What motivates me is the power of money to take you everywhere and anywhere
in the world. I am an adventurous person afterall I want to see many beautiful places
before I die.

*Outline your plans on how you will make your envisioned self into reality: in 5- 15 years
While studying and working at the same time I will do my best to focus and not do
anything stupid that might stumble me in my success.
After passing the BAR and becoming a Lawyer. I will be a Lawyer by example, I will not
let myself endulge in corruption.
Serve those who are oppressed and those who seeks justice.
Love my family in the future and be a loving Father to my wife and kids.
Earn money so that I can travel the world.

Task on: Taking charge of one’s health.

Create a relaxation plan. Construct a list of techniques you are willing to use. Make a list which
you can try at home and those that you can take with you when you are away from home.

Relaxation Plan


 Hiking
 Sunset sighting
 Paying sports
 Music therapy (listening to music)
 Reading Novels
 Exercise
 Eat
 Cook
 Watch movies


 Music Therapy (Listening to music)
 Reach out to friends or family
 Exercise
 Eat
 Massage
 Watch movies
 Long drives

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