Soal Kisi Uas Sman1

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Kisi – kisi soal UAS

1. Simple past tense vs. present perfect

2. Simple past
3. Simple past tense and adverb
4. Regular and irregular verb
5. Adverbial clauses and adverbial phrases
6. Simple past tense, past continuous, adverb of time
7. Past perfect
8. The inventor (page 9, Detik Detik Fani)
9. My experience (Bupena page 153)
10. The struggle of heroes (page 129 detik detik)
11. Famous people (Pasti bisa 117) kurang 3 soal
12. Indonesian Legend (komodo)
13. Folk tale (page 125 detik detik, pasti bisa 108) 6
14. Closed procedure (5)
15. Re-arranged (2)
Kevin Systrom is the co-founder of a social networking buzz ‘Instagram’. He was born to Diane
and Douglas Systrom in Holliston, Massachusetts, on 30th December 1983. When he was a kid,
he was much interested in video games and even developed different levels while playing a
game. He did a bachelor’s degree in management science and engineering, and embarked on
career which was to impact the social networking activities in an enormous way. He worked for
a tech-giant company and then shifted to a startup company called ‘Nextstop’. While working at
Nextstop, he and his associate Mike created an application called ‘Burbn’, but that turned out to
be too complicated and difficult to operate for users. Thus the duo created the latest social
networking sensation called ‘Instagram’.
(Adopted from: M, Bachtiar Bima, Susiningsih, Yuniarti Dwi Arini. 2017. Detik – Detik Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris
2016/2017. Klaten: Intan Pariwara.)

1. What does the text tell us about?

A. Instagram popularity.
B. Instagram history.
C. Biography of Kevin Systrom.
D. The change on Instagram.
E. The creator of Instagram.
2. The following are true about Kevin’s specialty, except …
A. Management science.
B. Engineering.
C. Social networking.
D. Economy.
E. Gaming.
3. The following statements are true about Kevin, except …
A. He played lots of games as a kid.
B. He worked in a huge tech-industry.
C. He was born on early 1980’s.
D. He graduated from software department.
E. He is the founder of Instagram.
4. ‘He worked for a tech-giant company and then shifted to a startup company called
‘Nextstop’.’ The word shifted has similar meaning with …
A. Changed.
B. Stayed.
C. Moved.
D. Altered.
E. Adjusted.
5. In the last sentence ‘the duo’ refers to …
A. Kevin Bacon and Kevin Systrom.
B. Kevin Systrom and Nextstop.
C. Mike and Burbn.
D. Nextstop and Burbn.
E. Kevin Systrom and Mike.
6. From the passage we can infer that Kevin …
A. created Instagram alone.
B. graduated from software department.
C. stayed working at tech-giant industry.
D. was really a gamer since kid.
E. had succeeded in creating Burbn.

Last week while cycling near a jungle, Rudi noticed a bright light through the trees. His stopped
his bicycle and walked into the jungle. He hid behind a tree and tried to see where the light came
from. It was the headlights of a white van. He saw three men got out of the van. One man opened
the back door while the other two walked into a hut nearby.
Rudi noticed some boxes in the back of the van. The man carried one box out. It looked heavy.
Rudi heard the man said something. Then the two men came out to drag them. Suddenly, one
box torn and its content spilled out. Rudi could not see what it was. So, he tried to get a closer
look. He saw a lot of thin square plastic pockets.
Rudi realized what the contents were. Suddenly, the men’s angry voices alerted him. He quickly
went back to his bicycle and cycled as fast as possible to the nearest police station.
(Adopted from: K.D, Sari. 2014. Bupena for SMA/MA Grade X. Jakarta: Erlangga.)

7. What was Rudi doing near the jungle?

A. He was cycling.
B. He was sitting in a van.
C. He followed a white van.
D. He was carrying some boxes.
E. He had appointment with some men.
8. What caught Rudi’s eyes through the trees?
A. A big box.
B. The men.
C. A white van.
D. A bright light.
E. The sound of anger.
9. How many men where there in the van?
A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Four.
D. Five.
E. Six.
10. Why do you thing the men were talking angrily?
A. They had torn one of the boxes.
B. They still had many boxes to carry.
C. They had to carry such heavy boxes.
D. They did not know what was in the boxes.
E. The other man did not want to help them.
11. Why do you think Rudi is a curious boy?
A. He stopped to investigate the bright light.
B. He guessed what was in the boxes.
C. He knew the content of the box.
D. He liked to hide behind trees.
E. He went to the jungle alone.
12. Why do you think Rudi went to the police station?
A. Because the men were dangerous thieves.
B. Because Rudi was scared of the angry men.
C. Because the men had guns with them.
D. Because the men brought suspicious things in the boxes.
E. Because his bicycle was hit by the white van.
Padri War was the longest war that lasted between 1803 and 1838, involving fellow people of
Minang and Mandailing or Batak. Initially the war can be said to be a civil war in Sumatra,
between the Padri and local chieftains of Pagaruyung.
Padri war initially involved the Padri led by Loard Pasaman, who then attacked the local
chieftains led by Sultan Arifin Muningsyah. Being hard-pressed and forced to flee from his
authority, Sultan Arifin Muningsyah asked for the help of the Netherlands. Officially, the
Netherlands helped the local chieftains to fight against the Padri through an agreement signed in
1821. The agreement stated that the Netherlands would get the mastery of the region in the
interior of the Minangkabau.
Although the Netherlands intervened in the Padri war, they had difficulties in resisting the Padri
which was led by Tuanku Imam Bonjol. They then invited Tuanku Imam Bonjol for an
agreement in 1824. However the agreement did not last long.
In 1833, Padri war had a new chapter, the local chieftains decided to unite with the Padri and
fight against the Netherlands. The Netherlands sieged and assailed the Padri fortress for about six
months. After a long besiege, the fortress of Bonjol could be controlled by the Netherlands on
16th August 1837.
To capture Tuanku Imam Bonjol as the leader of Padri, the Netherlands pretended to invite him
for a negotiation at Palupuh in October, 1837. During the negotiation, Tuanku Imam Bonjol was
captured and then exiled to Cianjur, West Java. From Cianjur, he then was brought to Ambon
until then moved into the Minahasa, Lotak, near Manado. Since then, the Padri war ended.
(Adopted from: M, Bachtiar Bima, Susiningsih, Yuniarti Dwi Arini. 2017. Detik – Detik Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris
2016/2017. Klaten: Intan Pariwara.)

13. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

A. Who let the Padri war.
B. How the Padri war began.
C. How the Netherlands helped local chieftains.
D. Why the Netherlands helped Sultan Arifin Muningsyah.
E. Where the Netherlands occupied the regions in Minangkabau.
14. What can we learn from the new chapter of Padri war?
A. Good war strategies will lead to freedom.
B. Negotiations are effective ways for victory.
C. Unity is very important to fight against colonials.
D. Modern weapons are needed to attack enemies.
E. Defeating enemies means defeating their leaders.
15. ‘The Netherlands sieged and assailed the Padri fortress for about six months.’ (Paragraph
4). The underlined word is closest in meaning to …
A. Broke.
B. Blocked.
C. Defeated.
D. Attacked.
E. Destroyed.
16. How long did the Padri war last?
A. 38 years.
B. 35 years.
C. 30 years.
D. 25 years.
E. 18 years.
17. What can we infer about the Netherlands in Padri War?
A. Lord Pasaman sided with them.
B. The local chieftains hated them.
C. Sultan Arifin flee from them.
D. They helped the local chieftains out of pity.
E. The get portion of Minangkabau land.
18. From the text we know that …
A. Padri war involved Mandailing and Batak.
B. The Padri was led by Sultan Arifin Muningsyah.
C. The agreement between Netherlands and Imam Bonjol lasted long.
D. The Padri fortress was sieged about sixteen months.
E. Tuanku Imam Bonjol was exiled to three different cities.
19. I … English since I was ten years old. (continue to learn it).
A. learns.
B. learned.
C. had learned.
D. have learn.
E. have learned.
20. Budi … late because he had had an accident on the way to school.
A. coming.
B. came.
C. had come.
D. had came.
E. had coming.
21. Shinta has been preparing for the national exam …
A. for last year.
B. since one year.
C. since a year ago.
D. last year.
E. for a year ago.
22. Joko Widodo … the president of Indonesia in 2014.
A. to become.
B. became.
C. becomed.
D. becomes.
E. becoming.
23. Simplify this sentence: When Jamal turned 21, he worked in a store.
A. While Jamal was 21, he worked in a store.
B. Turning 21, he worked in a store.
C. Turning 21, Jamal worked in a store.
D. He worked in a store when he turned 21.
E. By the time Jamal turned 21, he worked.
24. When dad was working too hard, mom … his favorite dinner.
A. make.
B. was make.
C. made.
D. was made.
E. making.
25. When she opened the washing machine, she realized she … the cat.
A. washed.
B. has washed.
C. had washed.
D. wash.
E. washes.
Ho Kwan of Kuang Nan was a kindhearted man and never killed any living beings. He had a jar
containing one thousand pieces of silver which he kept in a casket. White ants, of which there
were so many in his district, invaded the casket and ate part of the silver. When his family found
out what had happened, they traced the ants to a hollow cave where millions of them were living.
They thought if they put all of these ants in a crucible perhaps, they could recover a part of the
lost silver. Ho objected to the scheme, saying, “I cannot bear to see all these many creatures
killed on account of a small sum of silver.” So they let the matter drop.
That night he dreamed that he met a king in a palace. The king thanked him because he saved the
king’s people. Then, the king informed that near residence was buried a jar full of silver. Ho just
needed to dig that out and kept it for himself. Ho and his descendants would reap what he had
When he woke up, he found out that his dream to be the work of the ants. Then, he dug the place
as told by the king and recovered a jar buried therein these many years. His son became an
eminent scholar.
(M., Bima Bachtiar dan Cicik Kurniawati. 2016. Bahasa Inggris Mata Pelajaran Wajib SMA/MA Kelas X Semester 2. Klaten:
Intan Pariwara.)

26. What is the text written for?

A. To describe the readers how Ho treated others living beings.
B. To give explanation how Ho’s son became an eminent.
C. To amuse the readers a story about Ho Kwan of Kuang Nan.
D. To tell the readers that there was an kindhearted man.
E. To inform that there were so many white ants in the past.
27. Who is the main character of the story?
A. A king.
B. An ant.
C. White ants.
D. A kindhearted man.
E. Small creatures.
28. Ho objected to the scheme, saying, “I cannot bear to see all these many creatures killed
on account of a small sum of silver.”
The word ‘these’ refers to …
A. Ho Kwan of Kuang Nan.
B. White ants.
C. His family.
D. The king.
E. His son.
29. From the text, we can conclude that…
A. Ho’s descendants became poor.
B. Ho’s family killed the white ants.
C. Ho received silver from the king.
D. Ho trapped the white ants that ate his silver.
E. The king in Ho’s dream was the king of the white ants.
30. What can we learn from the story?
A. We should be confident.
B. We should be kind to other.
C. We should protect our properties.
D. We should follow a leader’s instructions.
E. We should work hard to achieve success.
31. His son became an eminent scholar. (Paragraph 3)
The word eminent can be replaced by….
A. Obtuse.
B. Modest.
C. Ordinary.
D. Destitute.
E. Well-known.
A Legend of Komodo Island
Once upon a time, on Komodo lsland, there lived a princess called Putri Naga. Some
called her the Dragon Princess. Putri Naga and her husband, Najo, had two children, a pair of
twins. Putri Naga's children were special. The first was a boy, and she named him Si Gerong.
However, Si Gerong's twin was not a human child, but a dragon. Putri Naga named her Orah. To
keep her dragon daughter safe, Putri Naga took her away. So Orah grew up in the forest, far
away from her brother.
One day, many years later, Si Gerong was hunting in the forests. He was a good hunter,
and soon he had killed a deer with his spear. He was about to pick the deer up when a huge
dragon came out of the trees and started to eat it. Si Gerong was surprised, but he didn't back
away. He lifted his spear to fight the dragon. Suddenly, a spirit came out of the forest and held
him back. lt was the spirit of his mother, Putri Naga, who had died many years before. "Stop, Si
Gerong..." she said. "Do not kill the dragon. That is your sister. Her name is Orah..." Putri Naga
told si Gerong and Orah that they should live on the island together in peace.
That is why, from that day, the people of Komodo Island have always protected these
huge dragons. It is also said that no dragon on Komodo Island has ever killed a person living on
the island.
32. Who was Najo?
A. Putri Naga’s dragon.
B. Putri Naga’s son.
C. Putri Naga’s husband.
D. Putri Naga’s brother.
E. Putri Naga’s father .
33. ‘He was a good hunter, and soon he had killed a deer with his spear.’ What is spear
usually used for?
A. Hunting and fighting.
B. Cooking food.
C. Making music.
D. Defeating against enemies.
E. Catching a dragon.
34. Why did Putri Naga need to take her daughter away?
A. The people on Komodo Island would kill the child.
B. Si Gerong didn’t like his sister.
C. She thought her daughter would kill Si Gerong.
D. Her husband asked Putri Naga to do so.
E. Putri Naga was ashamed to have a dragon daughter.
35. What was Si Gerong doing in the forest?
A. Looking for Orah.
B. Hunting deer.
C. Talking to his mother.
D. Feeding dragons.
E. Killing dragons.
36. What is the purpose of this folktale?
A. It teaches brothers and sisters not to fight.
B. It teaches children to live in peace with the dragons.
C. It teaches children how to hunt in the forest.
D. It teaches children how to fight a dragon.
E. It teaches children to love a dragon.
37. Which one of the following statement is true based on the text?
A. Orah was not Najo’s daughter.
B. Si Gerong and Orah were identical twins.
C. Orah grew up together with si Gerong.
D. Si Gerong went to the forest to hunt dragons.
E. The spirit of Putri Naga cared about her kids.
Edward Christopher "Ed" Sheeran (born 17 February 1991) is a singer songwriter currently
signed under Atlantic (WMG). Sheeran was born in Halifax, West Yorkshire before moving to
Framlingham, Suffolk. In his time in Suffolk, he was known to have flourished as a hidden talent
when it came to music. He learned guitar at a very young age and began writing songs during his
time at Thomas Mills High School in Framlingham. By the time Sheeran had left school, he was
already certain that music was going to play a major part in his life, and therefore studied at
Access to Music in Norwich before moving to London which improved his chances of getting
Sheeran began recording in 2005, which lead to the release of his first EP, The Orange Room EP.
Sheeran also released two albums, a self-titled one in 2006 and Want Some? in 2007 gaining
little attention. After Sheeran moved to London and had done extensive gigging, performing
songs from his EP and albums, as well as ones which he had recently written, he decided to
release another EP, You Need Me in late 2009. However, it wasn't until February 2010 that
Sheeran began to get noticed after he posted a video through displaying his diverse style.
This video led to mainstream rapper Example asking Sheeran to tour with him. Throughout
2010, Sheeran began to be seen by more and more people over the internet through Youtube and
his fan-base grew incredibly, with him also getting credit from The Independent newspaper,
England football captain Rio Ferdinand and even Elton John.

38. Ed Sheeran began composing his songs when …

A. He was at very young age.
B. He was at elementary school.
C. He was at high school.
D. He was at college.
E. He moved to London.
39. Ed Sheeran began recording when he was at …
A. 17 years old.
B. 27 years old.
C. 14 years old.
D. 24 years old.
E. 10 years old.
40. “He was known to have flourished as a hidden talent when it came to music”
The word “flourished” has similar meaning to …
A. Well-known.
B. Thrive.
C. Favored.
D. Desirable.
E. Talented.
41. Ed Sheeran decided to study at Access to Music in Norwich because …
A. His parents asked him to.
B. He planned to have a career in music industry.
C. He wanted to live in London.
D. He wanted to have a scholar there.
E. He could not think about anything but music.
42. These following statements are true about Ed Sheeran, except …
A. This year Ed Sheeran is 27 years old.
B. Ed Sheeran released Want Some? When he was at 16.
C. Ed Sheeran started to compose his songs at Thomas Mills High School.
D. Ed Sheeran began to get known after he uploaded video on Youtube.
E. Ed Sheeran has many fans around the world.
43. Who asked Ed Sheeran to have a music tour together …
A. Rio Ferdinand
B. Elton John
C. Atlantic Records
D. Example
44. Arrange the jumbled words into an orderly sentence.
driver – a – working – he – business – has – although – Go-Jek – as – is – degree – a – he
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
A. 7-4-6-5-11-13-1-3-2-9-8-10-12
B. 7-4-6-5-11-13-10-3-9-12-8-1-2
C. 7-13-10-3-9-2-8-1-4-6-12-5-6
D. 7-13-10-3-9-2-8-4-1-6-12-5-6
E. 7-13-6-5-11-10-3-9-12-4-8-1-2
45. Arrange the sentences below to form a good paragraph.
1) He is known as Jackie Chan outside Asia.
2) At the age of seven, Chan enrolled in the Chinese Opera Research Institute, a training
center for the form of musical theatre known as Peking Opera.
3) Born Chan Kwong Sang in Hongkong, His Chinese screen name is Sing Lung, which
translates as “becoming the dragon”.
4) Jackie Chan, born in 1954, Chinese actor and director of action motion pictures, whose
death-defying stunt work, comic manner, and elaborately choreographed fight sequences
have won him an enthusiastic worldwide following.
5) For ten years, Chan studied dance, martial arts, music, and acrobatics in an atmosphere
of extreme discipline, acquiring skills that he would later adapt for his performances in
(Adopted from : Sarwoko, 2015. SPM Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Airlangga)

A. 3-1-4-5-2
B. 3-1-4-2-5
C. 4-1-3-2-5
D. 4-3-1-2-5
E. 4-3-1-5-2
Once upon a time there were two brothers, Nolbu and Heungbu. Nolbu was rich but greedy.
Heungbu was poor but (46) …… One day, Heungbu found a sparrow with a broken leg. He
helped the bird and brought it home. The bird got better and (47) …… Later, the sparrow
brought three gourd seeds to Heungbu. The gourd became so big. When Heungbu cut it open, a
lot of gold coins came out. Then, he became rich. Nolbu heard the story and also wanted to have
(48) …… He found a sparrow and hit it. The poor bird ran (49) …… and later brought three
gourd seeds. The seeds grew and Nolbu cut them open. Suddenly, the giants came out. Nolbu
was afraid and learned lesson that he (50) …… be greedy.
(Adopted from: M, Bachtiar Bima, Susiningsih, Yuniarti Dwi Arini. 2017. Detik – Detik Ujian Nasional Bahasa
Inggris 2016/2017. Klaten: Intan Pariwara.)

A. kind
B. brave
C. honest
D. self-confident
E. independent
A. fly
B. flies
C. flew
D. flown
E. flying

A. Them
B. Their
C. It
D. Theirs
E. This
A. after
B. away
C. fastly
D. closer
E. higher

A. might
B. ought to
C. cannot
D. will not
E. should not

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