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Statement of Financial Position December 31, Year 2 and Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 ASSET ] Patents 140,000 | Accumulated depreciation (20.000) 130,000 | Plant and equipment 2,650,000 1,950,000 Accumulated depreciation (600,000) 2,050,000 __(510,000) | 1,440,000 Other assets 200,000 175,000 | Accumulated depreciation (30,000) |__170,000 (25,000) |_150,000 Total Non Current Asset 2,350,000 | 4,590,000 Account receivable, net | 860,000 550,000 Inventories 790,000. Prepaid expenses _ 4 = a + Cash I+ $500,000 '$ 640,000 Total Current Asset | 2,320,000 TOTAL ASSETS 4,670,000 3,570,000 LIABILITIES & EQUITY | Common stock $1 par I 2,000,000 © | 1,800,000 Retained earnings | 248,000 197,000 ‘Total Equity I _2248,000 [1,997,000 Long term debt 1,650,000 850,000 Account payable 630,000 | 600,000 Deferred income tax 57,000 45,000 Dipindai dengan CamScanner lish (United States) Jawab: DAX CORPORATION Statement of Cash Flow For the Year Ended December 31, Year2 Cash provided from (used for) operations Net Income $160,000 Add (deduct) items to convert to cash basis: Amortization 10,000 Depreciation 95,000 Increase in accounts payable 30,200 Increase in deferred income tax 12,800 Increase in other current liabilities 7,000 Increase in accounts receivable (310,000) Increase in inventories (145,000) Increase in prepaid expenses (25,000) Net cash used for operations (166,000) Cash provided from (used for) investing activities Purchase af natents (140,000) Dipindai dengan CamScanner WANNER Le nM ee ‘Add (deduct) items to convert to cash basis ‘Amortization 10,000 Depreciation 95.000 Inereazo In accounts payable 30,000 Increase in deferred Income tax 12.000 Increase in other current labllitios 7,090 Inereaco In accounts receivable (310.000) Inervase In Inventories (145.000) Inervaca In propald expe Not cath usod for operations (166,000) Cath provided from (ured for) Inv tng actu Purchase of patents (140,000) Aaition te plant and equipment (790,000) Addition to other sasets 25.000) Net cash used for Investing activittes (865.000) ash provided from (used for) financing activities Addition to long-term debt Issuance of commen stock Dividends paid Net cash provided from financing activies Net decrease in eash Cashat the Begining ofthe Year Cach atthe End of the Vear 800,000, Dengan anus kackeluar untukoperas! $166,000, dan (nusetadl berar yang dilaiadcan sata Dipindai dengan CamScanner o “ * . - os 3. Equipment terittal dengan harga$11.000 dengan harga peroleban $30.000 dan suudah terdepresiasi 70% pada tahun 2 iminta: Buatlah statement of cash flows tahun 2 menggunakan direct methid, JAWABAN JESS INC. Statement of Cash Flows For the Year Ended December 31, Year 2 Cash flows from operating activities _ | Cash received from customers | 325.150" Less: Cash paid to suppliers 151,000 Cash paid for operating expenses 82,000" Cash paid for interest 11,400 Cash paid for income taxes 8750¢) (253.150) Net cash provided by operating activities 72,000 Cash flows from investing activities | Sale of equipment 11,000 Purchase of equipment (54.000) Purchase of other assets 7.000) __Net cash used by investing activities (60,000) Cash flows from financing activities | Issuance of common stock 20.000 Payment on long-term loan (29.000) Dividend payments (6.000) __Net cash used by financing activities ___15.000), Net decrease in cash | (3.000) ma Dipindai dengan CamScanner “*gain on sale of equipment dimasukkan ke dalam Statement of Cash Flow dengan metode indirect. Perhitungan untuk aktivitas eperasi metode direct: ‘Renerimaay kas dari pelangean (cash received from customer): = sales +1 account receivable Rengeluaran kas untuk pemasok (cash payment to supplier): = COGS + T inventory + | account payable Pengeluaran kas untuk bshau operaai (cash payment for operating expenses) lar mininatinnet 4 tiatenn ll Dipindai dengan CamScanner needa mnnnced fanlsin damm ee States) Pengeluaran kas untuk pemasok (cash payment to supplier): =COGS+ T inventory + ! account payable Pengeluaran kas untuk beban onsrasi (cash payment for operating expenses) = beban onerasi (selain denresiasi dan amortisasi) + 1 beban dibavar dimuka + ! beban yang masih harus dibavar Pengeluaran kas untuk beban paiak (cash payment for income taxes) = beban palak+ | utang pala Notes: a) Sales Increase in accounts receivable Cash received from customers b) Cost of goods sold Increase in accounts payable Decrease in inventories Cash paid to suppliers ©) Selling and administration expenses Increase in prepaid rent 338,150 43.000) 325,150 175,000 | (4.000) (29.000) 151,0004, 85.000 1,000 Dipindai dengan CamScanner ees I alt tara Meise teats be is tain ia Radome atin es Sn PS ee aes Oe ee Dlmlata: ushah statement of cash ows tabua ? mansuusakaa dreet methed. JAWABAN Hl JESSIINC. Statement of Cash Flows For the Year Ended December 31, Year Cash flows from operating activities | Cash received from customers 325.150" Loss: Cash patd to suppliers Cash pald for operating expenses: Cash paid for interest Cash patd for Income taxes y G30) Net cash provided by operating activities | 2,000 Cash flows fram Investing activities Sale of equipment 11.000 Purchase of equlpment (54.000) Purchase of other assets 7.000 Net cash used by investing activities (60,000) Cash flows from fnancing activitl | Issuance of common stock 20.000 Paymenton tong-term loan (29.000) Dividend payments {6.0001 Net cash used by financing activities ___ 15.909) | Net decrease in cash (3.000) Cash, January 1, Year 2 9.000 Cash, December 31, Year 2 6.000 oO Dipindai dengan CamScanner Benzaluaran. kas untuk bebas paials (eash payment for income taxes) = beban malak + | utang palak Notes: a) Sales 338.150 Increase in accounts recelvable (13,900) Cash received from customers 325.150 b) Costof gaods sold 175,000 Increase in accounts payable (4.000) Decrease in inventories oa Cash pald to suppllers 151,000 eI *) Selling and administration expenses 85,000 Increase In prepald expense 1.000 Increase in wages payable 4.0001 Cash paid for operating expenses 82,000 d) Income taxexpense 6.750 Decrease in income taxes payable 2000 Cash pald for Income taxes 8750 Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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