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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan for Grade 8 English
Afro-Asian Literature and English Grammar

I. Chapter Test

II. Learning Competencies (K to 12 Grade 8 English)

Literacy Domain: Reading Comprehension
Content Standard: EN8RC-Ie-7: Use the appropriate reading style (scanning,
skimming, speed reading, intensive reading, etc.) for one’s purpose

K to 12 Teaching Guide
K to 12 Learning Package

III. Learning Objectives

At the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. enumerate the Afro-Asian countries;
2. answer questions about the literary texts read and interpreted;
3. identify the proper stress in the words given;
4. arrange words in their degree of category through a cline;
5. pinpoint notable Chinese contributions to literature;
6. use appropriate conjunctions to complete the thoughts of each sentence;
7. determine the transitional markers used in each sentence;
8. construct sentences using transitional markers and conjunctions; and
9. participate honestly in the conduct of the quiz.

IV. Learning Materials

Technology Integration
A. Equipment
1. Laptop
2. Smart TV

B. Software/Application/Website
1. PowerPoint Presentation

VI. Evaluation
The teacher will flash activities on the screen and the students will take the quiz
individually with virtues of honesty and modesty.

VII. Assignment
Read the folktale “The Story of Aged Mother.”

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