Spring Home & Garden (2021)

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A6 Thursday, April 22, 2021 Livingston County News

Home & Garden

5 low-maintenance lawn alternatives
A traditional lawn may not
be right for every property
nor desired by every home-
How to address moss in the lawn
owner. There is no denying Lawn care can be a labor of love. Maintaining a pristine lawn is no small task, but it’s one that many
that lawns take time and homeowners proudly take on, knowing that all the hard work and time spent outside on sunny summer
afternoons is well worth the sweat equity.
effort to establish and daily After putting in so much effort to create a lush, green lawn, it’s understandable if homeowners react
or weekly maintenance to with disbelief when something threatens the health of their turf. Moss is one such threat. Recognizing
thrive. Homeowners who the threat moss poses is the first step to corralling it before it overtakes a lawn.
find that a traditional lawn
is not practical can explore EXPLAINING MOSS
Moss can be especially menacing because its green appearance allows it to blend in with grass
some low-maintenance rather easily. As moss spreads, it becomes more noticeable. According to the turf care experts at
alternatives. Scotts, moss is a plant with shallow roots that spreads by spores and root-like structures called rhi-
zoids. Moss is opportunistic, and it will grow where turfgrass is thin and weak. However, moss does
WILDFLOWER MEADOW not kill the grass. Rather, the conditions that promote the growth of moss can kill the grass. Such
Homeowners with wide conditions may include compacted soil or excessive thatch, acidic or infertile soil, excessive shade,
swaths of property may dis- and insufficient or excessive watering.
cover meadows are cost- and HOW CAN MOSS BE CONTROLLED?
Metro Creative Connection
time-efficient. Stores sell Penn State Extension notes that the first step to controlling moss is to test the soil. Soil test kits Homeowners who find that a traditional lawn is not practical
special wildflower meadow are inexpensive and available at most home renovation stores. Test results will reveal if the soil is can explore some low-maintenance alternatives.
mixes of seeds or home- lacking nutrients or if lime needs to be applied and when to apply it. Such a report also will indicate
owners can use wildflower when to fertilize the lawn, which can help restore the turfgrass so it’s more capable of competing with take over quite rapidly. You pavers and can be just as
plug plants throughout areas the moss. will need to protect areas beautiful.
where grasses are left to If the underlying cause of moss is shade and/or moisture in the yard, homeowners can speak with where you do not want moss
landscaping professionals to discuss their options. Replacing existing turf with one that is well-suited by creating barriers to stop ARTIFICIAL TURF
grow longer. This natural to shade and/or moisture may prevent mold from overtaking the lawn in the future. Penn State Exten- spread. If the desired look is a
area can be a home to wild- sion notes that some turfgrasses may be best-adapted to shaded, well-drained soils, while others may lawn without all the upkeep,
life and an idyllic backdrop be more likely to thrive in shaded, moist soils. A local landscaping professional can help homeowners GRAVEL
to a home. Most meadows there are various artificial
find a turf that will not only thrive in the conditions in their yards, but also in their local climates.
only require a spring or Moss can quickly take advantage of conditions that make it difficult for turfgrass to grow. Homeown- Stone and gravel areas grass options on the mar-
summer and autumn cut to ers who recognize that moss is overtaking their lawn can address it in various ways. can reduce maintenance in ket. Homeowners who opt
thrive and look good. the landscape and require for artificial turf can save
– Metro Creative very little upkeep. When money and space devoted
ORNAMENTAL GRASSES gravel is installed correctly, to lawn mowers and other
Partition areas of the prop- won’t need much fertilizer not ideal for areas that get Moss is velvety soft and weeds may not grow read- lawn tools.
erty for ornamental grass- foot traffic. ily. Gravel installation may Grass may be ideal for
and are often resistant to green, so it can mimic the
es to grow. The gardening include laying heavy-duty, some, but there are alterna-
resource Elemental Green pests as well. Ornamental MOSS look of a traditional lawn semi-permeable landscape tives for people who have
says ornamental grasses grasses grow in tufts or Moss can thrive in shady but won’t require mowing fabric, which is available troublesome landscapes or
tend to be drought-resistant sprays and will not require areas and ones where the and other upkeep. Because in home improvement cen- desire a low-maintenance
and low-maintenance. They mowing. However, they are soil tends to stay a bit damp. it spreads quickly, moss can ters. Gravel is cheaper than product for their homes.

Follow Livingston County News: TheLCN.com

Techniques to revitalize a lawn after a long winter
METRO CREATIVE the grass and cause some of
Pristine, snow-covered it to die off. De-thatching
landscapes can be wonders helps to remove dead grass
to behold. While that blanket blades and separate any
of white is idyllic, a lawn’s matting. This enables water, 84 Avon-Geneseo Rd. Geneseo, NY 14454
delicate blades may be pay- nutrients and air to reach the Cell: 585-704-2246
ing a hefty price beneath the lawn’s roots more effective-
Office: 585-243-2643
cold, heavy piles of snow. ly. Thinning out old organic
Snow plows push salt and matter also helps encourage
Fax: 585-243-1838
Marcea Tetamore
sand up on the grass while new growth. www.abcolerealestate.com
Licensed Associate Broker
subterranean animals such n Aerate the soil. Cou- 585-704-2246
as mice and moles dig bur- pled with dethatching, aera-
rows beneath piles of snow tion involves loosening the
as they try to find food and soil or poking holes to allow
stay warm. nutrients to move freely to
Such conditions are not the roots.
favorable for thriving land- n Kill weeds before they
scapes. When the spring spread. Weeds may be the
thaw arrives, lawns may be first to start growing when
in dire need of some TLC. 84 Avon-Geneseo Rd. Geneseo, NY 14454
the weather begins to warm.
The following techniques Address them promptly by Cell: 585-747-2108
can mitigate winter-related manually pulling them or Office: 585-243-2643
lawn damage: applying an herbicide. Fax: 585-243-1838 Marie Beikirch
n Clear out debris. n Overseed the lawn. marie@abcolerealestate.com Lic. R.E. Salesperson
www.abcolerealestate.com 585-747-2108
Remove any scattered Chances are there are some
leaves, branches and other bare spots that have formed
debris that has been strewn over the winter. Overseed-
across the property due to ing can help to fill in the
storms or snow-laden trees. lawn. Make sure that frosts
This will give you a clean are largely a thing of the
canvas to work on. past and soil temperature is
n Dry out snow mold. around 50 F to 60 F before
The Family Handyman says seeding. Water daily until 84 Avon-Geneseo Rd. Geneseo, NY 14454
snow mold is a cold-season grass fills in. METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION Cell: 585-746-6330
fungus that causes gray- n Apply nutrients. Office: 585-243-2643
colored circles or patches Remove any debris from the lawn after snow thaws to see
Fertilizer and compost can Fax: 585-243-1838
on the lawn where there restore nutrients to the lawn
what you’re working with.
rbook@rochester.rr.com Renee Book
has been snow. To alleviate that may have been used up www.reneebook.com Associate Broker, ABR, SFR
snow mold, rake the lawn over winter. A soil test at a for healthy living, beauty, sistent sunshine and warm www.abcolerealestate.com 585-746-6330
to loosen matted grass and nearby horticultural center cleaning, and gardening. weather.
facilitate the drying-out pro- can tell you which nutrients Lawns can be restored to
cess. are needed, according to the their pre-winter glory after
n De-thatch the lawn. Chemistry Cachet, a guide some sweat equity and about
Heavy snow can compress to using chemistry secrets five to six weeks of con-

Call 811 before you dig

Contractors and homeown- ground utility markings. nUse and properly install suit-
ers are reminded by local utility nHand dig in the area of under- able backfill material around
companies to have underground
ground facilities. underground facilities.
utilities marked before digging – to
protect themselves and others from
injury and to prevent damage to
underground utility lines. Contact
Dig Safely New York by calling
811 at least two and not more than
10 full working days before the
start of any excavation project. Fol-
low these tips for a safer project:
nPlan to have underground util-
ities marked as part of all under-
ground construction.
nMark the area of construction.
nCall Dig Safely New York,
a free service at 811 or 1 (800)
nProvide adequate training and
supervision on a jobsite to assure
good construction practices are fol-
nProperly maintain all under-

Livingston County News Thursday, April 22, 2021 A7

Home & Garden

Activities to mark Earth Day in Livingston County
BY BEN BEAGLE move to Vitale Park in the debris with permission from will lead two sessions, which
ben@livingstonnews.com afternoon. The Nunda Rotary local, county or state entities. each featured three activities:
Club will work in the south n Recycle cardboard, plas- planting three 8-foot tall trees
Earth Day arrives April tics, glass and aluminum.
area of Letchworth State Park. at the park, providing partici-
22, but clean-ups and other Anyone wishing to join n Safely include, with
special events are planned pants with a plant your own
the Rotary Clubs efforts proper distancing, kids, teens vegetable garden in a take-
through the weekend and may contact Gary Anderson and others in Earth Day-relat-
beyond across Livingston home garden tray, and provid-
at gwa1948@aol.com or by ed activities. ing a free sapling or ornamen-
County. calling (571) 212-0483. n Educate family, friends
The Rotary Clubs of Liv- tal bush with live planting
The Little Lakes Commu- and neighbors on the impor-
ingston County will partici- tance of recycling and main- demonstrations from Master
nity Association will present
pate in the Rotary Great Lakes a free tree-planting work- taining a healthy environ- Gardener Julie Brocklehurst-
Watershed Cleanup, a joint shop from 11 a.m. to noon ment. Woods of Geneseo.
initiative between Canadiana on the grounds of the Little Residents are encouraged Eric Randall of the Mas-
nd American Rotary clubs Lake Community Center, to send in a photo of their ter Forest Owner Program
bordering the Great Lakes. 4705 South Main St., Hem- cleanup activities by post- of Cornell University led a
Rotary District 7120, which lock, with Livingston County ing to Livingston County’s walking tour of the trees at
includes clubs in Livingston Soil and Water Conserva- Facebook and Twitter pages Long Point Park. Megan Har-
County, will clean up pub- tion District Director Robert and tagging the county using ris of the Finger Lakes Insti-
lic access areas in the Lake Stryker. Sign up is requested #cleanuplivco. tute shared information about
Ontario watershed, including in advance as the workshop The Little Lakes Commu- aquatic invasive species at
to Genesee River and Fin- is limited to 20 participants. County Soil and Water Con- environmental health of Liv- nity Association and Geneseo Conesus Lake.
ger Lakes. The work will be Sign-up information is avail- servation District as a way ingston County, officials said Boy Scouts got a head start on “Conservation work and
done in conjunction with the able on the LLCA website, to celebrate Earth Day and in a news release. Earth Day celebrations, with outdoor experiences have
Conesus Lake Association’s www.littlelakesny.org. Arbor Day (which is April The county encourages res- special events on April 17. been part of Scouting from
annual lake cleanup. The Association will also 30). idents to recognize Earth Day The Association was part of
The Avon and Caledonia Livingston County offi- by conducting earth-friendly the beginning,” says Troop
have free trees available for the fifth annual “Take Pride 4070 Scoutmaster and Eagle
Rotary clubs will work on pickup for those who have cials, who in recent years activities at home between in Hemlock Day,” a commu-
the Genesee Boat Launch in have coordinated community April 22 and 26. Those activi- Scout Bryan French. “Every-
placed orders in advance. nity clean-up with supplies
Avon on the morning of April Orders for deciduous or ever- clean-up events, are encour- ties may include: and safety equipment provid- one knows about global
24, then move to Vitale Park green trees, shrubs and ground aging a “socially distant or n Cleanup leaves, sticks, ed by the state Department of warming, the damage from
in Lakeville in the afternoon covers are due by April 22 at individual” community clean- and brush. Transportation. the Emerald Ash Borer, and
to work on the park and the www.littlelakesny.org. Pick- up for 2021 without large n Prepare gardens for Boy Scouts of America the importance of trees to our
Conesus Creek outlet to the up will be available from 10 gatherings of people due to spring plantings. Troop 4070 of Geneseo led a planet. Our Scouts are giv-
lake. The Geneseo Rotary a.m. to 2 p.m. April 24. the COVID-19 pandemic. n Plant trees, bushes and Community Planting and Gar- ing our community a chance
Club will work at Long Point The LLCA is offering the County residents cans till flowers. dening Event at Long Point to do something about these
Park in the morning and then trees from the Livingston work together to advance the n Collect nearby roadside Park in Geneseo. The Scouts issues.”

Livingston and Genesee counties slated for septic funds

ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION: Money will help pay for septic system replacements
By BRENDAN MCDONOUGH tem owners in certain parts of be reached at (585) 344-2580, n Bowen Brook and tributar-
and BRIAN QUINN the county get their systems Ext. 5496 or by email at thom- ies;
news@livingstonnews.com replaced. as.sacco@co.genesee.ny.us. n Bigelow Creek and tribu-
“There is a form that indi- “If they are approved for the taries;
GENESEO — A total of
viduals would have to fill out program, an award approval let- n Oatka Creek, middle and
$225,000 in grant money will
to apply for the program. Inter- ter would be sent to the indi- minor tributaries.
be available to help repair septic
ested individuals can contact vidual,” Goodrich-Kresse said. “The State DEC came up
systems in Livingston and Gen-
any sanitarian in public health “Once the system is installed, with the criteria as to what bod-
esee counties. to see if they would qualify there is a reimbursement ies of water were targeted for
Livingston County is slated for the program,” said Orleans request form they would need the funding,” Goodrich-Kresse
to receive $75,000, while Gene- County Public Health Educa- said. “This program is not for
see County was awarded about to complete to be reimbursed.”
tor/Public Information Officer Asked how much has the new septic systems, only those
$150,000. Nola Goodrich-Kresse said. systems that are in failure —
The grant funding, from the county used this funding pro-
Participating counties use the gram in the past and how much just residential properties and
State Septic System Replace- money to reimburse a property not commercial properties.”
ment Program, is intended to of a difference has it made,
owner for up to 50 percent of Goodrich-Kresse said $86,533 As far as public health impact,
protect what are called, “priori- the costs (up to a maximum of she said, the Genesee County
ty water bodies.” Conesus Lake Conesus Lake in Livingston County is one of the “priority” has been paid out so far for
$10,000) of an eligible septic Health Department does not
is one of them because Conesus bodies of water that would benefit from a State Septic Sys- repairs to systems.
system project, including: conduct testing on these bodies
Lake is a drinking water source tem Replacement Program grant. n replacement of a cesspool
The state said the following
of water, but the state Depart-
of upwards of 20,000 people in says improving the quality of and people who are eligible bodies of water in Genesee ment of Environmental Conser-
with a septic system;
the county. water in Conesus Lake is now will be reimbursed for 50% of County are priorities for the vation may do that.
n installation, replacement or
“The idea is to repair fail- more important than ever, the costs. upgrade of a septic system or program funding:
ing septic systems around these “We know from various People in Livingston County n Tonawanda Creek, middle, Daily News Staff Writer Brian
septic system components; or
priority water bodies,” said Liv- studies that Conesus Lake has interested in the program can n installation of enhanced main stem; Quinn contributed to this article.
ingston County Environmental a high phosphorus loading. It call (585) 243-7280 or go to treatment technologies, includ-
Health Director Mark Grove. could be that failing septic sys- www.livingstoncounty.us/eh. ing an advanced nitrogen
While there may not be many tems add phosphorus to the lake GENESEE COUNTY’S removal system.
septic systems directly tied to and that is one of the primary GRANT covers the five years Thomas Sacco, Genesee
the lake, Grove said there are pollutants,” he said. from 2018-2023, to help eli- County Health Department lead
streams that feed into the lake However, getting residents to gible cesspool or septic sys- sanitarian for this program, may
and could be using water from participate in the program, he
damaged septic systems. admits, has been a little dif-
“We do have streams that ficult.
feed Conesus Lake, where there “We have been trying to
could be septic systems nearby promote this program for the
those streams. We don’t know past three years. We send out
how old those lines are but 300 letters and we have only
when a septic system starts to got back maybe a half a dozen
fail often times the sewage will responses from that,” said
start breaking out of the ground Grove.
and then you know that you Grove admits he is unsure
have a problem,” said Grove. why people not taking part in
Money to fix the systems the program.
is part of a statewide effort “To date we have coordi-
from Gov. Andrew Cuomo. He nated about $30,000 worth
announced $15 million in fund- of reimbursement to different
ing through the program to sup- home owners. We are not see-
port homeowners. The grants ing a lot of application that are
are the second round from a coming back. From this recent
total of $75 million provided to advertisement I think we had
improve water quality and pro- one inquiry. Maybe there are
tect public health through the just not a lot of a failing septic
targeted replacement of aging systems or maybe people do not
and sub-standard septic systems want to come forward for vari-
and removal of cesspools in ous reasons,” he said.
communities statewide. The cost for the reimburse-
In Livingston County, Grove ment are not to exceed $10,000

B6 Thursday, April 22, 2021 Livingston County News

Home & Garden

Should I DIY?
3 questions to determine if it’s best to renovate on your own
METRO CREATIVE expensive to purchase or
A do-it-yourself mentality even rent, and the cost of
has taken hold in millions of
households across the globe.
acquiring such tools should
be included in any DIY
Bring movie magic outdoors
Popular television channels project cost estimates. METRO CREATIVE
such as HGTV and DIY Labor also factors heav- Social distancing recommendations issued in
Network and accessible ily into professional proj- response to the COVID-19 pandemic compelled
home improvement content ects, and for good reason. people to spend more time at home than ever
on apps such as YouTube Talented contractors have before.
has inspired many home- unique skills that have been As the pandemic wore on, people looked for
owners to tackle renovation developed and perfected ways to enjoy activities in their backyards so they
projects around their homes. over many years. Those would not become overwhelmed by cabin fever.
Taking such initiative is skills can ensure projects Home theater projectors afford homeowners the
admirable, though it also are completed quickly and chance to bring the magic of family movie nights
can prove costly if home- correctly. outdoors.
owners end up biting off Labor may seem costly, The tech experts at Digital Trends note that
more than they can chew. but such costs may ultimate- modern projectors are a great way to enjoy a true
Home improvement vid- ly prove to be a bargain cinematic experience at home, even if your “the-
eos and television shows compared to the cost of fix- ater” is under the stars in the backyard. Some
have a tendency to over- ing DIY mistakes. projectors are designed to remain outdoors so
simplify renovation proj- Projects that are minor long as homeowners take the steps necessary to
ects, potentially giving in scope and don’t require protect the devices from the weather.
homeowners a false sense the use of potentially costly In fact, projectors are small and so easily
of confidence in their DIY specialty tools may be bet- moved that homeowners can take them inside at
abilities. A concerted effort ter suited for weekend war- the end of each movie to ensure they’re not dam-
on the part of homeowners riors than more complicated aged by the elements. In such instances, only the
to determine if it’s best to renovations. screen and the audio components, like speakers,
renovate on their own or will require protection from the elements.
hire a professional should 2. DO I HAVE THE TIME? But even interior projectors can be taken out-
always be the first step of Homeowners must deter- doors when homeowners decide to watch a movie
any renovation project. mine how much time they outdoors. Projectors can even be used to watch
No two homeowners are have to complete a proj- television outdoors, making them options worth
the same, but the follow- ect before deciding to do it considering for sports fans who may be restricted
ing three questions can help themselves. No one wants METRO CREATIVE from seeing their favorite teams in person this
homeowners determine if to spend months staring at DIY projects can instill homewoners with a sense of pride in season.
DIY is their best option. an unfinished renovation their homes, but it’s imperative that homeowners conduct an Watching television on a projector without a
project. Homeowners who honest assessment of their skills before taking on a project. cable box may require a little extra effort and a
1. CAN I AFFORD TO DIY? are already pressed for time few more accessories than streaming a movie
Professional home may not be able to complete owners considering the DIY gradually move up to big- outdoors, and homeowners would be wise to con-
improvement projects are projects in a timely fashion, option conduct an honest ger, more complicated proj- sult a home entertainment professional to ensure
costly for a variety of rea- which can make homes less assessment of their skills. ects as skills are fine tuned. their setup is good to go before inviting anyone
sons. Materials can be cost- comfortable and even less A lack of renovation expe- And homeowners who have over to watch the big game under the stars.
ly, but so are the tools and safe. rience does not necessar- never been at their best with
labor necessary to do the ily mean a homeowner can- a hammer in hand should
job right. 3. CAN I PULL THIS OFF? not successfully complete not be ashamed to leave the
Homeowners may not DIY projects can instill a DIY project. But in such work to the professionals. er than they actually are. questions to determine if
have the tools necessary to homeowners with a sense instances, it may be best to Television shows and Homeowners considering they’re ready for the chal-
complete complicated proj- of pride in their homes, but start with small, straight- online tutorials can make DIY renovations can ask lenge of renovating their
ects. Specialty tools can be it’s imperative that home- forward projects and then renovations appear easi- themselves a handful of homes on their own.

Follow Livingston County News: TheLCN.com

How to add shade to a deck or patio
METRO CREATIVE issue all year long, and it’s not just
Homeowners eagerly await the the heat of the sun that is trouble-
arrival of the warm weather so they some, think about planting ever-
can cast off the remnants of cabin
fever and bask in the sunshine.
green trees. Deciduous cousins will • Bulk Mulch
drop their leaves in fall and only be
However, as summer nears its dog effective during the warm weather.
• Topsoil
days, the same sun homeowners n Patio umbrellas: Many • Play Sand
once coveted can contribute to
uncomfortable conditions in out-
umbrellas start at around $25. • Stone
Umbrellas can be paired with patio
door entertaining spaces. tables, while stationary cantilever • Mushroom
Meteorologists at WHAS-TV in umbrellas sit out of the way on Compost
Kentucky took to their neighbor-
their own heavy-duty stands. A Walkways • Retaining Walls • Hardscapes • Lawn Fertilization
hoods in July 2020 to test just how
cantilever umbrella tends to pro-
hot surfaces get in sun during peak
vide more shade than patio table
Landscape • Trees & Shrubs • Pruning, Mulching
daytime temperatures. Concrete in
the sun almost all day reached umbrellas.
a temperature of 134.7 F, while nCurtains: Homeowners can
the same concrete in the shade block sunlight outdoors the way
clocked in at just under 80 F. When they do inside, offers MSN. Hang
air temperatures are around 90 F, curtains from the sides of canopies
unshaded concrete and asphalt can or between posts on a deck to pro- Sun-blocking ideas such as awnings, shade trees and large Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
vide shade and cozy spaces. umbrellas can help people enjoy their yards all day long.
be 125 F and 140 F, respectively.
While wood decking may not be as


hot as asphalt and concrete, it still
can get steamy underfoot.
Homeowners who want to be
able to enjoy their outdoor spaces
in an array of temperatures can
think about investing in shade
solutions. Sun-blocking ideas such Family Owned and Operated Business at
as awnings, shade trees and large
umbrellas can help people enjoy 3975 Restsof Road, Piffard, NY 14533 • (585) 243-2530
their yards all day long.
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can be installed over a patio or a Landscape Supplies Bagged and Bulk Mulch
deck. Some people prefer to bolt
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over in windy conditions. The fab-
ric on the canopy can be removed
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nAwning: Awnings may be • Fertilizer
stationary or retractable. Many are
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outdoor entertaining spaces. • Potting Soil
nShade sail: Similar to an Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-4:30, Sat. 8-Noon
awning but a bit less structurally
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areas of a patio, pool or landscape,
according to The Family Handy-
man. Shade sails are light and airy Mention this ad and get 10% off your landscape purchase.
and can be customized.
n Trees: A natural way to
increase shade in a yard is to plant
more shade trees. If sun glare is an
We Also Carry Wild Bird Seed, CRAIGS Creamery Products & Fresh Eggs

Livingston County News Thursday, April 22, 2021 B7


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