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Bioelectricity 1

Equilibrium & MP
1. Diffusion
a) CL- higher permeability than Na+
b) Diffusion concentrations
i. Caused by diffusion
ii. disappear overtime
c) The diameter of ions and temperature affect mobility
2. Ion channel role
a) Conduction: Hydration shell >> High energy barrier for ions to cross the
hydrophobic phospholipid bilayers
b) Movement of ions factors
i. Concentration gradient
ii. Electrical potential difference
iii. Ion pump
c) Selectivity
i. A principle where the channels Recognise and select specific ions that
they let through, while the other ions will not
d) Gated channels
i. Close or open In response to specific signal/ stimuli
ii. To potential difference across the membrane
iii. By binding a ligand to the extracellular/intracellular (K-, CL- channel
bind Ca2+) part of the protein
e) Non-gated channels
i. = leak/ background channels
ii. Still have selectivity
iii. Role: generation of resting potential
3. MP importance: electrical signalling mechanism
a) Flow of current > MP change
4. Resting Membrane Potential
i. Subject: Electrically inactive cell, neurons not receiving any input/
generate AP
ii. Importance of resting membrane potential
1. Compare with equilibrium potential of ion >> Determine magnitude
+ direction of Additional F to influence ion flux
iii. Value: -60mV to -70mV (around -65 in most cells)
1. Why the RP is negative? Hypothesis
a) Conventionally, outside potential = 0 mV
b) Initially, electrically neutral: K acetate inside; NaCl outside
c) Membrane only selective for K+
d) K+ move out until membrane potential reach the K equilibrium
potential (-75mV) > no net movement
e) Na+ - K+ pump counterbalance the influx of Na and efflux of
f) Membrane low permeability to Na+
iv. Result from: Movement of ion through membrane > separation of + and –
v. Factors induce Movement of ion
1. Concentration difference across the membrane
2. Electrical potential difference
3. Ion pump: generate and maintain the imbalance ionic concentration
across the membrane at rest; prevent the dissipation of ionic gradient
vi. Factors to generate and maintain the resting membrane potential
1. Selective permeability of membrane < resting ion channel
2. Unequal distribution of (all) ion

a) in particular, the positively charged Na+ and K+ ions and the

negatively charged amino acids and proteins on either side of
the cell membrane,
3. Ion exchange pump
4. Mobility of ion < size + interaction with the solvent
vii. Observatory evidence for the factors
1. Disrupt membrane with a needle > MP become 0 (intact membrane)
2. Ion concentration change across membrane change > MP change
(relative [ion] on two sides of membrane)
3. Chemical inhibition of metabolic activity > MP decline to 0 ( require
viii. Calculation of expected resting potential (factors)
1. % of different types of open ion channels & Equilibrium potential of
those ion
2. Goldman equation:
a) Ionic Concentration gradient
b) Permeability
3. applied only when Vm is stable >> cannot tell about the change of
ix. Equilibrium potential: the potential difference across the membrane to
balance the concentration difference> no net ion movement
1. Calculation: Nernst equation

a) For JUST ONE type of ion

b) Not relate to membrane potential
c) Only about concentration difference
d) Constant
i. RTF: take account the thermal energy of cell
ii. Z: electrons carried by ion
e) Predict the flux direction of ion = net/driving force when there is
an open channel > determine neuron response to input
i. By comparing the membrane potential and the equilibrium
potential of that ion
ii. membrane potential - equilibrium potential = D
1. D positive >> outside
2. D negative >> inside
f) The flux magnitude
i. = electrochemical driving F * membrane permeability
ii. Defi: (the sum of the electrical driving force and the
chemical driving force due to the concentration gradient)
x. Membrane Permeability
1. Define: number of open channels selectively for an ion
2. role: Factor that ensure the inward flux = outward flux at rest when
there is large driving force difference (between K+ and Na+)

Calculation of resting membrane potential

1. Consider equilibrium potential and permeability

Measurement of resting membrane potential & AP

1. Intracellular recording:
a) Use sharp electrode (a probe) penetrating the cell, at one end
i. Glass micropipettes filled with concentrated salt solution
b) The other electrode end, connect to an amplifier outside the
c) When both electrode outside, oscilloscope reading = 0
2. Use patch clamp in whole cell configuration
3. compare inside voltage and outside reference voltage

Recording Locust Muscle Potentials


To make intracellular recordings of the membrane potential in the isolated leg muscle
(extensor tibiae) cells of the locust, and examine the effect of raised [K+]o on the
membrane potential. Miniature excitatory postsynaptic potentials (mEPPs) may be
recorded and the effect of K+ and sucrose examined.


Glass microelectrodes with fine tips are filled with electrolyte (KCl) and are used to
penetrate exposed muscle cells. Record and measure a number of resting membrane
potentials with reference to an indifferent electrode placed in the fluid in the muscle
bath. (Standard (5K) Ringer , 10K-Ringer , 20K-Ringer)

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