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General Information and Instructions

1. You should check carefully the information printed on the Statement of Entry. Any
discrepancy detected should be reported to the Examination Officer immediately.

Note: You are provided with a UCI (Unique Candidate Identifier) at the bottom of your
statement of entry. You must use this UCI when you submit future Pearson Edexcel
examination entries.

2. Candidates should wear decent clothes.

• White T-shirts, with NO visible slogan may be worn under shirts / blouses.
• Hats, gloves, hoodies, coats and scarves may NOT be worn in an examination room
at any time. The reason for this is that to do so contravenes exam regulations.

3. Candidates will be allowed to use their own hand sanitizer during the public exams, as
long as they seek approval from the invigilators. In the light of the ongoing coronavirus
outbreak, candidates are required to wear surgical masks during the exams, and before
entering the examination venue.

4. The Examination Officer may refuse to admit a candidate who does not put on a mask or
is in improper dress code.

5. Invigilators may ask candidates to remove their surgical masks temporarily when taking
attendance to verify students’ identities during the examination.

6. Before heading to the examination centre, you must check your body temperature,
complete and sign the Health Declaration Form on each examination day.

According to the advice of the Department of Health, candidates with the following
conditions should not go to the examination centre but consult a doctor promptly:

• Fever (body temperature at or higher than 38℃), regardless of the presence of acute
respiratory tract infection symptoms such as cough or shortness of breath;
• No fever, but with the presence of acute respiratory tract infection symptoms.

You are required to declare that you are not undergoing mandatory quarantine on the day
of examination; otherwise you should not go to the examination centre.

7. You should arrive at the reception (main entrance of the examination centre) at least 30
minutes and take your seat in the examination room at least 10 minutes before the
commencement of the examination. Under normal circumstances, no make-up time will
be given to late comers. If you arrive at the examination room very late, your work may
not be accepted by the awarding body.

N.B. Latecomer is not allowed to enter the examination venue once the the listening test
has commenced..

8. Most examinations are held in the Student Activity Centre (2/F SIP), Mathematics Room
or school hall(s). You should report your attendance and submit your Health Declaration
Form at the reception, and take your temperature at the main entrance.

9. No supplementary examination will be arranged for any papers. If you are sick on the
date of the examination and wish to withdraw from the examination, you must inform the
Examination Officer by phone at least two hours before the commencement of the
examination. You must submit your application letter of withdrawal and your medical
certificate provided by a registered medical practitioner as evidence of illness on the
examination day to the Examination Officer within 48 hours after the commencement of


the examination. (Please also submit an original copy of your letter and medical
certificate within 3 days after the request for withdrawal).

10. Read carefully the Actions to be taken under Special Circumstances below.

11. The results will be released online via ResultsPlus Direct after 2:00pm.

• GCE/IAL AS/A Level results will be issued on Tuesday 10 August 2021

• International GCSE results will be issued on Thursday 12 August 2021.

Actions to be taken under Special Circumstances

1. Typhoon / Bad Weather Arrangements

2. If weather conditions are at all doubtful (such as the possible raising of a Typhoon Signal
No.8 or the issue of the Rainstorm Red or Black Warning), you should listen to the radio
or television broadcasting stations for examination schedules right up to the time you
depart for the examination centre.

3. Please note that the announcement of closure of the examination venue due to a tropical
cyclone or the issue of the Rainstorm Red Warning does not necessarily imply the
cancellation of an examination scheduled to be held on that day.

4. Unless a specific announcement has been made by the Hong Kong Examination and
Assessment Authority (HKEAA) that the IGCSE/IAL examination Unseen Test has been
cancelled due to bad weather conditions, you must assume that the examination will be
conducted as originally scheduled. We will inform you of our centre’s arrangement
between 8:00am-10:00am via email and our school home page.

However, you should consider your personal safety first if you have genuine
difficulties in reaching the examination centre. In this case, you should contact the
Examination Officer before the examination session begins.

5. Seriously ILL Candidates

• In case you feel sick in the examination centre and cannot continue with your
examination, you should inform the invigilator immediately for assistance.
• If you have contracted a contagious disease (e.g. measles, chickenpox), inform the
examination centre immediately for special arrangement.

6. In rare cases where candidates can prove that they were physically unable to be present in
the examination centre (e.g. being trapped in a lift or personally involved in a traffic
accident), they should contact the Examination Officer at their earliest convenience for
further advice.

Before the Examination

1. You should read carefully this document to make sure that you fully understand the
examination regulations and follow them strictly.

2. Read the timetable carefully and make sure that you arrive at the examination room

3. You should bring to the examination centre:

• The Statement of Entry and your HKID card (to prove your identity). You may keep them
in a plastic folder that is plain and colourless (without texts or pictures).


• Your own stationery placed in a plain colourless ZipLoc.

The standard stationery includes:

➢ Black ink pen or ball pen for all written papers.
➢ Eraser, ruler graduated in centimeters and millimeters, protractor and compasses for
mathematics and physics.
➢ Calculator.

Note that pencils (HB) may be allowed to draw graphs and diagrams. Candidates should refer
to the instructions given on the front cover of your question/answer booklet. Stationery will
not be supplied at the centre.

4. You are not allowed to bring food into the examination room. Candidates can bring light
coloured see-through plain water bottle without any label (max size 500ml) to the
examination room.

N.B. The following items are prohibited in the examination room:

• Pencil / stationery case
• Eye-glass case
• Cover of calculators
• Smart watch
• Electronic devices with communication/storage function

Before entering the examination room/hall

1. Check the seating plan posted outside the examination room and your assigned seat number.

2. Turn off your mobile phone and alarm device (if any).

3. Make sure that articles such as notes, calculator’s instruction leaflets, books and mobile
phones are taken out of your pockets. You may risk disqualification from the entire
examination if you are in possession of any unauthorized articles.

4. You must put all your personal belongings, including your mobile phone (which is turned
off), in a small bag that can be properly closed with a zip / buckle. You are advised not to
leave study materials and personal property outside the examination room as the centre will
not be responsible for any loss or damage.

After Entering the Examination Room

1. Place your bag in the place as instructed by the centre supervisor or invigilator.

2. You should occupy the seat assigned to you in accordance with the seating plan posted
outside the examination room.

3. You must place all your stationery on your desk. Place your see-through pencil case
(ZipLoc) and your purse/wallet underneath your chair.


4. Put your statement of entry and HKID card inside a clear folder. Your folder must not
contain any other unauthorized articles. Place your folder on your desk for inspection.
You should make sure that the folder and its content are placed underneath your chair upon
completion of inspection.

5. You should follow strictly the instructions given by the centre supervisor and invigilator.

6. You must maintain absolute silence. You must not speak to other candidates or disturb

7. When you receive your question paper, check the front cover to ensure that it is the correct
paper for that examination session. Alert the invigilator if you are in doubt.

8. You must not turn over the pages of the question paper and must not start working until
you are instructed to do so. Otherwise, you risk disqualification.

9. No early leave is allowed for all examinations.

Written Examination

1. You must follow the instructions printed on the question paper. Candidates who fail to do
so will receive a mark penalty or risk disqualification.

2. You must fill in all the details required on the cover of your combined question and answer
booklet before you start the examination. The necessary information required is as follow:

• Centre Number. 92852

• Candidate Number (4-digit)
• Candidate Name (legal name)
• Paper Reference
• Your Signature (if requested)

3. You must write in black ink. You are not allowed to use correction pens, fluid or tape,
highlighter pens, pale colored-gel pens and erasable pens in your answers.

4. You should write your answers within the designated sections of the answer booklet.

5. You may request for supplementary answer sheets from the invigilator if necessary.

6. You must fill in the necessary information in all supplementary answer sheets. Place them
in the correct order and fasten them together with a treasury tag to your answer booklet.

Information to be filled in Supplementary Answer Sheets

Examining Body: Pearson Edexcel IGCSE/IAL

Centre Number: 92852
Candidate Name: (legal name / name as appeared in statement of entry)
Candidate Number: (4-digit)
Paper Reference:
Sheet Number:
Question Number:

7. If you have any questions, put up your hands to attract the invigilator’s attention.

8. If you are not feeling well during the examination, inform the invigilator immediately to
make appropriate arrangements.


9. At the end of the examination, hand in all your work to the invigilator. You are not
allowed to take away any materials and stationery from the examination room.

10. Please remain silent in your seat even when you have handed in your question/answer
booklet. Any communication between candidates is strictly prohibited even if you have
handed in your question/answer booklets.

11. You are only allowed to leave the examination room when instructed by the invigilator.
You have to stay for the entire examination. Students who are required to attend
supervision session as a result of time-table clash must follow strictly the instruction of the
chief invigilator. During the time under supervision before/after the examination, you have
to stay quiet in your assigned seat. You are not allowed to use alarm clock, mobile phone,
or any electronic communication devices. Otherwise, you risk disqualification.


Instructions on Using Calculators

Calculators are permitted in the examinations, unless otherwise specified. For question papers
where the use of calculators is allowed, candidates are responsible to make sure that their
calculators meet the following regulations:

1. Calculators must be:

• of a size suitable for use on the desk
• either battery or solar powered.

2. Calculators must not:

• be designed or adapted to offer any of these facilities
− language translation
− symbolic algebraic manipulation
− symbolic differentiation or integration
− communication with other machines or the internet
• be borrowed from another candidate during an examination for any reason
• have retrievable information stored in them. This includes data banks, dictionaries,
mathematical formulas and/or text.

3. Candidates are responsible for the following :

• the calculator’s power supply
• the calculator’s working condition.

List of Prohibited Calculator

As there are so many makes/models of calculators available, it is impossible to issue a definitive

list of the models that are permissible/nor permitted, but here is a list of those which are



CFX 9950g, Algebra FX2.0, Algebra FX2.0 PLUS, ClassPad 300, Classpad 300 PLUS,
ClassPad 330

Hewlett Packard

HP 40G, HP 40GS, HP 48G, HP 48G ll, HP 49G, HP 49G PLUS, PH 50G

Texas Instruments
Tl-89, Tl-89 (Titanium), Tl-92, Tl-92 PLUS, Voyage 200, Tl-Nspire CAS


• All calculators which do NOT have the facility for symbolic algebra manipulation and/or
symbolic differentiation or integration can be used.

• The basic rule is that if the calculator gives only numeric answers, then it is within the
regulations and can be used.

• Specific calculators – the Casio FX-991ES (Plus), FX-991EX, the Texas Tl-83 and Tl-84 (all
versions) are permitted to use.

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