Weekly HG Guide 3 13 11

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Weekly Home Group Guide

Week of March 13-19

Be sure to introduce any guests present & invite everyone to make them feel welcome.

Opening Prayer
Consider gathering the group in a circle & hold hands for the prayer time. Take a moment to officially welcome any guests
or highlight anything significant to the group just before you pray (e.g., a birthday, anniversary, special prayer need, etc.).

Option: Privately ask someone beforehand if they would pray for the food & ask for God’s blessings on tonight’s HG.

Become (Spiritual Disciplines, Care) // Pick at least one from each category to use in leading your group
Suggestions for Family Time
A) Review last week’s memory verse. “For this is what the Lord has commanded us: 'I have made you a light for the Gen-
tiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'" Acts 13:47
B) Divide into groups (children with adults) & instruct them to come up with a Pandemic Pantomime. They must act out a
scene of their own choosing that gives a picture of how we might spread the Gospel throughout our world. Make it fun &
cheer for all! (Allow 10 minutes to prep & 15 minutes for all to perform their acts.)
C) Ask the kids to share what country in the world they think needs the Gospel (any country they name will work, of
course). Brainstorm ways that the Gospel can be taken to the people in that country...GET CREATIVE!

Suggestions for Kids Time

A) If your HG or CG has adopted a missionary, use the book Operation World or their website www.operationworld.org
to share with the kids facts about that country. The book/site also provides ways to pray for that country.
B) Play “Rock, Paper, Scissors” the 3B way...“Belong, Become, Beyond.” Belong gesture = hug yourself. Become gesture =
stretch arms out like a tree. Beyond gesture = run in place. Belong beats Become. Become beats Beyond. Beyond beats
Belong. *There’s no deeper message here...this is just for fun & it keeps the 3B’s out there.
C) Read a chapter from a missionary biography to the children. Ask them questions about the story to see if they listened.

Suggestions for Adult Time

A) How has God changed/challenged you with regard to this Global Mission? How has He changed your thinking or your
practices? Maybe someone who has never considered going on a mission trip is now considering one of our 6 trips.
B) If you had a Global Missions “bucket list,” what would be on your list?
C) Remind the group of David’s definition of the word “Go” in Matthew 28:19 - “my/our active commitment to the spread
of the Gospel.” Discuss ways that you or your HG can participate in local evangelism. This might be a challenging conversa-
tion, but think outside of the box.

Suggestions for Prayer Time

A) Pray for the 2 teams of students & leaders on Mission trips this week. Phoenix, AZ & Tyler, TX
B) Go to www.win1040.com/prayer_points.php, choose a country & pray the Prayer Points they suggest.

Beyond (Evangelism, Recreation, Volunteerism, Extending Compassion, International Missions)

Check the bulletin or www.pantego.org for the stuff going on in our church. Consider the ideas below, as well!

Community Calendar
HG Action Points: How will your CG/HG be serving this year during Easter weekend at PBC? Email ksmith@pantego.org.

Church Calendar
HG Action Points: Contact Kevin Hill (khill@pantego.org) if your HG would help with our PBC Landscaping in any way.


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