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Description of Issues Number of Times Observed Severity

Navigation Visibility/ Learning/

Component Content

Inadequate content for desired learning outcome 13 Severe

Unsure when to click to move on 10 1 Moderate

Failed to follow audio directions/missing or ineffective 3 4 Moderate

visual cues
Complaint of too much information 2 4 Mild

Clicked on features that were not buttons/interactions 3 4 Mild

Desire to replay a slide 3 Mild

Total number of instances 19 11 17

Inadequate content for desired learning outcome

B - Technical language (“technology needs” “holds to go”)**

Fixes: Add brief description to barrier solutions (curbside checkout, storytime add

Add “Solutions” to the top of the box

T - Focus Question vs Interview Question: at beginning of customer connection and on practice

Fixes: Infographic

Better differentiation between focus question and interview questions

T - Interview questions: Did we teach on yes/no questions?

V - Interview Question practice: need additional feedback regarding assumptions on yes/no

questions, reconsider culturally sensitivity

J - Write interview questions: more scaffolding to write questions – Need to review with team

Fixes: prompt one question at a time

Consider breaking the questions into three slides with prompts for Introductory
question, question, and follow-up question
Possibly add sample questions from earlier in the training?

A - AEIOU Observations: Priming that whatever you observe is valid, permission to be flexible,
questions are meant to be vague and broad to be interpreted in a variety of ways. They are just
meant to be a framework/scaffold to get your thinking about what you are observing.
A - Dianne’s notes: Review/improve Dianne’s notes, add positive to Interactions clipboard

A - Analyze: positive/negative for you (as the observer)

A - Critical Thinking: Consider a different wrong answer other than staffing – people saw that as
a relevant concern, re-evaluate value of the AEIOU questions “What’s wrong with that patron?
Why can’t he figure this out?”

Fixes: Remove the AEIOU questions users found confusing

Unsure when to click to move on

T - General navigation throughout

Quotes: “Never sure if there is something else to click on in a slide/Is this slide done?/
When is she done speaking? An indicator to click to go to the next slide would be nice/
wanted to spend less brain power on navigation”

Fixes: T - Navigation introduction in the beginning? (intro of system, play button, etc)

Light up forward button differently?

Click here text?

Enter (save?) button after text input with feedback

B - AEIOU Observations

Fixes: Replace clipboards with static picture

Add replay graphic to end of animations

Add congrats slide at end of 5 animations to confirm that it’s time to move on

Failed to follow audio directions/missing or ineffective visual cue

B - Constant visual clue to section they are on

Fixes: Small title to indicate section they are on - Under progress bar? Under library
logo? Left side of screen turned sideways? Watermark?

Highlight current stage on Blueprint button

T - Demo slide: some users didn’t click on the machine

Fixes: change the audio so it doesn’t repeat every time they click on the tractor – put
on timeline instead of a trigger?

Add text to drag the tractor

V - Choose four good questions activity: no visual for the number of correct responses
Fixes: Add visual to pick four OR

Change format to drag/drop

T - Customer Connection Debrief: confusion with wording at the end of slide

Fixes: change wording to take out direct question from the form

T - Themes slide: misunderstood this was multiple answers to one question

Fixes: Format interview answers differently to draw attention - add pics of

interviewees to draw attention

A - AEIOU Observations

Fixes: Remove instructions to write it down, change to observe closely or explain they
will be asked to write down observations on future slide

Complaint of too much information

T - Intro: too long to get to the point – are we repeating ourselves?

Fixes: Remove people/processes/technology slide?

Move up the hover definitions?

Move line about “have fun building together” to end of intro

T - Service Design definition bullet points

Fixes: Reduce number of bullet points

Move “is” to top of sentence

V - Service Design tool definitions: overwhelming content

Fixes: Shorter descriptions

add instructions – “Click on the eight different tools...”

visual indicator that each tool has been selected – add Visited state

Clicked on features that were not buttons/interactions

T - Stage bars: look like buttons

Fixes: Change bars to text only when possible – same with blueprint info?

B - Library - End of Intro when library parts are lit up

Fixes: Make each section light up then go back to normal

A - Critical Thinking: Clicked on “Explore More” text

Fixes: reduce text size, move icon?

Desire to replay a slide

T - Replay button?


Get rid of Resources button in player

J - Next buttons

next button appears a few times when it auto-advances (definitely on 3 rd slide, check others)

peaking out from behind gray button

T - 1st slide

Digital divide is shadow font

Change to: Materials in multiple languages

J - 2nd slide

Needs to auto-advance

J - Slide leading to Coffee animation jumps to next too quickly

B - Change/emphasize wording into the drag and drop – “see if you can figure out…”?

T - Demo

“Demo again” button goes away, doesn’t stay through whole slide

V - High five animation:

“…steps you didn’t even know your patrons needed” The patrons don’t need to know the steps
– this needs to be reworded

J - Intro of blueprint

Auto-advance to slide that intros the blueprint button

J - E&S 1st slide

Add key points

Slide up (motion path) E&S bar to the top before slide 2

V – I&C intro, V&I intro, I&M intro fixes to match E&S

A - Select a Tool (Customer Connection/Service Safari)

Increase trigger size to include name and tool

V - Miguel choosing the Customer connection

Timing is off on words and Miguel (two heads)

B - Miguel chooses a method

Round boxes on method descriptions

NOT NOW - Miguel focus question

Allow user to look at feedback from other questions after selecting correct one?

J - Miguel follow-up question

Extend Miguel pic to end of timeline

J - Miguel picks a target audience

Add 1.5 seconds to the timelines (moves on too quickly)

B - Miguel choose a location

Remove dim on feedback layer

T - Choose an Interviewee

Better graphic for crying baby?

Fix feedback wording on mom with baby

NOT NOW - Miguel interview

Fix spacing on clipboard for interview questions

Fix timeline - some the clipboard text stays up after the video leaves

B - Themes

Interview #4 – capital L on second line

J - Write interview questions

Way to close the rubric **

B - Congratulations layer for doing both interview question practice pieces is delayed??

V - Write a Focus Question

Change audio: “Click on a strategic area that interests you”

A - AEIOU Observations

Dianne’s notes clipboard

increase oval for closing

longer delay for prompt to come up

Analyze/Reflection prompts show up late on timeline

One text box wraps, one goes laterally

A - Critical Thinking

Remove all of the above?

One of the answers was a duplicate – something wrong with the states (watch Tanya interview)

Add trigger to click on hotel for scenario 2

V - Menu

Remove several slides from Service Safari on the menu

Patrick Questions
Can people make up interview questions on their own or do they need to clear them with a manager?

Do you want access to the answers/text entry?

Use Resources Button to include all downloads?

Make aware of stage intro changes and blueprint button re-design

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