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Learning activity 4 // 

 Actividad de aprendizaje
aprendizaje 4

 Evidence: Consolidation activity / Evidencia: Actividad de consolidación

Stage 2: “My checklist” / Etapa 2: “Mi lista de chequeo” 

Fuente: SENA

Fuente: SENA
Fuente: SENA

Hey! My name is Mary. I’m an enthusiast about animals. I’m planning a trip to
Kenya (Africa for a Safari eperience. Ha"e a loo# to the chec#list for my trip!

Checklist: Arican saari / Lista de chequeo: Safari africano

!accination and "##uni$ation
$isit the %octor to chec# my "accines.
&lan my "accination sche%ule ' At least three month prior to my trip.
et a "accine certificate.
 Arrange a meet'an%'great ser"ice ) *ocation+ ,he -omo Kenyatta
International Airport.
et tennis shoes.
et light clothes li#e shorts an% ,'shirts.
et a mos/uito net.
Money and %ay#ent
 Authori0e cre%it car%s for international use.
Echange money ) I nee% 1ollars or Euros.
et familiar 2ith the Kenyan currency.
Ani#al &ehavior
1o not interfere 2ith animal beha"iour.
1o not get out of the "ehicle 2ithout consulting a gui%e.

No2 it is time to 2rite your o2n chec#list. It 2ill help you to recor% your au%io. 3
 Ahora es momento de escribir su propia lista de chequeo. Esta le ayudará en el 
momento de grabar su audio.
Scri%t / uión
Hello there! I’m going to Africa soon! *et me %escribe my 4African safari5
chec#list to you.

My chec#list inclu%es fi"e important aspects. ,he first an% most important
one is $accination an% immuni0ation. ,he Kenyan o"ernment says I can’t
enter the country 2ithout proof that I got a "accine against the yello2 fe"er. I
also nee% to chec# that I ha"e all the common "accines (the ones you
usually get as a chil%. 6or that reason I ha"e to "isit the %octor to chec# my
recor% an% plan a "accination sche%ule (in case I nee% it at least three
months before my %eparture.

,he secon% point on my list is the arri"al. ,he hotel is not close to the airport
so I nee% to arrange a meet'an%'greet ser"ice. ,he people from the hotel
can pic# me up at ,he -omo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi. I ha"e
to spea# 2ith them soon to let them #no2 about my time of arri"al an% flight

In a%%ition I nee% to ma#e sure I ha"e the appropriate clothing for Africa.
Kenya is a tropical country so %ays are hot an% there is a lot of humi%ity. 6or 
that reason I nee% to buy se"eral ,'shirts an% shorts for the hot 2eather.
,here are /uite a lot of mos/uitos in Kenya too. I nee% to get a mos/uito net
an% an insect repellent to ta#e 2ith me at all times.

,he fourth point on my list is money. ,he official currency in Kenya is the
Kenya Shilling. Although there are se"eral A,Ms in the country no2 I nee%
to ma#e sure I ha"e enough cash 2ith me in case I %on’t fin% one. ,o
echange money it is goo% to ha"e %ollars or euros so I nee% to buy some
before my trip. I can pay for the hotel an% buy sou"enirs 2ith a cre%it car%
so I ha"e to call my ban# to authori0e the use of my cre%its car%s in Kenya.
 An etra tas# is to fin% out about the Shilling+ its coin an% bill %enominations
an% to familiari0e 2ith them.

6inally there is one important thing to consi%er. ,hat is the contact 2ith
animals %uring the Safari. I cannot interfere 2ith their natural beha"ior. It
can be "ery %angerous. Also I ha"e to consult my gui%e before getting out
of the "ehicles. ,here are usually lots of 2il% animals aroun% an% it is better 
to pre"ent attac#s.

,hat’s all frien%s. See you in Africa!


My name is 7ulieth. I’m an enthusiast about ,ra"el. I’m planning a trip to

&anama for an on ne2 eperience. Ha"e a loo# to the chec#list for my trip!.

Checklist: &eaches e*%erience/ Lista de chequeo: !eaches e"perience

!accination and "##uni$ation !acunaci+n y la "n#uni$aci+n
$isit the %octor to chec# my "accines. $isitar al m8%ico para comprobar mis
&lan my "accination sche%ule ' At &lanificar mi calen%ario %e "acunaci9n ' Al
least t2o or three month prior to my menos %os o tres meses anteriores a mi
trip. "ia:e.
et a "accine certificate an% buy ;btener un certifica%o %e "acunas y
health insurance holi%ay. comprar seguro %e salu% %e fiesta.

Arrival Llegada
 Arrange a meet'an%'great ser"ice ) ;rgani0ar un conocer y un gran ser"icio '
*ocation+ ,he International Airport *ocali0aci9n+ El aeropuerto internacional
,ocumen' panama . ,ocumen' &anama
Clothes ,o%a
et flip flops. ;btener chanclas.
et <athing suits  shorts  %resses ;btener tra:es %e ba=o shorts "esti%os %e
beachhats  sunbloc#  playa sombreros blo/uea%or solar
Moisturi0ers  hair con%itioners  cremas hi%ratantes acon%iciona%ores para
sunscreen for lips el cabello %e protecci9n solar para los
et a mos/uito net an% insect ;btener una re% %e mos/uitos y repelente
repellent %e insectos.
Money and %ay#ent El dinero y el %ago-
 Authori0e cre%it car%s for international *as tar:etas %e cr8%ito %e uso internacional.
Echange money ) I nee% 1olars. >ambio %e mone%a ' Necesito 1olares.

.ravel docu#ents ocu#entos de via0e

I can’t tra"el 2ithout my citi0enship I1 No pue%o "ia:ar sin mi i%entificaci9n %e la
I can’t tra"el 2ithout passport No pue%o "ia:ar sin pasaporte
.ravel insurance Seguro de via0e
I can’t tra"el 2ithout insurance. No pue%o "ia:ar sin seguro.
I ha"e to buy a life insurance ,engo /ue comprar un seguro %e "i%a
Environ#ental care cuidado del #edio a#&iente-
I can’t %rop litter. No pue%o tirar basura.

I cannot thro2 garbage insi%e the no pue%o tirar basura %entro %el a"i9n
.aking %hotos to#ando otos
I ha"e to ta#e my camera. ,engo /ue tomar mi c@mara.
I ha"e to ta#e more memory for my ,engo /ue tener m@s memoria para mi
camera c@mara.
Hello! Im soon going to panama! *et me %escribe my list of chec#ing for you.
My list inclu%es B important aspects. ,he first an% more important is the "accination
an% the immuni0ation. ,he o"ernment of panama says that I cannot enter the
country 2ithout e"i%ence that I 2as gi"en a "accine against yello2 fe"er. 7ou 2ill also
nee% to "erify that I ha"e all the common "accines. <y that reason ha"e that "isit to
the me%ical to see my recor% an% plan a calen%ar of "accination (in case of nee% it in
at least t2o or three months before my %eparture.
,he secon% item on my chec#list is the arri"al. ,he hotel is not close to the airport so
it is necessary to organi0e a ser"ice. ,he people of the hotel can pic# me up at the
international airport tacumen ' panama. I ha"e that tal# 2ith them soon to ma#e them
#no2 about my time of arri"al an% number of flight.
In a%%ition I ha"e all the clothes appropriate for panama for that reason I ha"e to
buy se"eral custom baths an% 2arm clothes for me to connect to 2eather con%itions
an% to en:oy my "acation nee% a mos/uito an% insect repellent to #eep 2ith me at all
,he fourth item on my list is money. ,he official currency is the balboa an% notes the
%ollar / uiónthere are 2here change money there is it is best to ma#e sure I ha"e
enough cash 2ith me.
,he follo2ing is comply 2ith all them re/uirements to the time of tra"el (passport
flights etc. I appen% that shoul% buy a safe as is best pre"ent things %uring my tra"el.
 As must ha"e a2areness of care for the en"ironment for not gi"e simultaneously
2rong aspect of my personality 2hen not it is.
6inally is obtain many remember lo2 photos for to them share 2ith the rest of my
family to the time of returning to my country

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