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 How is the content aligned with objectives?

o The content seems very well aligned with the objectives. Material is
comprehensively covered.
 How user friendly is the learning material? 
o Relatively. There is a lot of information and it is a lot to take in an organize,
but the system created helps to break down the complex information quite
 What improvements, if any, can be made in the interface and content of the
learning material? 
o See below.

Cognitive Walkthrough


 Home page is cute

 Robotic voice is not appealing
 Cute that the guy points to the pause button
o It does kind of look like the figures are pointing at nothing
 Introduction to the training is great.
 The hammer moves in the “barriers in the community section” - Tobi
 No written backup for directions?
 Timing of the reveal / animations keeps us engaged
 At some point before “Four stages of service design” there was a clickable advance arrow before
audio complete - Jolynn
 Didn’t know answers in first Drag and Drop and was confusing
 Hover is wonderful
 The look is wonderful
 Because the robotic voice is so grating we stopped listening a bit.
 Why are we tractoring the library?
 The clickable fadeable tools of service design are great

Exploration and Sense Making

 We are feeling like there is a TON of introductory information

 Didn’t know where to click at Customer Connection slide
 The select a method portion was a bit
 Patrick’s comment about looking in area of authority -sphere of influence - Tobi
 On the customer connection notes the download failed.

 It is really easy to fast forward and skip the audio….

 The review information is nice for reinforcement
 Choose an Interviewee click and drag is a good engager
 We lost our closed captions in the interview section
 Same dead link issue with the Customer Connection Debrief download
 The themes activity seems hard to complete, we feel like we haven’t gotten enough teaching.
The hint being the answer doesn’t help per se.
 The interview question selection activity has a visual error - Brittany

 Dead link on PDF download for Six Strategic Areas of Focus

 It would be nice to see the rubric along our submitted focus question - Tobi
 Bringing in the typed responses is great.
 “Observe and Record” download link is “Under construction”
 Are we on part 2 yet?
 Video in “A – Activities” just loops endlessly? Showstopper error. - Brittany
o JK, we got the advance button to work but just barely
 Music for the A-E-I-O-U activity?
 No requirement to compare with Diane’s notes
 Boredom sets in about now….
 The “Critical Thinking” section is very pretty
 The advance arrows look weird when clicked, like they’re missing a hover. They also slightly
overlap - Jolynn

 Downloads on “Make a Plan” are likewise broken

Ideas and Concepts Tools

 We didn’t move past this because it seems like its still under construction

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