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Date 2021-01-27

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There’s nothing permanent: Writer understands that we can not force people to adopt the traditions but he believes that we who
understands that thing should follow it proudly so everyone willingly adopt it but is it possible? Will we be able to follow the past, it could be
possible for some decades or centuries but with the passage of time those waves of time will took it far away and it will be faded.
Remembering the past and adopting the past are two different things, when people realize that traditions are getting attritus they modify
them and shaped them according to the time and conditions, this is what survivors and flexible people do, so they can stay active in the
world’s race. We the mature human beings always remember the quote of Great Greek philosopher Heraclitus that change is the only reality
in the nature nothing can be last long enough except the change. Traditionalist/Revolutionist: This piece of writing by Sir EM Forster opens a
vast field for debate that who are we traditionalist or revolutionist? If we are truly hungry readers then after reading this essay this question
will must arise in our minds that, is he really wants from us to stick in the past on the name of traditions and stay behind the world? He
recalls the names of old great artist and shows his concern that upcoming generations will left behind them including us, they will not
remember the our traditional stuff like clothes, food, language, likes, dislikes, restrictions, festivals etc. Revolution is name of change,
nowadays the term is mostly used for political, religious changes or for those events which causes massacre. But reality is revolution is the
name of every change, this change can be in individual thought, actions. The revolution we are talking about is the revolution in individuals,
revolution of choices, priorities; revolution of restrictions, revolution of behaviors, revolution of accent and language and selection of words
in conversation, revolution in literature and art and revolution in likes dislikes. This type of revolutions takes place in every society silently
and our writer is talking about these changes and he is not ready to accept these little and silently loud changes, EM Forster himself is a
part of modern literature somehow but if we remember when the Romantic movement in English literature started almost every critic and
writer criticize and reproach the William Wordswoth, and every that writer who went against the classic style of writing, because it was
strictly prohibited in the classic rule to break the rules of writing but when they create to style of writing they were criticized but with the
passage of time everyone enjoyed the new trend. Being revolutionist doesn’t means that we are humiliating the old traditions, I think
traditions should be flexible so anytime they can be modified, it is right of every generation that they can make their traditions according to
their choices. As far as our writer is concern about remembering and enjoying the old stuff of literature so as we discussed that younger
generations carry those things which can be adjusted in their time, remembering the old stuff without any sense or logic is foolishness.
Those rules that art, that literature which can be beneficial for society and humanity is worth saving in today’s world, I’ll must say that be
traditionally revolutionist. Culture Matters (Conclusion): People’s sprits and emotions are connected with twine named culture, today when
we look around in the society either its western or eastern we find one thing common that humans are not only leaving their basics, but they
are ignoring the braches they are connected with. Day by day human getting so much involved in the artificial stuff, fake, smiles, fake tears,
fake emotions, fake relations, everything is becoming sketchy. When we think about it we come to realize that Forster’s reservations were
right. Maybe we are traveling back to the dark ages when there was no concept of culture and law. Today in the name of freedom humans
are freeing their self from humanity and feelings, our intentions are getting terrible face, we were suppose to modify our cultures from furious
and ridiculous traditions but we are losing senses in the name of change. We are forgetting those precious lessons which became candles
in the dark, we are ignoring those ever green pieces of literature which is making our nation proud, and we are stealing the eyes from that
beautiful art which is the adornment of any nation. This is what happens usually, and people call it “being practical”. I don’t think that is
wrong, maybe this is way forward I guess this is what development is. But if you pull your roots out, what will remain behind? An
emotionless robotic human and this is what people are becoming now. Culture is the lifeblood of a vibrant society and a strong part of
people’s lives. It influences their views, their values, their ethics and entire lifestyles. Each culture has its unique representation. Today’s era
is called globalization, living and working with different people and building new relationships with them trying to know the colors of their
traditions, it’d help to have some perspective and understanding of their cultures. Note: These are my personnel thoughts, any kind of
resemblance will be coincidence.

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