"Sprinkler Irrigation": in The Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement For Diploma in Civil Engineering

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Micro-Project Report


“Sprinkler Irrigation”
In the partial fulfillment of the requirement for Diploma in Civil Engineering
Submitted by

Guided by
Mr. Abhishek Anil Dhotre (2820)
MR. Mr. Shreyash Mahesh Lokhande (2821)
Mr. Sangram Balaso Ombase (2822)
Mr. Ayesha Chand Shaikh (2824







This to certify that following students has satisfactorily carried out the project work entitled
"Sprinkler Irrigation ". This work is being submitted for the award of Diploma in Civil
Engineering (CE5I). It is submitted in partial fulfillment of the prescribed syllabus of Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education for the academic year 2020-21

Mr. Abhishek Anil Dhotre (2820)

Mr. Shreyash Mahesh Lokhande (2821)
Mr. Sangram Balaso Ombase (2822)
Mr. Ayesha Chand Shaikh (2824)

Mr. S.V.Bote
(Project Guide)

Mrs.J.S.Patil Dr. R.K Patil

(H.O.D. Civil Shift) (Principal)


This to certify that Mr. Abhishek Dhotre (2820), Mr. Shreyash Lokhande(2821), Mr. Sangram
Ombase(2822), Miss. Ayesha Shaikh(2824) has satisfactorily carried out the project work entitled
"Sprinkler Irrigation ". This work is being submitted for the award of Diploma in Civil Engineering. It is
submitted in partial fulfillment of the prescribed syllabus of Maharashtra State Board of Technical
Education for the academic year 2020-21

Mr. S.V.Bote
(Project Guide)

Mrs.J.S.Patil Dr. .R.K Patil

(H.O.D.Civil Shift.) (Principal)

The project provided me a great opportunity to learn. The project has been successfully
completed as a result of knowledge, skills, logic and also those who guide me. I would like to
acknowledge Mr. S.V.Bote for their guidance and support throughout the duration of this project.
I would also like to thank our honorable principal, Dr.R.K Patil

for his support and encouragement. Also, I would like to again thank Mr. S.V.Boteand Mrs.J.S.Patil for
constant support and for providing us with all possible facilities in the department.
I would like to thank all the teaching and non-teaching staff of Civil Engineering and Applied
Mechanics Department, and my friends who directly or indirectly helped me in the successful
completion of this project.

Mr. Abhishek Anil Dhotre (2820)

Mr. Shreyash Mahesh Lokhande (2821)
Mr. Sangram Balaso Ombase (2822)
Mr. Ayesha Chand Shaikh (2824)

Sprinkler irrigation technology was introduced in the world about 100 years
ago but its application increased to larger areas since 80 years only. Many
areas of the world developed salinity problem due to unplanned and
uncontrolled surface irrigation. However, after Second World War due to
development of plastics, innovation of light aluminum pipes, I.C. engines,
efficient pumps and electric motor, remarkable development in sprinkler
took place. This technology has become very popular in western countries
particularly in Europe and U.S.A., since 1967. At the end of 1970, about 2.5
m-ha area was irrigated with sprinkler in Europe and more than 3 m ha in
U.S.A. Many countries like Israel, Australia, U.S.A., Europe etc. have
developed and adopted different types of sprinkler irrigation systems and
they are very popular in these countries, while in India, this system came to
be known only in the year 1980. Earlier, sprinkler system was used for
plantation corps such as tea, coffee, cardamom and other crops raised on hill
slopes as supplementary irrigation during post monsoon periods or dry
season, where surface irrigation is not practicable. These farmers have
realized that sprinkler irrigation can be commercially adopted in including
terrain and sloping hills
and on mountain tracts for plantation crops during non-rainy periods and
when the monsoon is erratic. The concept of sprinkler irrigation has gathered
momentum in the recent past because of two important factors viz., impact
of climate change resulting in unpredictable showers and long periods of
drought and second due to the non availability of labour.
Part B :

Brief description :

 This method water is supplied to the soil or crop from some height above the
surface. Sprinkling irrigation is the other name of overhead irrigation for
water is supplied in sprinkles to the crop and soil.
 Pressurized irrigation through devices called sprinklers. Sprinklers are
usually located on pipes called lateral . water which is similar to rainfall.
Water is distributed it is a method of applying irrigation through a system of
pipes usually by pumping. It is then sprayed into the air and irrigates entire
soil surface through spray heads. Sprinkler irrigation is used for almost all
crops and on nearly all soils. The efficiency of this type of irrigation is more
than 80% as there is uniform distribution of water.

Literature review

Research Paper - Sprinkler Irrigation – An Asset in Water Scarce and Undulating


Author – Anup Das.

Content Taken - Sprinkler irrigation technology was introduced in the world about
100 years ago but its application increased to larger areas since 80 years only.
Many areas of the world developed salinity problem due to unplanned and
uncontrolled surface irrigation.
• Irrigation Types of sprinkler
• Rotating head system

• Perforated type system

• Centre pivot system

• Types of rotating head sprinkler system

• Portable system

• Semi-portable system

• Semi-permanent system

• Solid-set system

• Permanent system
 Portable system

Portable system has portable main lines, and laterals and a portable pumping
plant. It is designed to be moved from field to field or two different pump sites in
the same field .the portable system may be designed to be moved manually or by
mechanical power. The hand move system in which the laterals and mains are
moved manually is the type that has been introduced in India.

 Semi-portable system

• A semi portable system is similar to a fully portable system except that the
location of the water source and pumping plant are fixed. Such a system may
be used on more than one field where there is an extended main line but may
not be used on more than one farm unless there are additional pumping
• Permanent system

A fully permanent system consists of permanently laid

mains, sub mains and lateral and a water source and pumping plant. Mains, sub
mains and laterals are usually hurried below plough depth. Sprinklers permanently
located on its riser. Such systems are costly and are suitable 2 automation of the
system moisture sensing device.

• Component parts of sprinklers system:

1) Pumping Set

2) Main Line

3) Lateral Lines

4) Sprinkler head

5) Debris screen

6) Desalting Basins

7)Booster pumps

8) Take-Off valves
1).Pumping Set

The pump is usually lift water from the source and pushes it through distribution
system and the sprinklers. It may also boost the water in an existing water
distribution line to force it through the sprinklers system at the desired pressure In
all cases it is important that the pump should be designed to lift the required
amount of water from the source of supply to the highest point in the field and
maintain on adequate operating pressure.


Main lines may be permanent or portable. Permanent mains are used to best
advantage on firms where field boundaries are fixed and where crops require full-
season irrigation. Portable mains are more economical when sprinkler system is to
be used on any number of fields.

3).Lateral Lines

The lateral lines usually are portable. Buried permanent laterals are
however used of awesome orchards, tree nurseries and for other special sites.
Quick- coupled aluminium pipe is best for most portable laterals. The lateral pipes
are usually available in length of 5 to 6 m. Each length has couplings


The sprinkler head is most important component of sprinkler irrigation

system. its operating characteristics under optimum water pressure and climatic
condition mainly the wind velocity will determine it's suitability and efficiency of
5).Debris screen

Debris screen is usually needed when surface water is used as the source of
irrigation details vary, but the function of screens is to keep the system free of trash
that might plug the sprinkler nozzles. Screen should be fine enough to catch weed
seeds and other small particles. They may also be required to prevent sticks, plant
stalks and other large item of debris from entering the system.


Desalting basins may be required to trap sand are suspended still when the water
comes from stems, open dishes or well water having silt sometimes desalting
basins and Debris screens are built as a combination structure desalting basin
should be large enough to provide protection for at least one full day. larger
capacities are desirable

7).Booster pumps

Booster pump should be used when a sprinkler irrigation system is

used set an existing pumping with an existing pumping system installed in a well
and the pump capacity is insufficient to force the water through sprinklers

8).Take-Off valves

Take off valves generally are needed to control pressure in the lateral lines.
The valves should always be used in systems where there are significant
differences in main in line pressure at the various lateral take-off points. In
multiple lateral systems they also permit moving individual without shutting down
the entire system.
 Design of sprinkler irrigation system


The objective of the overall design is to secure a system that

will provide a satisfactory uniformity of distribution with a minimum annual
operating cost including depreciation power and labour cost. In the design
procedure various alternatives might be compared to determine the most
economical combination of capital cost power cost and labour cost considerations
should be given to long-term changes in this cost and changing cropping patterns
Design procedure of sprinkler irrigation system:

Sprinkler irrigation system to suit the conditions of a particular size is a

specially designed in order to achieve high efficiency is in its performance and
economy. Step by step procedure in the planning at sprinkler irrigation system is
enumerated below.

Inventory resource and condition

It is essential that map yeah concerned is prepared and drawn to scale

with sufficient accuracy to show or dimensions so that lengths of main and laterals
can be scaled.

• Climatic condition

The consumptive use of crop depends upon the club suggest

temperature radiation intensity humidity and wind velocity sprinkler system is
designed for the daily picrate optimism consumptive use of the crop irrigated by it.
As pic demand in the range of 2 to 10 mm depth per day is equivalent to a
continuous flow of 0.23 to 0.116 litters / second hectare.
Collected data

Name of farmer: Mr.kumar kashid

Address: At post- Umbraj Tal- karad

Irrigated area: 1 Acre

Location of area: Umaraj

Source of water: Well (soft deep)

Which crop is irrigated under sprinkler irrigation:- rice

1.Cost of sprinkler set – Rs.36500/-

Subcidy from govt.—Rs.10000/-

Sprinkler set—36500-10000=26500/-

2.Other cost for growth of wheat

• Fertilizers-Rs.3200/-

• Composting- Rs.1400/-

• Labour cost- Rs.4000/-

• Electricity- Rs.1000/-

• Seeds- Rs.1600/- (bag)

• Total other cost – Rs.11200/-

First year
• By Sprinkler System

• Total cost required for the production of wheat = sprinkler set + other

• = 26500+ 11200 = 37700/-

• Production of wheat:- 18 quintal

• Cost per quintal:- Rs.2400/-

• Production cost of wheat = 2400 × 18 = Rs. 43200/-

• Net production cost = Production cost ˗ (sprinkler + other cost)

• = 43200 – 37700

• Net production cost using sprinkler = Rs. 5500/-

• By Flooding Method

• Other cost = Rs. 11200/-

• Extra work= Rs.2500/-

• Total other cost=13400/-

• Total production = 15 quintal

• Total production = (15 X 2400)

• Now, net profit due to sprinkler :

• Net profit due to flooding = Rs. 22600/


Sprinkler irrigation is a method of providing rainfall like irrigation to the crops

which is designed and analyzed by us. In this project we visited to so many
agricultures at of sprinkler irrigation which helped us to enhance our practical

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