RIZAL 101 Assignment 4

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Name: Lumapas, Mathew Emanuel V. Course/Year:BSA-1A Date: 04-16-21

Essay. Be responsive to the question. 5 points each

1. What were the reasons for the birth of Filipino nationalism during the Spanish period?

The reasons for the birth of Filipino nationalism during the Spanish period is because of these
factors, first is the opening of the Philippines to the international or world trade, second is the rise of
the middle class, third is the secularization controversy,fourth is the influx of Liberal ideas from
Europe, fifth is the Opening of the Suez Canal. (Ferdinand De Lesseps) and lastly is the Martyrdom of

2. What was the “Secularization Movement” advocated by the GomBurZa?

Secularization is a process by which the society is slowly transforming from that having close
identification with the religious institution to a more separated relationship. The GomburZa
advocated the right of the Filipino secular clergy over the assignment of parishes rather than giving
them to the newly arrived Spanish friars in the country. The seculars were those who were not bound
by monastic vows or rules.

3. What were the reasons why most of the uprisings in the Philippines failed?

The reasons why most of the uprisings in the Philippines failed is mainly for these two reasons
which is evident during the Spanish rule, first is that the Filipinos were not united. Instead of helping
each other to oust the Spaniards, the Tagalogs helped Spaniards, the Filipinos fought each other. For
example, the Tagalogs helped stop a revolt in Pampanga. In retaliation, Pampanguenos helped the
Spaniards when the Tagalogs revolted. So, the Spaniards used the Filipinos lack of unity to continue
oppressing them. This was the policy of divide et imper (divide and rule).

Second is that There were no national leaders who united the people. The leaders of these
revolts had influence only in a small area-some towns, a few provinces, or some islands. There were
no Gom-Bur-Za, Rizal, Bonifacio, or Aguinaldo then. These national heroes only came in the 19th

4. Who were the “ilustrados” and the “principalia”?

Principalia- nobility class was the social and educated class in the towns of colonial Philippines
composed of the Gobernadorcillo (Town Mayor), or the Cabeza de Barangay (Chief of the Barangay) who
governed the districts and the awardees of the medal of Civil Merit

 Exempted from forced labor during the colonial period

 Were allowed to vote, be elected to public office and be addressed by the title: Don or
 Given certain roles in the Church, such as assisting the priest in pastoral and religious
Ilustrados- (Spanish for "erudite," "learned," or "enlightened ones"). constituted the Filipino
educated class during the Spanish colonial period in the late 19th century.They were the middle class who
were educated in Spanish and exposed to Spanish liberal and European nationalist ideals.

The Ilustrado class was composed of native-born intellectuals and cut across ethnolinguistic and
racial lines—Indios, Insulares and Mestizos, among others—and sought reform through "a more equitable
arrangement of both political and economic power" under Spanish tutelage.

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