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November 8, 2013, exactly 6 years ago when the most

devastating weather system smashed the heart of the Philippines the

visayas Region. Six years had passed but the memory is still dear, the
terror is still there and I can’t help to shed a tear just thinking of what
happened that unforgettable day. The day I was given a second life along
with my family.

We watched TV for hourly report of the status of the

typhoon, outside the rain was still falling hard and once in a whole the
wind gust. A report says the typhoon was getting nearer and it may
landfall early the next morning.

After typhoon Yolanda devastated the Philippines, resilient

was a term frequently used by the media, survivors, government officials
and various other stakeholders in the city of on how this term was
articulated and experience during that period. Once by the typhoon and
once more by government policy and the inequitable distribution of
relief goods and services due to the inadequacies of the disaster

I argue that resilience is a complex, overused manipulated

and contested term and that a more transparent understanding of
resilience for disaster relief and rehabilitation is needed. We cannot stop
natural disaster but we can arm ourselves with knowledge so many live
wouldn’t have to be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness if we
lose our hope, that’s our real disaster.
21st Century

Refers to new literary work created within the last decade. It

is written by contemporary authors who may deal with
current themes/ issues and reflects a technological culture. It
often breaks traditional writing rules.

In this episode, we will learn the three modern literary

genres presently used by 21st century writers. Which are

 Literary presentation where the author
incorporates doodle writing, drawings and
handwritten graphics in place of the traditional
 Drawing enhance the story, often adding
humorous elements
 Example includes The Dairy of a Wimpy Kid by
Jeff Kinney.

 Japanese word for comics
 It is used in the English-speaking world as a
generic term for all comic books and graphic
novels originally published in Japan.
 Considered as an artistic and storytelling style.
 Ameri-manga- sometimes used to refer to comics
created by American artistic in manga style.

 Narrative in comic book formats.
 Narrative work in which the story conveyed to
the reader using a comic form.
 The term is employed in broadly manner,
encompassing non-fiction works and thematically
linked short stories as well as fictional stories
across a number of genres.
 Archic Comics by John Goldwater and
illustrators, Bob Montana, is a good example.

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