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Autogenous Curing of Cold-Bonded

Fly-Ash-Aggregate Concrete
Glory Joseph1 and K. Ramamurthy, M.ASCE2

Abstract: Autogenous curing behavior of cold-bonded fly-ash-aggregate concrete for a range of cement and aggregate contents is studied by
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subjecting concrete to three different curing regimes, viz, mist curing, sealed condition and air curing. The moisture movement from the
aggregate to concrete at various ages is estimated and correlated to the paste-aggregate proximity. The degree of hydration is evaluated
through nonevaporable water content. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) has been employed to identify hydration products with age
of concrete. The results suggest that the degree of hydration and strength of cold-bonded aggregate concrete are almost insensitive to curing
conditions. The autogenous curing of cold-bonded aggregate concrete could be effectively utilized with no variation in compressive strength
or porosity as compared with mist curing, if it is properly covered to minimize the evaporation loss. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533
.0000177. © 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Curing; Fly ash; Aggregates; Concrete; Moisture; Migration; Hydration; Compressive strength.
Author keywords: Curing; Fly ash; Aggregates; Concrete; Moisture; Migration; Hydration; Compressive strength.

Introduction (Swamy and Lambert 1983; Dhir et al. 1984; Haque et al. 2004;
Kovler et al. 2004). Swamy and Lambert (1983) reported strength
Studies have been reported on the use of lightweight aggregate of not less than 90% in concrete with sintered fly-ash aggregate
(LWA) as partial replacement for conventional coarse aggregate after 3 to 6 months exposure in uncontrolled curing environment
in high-performance concrete to facilitate internal curing and mit- of low humidity as compared with those under controlled curing.
igate autogenous shrinkage (Bentz and Snyder 1999; Bentur et al. Dhir et al. (1984) studied the development of strength of concrete
2001; Zhutovsky et al. 2004; Kovler et al. 2004). When the internal with expanded clay aggregate up to 365 days and concluded that
relative humidity in the cement paste decreases owing to hydration the percentage gain in strength of air-cured concrete was lower than
and drying, the moisture required for further hydration will be that of water-cured concrete. Although the compressive strength of
drawn from the relatively large pores of the lightweight aggregate concrete with sintered fly-ash aggregate is less sensitive to curing,
into the much smaller pores of the cement paste by capillary suc- the water penetrability and depth of carbonation are affected by the
tion. Thus the saturated lightweight aggregates in concrete act extent of curing (Haque et al. 2004). The effectiveness of internal
as water reservoirs for the unhydrated cement paste (Weber and curing and consequent reduction in autogenous shrinkage mainly
Reinhardt 1997). The efficiency of internal curing depends on depends on the surface porosity and absorptive capacity of the
the grain-size distribution of the aggregate and proximity of cement aggregate (Kovler et al. 2004). Hence, the sensitivity of high-
paste to the surface of the aggregate. Hence the objective of such absorptive capacity cold-bonded fly-ash aggregate to curing con-
studies on high-strength concrete has been to identify the minimum ditions is likely to be different from that of heat-treated aggregate
LWA content to facilitate internal curing, as its content adversely with low surface porosity and water absorption.
affects the strength of concrete. Unlike high-strength concrete In this paper, the effectiveness of cold-bonded aggregate on the
incorporating a small quantity of LWA, the self-curing capability autogenous curing behavior of concrete is examined through an
of lightweight aggregate concrete containing a large volume of assessment of moisture migration from the aggregate, degree of
saturated aggregate with high absorption capacity needs to be hydration, compressive strength, and permeable porosity at various
evaluated. ages by subjecting concrete to three curing regimes: mist curing,
The influences of curing conditions and the extent of curing sealed condition, and air curing. Although mist curing represents
on the strength development of lightweight aggregate concrete the conventional laboratory curing method, the sealed curing is
with heat-treated sintered/expanded clay aggregate having a water chosen to understand the effectiveness of cold-bonded aggregate
absorption value in the range of 12 to 13.5% have been reported in promoting hydration when no moisture movement is allowed
both from the interior or exterior of the concrete. Air curing
Reader, Civil Engineering Division, School of Engineering, Cochin typically represents the case of concrete not being subjected to
Univ. of Science and Technology, Cochin-682022, India. E-mail: any specific curing and exposed to ambient conditions in a region
2 with a warm humid climate.
Professor, Building Technology and Construction Management
Division, Dept. of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai-600036, India
(corresponding author). E-mail:
Note. This manuscript was submitted on September 30, 2009; approved Experimental Investigation
on September 23, 2010; published online on September 27, 2010. Discus-
sion period open until September 1, 2011; separate discussions must be Materials and Mixture Proportions
submitted for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Ma-
terials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 4, April 1, 2011. ©ASCE, ISSN We used ordinary portland cement that had a 28-day compressive
0899-1561/2011/4-393–401/$25.00. strength of 54.1 MPa and conformed to IS 12269 (2004), and river


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2011.23:393-401.

sand as a fine aggregate (specific gravity of 2.62 and 1% water crushed-granite aggregate (water absorption: 1%, specific gravity:
absorption). Cold-bonded aggregate was produced in the laboratory 2.71) was also cast to compare with cold-bonded aggregate
using a disk pelletizer from Class-C fly ash [ASTM C 618 (2005a)]. concrete. For each mix, 100 mm cube specimens were cast for
The parameters of pelletization (angle and speed of pelletizer, mois- various tests. After 2 h of casting, all the molds were covered with
ture content in fly ash) for achieving maximum efficiency were polyethylene sheets to avoid moisture loss. The specimens were
adopted from an earlier study (Manikandan and Ramamurthy demolded after 24 h, weighed and stored under the respective
2007). The aggregate obtained through pelletization, and it was curing conditions listed in Table 2.
kept under shade for 24 h and then subjected to normal water curing
up to 28 days before its use as coarse aggregate in cold-bonded Methodology
fly-ash-aggregate concrete. Strengthening of pellets is because Moisture Movement from Cold-Bonded Aggregate
of the formation of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel during Residual moisture content in the cold-bonded aggregate at various
the hydration (Bijen 1986). The aggregate size fraction passing ages of concrete would give an indication of the moisture transfer
a 12.5 mm and retained on a 4.75 mm sieve, conforming to the from aggregate to concrete. To estimate the moisture migration
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grading requirements of ASTM C330 (2005b) was used. The from the aggregate to concrete, around 100 g of cold-bonded
physical and mechanical properties of the aggregate are presented aggregate was extracted manually from each mix of concrete
in Table 1. The specific gravity of saturated surface dry aggregate at various ages by carefully crushing the concrete (Holm and
was 1.98, although the 24-h water absorption and open porosity, Bremner 2004). As near-surface aggregates would have been
because of oven-dried (100  5°C) aggregate, were respectively affected by the environmental condition, the aggregates were
20.5% and 38%. Approximately 93% of the 24-h water absorption extracted from a depth of 15 mm. Care was taken to remove the
was observed to occur within the first 30 min, the aggregate was mortar layer from the surface of the aggregate to the extent pos-
soaked for 30 min and allowed to drain out the excess water for sible. The residual moisture is estimated as the difference in mass
10 min before mixing. between as-extracted aggregate and the mass after 24 h of oven-
Table 2 presents concrete mixtures along with the curing con- drying at 100  5°C, expressed as a percentage of the oven-dried
ditions investigated. The mixtures with low water content were mass of the aggregate.
chosen to evaluate the effect of cold-bonded aggregate in promot-
ing hydration by internal curing. The cement content was varied to Degree of Hydration
analyze both low strength (< 30 MPa, in which matrix or matrix- The chemically bound water determining the degree of hydration of
aggregate bond initiates failure) and high-strength concrete cement paste was assessed by a measurement of nonevaporable
[wherein the failure takes place through the cold-bonded aggregate water content in the paste. The mortar fractions at different
and strength decreases with volume fraction of aggregate (Joseph ages were extracted after carefully excluding the cold-bonded
and Ramamurthy 2009)]. The proportioning of materials was done aggregate fractions bearing in mind the hydrated products such
on an absolute volume basis by considering the entrapped air in the as calcium hydroxide (CH), C-S-H and ettringite in the cold-
concrete as 2.5% (ACI 211.2). The cement, water and fine aggre- bonded aggregate (Manikandan and Ramamurthy 2008). The
gate were mixed first for 2 min, the cold-bonded aggregate was then mortar was crushed and sieved through a 75 μm sieve to remove
added and the mixing was continued for the next 3 min. The the sand particles as suggested by Weber and Reinhardt (1997).
required dosage of superplasticizer was added to maintain a con- The sample was dried at 105°C for 24 h to remove the physically
stant workability, as characterized by a 50  5 mm slump. The bound water from the paste. The nonevaporable water content
fresh density of cold-bonded aggregate concrete was observed was determined as the percentage weight loss of the ignited sample
to vary between 2,075 to 2;250 kg=m3 . Normal concrete using (El-Dieb 2007) corrected for the loss of ignition of the original
cement sample after burning it in a muffle furnace at 1000°C. Ther-
mal gravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to identify the various
Table 1. Physical and Mechanical Properties of 28-Day Cured Cold- hydrates developed in concrete with age based on the decomposi-
Bonded Aggregate tion that occurs at different temperatures. TGA was carried out up
to 1000°C on hydrated cement at different ages (after being oven-
Property aggregate Test method dried at 105°C) at a heating rate of 10°C= min under a nitrogen
Dry loose bulk density (kg=m ) 995 (ASTM C29 2003)
Saturated surface dry sp. gravity 1.98 (ASTM C127 2004) Permeable Porosity
Open porosity (%) 38.03 Vacuum saturation The porosity (apparent) of concrete attributable to permeable voids
30-min water absorption (%) 19.04 — provides an indication of effect of curing on potential durability.
24-h water absorption (%) 20.46 (ASTM C127 2004)
This was determined by subjecting the oven-dried 100 mm cube
samples to vacuum saturation [ASTM C 1202 (2005c)]. The
10% fines (kN) 28.8 (IS 2386: Part IV 2002)
amount of water penetrated into the specimen, a measure of
Crushing strength (N) 813 (BS 812: Part 110 1990)
the porosity in concrete is calculated as

Table 2. Mixture Proportions and Curing Conditions

Cement content Type of coarse Water-cement Coarse aggregate to total aggregate
(kg=m3 ) aggregate ratio ratio (CA/TA) (Vol. %) Curing conditions
250 Cold-bonded fly ash 0.5 35, 50, 65 (1) Mist room curing, 23  2°C, 98  2% RH, 180 days,
350 Cold-bonded fly ash 0.35 35, 50, 65 (2) Sealed in aluminum foils, 23  2°C, 180 days, and
450 Cold-bonded fly ash 0.35 35, 50, 65 (3) Air curing, 23 to 37°C & 65–82% RH, 180 days
450 Crushed granite 0.35 65


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2011.23:393-401.

ðW sat  W dry Þ mist-cured concrete
p¼ × 100 19
ðW sat  W wat Þ

Residual moisture content in aggregate (%)

where p = permeable porosity (%); W dry = oven dry weight; W sat = 16
saturated surface dry weight; and W wat = saturated submerged 15
weight. 14
Results and Discussion 12 cement=450 kg/m , CA/TA=35%
11 cement=450 kg/m , CA/TA=65%
10 cement=350 kg/m , CA/TA=35%
Moisture Movement from Cold-Bonded Aggregate with 3
cement=350 kg/m , CA/TA=65%
9 3
Age of Concrete cement=250 kg/m , CA/TA=35%
8 3
cement=250 kg/m , CA/TA=65%
The residual moisture content in the cold-bonded aggregate
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extracted from concrete subjected to different curing regimes up 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
(a) Age of concrete (days)
to 180 days is presented in Fig. 1. A significant reduction in the
moisture content of the aggregate was observed during early age 20
sealed concrete
(within 7 days), under all curing regimes. Considerable reduction 19

Residual moisture content in aggregate (%)

in moisture content in the aggregate extracted from mist-cured con- 18
crete [Fig. 1(a)] shows the migration of moisture from the aggre- 17
gate, as it is more readily available to the paste than that from the 16
external source of mist curing. For a given cement content and 15
period of curing, the residual moisture content was lower in aggre- 14
gate extracted from concrete with a low volume fraction (35%) of 13
aggregate. As the quantity of aggregate in concrete is lower, the 12 3
cement=450 kg/m , CA/TA=35%
total quantity of water entrained by the saturated aggregate in con- 11 3
cement=450 kg/m , CA/TA=65%
crete is lower in the beginning itself, demanding migration of a 10 3
cement=350 kg/m , CA/TA=35%
higher percentage of moisture from the aggregate. For a given vol- 9
cement=350 kg/m , CA/TA=65%
ume of cold-bonded aggregate and concrete under sealed and mist- 8
cement=250 kg/m , CA/TA=35%
cured regimes, the residual moisture content was lowest in the 3
cement=250 kg/m , CA/TA=65%
aggregate extracted from concrete with 450 kg=m3 of cement con- 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
tent, indicative of increased moisture transport to the hydrating (b) Age of concrete (days)
paste with an increase in cement content. The air-cured condition 20
exhibits the least residual water content in the aggregate extracted air-cured concrete 3
cement=450 kg/m , CA/TA=35%
from concrete with cement content of 250 kg=m3 indicating higher 3
cement=450 kg/m , CA/TA=65%
Residual moisture content in aggregate (%)

moisture transfer from aggregate of concrete with less dense micro- 3
cement=350 kg/m , CA/TA=35%
17 3
structure to the drying environment. The moisture migration from cement=350 kg/m , CA/TA=65%
16 3
aggregate is marginal after 7 days in sealed and mist-cured condi- cement=250 kg/m , CA/TA=35%
15 3
tions. The moisture movement continued in the air-cured regime cement=250 kg/m , CA/TA=65%
owing to loss of moisture through the surface of the specimen to 14
the atmosphere. 13
To understand the influence of spatial distribution of aggregate 12
in concrete on the moisture transfer from the aggregate, paste- 11
aggregate proximity was determined by adopting the “protected 10
paste volume concept” of Bentz and Snyder (1999) using the near- 9
est surface distribution functions for polydispersed particles. The 8
paste-aggregate proximity was computed for various mixtures in 7
Table 2 with different cold-bonded aggregate and cement contents. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Fig. 2 shows that for a given volume of cold-bonded aggregate, the (c) Age of concrete (days)

fraction of paste within a particular distance from the aggregate

Fig. 1. Variation of moisture content in the cold-bonded aggregate with
reduces with an increase in cement content. It can also be noticed
age of concrete; (a) mist-cured concrete; (b) sealed concrete; (c) air-
that with an increase in volume of cold-bonded aggregate, there
cured concrete (CA/TA—ratio of coarse aggregate volume to total
exists significant variation in the amount of paste fraction within
aggregate volume)
1 mm from the aggregate surface. But beyond a proximity level
of 3 mm, the difference in paste fraction with the aggregate content
is quite marginal, i.e., approximately 85 to 100% of the paste frac-
tion is within 3 mm from the aggregate surface. The least residual
Beyond 28 days, the change in moisture content of the aggregate
moisture content in the aggregate extracted from concrete with low
CA/TA (ratio of coarse aggregate volume to total aggregate vol- under all the curing regimes was marginal (Fig. 1), indicating low
ume) ratio under all curing regimes suggests that the moisture moisture migration from aggregate irrespective of paste-aggregate
in the aggregate has migrated through the hydrating paste to such proximity. This is attributed to the improvement in microstructure
a distance as to give higher internal relative humidity for a greater of the matrix and matrix-aggregate interface with the age of
fraction of paste during the early age when the hydration is faster. concrete and slower hydration at later ages, reducing the moisture
The paste-aggregate proximity in Fig. 2 implies that the water travel demand. Only marginal variation in residual moisture content (0.12
distance of the water, at early ages, is at least 3 mm. to 1.7%) between aggregate extracted from sealed and mist-cured


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2011.23:393-401.

a significant reduction (approximately 30 g=103 m3 ) in moisture
loss occurred as the cement content was increased from 250 to
0.8 450 kg=m3 . This is attributable to the improvement in microstruc-
ture of concrete with increase in cement content which corroborates
Fraction of cement paste

well with the higher residual moisture observed in aggregates ex-

0.6 3
cement=450 kg/m , CA/TA=35%
tracted from concrete having higher cement content [Fig. 1(c)].
cement=450 kg/m , CA/TA=50% After 28-days, the moisture loss from concrete was marginal (sim-
cement=450 kg/m , CA/TA=65% ilar to the observations made in moisture transfer from aggregate).
0.4 3
cement=350 kg/m , CA/TA=35%
cement=350 kg/m , CA/TA=50% Minimum Entrained Water for Hydration
cement=350 kg/m , CA/TA=65%
0.2 3
cement=250 Kg/m , CA/TA=35%
Having estimated the moisture migration from cold-bonded fly-ash
cement=250 kg/m , CA/TA=50% aggregate, as a next step a check whether the quantity of moisture
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cement=250 kg/m , CA/TA=65% migrated from aggregate was adequate for providing favorable con-
0.0 ditions for complete hydration was undertaken. The requirement of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Distance from aggregate surface (mm)
entrained water (V wat ) in concrete for avoiding self-desiccation and
ensuring “complete curing” in a concrete under sealed conditions
Fig. 2. Estimated fraction of cement paste from cold-bonded aggregate was evaluated using the relationship proposed by Bentz and Snyder
surface (1999) and updated by Bentz et al. (2005). This is because of the
quantity of water “consumed” during hydration owing to chemical
shrinkage. Then
concrete of the same mixture composition. This shows that the V wat ðm3 water=m3 concreteÞ ¼ C f · CS · αmax =ρw :
influence of internal curing promoted by cold-bonded aggregate
is more pronounced than the external mist curing. This further where C f = cement content in kg=m3 ; CS = chemical shrinkage
emphasizes the effectiveness of moisture availability to the paste occurring during hydration of cement, typically 0.07 kg water
within a certain proximity zone as compared with those made avail- per kg cement hydrated; αmax = maximum degree of achiev-
able on the surface. For a given mix, as expected, the moisture able hydration, estimated as ðw=cÞ=0:36, assuming 100% hydra-
transfer from the aggregate was the lowest in the mist-cured speci- tion at w=c ratio higher than 0.36; and ρw = density of water
men and the highest in the air-cured concrete. However, it is inter- (1;000 kg=m3 ).
esting to note that even at an age of 180 days the residual moisture The amount of water migrated from the aggregate with age of
content in the aggregate was high, i.e., 12 to 17% in the case of concrete was estimated as the difference between the water content
sealed and mist-cured specimens and 7 to 11.5% under air-cured in the aggregate (19.07%) at the time of mixing and residual water
conditions. content at each age per unit volume of concrete. Fig. 4 compares the
quantity of water migrated from aggregate under various curing
Moisture Loss from Concrete regimes and the quantity needed for complete hydration. For con-
cretes under mist-cured and sealed regimes moisture migrated from
As the residual moisture content in the aggregate extracted
the aggregate increases with an increase in cement content. It can be
from air-cured condition was the least, the overall moisture loss
noted that the water migrated from the aggregate of concretes under
from 100 mm air-cured concrete cube specimens was assessed
sealed regime is almost equal to the entrained water required for
at different ages. The moisture loss from the concrete was signifi-
complete curing. It is slightly lower (1.7 to 5:5 kg=m3 ) in the con-
cant during early age (Fig. 3). For a given cement content, a higher
cretes of mist-cured regime with cement contents of 350 and
moisture loss was observed in concrete with higher CA/TA ratio.
450 kg=m3 , indicating that a fraction of water (5 to 18%) required
But the presence of residual moisture content in the aggregate
for complete curing has only been used from the misting environ-
[Fig. 1(c)] indicates that aggregate still contains reserve water
ment. Fig. 4(c) shows that water has also migrated from the aggre-
and that the moisture is being utilized for internal curing. Moreover,
gates of mist-cured concrete with cement content of 250 kg=m3 in
which a higher w=c ratio (0.5) was maintained. The quantity of
70 migrated water varies from 56 to 80% of that required for complete
65 curing.
The higher moisture migration/loss from the aggregate if any, as
Moisture loss in concrete (g / (10 m ))

compared with that required for complete curing in sealed and mist-

cured regimes may be attributed to (1) utilization of moisture by

cold-bonded fly-ash aggregate itself for its continuous pozzolanic
45 reaction and (2) the capillary suction caused by the moisture
40 gradient existing in concrete (Weber and Reinhardt 1997), which
35 3
cement=450 kg/m , CA/TA=35% ensures extended hydration and refinement of gel pores and capil-
30 cement=450 kg/m , CA/TA=65% laries. Comparison of Figs. 3 and 4 for an equal volume of concrete
25 cement=350 kg/m , CA/TA=35% reveals that the moisture lost from the concrete during air curing has
cement=350 kg/m , CA/TA=65% been compensated by the moisture migrated from the aggregate.
20 3
cement=250 kg/m , CA/TA=35%
15 cement=250 kg/m , CA/TA=65%
crushed granite aggregate concrete Degree of Hydration
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 The nonevaporable water (wn ) in concrete with cement content of
Age of concrete (days)
450 kg=m3 , subjected to different curing conditions is presented in
Fig. 5. At a given age and aggregate content, the nonevaporable
Fig. 3. Moisture loss in air-cured concrete
water content in concrete was almost the same under mist-cured


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2011.23:393-401.

70 17.0
3 3
cement = 450 kg/m cement = 450 kg/m
CA/TA=35%, mist
w/c=0.35 16.5
60 CA/TA=65%, mist

wn (% by weight of hydrated cement)

CA/TA=35%, sealed 16.0
Quantity of water migrated from
CA/TA=65%, sealed
50 CA/TA=35%, air 15.5
CA/TA=65%, air mist cured
aggregate (kg/m )

40 15.0
air cured
20 13.5
entrained water required for 13.0 solid line :28-day
10 'complete curing' (Bentz et al., 2005) dotted line:180-day
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0 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 CA/TA (Vol.%)
(a) Age of concrete (days)
Fig. 5. Nonevaporable water content in concrete of different curing
cement=350 kg/m
3 CA/TA=35%, mist regimes
w/c=0.35 CA/TA=65%, mist
60 CA/TA=35%, sealed
CA/TA=65%, sealed
Quantity of water migrated from

50 CA/TA=35%, air 17.0

CA/TA=65%, air air-cured
aggregate (kg/m )


wn (% by weight of hydrated cement)

30 cement=450 kg/m
cement=350 kg/m
20 15.0 cement=250 kg/m

entrained water required for 14.0
'complete curing' (Bentz et al., 2005)
0 13.5
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
(b) Age of concrete (days) 13.0 solid line : 28-day
dotted line : 180-day
80 cement=250 kg/m CA/TA=35%, mist 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
w/c=0.5 CA/TA=65%, mist
CA/TA (Vol.%)
70 CA/TA=35%, sealed
CA/TA=65%, sealed
Fig. 6. Nonevaporable water content in concrete with different cement
Quantity of water migrated from

CA/TA=35%, air
CA/TA=65%, air content
aggregate (kg/m )


Fig. 6 implies that only marginal variation in the degree of hy-
30 dration with cement content and the internal curing is effective even
in concrete with 450 kg=m3 cement content. A comparison of non-
evaporable water content with a similar mixture of concrete with
10 crushed-granite aggregate in Fig. 7 shows (1) a lower degree of
entrained water required for 'complete curing'(Bentz et al., 2005) hydration in all curing regimes and (2) a higher influence of curing
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
regimes on the degree of hydration of concrete with crushed-granite
(c) Age of concrete (days)
mist-cured 3
cement =450 kg/m ,w/c=0.35,CA/TA=65%
Fig. 4. Quantity of water migrated from aggregate with age of
wn (% by weight of hydrated cement)

17 sealed
concrete: (a) cement content of 450 kg=m3 ; (b) cement content of 16 air-cured
350 kg=m3 ; (c) cement content of 250 kg=m3

and sealed regimes, suggesting same degree of hydration and con- 13

forming to the moisture transfer from the aggregate (Fig. 4). Under 12
the air-cured regime, there existed a small reduction (3.1%) in non- 11
evaporable water content, indicating a marginal difference in the 10
degree of hydration. An increase in volume fraction of cold-bonded solid line :cold-bonded aggregate concrete
dotted line :crushed granite aggregate concrete
aggregate resulted in only approximately a 2.6% increase in non- 8
evaporable water content, indicating that the paste-aggregate prox- 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
imity and the moisture migration from 35% volume fraction of Age of concrete (days)

aggregate were quite adequate for counteracting the reduction in

Fig. 7. Nonevaporable water content with age of concrete
internal relative humidity arising because of hydration and drying.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2011.23:393-401.

3 aggregate than those with cold-bonded aggregate, caused by the
cement=450 kg/m
98 reduction in internal relative humidity because of nonavailability
Weight of hydrated cement (%) 96 0
air-cured of “water reservoirs” inside the concrete.
402.9 C
94 Fig. 8 depicts the weight loss in hydrated cement paste for
air-cured samples in a TGA test with an increase in temperature
92 0
453.7 C
from 100°C to 1,000°C, because of the removal of chemically
90 716.1 C
c bound water at various stages. The total reduction in % by weight
444.8 C
0 d of the hydrated sample at 1,000°C in the TGA curve exhibits
717.3 C
86 a almost the same nonevaporable water content as in the furnace
84 0
method (Figs. 5–7). In addition, a distinct increase in the weight
719.1 C b
loss with period of curing clearly indicates an increase in hydrates.
Typically, the weight loss observed in TGA is divided into three
80 parts to represent the weight loss from each of the hydration prod-
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0 200 400 600 800 1000

(a) Temperature (0C)
ucts such as C-S-H, CH, and other hydrates (Alarcon-Ruiz et al.
a- cold-bonded aggregate concrete (CA/TA=35%,28-day) 2005; Li et al. 2000). The weight loss between 100 to 400°C
b- cold-bonded aggregate concrete (CA/TA=35%,180 day) corresponds to the loss of chemically bound water mainly from
c- crushed granite aggregate concrete (28-day) C-S-H and calcium aluminate hydrates and AFt and AFm. Then,
d- crushed granite aggregate concrete (180-day)
there follows an abrupt weight loss near 450°C, associated
100 with the dehydration of CH and a third loss between 700°C and
CA/TA=35% 900°C, because of the decomposition of calcium carbonate and a
air-cured secondary range of C-S-H dehydration. Fig. 8(a) shows a clear
Weight of hydrated cement (%)

increase in weight loss attributable to removal of water from each

94 of the hydration products with period of curing. For the same
445.8 C
92 0 cement content, a relatively higher weight loss in cold-bonded
453.7 C
90 0
649.2 C
aggregate concrete (16.5%) as compared with concrete with
444.1 C
444.8 C 0
crushed-granite aggregate (12.8%) confirms the effective utilization
717.3 C c of moisture migrated from the aggregate for hydration. Fig. 8(b)
86 a
711.1 C demonstrates that for a given cold-bonded aggregate content the
84 d
719.1 C
b increase in weight loss because of removal of water from each
82 of the hydrates is marginally higher in concrete with a higher
80 cement content even though the w=c ratio is less. However, the
0 200 400 600 800 1000 distinct increase in weight loss with period of curing represents
(b) Temperature ( C) additional hydrates and improvement in the degree of hydration,
a- cold bonded aggregate concrete (cement=450 kg/m ,w/c=0.35,28-day) both in concrete with low and high cement content (and low
b- cold bonded aggregate concrete (cement=450 kg/m ,w/c=0.35,180 day)
and high w=c ratio). For a quantitative analysis, the degree of
c- cold bonded aggregate concrete (cement=250 kg/m ,w/c=0.5,28-day)
3 hydration of sealed and air-cured concrete as a percentage of
d- cold bonded aggregate concrete (cement=250 kg/m ,w/c=0.5,180 day)
mist-cured concrete is presented in Table 3.
Fig. 8. Weight loss curves of hydrated cement paste in TGA test:
(a) cold-bonded aggregate concrete and concrete with crushed-granite Compressive Strength
aggregate; (b) cold-bonded aggregate concrete with different cement
The variation in compressive strength of cold-bonded aggregate
concrete with period of curing (up to 28 days) under the three

Table 3. Degree of Hydration and Compressive Strength as % of Mist-Cured Concrete (180-Day)

Nonevaporable water content Compressive strength
(%) (%)
Mixture details Sealed Air-cured Sealed Air-cured
Cold-bonded aggregate concrete Cement ¼ 450 kg, w=c ¼ 0:35
CA=TA ¼ 35% 98.8 96.4 101.7 97.8
CA=TA ¼ 65% 99.2 96.9 102.1 100.0
Cement ¼ 350 kg, w=c ¼ 0:35
CA=TA ¼ 35% 98.5 97.5 101.8 98.2
CA=TA ¼ 65% 99.0 98.0 102.0 98.0
Cement ¼ 250 kg, w=c ¼ 0:5
CA=TA ¼ 35% 99.5 97.2 101.4 95.2
CA=TA ¼ 65% 100.0 97.5 101.0 98.0
Crushed-granite aggregate concrete (cement ¼ 450 kg, 96.1 89.1 95.8 90.8
w=c ¼ 0:35, CA=TA ¼ 65%)
Ratio of nonevaporable water content in mist-cured crushed-granite aggregate 84.7
concrete to mist-cured cold-bonded aggregate concrete (%)


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2011.23:393-401.

3 Also, 7-day strength varied from 71 to 82% of the 28-day strength.
54 cement =450 kg/m
The higher moisture migration from aggregate observed during the
52 first 7 days (Fig. 4) resulted in steeper strength enhancement. Also,
50 only a marginal variation in 28-day strength for specimens sub-
Compressive strength (MPa)

48 jected to different curing regimes. This reconfirms the observations

46 made in “Degree of Hydration” that the paste-aggregate proximity
and moisture migration for a concrete with CA/TA of 35% has been
44 CA/TA=35%,mist
CA/TA=35%,sealed adequate for the strength development of concrete under all the
CA/TA=35%,air curing regimes.
40 CA/TA=50%,mist Again, for a given curing regime, though the degree of hydration
marginally increased with CA/TA ratio (Fig. 6), the higher CA/TA
36 CA/TA=65%,mist resulted in a reduction in the strength of concrete in mixes with
CA/TA=65%,sealed cement contents of 450 and 350 kg=m3 [Figs. 9(a) and 9(b)]. With
Downloaded from by Mohammed Junaid Siddiqui on 09/18/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

CA/TA=65%,air 250 kg=m3 cement content [Fig. 9(c)], the strength of concrete
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 improved with the volume fraction of cold-bonded aggregate. This
(a) Age of concrete (days) is because of the initiation of failure in the matrix or matrix-
50 aggregate bond in cold-bonded aggregate concretes with low
cement=350 kg/m cement content (< 300 kg=m3 ) whereas the failure is governed
by cold-bonded aggregate in concretes with a higher cement con-
tent (Joseph and Ramamurthy 2009).
Compressive strength (MPa)

44 At 180 days, the strength of cold-bonded aggregate concrete

42 (Fig. 10) showed no significant effect of curing regime in mixes
40 with low and high cement content, i.e., the maximum reduction
CA/TA=35%,mist in strength of air-cured concrete was less than 5% (Table 3). This
36 CA/TA=35%,air is consistent with the observation made in “Degree of Hydration”
CA/TA=50%,mist caused by moisture migration. The influence of curing regime is
34 CA/TA=50%,sealed
less pronounced in cold-bonded aggregate concrete, suggesting
CA/TA=65%,mist the efficiency of autogenous curing. These results conform to
30 CA/TA=65%,sealed Weber and Reinhardt (1997) wherein at 360 days the differences
28 in strength of concrete with 25% lightweight aggregate of high
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age of concrete (days)
water absorption (20.2%) in total volume of aggregate, under dif-
ferent curing regimes were approximately 5%; but against loss in
36 strength of approximately 10–12% reported by researchers (Swamy
34 cement=250 kg/m and Lambert 1983; Dhir et al. 1984; Khaloo and Kim 1999)
32 in air-cured lightweight aggregate concrete with aggregate of
30 less absorptive capacity. The compressive strength of concrete
Compressive strength (MPa)

28 with crushed-granite aggregate (Fig. 11) exhibited a reduction in

26 strength under both sealed and air-cured conditions as compared
24 with mist-cured from an early age onward and a decrease of around
CA/TA=35%,mist 10% (Table 3) at 180 days in air-cured concrete, concurring with
20 CA/TA=35%,air
the extensive literature on normal concrete. This again confirms
18 CA/TA=50%,mist the autogenous curing efficiency of aggregate with higher water
CA/TA=50%,sealed absorption capacity and demonstrates that the water entrained in
the saturated aggregate is sufficient for maintaining higher internal
12 CA/TA=65%,sealed
10 65
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
(c) Age of concrete (days) 60
180-day Compressive strength (MPa)

Fig. 9. Variation in compressive strength with age (up to 28 days): 55

(a) cement content of 450 kg=m3 ; (b) cement content of 350 kg=m3 ; 50
(c) cement content of 250 kg=m3

curing regimes is presented in Fig. 9. At 7 days, for a given cement
and aggregate content, the compressive strength was almost the 3
cement=350 kg/m , sealed
same for concrete irrespective of the curing regimes. Also there 30 cement=450 kg/m , mist 3
cement=350 kg/m , air
3 3
was no appreciable reduction in strength in air-cured concrete as cement=450 kg/m , sealed cement=250 kg/m , mist
25 cement=450 kg/m , air 3
compared with those under other regimes, indicating that the higher 3
cement=250 kg/m , sealed
cement=350 kg/m , mist cement=250 kg/m , air
moisture loss of approximately 60 to 75% of total loss (Fig. 3) in 20
the first 7 days of exposure during air curing had not affected the 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
compressive strength. This is because of the higher amount of CA/TA (Vol.%)
moisture migration from the aggregate in the initial days (Fig. 4)
Fig. 10. Influence of curing regimes on 180-day strength
for compensating the moisture loss from the air-cured concrete.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2011.23:393-401.

c=450 kg/m
3 occurred with higher CA/TA ratio). In concrete with 250 kg=m3
72 cement content, the pores in the matrix and the matrix-aggregate in-
68 terfaces are coarse (> 10 μm) and most of them are interconnected.
In concrete with low cement content, an increase in cold-bonded
Compressive strength (MPa)
aggregate content can reduce the porosity in the matrix phase to
some extent by a packing effect owing to the reduction in total sur-
face area because of the decrease in fine aggregate content, allowing
52 the available paste to produce a better binding of particles. in whi-
48 mist-cured chas in concrete with a higher cement content in which the matrix
sealed phase is dense, the difference in quality of the matrix-aggregate
44 air-cured
interface, which decreases with an increase in aggregate content,
determines the variation in permeable porosity.
36 solid line - cold-bonded aggregate concrete
For the same cement content, w=c ratio and CA/TA ratio, a
Downloaded from by Mohammed Junaid Siddiqui on 09/18/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

dotted line - crushed granite aggregate concrete

32 comparison of the permeable porosities of cold-bonded aggregate
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Age of concrete (days)
concrete and concrete with crushed-granite aggregate is presented
in Fig. 13. The variation in permeable porosity owing to curing
Fig. 11. Development of strength in concrete (up to 180 days) conditions was more pronounced in concrete with crushed-granite
aggregate than in cold-bonded aggregate concrete, caused by the
variation in the degree of hydration (Fig. 7).
relative humidity for adequate curing. A marginal reduction in For the same strength level, Fig. 14 shows that the permeable
strength of mist-cured concrete as compared with sealed concrete porosity of air-cured concrete was relatively higher; this may be
has been attributed to the increased moisture content in the mist- attributable to the porosity induced on the outer shell of concrete
cured concrete at the time of testing causing a reduction in surface which was always exposed to the atmosphere.
energy and dilation of gel particles (Bartlett and MacGregor 1994).
Permeable Porosity 3
cement=450 kg/m ,w/c=0.35,CA/TA=65% mist-cured
The influence of different curing conditions on permeable porosity 10 air-dried
of concrete with a range of cement contents is presented in Fig. 12.
For a given cement content and volume fraction of cold-bonded
Permeable Porosity (%)

aggregate, the variation in porosity between mist-cured and sealed
concrete was not prominent, similar to the observations made
on degree of hydration and compressive strength. However, the
volume of permeable pores was higher in air-cured concrete than
under other curing regimes; this difference reduced with an increase 7
in cement content and volume fraction of cold-bonded aggregate.
Fig. 12 also indicates that in concrete with 250 kg=m3 cement 6
sold line -cold-bonded aggregate
content, subjected to a particular curing regime, the permeable dotted line -crushed granite aggregate
porosity decreases with an increase in CA/TA ratio. In concrete 5
with cement contents of 350 and 450 kg=m3 , permeable porosity 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
is observed to increase marginally with an increase in CA/TA ratio Age of concrete (days)
(even though the paste-aggregate proximity is closer and a relatively
higher amount of moisture migration from aggregate to concrete Fig. 13. Variation in permeable porosity of normal concrete with age

CA/TA=35%,mist-cured 17
CA/TA=35%,sealed mist-cured
16 CA/TA=35%,air-cured 16
CA/TA=65%,mist-cured 15 air-cured
Permeable Porosity (%)

14 14
Permeable porosity (%)


12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Cement content (kg/m ) Compressive strength (MPa)

Fig. 12. Permeable porosity under different curing conditions Fig. 14. Relation between permeable porosity and compressive
(180 day) strength (180 day)


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2011.23:393-401.

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2. Degree of hydration is less sensitive to curing conditions internal curing.” Concr. Int., 27(2), 35–40.
because of autogenous curing in cold-bonded aggregate. Bentz, D. P., and Snyder, K. A. (1999). “Protected paste volume in
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TGA has exhibited a higher amount of hydration products in
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3. Influence of curing regime on compressive strength of cold- gate crushing value.” S 812 Part: 110 B, London.
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5. Unlike cold-bonded aggregate concrete, degree of hydration, Compos. Lightweight Concr., 6(4), 249–260.
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Notation lightweight aggregate and concrete.” Publication # 9340, Expanded
Shale, Clay and Slate Institute, Salt Lake City.
The following symbols are used in this paper: Joseph, G., and Ramamurthy, K. (2009). “Workability and strength behav-
CA/TA = ratio of coarse aggregate volume to total aggregate iour of concrete with cold-bonded fly ash aggregate.” Mater. Struct.,
volume; 42(2), 151–160.
C f = cement content; Khaloo, A. R., and Kim, N. (1999). “Effect of curing condition on strength
and elastic modulus of lightweight high strength concrete.” ACI Mater.
p = permeable porosity;
J., 96(4), 485–490.
V wat = volume of entrained water for avoiding self-desiccation; Kovler, K., Souslikov, A., and Bentur, A. (2004). “Pre-soaked lightweight
W dry = weight of oven-dried specimen; aggregates as additives for internal curing of high-strength concretes.”
W sat = weight of vacuum saturated specimen in air; Cem., Concr., Aggregates, 26(2), CCA 12295.
W wat = weight of vacuum saturated specimen in water; Li, D., Shen, J., Chen, Y., Cheng, L., and Wu, X. (2000). “Study of proper-
wn = nonevaporable water; ties of fly ash-slag complex cement.” Cem. Concr. Res., 30(9),
αmax = maximum degree of achievable hydration; and 1381–1387.
ρw = density of water. Manikandan, R., and Ramamurthy, K. (2007). “Influence of fineness of fly
ash on the aggregate pelletization process.” Cem. Concr. Compos.,
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