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Accelerated Curing of Silica-Fume Concrete

N. Yazdani, F.ASCE1; M. Filsaime2; and S. Islam3

Abstract: Silica fume is a common addition to high-performance concrete mix designs. The use of silica fume in concrete leads to
increased water demand. For this reason, Florida Department of Transportation 共FDOT兲 allows only a 72-h continuous moist cure process
for concrete containing silica fume. Accelerated curing has been shown to be effective in producing high-performance characteristics at
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early ages in silica-fume concrete. However, the heat greatly increases the moisture loss from exposed surfaces, which may cause
shrinkage problems. An experimental study was undertaken to determine the feasibility of steam curing of FDOT concrete with silica
fume in order to reduce precast turn around time. Various steam-curing durations were utilized with small laboratory specimens. The
concrete compressive strength, surface resistivity, and shrinkage were determined for various durations of steam curing. Results indicate
that steam cured silica-fume concrete met all FDOT requirements for the 12, 18, and 24 h of curing periods. All steam cured samples
demonstrated excellent durability up to 1 year of age. It was recommended that FDOT allow 12 h steam curing for concrete with silica
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0899-1561共2008兲20:8共521兲
CE Database subject headings: Curing; Concrete; Mixtures.

Introduction cal reactions. Silica fume is also known to affect the time of
setting and bleeding of fresh concrete. Mechanical properties of
Silica fume, also known as microsilica, has been used as a con- silica-fume concrete, such as creep and drying shrinkage, have
crete property enhancing material and as a partial replacement for been known to be lower then that of concrete without silica fume
portland cement for over 25 years. Silica fume is a by-product in 共ACI 1997a,b兲. At 28 days, the compressive strength of silica-
the production of silicon metal or ferrosilicon alloys. Silica fume fume concrete is significantly higher than concrete without silica
for use in concrete is available in slurry or dry forms 共ACI fume. Silica fume is also linked to the decrease of permeability,
1997a,b兲. In either form, silica fume is a very reactive pozzolan chemical attack resistance, and enhancement of the chloride ion
when used in concrete due to its fine particles, large surface area, penetration resistance of concrete 共ACI 1997a,b兲.
and the high silicon dioxide content. There are several effects on The surface of silica-fume concrete tends to dry quickly, sub-
the properties of fresh and hardened concrete when silica fume is sequently causing shrinkage and cracking prior to final setting.
used along with fly ash and chemical admixtures. In fresh con- This is one reason why early-age moist curing of silica-fume
crete, silica fume affects the water demand and slump. The con- concrete is important 共Ozyildirim 1991兲.
crete water demand increases with the increased amounts of silica There are several ways to cure concrete in the field. One form
of curing that has become popular at precast prestressed concrete
fume, due primarily to the high surface area of the silica fume
plants is accelerated curing. This type of curing is advantageous
共Scali et al. 1987兲. Fresh concrete containing silica fume is more
where early strength gain in concrete is important or where addi-
cohesive and less prone to segregation than concrete without
tional heat is required to accomplish hydration, as in cold weather
silica fume 共ACI 1997a,b兲. Since silica fume is used with other
共CAC 2004兲. Accelerated curing reduces costs and curing time in
admixtures, such as water-reducing or high-range water-reducing
the production of precast members resulting in economic benefits
admixtures, the slump loss is actually due to the change in chemi-
共Theland 2003兲. A primary concern with accelerated curing is the
potential for increased moisture loss during the curing process, as
Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Civil and Environmental mentioned in ACI 517.2R 共ACI 1992兲. Another concern is the
Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Arlington, Box 19308, 425 Nedderman
possible detrimental effect on long-term concrete properties from
Hall, Arlington, TX 76019-0308 共corresponding author兲. E-mail: high temperatures. There is limited available information on how
Civil Engineer, PBS&J, 5300 West Cypress St., Suite 200, Tampa, accelerated curing affects silica-fume concrete. Some problems in
FL 33607. strength gain have been noted in precast silica-fume concrete
Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, members cured under accelerated conditions 共Holland 1989兲.
Univ. of Texas at Arlington, Box 19308, 425 Nedderman Hall, Arlington, These problems were resolved, however, simply by allowing the
TX 76019-0308. E-mail: concrete to attain initial setting prior to beginning the accelerated
Note. Associate Editor: Kiang Hwee Tan. Discussion open until curing process. Accelerated curing has been shown to be effective
January 1, 2009. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual in producing high-performance characteristics at early ages in
papers. To extend the closing date by one month, a written request must
silica-fume concrete 共PCI 1994兲. However, the heat from the high
be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper
was submitted for review and possible publication on July 17, 2006; temperatures greatly increases the moisture loss from exposed
approved on September 7, 2006. This paper is part of the Journal of surfaces, which tends to cause more shrinkage problems and a
Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 8, August 1, 2008. ©ASCE, reduction in the ultimate strength. Prolonged curing of silica-fume
ISSN 0899-1561/2008/8-521–529/$25.00. concrete has been recommended to ensure optimum results. The


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2008.20:521-529.

Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute 共PCI兲 specifically recom-
mends overcuring high-performance concrete that contains silica
fume 共PCI 1994兲. There has also been a tendency to be on the safe
side, since the body of knowledge on how to cure silica-fume
concrete most effectively and efficiently is limited 共Ayers and
Khan 1994兲.
The Florida Department of Transportation 共FDOT兲 Standard
Specifications 346 allows the use of silica fume in concrete as
7–9% replacement of cementitious material, together with the
usage of high range water reducing admixture 共FDOT 2004兲. The
silica fume must meet the requirements of ASTM C 1240 speci-
fications 共ASTM 2003e兲. Typically, silica fume is used in FDOT
higher concrete classes such as Class V and VI for increased
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strength and durability. These FDOT concrete classes have been

tested and approved to meet specified strength, workability, dura-
bility, and several other requirements to be considered as high
strength concrete classes. FDOT Specification 450-10.8 modifica-
tions, effective January 2004, specify extended moist curing re-
quirements for silica-fume concrete. Immediately after finishing,
curing blankets must be applied to all exposed surfaces and satu- Fig. 1. Typical atmospheric steam-curing cycle
rated with water. The moist curing must continue for a minimum
of 3 days. Immediately afterwards, two coats of curing compound
must be applied and the surfaces kept undisturbed thereafter for a amount of time. Part 共4兲 is the time when the temperature of the
minimum of 7 days. This extensive curing procedure means extra concrete is decreased to ambient conditions.
expense and delays on the part of the precast yards. Although not The desired maximum temperature within the enclosure and
allowed by FDOT, the process may be sped up through employ- the concrete is approximately 66°C 共150°F兲. It has been shown
ing accelerated curing techniques. ASTM C-684 accelerated cur- that strength will not increase significantly if the maximum steam
ing methods involving elevated temperature water use or high- temperature is raised from 66°C 共150°F兲 to 79°C 共175°F兲. Steam
temperature and pressure methods are not convenient for large temperatures above 82°C 共180°F兲 should be avoided because of
precast prestressed elements 共ASTM 1999b兲. However, use of wasted energy and potential reduction in ultimate concrete
steam curing for silica-fume concrete is convenient, and would strength. The advantage of steam curing around 66°C 共150°F兲 is
mean significant economic savings and convenience for precast- the potential reduction of concrete drying shrinkage and creep,
ers. With a maximum probable steam-curing time of 24 h, the reduction of the effect of setting temperature on long-term
precast concrete products could be turned around at a significantly strength development, energy cost effectiveness, and reduction of
faster rate, resulting in economic benefits. It is known that steam the potential effect of delayed ettringite formation. Temperatures
curing results in more complete hydration of the pozzolanic ma- in the enclosure surrounding the concrete should not be increased
terials, resulting in increased strength gain of concrete. The in- or decreased more than 4°C 共40°F兲–16°C 共60°F兲/h.
creased cost of the curing process is more than offset by the
savings in curing time and extra productivity.
The objective of this study was to verify the feasibility of Mix Design
steam curing of FDOT concrete with silica fume. The study
investigated the possibility of speeding up the curing process of The concrete ingredients used in this study were selected through
such concrete through steam curing. The effects of such curing on consultation with the FDOT quality control personnel. The con-
several desired properties of hardened concrete were also crete mix design used was a FDOT Class V 共Special兲 mix design
investigated. with silica fume 共Table 1兲, the most current mix design used by
precast plants in northern Florida. The FDOT Class V 共Special兲
mixes are primarily intended for use in structures requiring high-
Steam Curing performance concrete, such as piles. A Type II portland cement,
conforming to AASHTO M-85 specifications, was utilized in this
Two methods of steam curing are used: live steam at atmospheric mix design. The mix design involved two mineral admixtures,
pressure 共for enclosed cast-in-place structures and large precast densified silica fume, and Class F fly ash. The chemical admix-
concrete units兲 and high-pressure steam in autoclaves 共for small tures used in the chosen mix were an air entrainer conforming to
manufactured units兲. A steam-curing cycle, as shown in Fig. 1, AASHTO M-154, Type D retarder conforming to AASHTO
consists of: 共1兲 an initial delay prior to steaming; 共2兲 a period for M-194, and Type F water reducer conforming to ASTM C 494.
increasing the temperature; 共3兲 a period for holding the maximum The coarse and fine aggregates were Grade 67 Brooksville lime
temperature constant; and 共4兲 a period for decreasing the tempera- rock from Brooksville, Fla., and silica sand from Chattahoochee,
ture 共Kosmatka and Panarese 1994兲. In field practice, steam cur- Fla., respectively.
ing at atmospheric pressure is generally done in an enclosure to In early June of 2003, the manufacturer discontinued the pro-
minimize moisture and heat loss. Part 共1兲 of the cycle is consid- duction of silica-fume slurry. In order to accommodate the re-
ered to be the initial set period of the concrete. Part 共2兲 is the time placement of the silica slurry, 28.98 kg 共63.9 lb兲 of dry powder
through which the temperature of the enclosure rises to the maxi- silica fume and 31.62 kg 共69.7 lb兲 of water were included in the
mum temperature. During part 共3兲 of the cycle, the concrete mix design. Also, due to unavailability, Grade 67 Brooksville
specimens are cured at the maximum temperature for the needed lime rock with a specific gravity of 2.5 was used instead of the


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2008.20:521-529.

Table 1. Concrete Mix Design Class Concrete: V Special 41 MPa Table 2. Laboratory Test Matrix
共6,000 psi兲
Parameter and properties Value
Cement 关kg 共lb兲兴 251 共553兲 a
Curing method Large Small Prism
Coarse agg. 关kg 共lb兲兴 798 共1,760兲
Fine agg. 关kg 共lb兲兴 488 共1,075兲 12SM 15 3 3
Air entr. admix 关mL 共oz兲兴 166 共5.6兲 18SM 15 3 3
1st admixture 关mL 共oz兲兴 444 共15.0兲 24SM 15 3 3
2nd admixture 关mL 共oz兲兴 1,334 共45.1兲 24SD 15 3 3
Silica fume 关mL 共oz兲兴 43,976 共1,487.0兲 MC 共control兲 15 3 3
Water 关kg 共lb兲兴 87 共195.5兲 Total 75 15 15
Fly ash 61 共135兲 12SM: 12 h steam+ 60 h moist; 18SM: 18 h steam+ 54 h moist; 24SM:
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Slump range 关mm 共in.兲兴 140–216 共5.5–8.5兲 24 h steam+ 48 h moist; 24SD: 24 h steam+ dry curing; MC: 72 h moist.
Air content 共%兲 1.0–5.0
Unit weight 共wet兲 关kg/ m3 共pcf兲兴 2,275 共142兲 gates were maintained in a saturated condition and the moisture
W/C ratio 共plant兲 关kg/ kg 共lb/lb兲兴 0.35 content of the aggregates were determined 24 h prior to mixing
W/C ratio 共field兲 关kg/ kg 共lb/lb兲兴 0.35 共ASTM 1997a兲. The absorptions of the aggregates were sub-
Theo yield 关m3 共ft兲兴 0.78 m3 tracted from the total water requirement to yield the surface mois-
Producer test data ture, which was counted as additional mixing water for the mix
Chloride cont 关kg/ m3 共pcf兲兴 0.002 共0.221兲
Concrete mixing was performed using a 0.17 m3 共6 ft3兲 mixer
Slump 关mm 共in.兲兴 152.4 共6.00兲
according to ASTM standard C 192 共ASTM 2002兲. The time,
Air content 共%兲 2.75
sequence, and method of adding the aggregates, admixtures, and
Temperature 关°C 共°F兲兴 38 共100兲
pozzolans for each batch remained unchanged and simulated
Compressive strength 关MPa 共psi兲兴 28 -Day- 61 共8,870兲 good field practice.
Casting of the concrete was performed according to ASTM C
specified Grade 67 with a specific gravity of 2.43. The FDOT 192 共ASTM 2002兲. The 102 mm⫻ 102 mm⫻ 254 mm 共4 in.
personnel at the State Materials Office approved the changes. ⫻ 4 in.⫻ 10 in.兲 prisms were covered with wet burlap to mini-
mize surface moisture loss.
Test Matrix

The test matrix yielded four mix combinations for each steam- Temperature Recording Device
curing time frame and control curing; steam curing for 12, 18, and
According to FDOT 2004 Specification 450-10-7, if accelerated
24 h; and moist curing. The precast industry typically uses a cur-
curing 共steam curing兲 is used as the curing procedure, the tem-
ing duration of about 10– 18 h as current practice. In some cases,
perature of the concrete and enclosure must be continuously re-
if the precast elements do not meet the design strength within this
corded 共FDOT 2004兲. Additionally, accurate time-temperature
time span, the steam curing can be continued for as long as 24 h.
recording is critical to conform to the requirements set forth in the
As will be discussed later, the laboratory testing included the
FDOT specifications for accelerated curing. The OM-CP-TEMP
compressive strength test 共ASTM 2003a兲, shrinkage test 共ASTM
from Omega Corporation, a thermal data logger, was used herein.
2003c兲, and the FDOT surface resistivity test. These tests in-
For each steam-curing batch, sheathed thermocouples were
volved 3 – 152 mm⫻ 305 mm 共␸6 in.⫻ 12 in.兲 cylindrical,
placed within three randomly selected large cylinders, two small
3 – 102 mm⫻ 102 mm⫻ 254 mm 共4 in.⫻ 4 in.⫻ 10 in.兲 prism,
cylinders, and one prism. The thermocouples were placed hori-
and 3 – 102 mm⫻ 203 mm 共␸4 in.⫻ 8 in.兲 cylindrical specimens,
zontally at the center of the specimens, and vertically at mid-
respectively. Each curing combination was tested at five different
height of each specimen immediately after casting. With
concrete ages: 7, 28, 56, 90, and 365 days. Therefore a total of 75
thermocouples plugged into the data logger, software installed in
large cylinders, 15 small cylinders, and 15 prisms were prepared,
a laptop computer was used to record the time and temperature in
as shown in Table 2. The steam-curing method nomenclature used
the concrete specimens and enclosure at every 10-min interval.
herein contains four characters. The first two characters represent
The data were subsequently formatted into spreadsheets.
the steam-curing duration in hours. The third letter designates the
fact that the specimens were steam cured, and the fourth letter
represents the curing method used for the balance of the 72-h total
continuous curing requirement 共FDOT 2004兲. To determine the FDOT Accelerated Curing Specifications
effect of dry poststeam curing, an alternate 24-h steam cured
FDOT Specification 450-10.7 contains the requirements for accel-
batch of samples 共24SD兲 was kept dry during the poststeam-
erated curing of prestressed members, and is used for nonpre-
curing phase. The control nonsteam moist-cured specimens are
stressed members also 共FDOT 2004兲. FDOT specifications
designated as “MC.”
provide separate temperature requirements for the steam curing
when the ambient temperature is above or below 10°C 共50°F兲.
Concrete Mixing and Casting During this study, since the ambient temperature was always
above 10°C 共50°F兲 during the time of mixing and curing, only the
The coarse and fine aggregates had absorption rates of 3.5 and specifications for the higher temperature is mentioned herein. The
1.5%, respectively, as supplied by the manufacture. The aggre- accelerated curing should be initiated by supply or retaining of


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2008.20:521-529.

moisture and the application of heat, following the initial set pe-
riod of the concrete. The initial set period of the concrete was
determined herein using ASTM C 403 procedures 共ASTM
1999a兲. The FDOT specification also states that during the appli-
cation of heat, the temperature rise in the concrete should not
exceed 20°C 共36°F兲/h. The maximum curing temperatures of the
enclosure and concrete must not exceed 71°C 共160°F兲. Limiting
the maximum curing temperature reduces the effect of setting
temperature on long term strength development, energy cost ef-
fectiveness, and the potential effect of delayed ettringite forma-
tion. This is of particular importance if the mandatory moist
curing of up to 72 h is not adopted. The maximum curing tem-
perature has to be uniformly maintained throughout the enclosure,
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with variation of no more than 11°C 共20°F兲 from the maximum

peak temperature until the concrete reaches the required release
strength. The concrete should be allowed to cool gradually at the
maximum cooling rate of 27.8°C 共50°F兲/h. The cooling rate needs
to be continued until the concrete temperature is 22°C 共40°F兲 or
less than the ambient temperature outside the curing enclosure. If
accelerated curing is completed before the minimum specified
curing period of 72 h has elapsed, curing needs to be continued
for the remaining part of the curing period in accordance with one
of the following curing methods: continuous moisture, membrane
curing compound, or curing blankets.

Concrete Curing Fig. 2. Setup of heaters inside steam-curing chamber

The ACI Manual of Concrete Practice indicates that the time of

setting of silica-fume concrete is not significantly affected by the provide further protection from heat and steam loss, and for pro-
use of silica fume. Instead, additional admixtures in the concrete tection from rain. After the 12SM, 18SM, and 24SM specimens
affect the time of setting 共ACI 1997a,b兲. FDOT Specification 450- were steam cured for the desired time frames, they were placed in
10-7.1 indicates that accelerated curing is to begin through appli- a moist curing tank for the remaining 72 h of the completion of
cation of moisture and heat, only following the initial set period the curing period. For comparison purposes, the 24SD specimens
of the concrete. Based on information obtained from industry per- were left in the laboratory ambient conditions for the balance of
sonnel, the initial set time of concrete containing silica fume in the 72-h period after the initial 24 h of steam curing.
the field is around 6 h, which has been confirmed by the results
from this study reported herein. Type D retarding admixture is
added in the concrete mix to provide sufficient initial setting time. Plastic Property of Fresh Concrete
For purposes of research, the concrete time of setting was deter-
mined in accordance with ASTM 403. The time of setting was After mixing, a portion of the concrete was placed in a damp
determined from three separate batches of concrete involving a mixing pan and the plastic properties of the fresh concrete were
total of nine specimens. The average initial set time was deter- determined. The tests performed were slump 共ASTM 2003b兲,
mined to be approximately 6 h and 16 min. This value was sub- temperature 共ASTM 1999c兲, and air content 共ASTM 2003d兲.
sequently used in the steam-curing time measurements. Table 3 presents the plastic properties for the laboratory batches.
The acceptable ranges for the plastic properties were as follows:
slump range 140– 216 mm 共5.50– 8.50 in.兲 and air content
Steam-Curing Chamber and Moisture Tank 1.0– 5.0%. Table 3 shows that all four mixes satisfied the FDOT
mix design plastic property requirements.
A steam chamber for the accelerated curing part of the test was
constructed at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. The
chamber was built with marine grade pressure treated plywood Steam-Curing Temperatures
and lumber. The dimension of the chamber was 1.22 m
⫻ 1.22 m ⫻ 2.44 m 共4 ft⫻ 4 ft⫻ 8 ft兲. The interior of the chamber The steam-curing temperature variations inside the specimens for
was waterproofed with water sealant and the corners were sealed each steam-curing batch are displayed in Fig. 3. It may be ob-
with silicon caulk. The chamber contained a metal grate at served that, for each batch, the maximum temperature reached
610 mm 共2 ft兲 from the bottom to support the specimens. The beyond the maximum specified temperature of 71°C 共160°F兲 by
steam was produced by a total of six heaters. The heaters were FDOT, with a variation no greater than 11°C 共20°F兲 from the
placed in three containers capable of holding 16 gall of water maximum peak temperature. The maximum specified temperature
each 共Fig. 2兲. From several trial operations of the steam chamber, was deliberately exceeded, to enforce a worst case and conserva-
it was found that this heater combination produced the desired tive scenario of steam curing. The specimen surfaces may have
FDOT specified temperature requirements. During the accelerated been exposed to hot spots above temperatures shown in Fig. 3.
curing process, the tank was covered with plastic sheathing to This shows the need for the continued curing of up to 72 h to


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2008.20:521-529.

Table 3. Plastic Property Results
Slump, Air content Temperature
Curing typea 关Mm 共in.兲兴 共%兲 关°C 共°F兲兴
12SM 191 共7.5兲 4.75 27 共80兲
18SM 171 共6.75兲 5.00 26 共78兲
24SM 159 共6.25兲 5.00 26 共78兲
24SD 191 共7.5兲 4.25 21 共70兲
MC 共control兲 191 共7.5兲 4.75 26 共79兲
12SM: 12 h steam+ 60 h moist; 18SM: 18 h steam+ 54 h moist; 24SM: 24 h steam+ 48 h moist; and MC: 72 h moist cure.

ensure the delayed ettringite formation within this time period. days. The average compressive strengths at 365 days show that
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The 12SM specimens were steam cured at the ideal steam-curing the moist cured and the 12SM specimens attained the most
cycle, as described earlier. The maximum temperature was main- strength, respectively. In comparison to the 24SM specimens, the
tained throughout the steam-curing period. For the specimens that 24SD specimens had lower strength at 28 days and beyond.
were steam cured for longer than 12 h, there was a minor drop in
the maximum temperature. Due to the length of required steam-
curing time, there was a time period where more water had to be Shrinkage Test
supplied to the tubs by opening the steam chamber. The opening
of the steam chamber allowed heat to escape from the chamber The length change test was performed according to ASTM C 157
while the water was supplied to the tubs. The minor temperature specifications 共ASTM 2003c兲. Minor adjustments were made to
drops were not expected to significantly affect the concrete conform closely to the ASTM C 490 specifications 共ASTM 2000兲.
properties. The molds used were prismatic in the shape of 102 mm 共4 in.兲
square cross sections and approximately 254 mm 共10 in.兲 in
length. There were no gauge studs within the molds because the
Compressive Strength Test standard length comparator was not used for the test. Instead, a
micrometer was used to measure the length change of the con-
The compressive strength test was performed in accordance with crete prisms. The micrometer was graduated to read in
ASTM C 39 共ASTM 2003a兲. The compressive strength results are 0.00254 mm 共0.0001 in.兲 units, matching the minimum accuracy
presented in Fig. 4. Samples 12SM, 24SM, and MC reached the of 0.00254 mm 共0.0001 in.兲 units specified in ASTM C 490.
target 41.37 MPa 共6,000 psi兲 minimum required compressive After the curing process was completed, the specimens were
strength for the Class V Special mix at 28 days. At 56 days and removed from the molds and eight permanent markings were
beyond, all laboratory samples reached the minimum specified placed on the two ends of the prisms. The specimens were then
compressive strength. All sample sets continued to gain compres- placed in lime-saturated water maintained at approximately
sive strength with age. In the initial stages, the 24SD samples 23⫾ 2 ° C 共73⫾ 3 ° F兲 for a minimum of 30 min before length
displayed high early strength gain; however, the strength gain measurements to minimize length variations due to variations in
slowed with time. By 365 days, the 24SD samples displayed the temperature. The specimens were removed from the lime bath one
lowest strength, which may be due to the lack of continued moist at a time, wiped with a damp cloth, and length readings were
curing for the remainder of the 72-h requirement. As expected, at taken. The micrometer was placed on each coinciding mark on
365 days of age, the MC sample set displayed the highest average both sides and the measurement was recorded 共Fig. 5兲. After the
compressive strength. As discussed previously, concrete contain- initial reading, the specimens were restored in lime-saturated
ing silica fume displays very high compressive strengths when water until they reached an age of 28 days, including the period in
moist cured. The 12SM sample set displayed higher compressive the molds, when a second reading was taken. Weekly length
strength at latter stages, as compared to the other samples that change readings were taken thereafter. The shrinkage results were
were steam cured for a longer period. obtained as follows:
The 18SM and 24SD specimens that were steam cured at
higher temperatures showed the least compressive strength at 28

Fig. 3. Steam-curing temperatures Fig. 4. Compressive strength results


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2008.20:521-529.

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Fig. 5. Prism length reading with micrometer

L = 共Lx − Li兲/Li 共1兲

where L⫽shrinkage at age x; Lx⫽micrometer reading of speci-
men at age x; and Li⫽initial micrometer reading of the specimen
at the time of removal from the mold.
Graphical representations of the results for the 12SM and MC
samples are shown in Fig. 6 as dotted lines. The graphs display
small inconsistencies due to the variation in the micrometer read-
ings. All data sets showed a general increase in shrinkage with
time. A regression analysis was performed on the data to produce
the trend lines shown on the graphs. At early ages, the 24SM
samples showed the least amount of shrinkage, followed by the
MC, 12SM, 24SD, and 18SM samples, respectively. At the age of
364 days, the MC samples showed the least shrinkage, followed
in order by the 12SM, 24SD, 24SM, and 18SM samples, respec-
tively. A comparison of the best-fit trend lines in Fig. 7 shows that Fig. 6. Shrinkage results: 共a兲 12SM specimens; 共b兲 MC specimens
at later stages, the 18SM samples are expected to experience the
greatest shrinkage, while the 24SD and 12SM samples may ex-
perience the least shrinkage. The poorer fit of the regression The readings were averaged using the Wenner array configuration
model to the test data is probably due to measurement uncertain- 共Fig. 8兲. No readings were taken at the ends of the samples. After
ties and the variability of the controlled exposure environment. the readings were taken, the samples were returned to the holding
No humidity correction to the shrinkage data is needed because tank to await future tests.
the laboratory samples were continuously immersed in a lime Interpretive guidelines for the surface resistivity test results are
bath as per ASTM specifications. presented in Table 4 in terms of the test data, correlation with
ASTM C 1202 共ASTM 1997b兲 RCP test output, and levels of
chloride ion permeability 共Chini et al. 2003兲, regardless of the
Surface Resistivity Test

The surface resistivity test was conducted at the FDOT State Ma-
terials Office 共SMO兲 in Gainesville, Fla. The 102 mm⫻ 203 mm
共␸4 in.⫻ 8 in.兲 cylindrical specimens were prepared at the
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering as described previously.
After the samples were cured, they were properly packaged and
shipped to SMO for testing. The samples were tested for resistiv-
ity at ages 28, 56, 91, and 365 days.
As the samples arrived at the SMO, they were checked in and
stored in a moist room sustaining 100% humidity until they were
26 days old. At that time, the samples were submerged in a hold-
ing tank. On Day 28, the samples were removed from the holding
tank in the morning, allowing surface air drying of the samples.
After surface dry conditions were achieved, surface resistivity
readings were taken longitudinally around the sample’s circum-
ference at eight different tangential points about the x axis of the
cylinders: 0, 90, 180, and 270, and again at 0, 90, 180, and 270°. Fig. 7. Comparison of best-fit shrinkage trend lines


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2008.20:521-529.

Downloaded from by Mohammed Junaid Siddiqui on 09/18/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Fig. 9. Surface resistivity results

Fig. 8. Surface resistivity test using Wenner array ACI Shrinkage Prediction

Due to the many variables among mix designs and several exter-
nal factors that affect shrinkage within concrete, there is no cur-
class of concrete. Although Table 4 provides surface resistivity rent minimum or maximum amount of shrinkage that is allowable
thresholds for only 28 and 91 day concrete, this table is used as for design. ACI adopted the Branson expression for shrinkage
the basis for all concrete types at any age if the same curing strain 关Eqs. 共2兲 and 共3兲兴. The hyperbolic expression is based on
conditions were used. Greater surface resistivity indicates lower several studies conducted under a controlled environment. The
permeability and increased long-term durability of concrete. ultimate shrinkage, 共␧sh兲u, with a value of 800⫻ 10−6 mm/ mm
The average surface resistivities obtained for the cylindrical 共in./ in.兲 at 40% humidity, is based on the Branson ultimate
specimens for various concrete ages are displayed in Fig. 9. It shrinkage strain at 5 years 共Branson 1977兲.
may be observed that the average values of all test cylinders For any time t after age 7 days for moist-cured concrete
increased significantly with time. Initially at 14 days, the 24SD
dry specimens showed the most resistivity, and the MC specimens 共␧sh兲t = 共t/共35 + t兲兲共␧sh兲u 共2兲
showed the least. At 28 days, the 18SM specimens were the most
surface resistive, and the MC samples were still the least. By 91 For anytime after 1–3 days for steam-cured concrete
days of age, the 12SM and the 18SM samples demonstrated the
共␧sh兲t = 共t/共55 + t兲兲共␧sh兲u 共3兲
greatest and the lowest resistivity, respectively. The MC samples
gained in resistivity at a much higher rate than the steam-cured where 共␧sh兲t⫽shrinkage strain at anytime t after the recommended
samples, and by the age of 364 days, the MC samples outper- ages; t⫽time in after initial curing 共days兲; and 共␧sh兲u⫽ultimate
formed all steam-cured samples. Among the steam-cured speci- shrinkage strains; average value suggested is 800
mens, the 24SM samples demonstrated the greatest resistivity at ⫻ 10−6 mm/ mm 共in./ in.兲 at 40% humidity.
364 days of age. However, all the steam-cured samples displayed A comparison of the shrinkage growth curve from this study
resistivities at 364 days that were relatively close to each other. and the ACI shrinkage curve was conducted herein. ACI Eqs. 共2兲
It is observed from Table 4 that at 28 days of age, all steam and 共3兲 were calculated at various concrete ages. ACI supplies
cured specimens demonstrated low permeability, while the MC only one generic shrinkage curve for all steam-curing durations.
specimens demonstrated moderate permeability. At 91 days of A comparison of the ACI shrinkage strain prediction to shrinkage
age, all the specimens, including those that were moist cured, trend lines is displayed in Fig. 10. The shrinkage curve for the
demonstrated very low chloride ion permeability, indicating that 12SM specimens remained well below the ACI curve. The shrink-
all samples represented concrete that was durable and corrosion age curve for the control MC specimens remained below the ACI
resistant. curve, approaching it near 365 days in age. Both the 18SM and

Table 4. Correlation of Surface Resistivity and RCP Test Results

Surface resistivity
Chloride ion charge passed 28 day 91 day
permeability 共Coulombs兲 共k⍀ cm兲 共k⍀ cm兲
High ⬎4,000 ⬍11.8 ⬍10.6
Moderate 2,000– 4,000 11.8–21.0 10.6–19.7
Low 1,000–2,000 21.0–37.4 19.7–36.9
Very low 100–1,000 37.4–253.7 36.9–295.3
Negligible ⬍100 ⬎253.7 ⬎295.3


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2008.20:521-529.

with time. The moist-cured specimens gained surface resis-
tivity at a much higher rate than the steam-cured specimens,
and at 365 days of age, the moist-cured samples displayed
the greatest resistivity;
6. The steam-cured specimens displayed low to very low and
very low chloride ion permeability at 28 and 364 days of age,
respectively. Greater surface resistivity indicates lower chlo-
ride ion permeability and increased long-term durability of
7. All steam-cured and moist-cured specimens showed a gen-
eral increase in shrinkage with time. The steam-curing dura-
tion did not seem to play a major role in affecting the
shrinkage rates. At later stages, such as 364 days of age, the
Downloaded from by Mohammed Junaid Siddiqui on 09/18/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

longer steam-curing periods such as 18 and 24 h accelerated

the shrinkage growth;
8. The ACI Branson model for shrinkage prediction underpre-
dicts the shrinkage of steam-cured specimens at 364 days,
and overpredicts for the moist-cured specimens;
9. Precast yards may adopt a 12– 24 h period of steam curing
for silica-fume concrete elements. Typical current steam-
curing duration used by precasters is 10– 18 h; and
10. It is recommended that FDOT continue the practice of 72 h
continuous total curing of silica-fume concrete products.
This means that the balance of the 72 h requirement after the
end of the steam-curing time will be used for moist curing.
Moist curing may be achieved through curing blankets or
Fig. 10. Comparison of ACI shrinkage predication to laboratory curing compound application.
shrinkage results: 共a兲 ACI and 12SM; 共b兲 ACI and MC

24SM shrinkage curves surpassed the ACI curve, while the 24SD
specimens showed lower shrinkage growth than the ACI predic- The study reported herein was performed under a research grant
tion. from FDOT. The technical assistance received from Mr. Ghulam
Mujtaba, Mr. Mike Bergin, and Mr. Charles Ishee of the
FDOT Materials Laboratory in Gainesville, Fla., is gratefully
Conclusions acknowledged.

The following conclusions may be made based on the findings of

this study: Notation
1. Steam curing of silica-fume precast concrete elements can be
conveniently achieved with the present day technology and The following symbols are used in this paper:
facilities available in large precast yards. This study has
L ⫽ shrinkage at age x;
shown that it is easily possible to meet and even exceed the
Li ⫽ initial micrometer reading of specimen at time of
FDOT specifications regarding the temperature regimens
removal from mold;
during steam curing;
Lx ⫽ micrometer reading of specimen at age x;
2. Steam-cured silica-fume concrete can achieve the target
t ⫽ time in after initial curing 共days兲;
minimum compressive strengths, as specified in the FDOT
共␧sh兲t ⫽ shrinkage strain at anytime t after recommended
specifications. In this study, most steam-cured specimens
ages; and
reached the 28-day target strength of 41.37 MPa 共6,000 psi兲
共␧sh兲u ⫽ ultimate shrinkage strains; average value suggested
for the Class V mixes. All steam-cured samples continued to
is 800⫻ 10−6 mm/ mm 共in./ in.兲 at 40% umidity.
gain in strength with time. At 365 days of age, the samples
displayed significantly higher compressive strengths than the
28-day strengths;
3. The steam-cured samples displayed lower compressive
strengths at all ages than their moist-cured counterparts. This
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