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All depend upon more you involved more you learn .Things getting smarter and more
complicated .Things are getting based upon technology .And this is basic thing. And as you
know that technology is based on coding and it is about shorter the code as much as you can.As
anyone can code a program in many way same he has many ways to break it down. Yes we are
talking about HACKING.
And now days Pakistan Official site are getting hacked .No one know that security of these sites
is very low or hacker are too smarter. We can notice sooner or later some official site are
getting Hacked.
Following are the some official site attacked by hacker.

Supreme Court
In Sep 2011 Supreme Court Islamabad was hacked by hacker .Who inserted derogatory and
abusive remarks against Pakistan Law’s and the chief court of the time Iftakhar Muhammad
Chaudhary. But later the sites was released .It is mind blowing to think that security was so low
that anyone can hack it or hacker are Smarter.

PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) was hacked after a big mess created by PUBG
MOB player .PTA was attacked in July 2020 in evening .But fortunately no page was inserted or
any content abusive. This was the same person who attacked Supreme Court site.

In this pandemic situation HEC (Higher Education commission) decided to take the education
system online and that make a huge problem in student. And unknown attack was occurred at
PTA Site. And some pages (web) were inserted in the sites but after few time this problem was
sort out without any giving.

Now a days at 7 Sep 2020 KE-electric which is electricity supplier in Karachi Site has been
hacked. And some detail related to them is NETWALKER RANSOMWARE .And they demanded
3.8 $ million for one week and the demand will be doubled (7.7$milion) after one week if
demand doesn’t meet.

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