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ARDUINO | UNO Overview

 Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P.

 Power:
 Input Voltage : 6-20V
 DC Current : 40mA

 Memory:
 Flash Memory space of Arduino Uno : 32KB
 Boot-Loader chunk of code space occupied 0.5KB
 SRAM 2KB & EEPROM 1 KB of space available
ARDUINO |Features

 Programming Methodologies:
 Arduino Uno has in-built circuitry to convert USB-to-Serial for programming. Having features
of both type of programming USB as well ICSP.

 UNO features the Atmega16U2 programmed as chunk of code for USB-to-serial converter.

 Another ICSP, you require external programmer e.g

AVR ISP MKII Programmer, AVR ISP, and astonishing
is even Arduino board can itself used as programmer.

Serial to USB Circuitry
ARDUINO |Features

 I/O Pins:
 Digital Pins: Pin 0 – Pin 13 Digital Pins
 PWM Pins : 6 PWM Pins
 Analog Pins : Pin A0 - PinA5
 Power PINS
 Ground : 2 Pins
 5V & 3.3V : 1 Pin of each
 Vin Pin : Adding external supply of +5V (is not connected to USB)
ARDUINO |Features

 ADC Pins:
 Digital Pins: Pin 0 – Pin 13 Digital Pins
 PWM Pins : 6 PWM Pins
 Analog Pins : Pin A0 - PinA5
 Power PINS
 Ground : 2 Pins
 5V & 3.3V : 1 Pin of each
 Vin Pin : Adding external supply of +5V (is not connected to USB)

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