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Module 1 Describe the important features of the Web and Web browser software

This module defines the meaning of web browser and specifies the different features of Web

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Describe the significant highlights of the Internet and the World Wide Web
2. Describe how Web program programming presentations website pages
3. Configure and use Web program to explore the Web

A web program is an item application which enables a customer to appear and
collaborate with substance, pictures, accounts, music, and other information that could
be on a website. Substance and pictures on a page can contain hyperlinks to other site
pages at the proportionate or particular site. Web programs empower a customer to
quickly and adequately get to information gave on many website pages at various
locales by intersection these associations. Web programs bunch HTML information for
grandstand so the nearness of a website page many difference between projects.
What's the Difference Between the Internet and the World Wide Web?

The World Wide Web, then again, is the framework we use to get to the Internet. The
Web isn't the main framework out there, yet it's the most famous and generally utilized.
(Instances of approaches to get to the Internet without utilizing HTTP incorporate email
and texting.) As referenced on the past page, the World Wide Web utilizes hypertext to
get to the different types of data accessible on the world's various systems. This permits
individuals everywhere throughout the world to impart learning and insights. We
normally get to the Web through programs, similar to Internet Explorer, Chrome and
Mozilla Firefox. By utilizing programs like these, you can visit different Web destinations
and view other online substance.

So another approach to consider it is to state the Internet is made out of the machines,
equipment and information; and the World Wide Web is the thing that breathes life into
this innovation.

Since we know the contrast between the Internet and the World Wide Web, put your
recently discovered learning of hyperlinks, HTML and home pages to utilize and click
onto the following page for increasingly extraordinary data.

What Is a Programming Language?

Programming, or coding, resembles understanding a riddle. Think about a human
language, similar to English or French. We utilize these dialects to transform
contemplations and thoughts into activities and conduct. In programming, the objective
of the riddle is actually the equivalent - you're simply driving various types of conduct,
and the wellspring of that conduct is certainly not a human. It's a PC.

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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A programming language is our method for speaking with programming. The

individuals who use programming dialects are regularly called software engineers or
designers. The things we tell programming utilizing a programming language could be
to make a site page look a specific way, or to make an article on the page move if the
human client makes a specific move.
Programming in Web Development

Thus, when a website specialist is given a ultimate objective like "make a page that has
this header, this textual style, these hues, these photos, and an enlivened unicorn
strolling over the screen when clients click on this catch," the website specialist's
responsibility is to enjoy that huge thought and reprieve it separated into minor pieces,
and afterward make an interpretation of these pieces into directions that the PC can
comprehend - including placing every one of these guidelines in the right request or

Each page on the web that you visit is constructed utilizing a succession of isolated
guidelines, in a steady progression. Your program (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc) is a
major entertainer in making an interpretation of code into something we can see on our
screens and even connect with. It very well may be anything but difficult to overlook that
code without a program is only a content record - it's the point at which you put that
content document into a program that the enchantment occurs. At the point when you
open a site page, your program brings the HTML and other programming dialects
included and translates it.

HTML and CSS are really not actually programming dialects; they're simply page
structure and style data. Be that as it may, before proceeding onward to JavaScript and
other genuine dialects, you have to know the essentials of HTML and CSS, as they are
toward the front of each site page and application.

In the mid 1990s, HTML was the main language accessible on the web. Web designers
needed to carefully code static locales, page by page. A ton's changed from that point
forward: Now there are numerous PC programming dialects accessible. In this post, I'll
talk about HTML, CSS, and one of the most widely recognized programming dialects:

HTML, CSS, & JavaScript: A Tutorial

An overview:

 HTML provides the basic structure of sites, which is enhanced and modified by other
technologies like CSS and JavaScript.
 CSS is used to control presentation, formatting, and layout.
 JavaScript is used to control the behavior of different elements.

Now, let's go over each one individually to help you understand the roles each plays on
a website and then we'll cover how they fit together. Let's start with good ol' HTML.

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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HTML is at the center of each site page, in any case the multifaceted nature of a site or
number of advances included. It's a fundamental ability for any web proficient. It's the
beginning stage for anybody figuring out how to make content for the web. What's more,
fortunately for us, it's shockingly simple to learn.
Markup dialects work similarly as you simply did when you named those substance
types, with the exception of they use code to do it - explicitly, they use HTML labels,
otherwise called "components." These labels have truly natural names: Header labels,
section labels, picture labels, etc.
Each page is comprised of a lot of these HTML labels signifying each kind of substance
on the page. Each sort of substance on the page is "wrapped" in, for example
encompassed by, HTML labels.
For instance, the words you're perusing right currently are a piece of a passage. On the
off chance that I were coding this website page without any preparation (rather than
utilizing the WYSIWG editorial manager in HubSpot's COS), I would have begun this
passage with an opening section tag: <p>. The "tag" part is signified by open sections,
and the letter "p" tells the PC that we're opening a passage rather than some other kind
of substance.
When a tag has been opened, the majority of the substance that pursues is thought to
be a piece of that tag until you "close" the tag. At the point when the section closes, I'd
put an end passage tag: </p>. Notice that end labels look precisely equivalent to
opening labels, aside from there is a forward cut after the left edge section. Here's a
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
Utilizing HTML, you can include headings, position sections, control line breaks, cause
records, to stress content, make uncommon characters, embed pictures, make joins,
manufacture tables, control some styling, and substantially more.
To study coding in HTML, I prescribe looking at our manual for fundamental HTML, and
utilizing the free classes and assets on codecademy - yet for the time being, how about
we proceed onward to CSS.

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. This programming language dictates how the
HTML elements of a website should actually appear on the frontend of the page.


The following list explains the various parts that make up a web browser and an
explanation of their purpose.

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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Status Bar:
You will discover the status bar at the extremely base of your program window. It
fundamentally reveals to you what you are doing right now. Basically, it indicates you
burden speed and the URL address of whatever your mouse is drifting over.

Address Bar:
You will discover this bar at the highest point of your program window and its motivation
is to demonstrate to you the entire URL or site address.

Title Bar:
You will discover this bar at without a doubt the highest point of your program and in will
be the shading blue for the significant programs. The reason for the Title bar is to show
the title of the page that you are as of now seeing.

Toolbar Icons:
You will discover the Toolbar straightforwardly under the Title Bar. The Toolbar is the
place you will locate the back catch, home catch and the revive catch and so forth.

Display Window:
The Display window is the space wherein you see this site at the present time.

Scroll Bars:
The Scroll bars, typically situated to one side of the Display Window, enables you to
"scroll" (go down or up the website page) so you can see data that is underneath or
above what is as of now in the Display Window.

Protocols and Standards

Internet browsers spoke with web servers principally utilizing HTTP (hypertext move
convention) to bring website pages. HTTP permits internet browsers to submit data to
web servers just as bring site pages from them. Pages are distinguished by methods for
a URL (uniform asset locater), which is treated as a location, starting with "http://" for
HTTP get to.

The record design for a page is generally HTML (hyper-content markup language) and is
recognized in the HTTP convention. Most internet browsers likewise bolster an
assortment of extra configurations, for example, JPEG, PNG, and GIF picture designs,
and can be stretched out to help increasingly using modules. The mix of HTTP
substance type and URL convention particular permits website page originators to insert
pictures, movements, video, sound, and spilling media into a site page, or to make them
available through the page.

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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Web Browsers

Google Chrome

Prominent Browser by Internet monster Google. Spotlights on upgraded execution of

web applications. Many helpful augmentations can be downloaded for nothing from
Chrome Store and can be utilized for individual use.

A huge exhibit of applications and additional items accessible at Chrome Store. These
adds an extensive add up to the perusing background of the clients.
 Private browsing
 Fast Startup
 Phishing/ Malware Filter

Mozilla Firefox
An internet browser intended for effortlessness, security, extensibility yet adaptability
and power. Accessible for Linux and android also. There are heaps of modules and
expansions with some ground-breaking designer devices.

Consistent updates, superior conveyed and adaptable interface is a rapture for cutting
edge clients. Firefox permits an open engineering which acknowledges the
establishment of topics and augmentations. Subjects give the program an adaptable
new look. Designers can compose expansions to cause the program to perform works
as wanted like check your Gmail account when you open the program, or square all
 RSS Headlines
 Chat Extensions
 Spam/ Malware Filter

Opera Web Browser

Continually advancing and improving and the most mainstream portable program,
drama has progressed significantly from being a program to an undeniable web suite.

Free quick program with great help for updates. Highlights like page zoom and designer
alternate routes enable clients to have one of a kind encounter. There are some
similarity issues found in specific sites yet with steady updates these issues are rare.
 Email suite
 Phishing Filter
 Bit Torrent

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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Safari Web Browser

Safari is an internet browser created by Apple inc. It is the most well known program
with MAC clients.

Safari is a perfect program, quick dependent on the WebKit rendering motor. Safari
accompanies the highlights you need in a cutting edge program, as selected perusing,
popup blocking and inherent inquiry usefulness. It likewise has outstanding amongst
other RSS-perusing highlight accessible on the web, it is simpler to keep track various
sites than utilizing bookmarks.
 Most Popular Macintosh Browser
 Import Bookmarks from any browser
 Private Browsing

Internet Explorer

Web Explorer by Microsoft is the default program for Windows working framework. Its
still extremely well known with numerous web clients. Startup speed is a major issue
with web voyager.

There are a ton of fundamental highlights like Active X capacities, SmartScreen Filters,
a rundown of prescribed destinations and the sky is the limit from there. Web Explorer is
as yet viewed as falling behind in the race, yet most recent versions guarantee quick
burden, pressed with most recent highlights. We can keep a watch out on the off
chance that it returns to top.
 Add ons
 Customization options
 Mouse Gestures

Slimjet Browser

Slimjet is a ground-breaking and perhaps the best program around. It has in fabricated
expansions to ease web perusing. Controlled by Blink Engine, Slimjet bolsters all
Chrome Apps in addition to a heap of progressively broad form in applications.

Slimjet is in the same class as Chrome, has amazing and adjustable interface like
Firefox, dependability highlights and in fabricated applications which burden a power
pressed program everytime you use it.
 Ad blocker & Download Manager
 Social Sharing and Youtube Downloader

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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 Faster, Secure and Reliable


A quick program with a great deal of highlights and solid UI. Controlled by Maxthon
Cloud Engine, it offers consistent perusing and downloads. Takes a shot at all stages.

Maxthon has Lots of clever highlights, including video-advertisement quick sending,

Speedy execution and Two page rendering engines(Webkit and Trident) for better
 Anti Spyware
 Pop up Blocker
 Cloud Browsing


A well known decision for clients who like speed and security. It depends on Internet
Explorer's Trident Engine and is a vigorous and incredible program. It parades better
ease of use highlights and speed contrasted with web voyager program.

Slimbrowser deals with your protection and security each time you are surfing on the
web. Slimbrowser begins as fast as could be expected under the circumstances and
enables you to have a stunning web surfing knowledge.
 Omni Bar mode
 Integrated Plugins(Ad Blocker, Photo Salon)
 Low Crash and Bugs

Netscape Browser
Initially distributed by AOL, Netscape program has discharged most recent form
dependent on Mozilla Firefox. It is quick, secure and is a decision of numerous clients
on the web.
 Dynamic HTML
 Integrated Search Engine
 Opensource Development

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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UC Browser
A prominent program for both work area and cell phones. Selected perusing and quick
startup settle on it a well known decision for a huge number of clients. Full download
supervisor and full screen perusing advertisements on pleasantly.
 Quick browsing
 Quick Page sharing
 Multiple Apps

New Perspectives on the Internet, Comprehensive, Sixth Edition, Schneider and Evans, 2007,
ISBN: 1-4188-6071-9
For current texts and materials, use the following link to access bookstore listings:

Anna Agnew is an author for The Computer Geek Custom Web Page Design. The Computer
Geek is a web design company that prides itself in professional service at a fraction of the
cost. The Computer Geek specializes in Custom Web Design, PHP & MySql and Ecommerce.

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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