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People vs Sanchez : 121039-45 : January 25, 1999 : J.

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People vs Sanchez : 121039-45 : January 25, 1999 : J. Martinez : First Division 4/25/21, 4:20 PM


[G.R. No. 121039-45. January 25, 1999]


ROGELIO CORCOLON, and PEPITO KAWIT, accused-appellants.



. . . a plot seemingly hatched in hell . . .

This was how Judge Harriet O. Demetriou1 of the Pasig City Regional Trial Court, Branch
70, in her 132-page Decision dated March 11, 1995 now before us on review, emphatically
described the Allan Gomez-Eileen Sarmenta rape-slay that drew strong condemnation from
an outraged populace in the middle of 1993. After a protracted and grueling 16-month
trial, she found all those charged therewith, namely: Calauan Mayor Antonio Sanchez
(hereafter the Mayor), George Medialdea, Luis and Rogelio Corcolon, Zoilo Ama, Baldwin
Brion and Pepito Kawit (appellants herein), guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of
rape with homicide on seven counts and sentenced each one of them:

. . . to suffer the maximum penalty of reclusion perpetua for each of the seven offenses or
a total of seven reclusion perpetua for each accused. In addition, the Court hereby orders
all the accused to jointly and severally pay the victims respective families the following
sums by way of civil indemnity:

1. the sum of P3,432,650.00 representing the actual damages sustained by the

Sarmenta family;

2. the sum of P3,484,000.00 representing the actual damages sustained by the

Gomez family;

3. the sum of P2,000,000.00 as moral damages sustained by the Sarmenta family;

4. the sum of P2,000,000.00 as moral damages sustained by the Gomez family;

5. the sum of P191,000.00 as attorneys fees and litigation expenses incurred by the
Gomez family; and

6. the sum of P164,250.00 for litigation expenses incurred by the Sarmenta family.

As to the antecedents, appellants all appear to agree that the trial court, in the very words
of counsel2 who prepared the consolidated brief for the Mayor and Medialdea, made a very
detailed summary of both the prosecution and defense evidence.3 This Court can thus
conveniently provide a briefer but fairly accurate account of the respective versions of the
State and the defense on the basis of the trial courts summary, rather than combing the
heap of evidence presented by both sides. Page 2 of 20
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The prosecutions version of the events on that horrible night of June 28, 1993 was based
mainly on the recollections of its star witnesses Aurelio Centeno and Vicencio Malabanan (a
member of appellant Sanchez security team) co-conspirators turned state witnesses. Both
admitted having taken part in the abduction of Eileen and Allan, but denied any personal
involvement in the rape of Eileen and the twin killings that followed. Heres their story.

Medialdea (then the Deputy Chief of the PNP Calauan), together with Centeno who was
driving an ambulance, fetched witness Malabanan at his residence in the early morning of
June 28, 1993 on the pretext that they will apprehend one Rodolfo Calva alias Tisoy a
notorious gun runner and drug pusher in the locality. Next to be picked up was Ama in
Barangay Masiit, then Luis Corcolon (hereafter, Luis) in Barangay Mabacan. On board the
ambulance, the five (5) men made stopovers in Barangays Imok and Wawa until they
headed back for Calauan at past 7:00 oclock in the evening, upon orders of Luis.

At the Shell gas station in the poblacion of Calauan, the five (5) men met and picked up
Rogelio Corcolon (hereafter, Boy), Kawit and Brion, then they proceeded to Los Baos.
Along the way, Luis announced to the group that the real purpose behind the Los Baos trip
is to take a pretty young lass long desired by the Mayor and offer her to him as a gift. Luis,
to satisfy his companions curiosity, even guaranteed that her beauty will make their saliva

Not for long, the ambulance arrived at the U.P. Los Baos grounds. Witness Centeno drove
the ambulance around the campus at a snails pace while Luis scoured the area with
watchful eyes. As the search inside the campus proved fruitless, Luis then ordered Centeno
to slowly drive out of the university compound and to stop upon reaching the vicinity of
the Agrix complex. Luis, Boy, Ama, Brion and Kawit alighted from the ambulance and went
inside the Agrix complex. Witness Centeno overheard Medialdea informing the Boss, via
the radio, that they were already in the area. The Boss was the Mayor.

Inside the Agrix complex is a restaurant called Caf Amalia. Parked in front of that
establishment was a Tamaraw van. Eileen and Allan were its passengers, both occupying
the front seats. She was wearing a T-shirt, white shorts and rubber shoes. Armed with
guns, Luis and Boy approached Eileen and Allan, forcibly took the two and loaded them at
the back of the van. All the appellants boarded the van while Centeno and Malabanan
stayed in the ambulance. Both vehicles then headed for Erais Farm situated in Barangay
Curba, owned by the Mayor.

As soon as the group arrived at the farm, the two (2) captives were brought down the van.
Eileen was gagged by a handkerchief and her hands, like Allan, were tied. A white towel
was wound around Allans mouth. The Mayor, then wearing a jogging attire, emerged from
the resthouse and asked the group: My children, whats the problem? To this Luis
respondent: Mayor, this is our gift to you, the girl youve been longing for. Shes really
beautiful. But whos that man? asked the Mayor. Eileens companion, boss. Medialdea
replied. We brought him along to avoid complications, he continued.

The two youngsters were then brought inside the resthouse where Eileen was taken to the
Mayors room. Allan was badly beaten up by Luis, Boy, Ama and Medialdea and thereafter
thrown out of the resthouse. Kawit followed-up by striking Allans diaphragm with the butt
of an armalite, causing Allan to fall against a cement box. Brion thought Allan was already
dead, but Kawit said: :His death will come later.

Meanwhile, Centeno, while waiting for further orders, joined the Mayors personal aides
Edwin Cosico and Raul Alorico watch television at the adjacent resthouse. Alorico told
Centeno that the Mayor had been eagerly waiting for the group and worried that they will
not arrive.

At around 1:00 a.m. of the next day, a crying Eileen was dragged out of the resthouse by Page 3 of 20
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Luis and Medialdea her hair disheveled, mouth covered by a handkerchief, hands still tied
and stripped of her shorts. The Mayor, clad merely in white polo, appeared and thanked
Luis and Medialdea for the gift. I am through with her. Shes all yours, the Mayor uttered in
contentment. When asked what will happen to Allan, Medialdea assured the Mayor that
they will also kill him for full measure. Eileen and Allan were then loaded in the Tamaraw
van by the appellants and headed for Calauan, followed closely by the ambulance.

En route to Calauan, Centeno, who was driving the ambulance, noticed the van swaying
from side to side. Then he heard gunfire coming therefrom. The van pulled over
whereupon Kawit dragged Allan, whose head was already drenched in blood, out of the
vehicle onto the road and finished him off with a single gunshot from his armalite. The
ambulance and van then sped away.

The next destination was a sugarcane field in Sitio Paputok, Kilometro 74 of Barangay
Mabacan. It was here that Luis announced that its tiime for the group to feast on Eileen
(the exact words of Luis were Turbohin na rin natin ang tinurbo ni Boss). She was laid at
the back of the van, with her hands and legs being held by the appellants while waiting for
their turn. Then the gang-rape began. The first to ravish Eileen was Luis, then Medialdea,
Boy, Ama, Brion and finally, Kawit. Bewailing the helplessness of her situation, Eileen
pleaded, in between sobs and whimpers, for the torture to stop. However, her tears for
compassion fell, weak and ineffective, upon the insensitive brutes. Kawit invited Centeno
to join the sexual fiasco but the latter refused as he cannot, in conscience, bear the
bestiality being committed on Eileen who appeared to be dead. After Kawits turn, Eileen
knelt on the seat of the van and begged for her life. Unmoved, Luis muted Eileens cried by
forcing an object into her mouth and then fired his baby armalite at her. Centeno was
thereafter ordered to get rid of Eileens dead body. Moments later, all eight (8) men
boarded the ambulance and proceeded to Calauan, leaving the Tamaraw van with Eileens
remains behind. Along the way, Centeno and Malabanan watched in dismay as Luis, Boy,
Medialdea, Ama, Brion and Kawit savored the nights escapade, to their sickening delight.
Appellants and Malabanan were then brought to their respective homes by Centeno.

June 29, 1993 and the day following were tense moments for the group. In the morning of
June 29, Medialdea and Centeno fetched Malabanan, Luis and Ama. They were going to
Barangay Imok to make it appear that they were conducting some police operations in that
area. Upon reaching Barangay Imok, the group saw Allans body which they dumped a few
hours earlier. Luis, Medialdea and Malabanan alighted from the ambulance, whereupon Luis
ordered Centeno to drive back to the municipal hall.

Boy Corcolon, who was at the municipal hall, informed Ama that a dead female loaded
inside a Tamaraw van was found in Barangay Mabacan. Ama then radioed the PNP Chief of
Calauan, Major Cao, who at that time was summoned by the Mayor. Major Cano thereafter
arrived and ordered one SPO2 Melencio Nuez to investigate the matter. Meanwhile,
Centeno received word that he was to fetch Malabanan, Luis and Medialdea in Barangay
Imok. After picking up the three (3), Centeno drove the ambulance to Barangay Mabacan
where the dead Eileen was found.

Eileens body lying inside the Tamaraw van was a pitiful sight. Her face bore a gunshot
wound; a handkerchief was stuffed in her mouth; her T-shirt was rolled up revealing her
breasts; and her panty was rolled down on one of her feet still with rubber shoes on.
Medialdea covered Eileens exposed private parts by fixing her T-shirt and underwear and
by placing a sackcloth over her lower body. The group then escorted the van with Eileens
body in it, to the UP Los Baos police station where student milled around and identified the
cadaver to be Eileen indeed. Later on, the van carrying Eileen, as well as Allans body, was
brought to the Calauan municipal hall. There, Centeno saw a prisoner named Arnold
cleaning the van.

Meanwhile, Malabanan, Ama and Medialdea, on June 29, went to the site (Bgy. Imok) Page 4 of 20
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where Allans body was found, started asking residents about the incident and were able to
retrieve an empty armalite shell. Malabanan thereafter handed the empty shell to Major
Cao at the police station. The three (3) men and one SPO3 Rizaldy Belen, sometime in the
afternoon of the same day, visited the Mayor at his house in Bay, Laguna. Medialdea
informed the Mayor of the presence of people from the CIS, NBI and press in the locality.
The Mayor flared up and blamed them for not using their heads. But he later on assured
them that he could fix the problem in less the amount of a brand new car.

The following day, June 30, Medialdea, upon the Mayors directive, handed a pair of white
walking shorts to Major Cao. When Malabanan asked Medialdea whose pair of shorts was
that, the latter replied that it was the short of Eileen which the Mayor wanted to be
delivered to Major Cao.

That same day of June 30, Centeno went to see the Mayor at his house in Calauan about
his worries over reports that the driver of the ambulance involved in the rape-slay was
being hunted down. The Mayor gave Centeno P2,000.00 and advised him to keep silent or
better yet, to go into hiding. Centeno did hide himself until CIS agents accosted him at the
Divisoria market on August 10, 1993. As to Malabanan, he, Medialdea and Ama were
brought to the PNP Sta. Cruz Command to shed light on the cleaning of the Tamaraw van.

Coming now to the defense, each of the appellants had an alibi to tell and sought to put
the blame on Kit Alqueza, the son of a feared general (Dictador Alqueza) who earned the
monicker Barako from the local residents.

The Mayor claimed that he was at the residence of his mistress Elvira in Bay, Laguna in
the morning of June 28, 1993. They left for Makati City at about 1:00 oclock in the
afternoon thereafter proceeded to San Pablo City at around 4:00 p.m., left that city at
7:30 p.m. and then returned to Elviras house in Bay at around 10:00 p.m. He and Elvira
retired at around 12:30 in the morning. He woke up at 5:00 a.m. Jogging was his favorite
form of exercise, but foul whether prevented him from running that morning. His three (3)
children with Elvira greeted him at around 6:30 a.m. before heading for school. He took
his breakfast and lunch at Elviras house.

Medialdea, Ama and Malabanan arrived between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. and informed
the Mayor of the rape-slay in which Kit Alqueza was the prime suspect. This made the
Mayor very angry, for which he ordered a thorough investigation of the incident to avoid
any whitewash. "I will not hesitate to have the perpetrators of this crime killed (by electric
chair), whether a generals son in involved or not, son of a bitch!, he blurted. The Mayor
then advised appellants not to worry if they were really innocent and that the primordial
concern is that a full investigation be conducted.

The Mayor then went to his residence in Calauan. At around 4:00 p.m. of that same day
(June 29), he sent his driver Mario Puyales to Barangays Masiit and Balayhangin to inquire
from the residents about the crime. Puyales returned at around 7:00 p.m. and informed
the Mayor that a card gambler was able to retrieve a pair of white shorts lying near the
national highway in Barangay Balayhangin. Puyales was sent back to that barangay to
advise the residents thereof to keep the shorts at their fence near the highway as it may
later on aid the on-going investigation.

In the morning of June 30, 1993, the Mayor, with some companions, jogged towards the
direction of Barangay Mabacan and at the same time inquired from residents whether they
noticed anything unusual on the night of June 28, 1993. A certain Mang Torio told the
Mayor that he found a pair of maong pants lying at the side of the road but left if there.
After inspecting the dirty maong pants, the Mayor instructed Mang Torio to keep the pants
as the former will send someone back to pick it up.

Eventually, the Mayor got hold of the pairs of white shorts and maong pants. The shorts Page 5 of 20
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was clean, with complete beltloops and without any tear. He then ordered his driver
Puyales to send the articles to Medialdea for safekeeping. But during the trial, the Mayor,
when shown the shorts and pants, claimed that they are quite different from the articles
he got hold of previously. The maong pants shown to him by Mang Torio was of a darker
shade of blue. As to the white shorts, it was the same pair he gave to Medialdea, but now
it is torn and has some missing beltloops.

Based on his own investigation, the Mayor came to know that Kit Alqueza is a feared and
dangerous student of the university, being a member of an elite fraternity in the campus
and a generals son at that. The Mayor later informed Congressman Tingzon of Kits
probable involvement in the crime. Congressman Tingzon, in turn, disclosed that Kit, his
nephew-in-law (the congressmans wife is the sister of Gen. Alquezas wife), was hiding in
his house and that the legislator will call Gen. Alqueza in Davao City to discuss the matter.

The Mayor also testified that he closely coordinated with Major Cao in investigating the
case. This included frequent evening conferences with Malabanan, medialdea and Ama who
were members of Major Caos investigation team.

Subsequently, the Mayor was requested to facilitate the surrender of Luis and Boy Corcolon
to Camp Crame since the CIS suspected them of being involved in the crime together with
Kit. The Corcolon brothers, accompanied by the Mayor, peacefully surrendered to CIS
operatives in the afternoon of July 12, 1993.

On August 10, 1993, the Mayor received an anonymous phone call advising him that he
would better leave the country because he was to be arrested in three (3) days time. He
refused to heed the advice because he had nothing to do with the crime. And so he was
apprehended on August 13, 1993 at his Calauan residence and brought to Camp Vicente
Lim where he was presented to the media. There he saw Centeno and Malabanan who did
not greet him. General Salimbangon ordered the two (2) witnesses to implicate the Mayor.
The general then ordered that the Mayor be handcuffed as he is the rapist. You son of a
bitch, Salibangon. You framed me up, the Mayor cursed.

The Mayor denied having given Centeno advice and P2,000.00 pocket money on June 30,
1993. It was only in the courtroom that he saw Centeno, although he knows the latter. The
Mayor also denied Malabanans testimony implicating him in the crime. In fact, Malabanan
wrote him letters asking for his help. The trial court noted, however, that the letter
adverted to by the Mayor were all addressed to Judge Baldo.

Appellant Medialdea was Calauan policeman until his summary dismissal on September
10, 1993. He claimed that he, being a member of a crack team formed by Major Cao and
composed of Malabanan, Luis and Ama, was preoccupied the whole day of June 28, 1993
conducting police operations on board an ambulance in different barangays of the town in
search of Tisoy. The fruitless operations ended at about 9:00 p.m. of June 28. Driving the
ambulance, he got home at around 10:30 p.m. where he saw his wife playing mahjong
with some friends. Medialdea joined the players for about an hour, then he slept until 5:00
a.m. of the next day (June 29).

The crack team met again in the morning of June 29, 1993 to continue the manhunt for
Tisoy. At around 7:15 a.m. in Barangay Imok, they saw Tisoy speed by in a motorcycle.
Medialdea and Luis fired shots in the air but Tisoy managed to escape. Centeno was not
present when this event transpired because he was instructed to go to the municipal hall
with the ambulance.

Upon hearing news over the radio that a dead body was found at Sitio Paputok, Km. 74,
Barangay Mabacan, Medialdea radioed Centeno to fetch the group at the fishpond of one
Gani. As soon as Centeno arrived at around 8:00 a.m., they proceeded to Km. 74 where
they saw Eileens body inside the van parked in the sugarcane field. Major Cao and several Page 6 of 20
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policemen were already there. Medialdea had to pull down Eileens T-shirt and roll up her
underwear to spare her from numerous kibitzers staring at her naked body. He recovered
several scattered items inside the van like cigarette packs, a paddle, spike shoes, and 5
bottles of beer. The van was then driven by a certain Gener to the UP Los Baos escorted by
the ambulance and Major Caos police car.

Thereafter, at around 9:30 a.m., Medialdea, on Major Caos directive, went to the Gomez
residence and asked for Allan. The maid told him that Allan has not come home since the
night before and that she last saw him at around 6:30 p.m. with one Jet Tejada. As there
was no other person inside the house except the maid, Medialdea, with her permission,
searched for Allan inside but to no avail. Before leaving, he instructed the maid to tell Allan
that he better make good his hiding because Allan is a suspect in the crime. At the Tejada
residence, Jet was neither there. So Medialdea proceeded to the boarding house of Eileen
and instructed the landlady to inform calmly Eileens parents on what had happened to
their daughter.

Medialdea then returned to the UP Los Baos security force where he told Major Cao that
Allan had escaped. Before leaving UP campus to bring Eileens body to Calauan, Major Cao
ordered Medialdea to still look for Allan. When his efforts to find Allan inside the campus
proved futile, Medialdea sought the aid of Barangay Captain Cesar Ruiz who brought him
to the barangay hall where Jet Tejada was. Tejada strongly objected to Medialdeas
insinuation of his and Allans participation in the crime, saying that they can never do
anything as dastardly as that.

Afterwards, a certain Allan, a barangay tanod, volunteered that he knew Allan. This Allan
opines that if Allan was dead then Kit had a hand on it since Allan had earned Kits ire when
the former began dating the latters girlfriend named Rose. Medialdea informed Major Cao
that Allan perhaps has gone to Manila with his father. The Major replied that Allan is here,
but is likewise dead.

Ama then informed Major Cao that they have a suspect named Kit who had an axe to grind
against Allan. Then someone in the crowd uttered Ako iyon. Kit approached and told Ama
that he and Allan had patched up their differences three (3) months ago. Medialdea
noticed a drop of blood on the middle of Kits right thigh. Kit explained that the blood oozed
after punching a wall with his right knuckle.

At the municipal hall, Ama handed an empty armalite shell recovered from the site where
Allans body was found. Thereafter, Arnold (the prisoner who was cleaning the van) was
seen carrying the rubber matting of the Tamaraw van to hang it over the municipal fence
to dry. Ama could not help but curse Arnold and ordered the latter to bring it back. Ama
explained to Major Cao that they could be dragged to the case just like what happened to
the policeman in the Paraaque massacre who burned a mosquito net and was thereafter

Medialdea also testified that it was Major Cao who ordered the cleaning of the van to
diffuse the stench caused by the blood stains therein.

Then on July 6, 1993, Medialdea, together with Ama and Malabanan, went to the PNP Sta.
Cruz Command to answer queries about the cleaning of the van. They were then brought
to Canlubang where they executed their respective sworn statements. Medialdea also
recalled that Major Cao instructed them not to say anything about the cleaning of the van.
Afterwards, they were brought back to the PNP Sta. Cruz and detained therein pending the
filing of formal charges against them.

Major Cao visited Medialdea the next day, July 7. The major advised him that they should
just point to Malabanan as the one who cleaned the van. Medialdea did not heed his advice
for he pitied Malabanan and besides, it was Major Cao who really ordered its cleaning. The Page 7 of 20
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major then reiterated the reason why he caused its cleaning (the unbearable stench of

Days later, on July 16, 1993, Medialdea and Ama, together with Malabanan, were brought
to the Department of Justice where Fiscal Abesamis asked them to sign a waiver of their
detention. On July 24, 1993, the three (3) men were led back to PNP Canlubang where
Colonels Gualberto and Tiangco began investigating then on July 27, 1993. During the
investigation, Medialdea was being enticed by Col. Gualberto to cooperate with the
government by testifying against the Mayor, as there is an order from the higher echelon
to bring the Mayor down. He refused, saying that the Mayor is completely innocent
because he is pro-poor and the Mayor even walks the church aisle on his knees. Col.
Gualberto threatened that he will be dragged all the more to the case if he will not
cooperate. Medialdea begged for mercy and suggested that they should investigate Kit
instead. The colonel said that messing up with Kit is like ramming into a wall. Medialdea
was then asked to sign a statement that contained inaccurate answers. The inaccuracies
were supplied by Col. Gualberto.

Medialdea also professed his ignorance before Col. Tiangco. This colonel was less
diplomatic. He splashed coffee on Medialdeas face, cursed him and whipped his face. So
was Malabanan. The investigators would hit then when they try to reason. Back to his cell,
Medialdea heard Col. Tiangco order somebody to have him killed in the evening.

On August 13, 1993, one Colonel Versoza advised Medialdea to follow Malabanan in
testifying against the Mayor. They will be placed under the Witness Protection Program
where they would be entitled to allowances, free housing facilities and the chance to go
abroad with their families where they can live peacefully, Col. Versoza assured them.
Medialdea refused once again. Malabanan therafter informed him that he and Centeno had
already given false statements for they can no longer stand the torture inflicted on them.
But Medialdea stood pat with his refusal, for he cannot testify falsely against his
companions just to free himself. It is still better to live than to die a martyr, Malabanan

We now to go appellant Luis Corcolons story which painted the Kit Alqueza angle in
greater detail. In the morning of June 25, 1993, three (3) men went to Luis residence in
Barangay Mabacan. They told Luis that their boss, Edgardo Lavadia alias Uod, wanted to
see him the next day. Lavadia is a very generous friend of Luis for so many years who, as
a professional forger of checks, is being protected by General Alqueza.

Luis arrived at Lavadias house at around 2:00 p.m. of June 26. There he saw Kit and
Lavadias men. Lavadia requested him to abduct and kill Allan because the latter has done
something wrong to Kit. Luis asked what Allans fault was and then suggested that if its
just a small squabble, they better forgive Allan. Lavadia insisted, but Luis appeared
hesitant since it might put him in big trouble. Lavadia tempered his request by asking Luis
to merely help in getting rid of the body. Luis agreed. He and Lavadia were to meet again
on June 28, 1993 in the Bay cockpit. After this, Luis left.

Luis was also a member of the team formed by Major Cao to hunt down Tisoy. At around
8:30 in the morning of June 28, 1993, he was fetched by Medialdea, Ama, Malabanan and
proceeded to Barangay Imok on board the ambulance driven by Centeno to apprehend
Tisoy. At around 1:00 p.m., Luis left the group and went to Bay cockpit to meet Lavadia, as
agreed upon the previous day. When he arrived at the cockpit, only Lavadias men were
there. Luis then asked one of the men to tell Lavadia that he is backing out of the
agreement. He first attended the derby being held at the cockpit before returning to
Barangay Imok at around 5:00 p.m. and re-joined the team. They left Barangay Imok at
around 7:30 p.m. and proceeded to Barangay Wawa, San Pablo City where they stayed for
about two (2) hours waiting for Tisoy. Sensing that Tisoy would not be passing by, the
team headed back for Calauan. Luis was driven home first and reached his house at Page 8 of 20
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around 9:30 p.m. A certain Ernesto Bustillo was waiting for him to borrow his passenger
jeepney. Thereafter, Luis slept at around 10:30 p.m.

At around 4:45 a.m. of the next day (June 29) while Luis was preparing the breakfast of
his children, a Tamaraw van, driven by Kit, stopped in front of his house honking its horn
continuously. Four (4) motorcycle-riding men, each wearing bonnet masks and maong
jackets, escorted the van. Kit sought his help in burying at once the dead female body
inside the van. Luis inspected the van and saw a naked corpse of a woman. He refused
Kits summons after which Luis immediately returned to his house, turned off the lights and
closed door for fear that Kits escorts would shoot him. The convoy then headed towards
the direction of Sitio Paputok, Km. 74.

At about 6:30 a.m., Luis, Centeno, Medialdea and Malabanan met and continued their
surveillance of Tisoy at Barangay Imok. They saw Tisoy pass by at around 7:10 a.m. but
were not able to apprehend him. The group thereafter went to Ganis fishpond at about
8:30 a.m. then proceeded to Km. 74 to verify reports of a females death. There they saw
the Tamaraw van with a dead woman inside. Luis recognized the vehicle as that driven by
Kit hours earlier, but he kept silent. The group then brought the van to the UP Los Baos

In the morning if June 30, 1993, Luis met the Mayor. The latter instructed him to
investigate on who dumped Eileens body at Km. 74. Luis obliged and said that he will
make a report within a week. He, however, did not tell the Mayor about Kits involvement in
the crime.

On July 7, 1993, CIS agents of Canlubang raided his house during his absence thereat. The
agents, his wife said, planted a gun inside. The next day, Luis read in the papers that a
P100,000.00 reward has been offered for his and brother Boys capture. He rushed to the
Mayor who advised him to remain quiet.

In the afternoon of July 12, 1993, Luis went to Boys house upon being summoned by the
Mayor who was with General Quizon and Colonel Hilario. He and Boy were brought to
Camp Crame for interview. After the interview, the CIS took their sworn statements. The
answers therein, Luis said, were furnished by the agents. He signed the statement out to
fear without the assistance of a lawyer of his own choice. For several days, he was
investigated by PACC agents. Then on or July 20, 1993, he and Boy were transferred to
CIS Canlubang and were interrogated by Col. Tiangco who repeatedly manhandled and
cursed him. Luis insisted on his innocence and suggested that it is Kit who they should
investigate. After the interview, Luis was tortured by way of water treatment, denied of
food and was not allowed to receive visitors. In the afternoon of June 28, 1993, Luis was
brought before the PACC where he was again manhandled during the 2-hour interrogation.
He answered yes to all the questions hurled at him because he was already dizzy. He was
also informed that Lavadia had already executed a statement saying that the latter paid

On August 1, 1993 at the PACC-TFH office, General Quizon was forcing him to testify
against the Mayor. He was also interviewed by media afterwhich, he was brought back to
his cell where he met Lavadia. He cursed and strangled Lavadia. Luis suggested that they
should now tell the truth about Kits involvement, but Lavadia advised him to remain silent
because reprisal from General Alqueza would be far worse. Luis was detained at the PACC
until the start of the trial. He also filed a complaint for torture before the Commission on
Human Rights.

Boy Corcolon testified that he never left house on the night of June 28, 1993. He woke
up at around 7:00 a.m. of the next day and proceeded to the Calauan police station on his
motorcycle upon being informed of the discovery of a dead female in sitio Paputok, Km.
74. After going to the municipal building where he saw Ama, Major Cao and Judge Baldo, Page 9 of 20
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Boy followed Major Cao and his men in going to Km. 74. There he saw the naked body of
the dead woman inside the van. Boy thereafter followed the van to the UP compound.
Moments later, the van was brought to Calauan municipal hall compound. He did not stay
in the municipal hall, but went straight home instead.

The CIS agents raided his house on July 7, 1993. The next day, Boy read in the papers
that he and his brother Luis were being haunted down by the authorities and a
P100,000.00 bounty is at stake for their capture. He rushed to the house of the Mayor to
inform the latter of the raid. The Mayor advised him to remain calm and to avoid being

In the afternoon of July 12, 1993, he and Luis were fetched by General Quizon and Colonel
Hilario at Luis residence and thereafter brought to Camp Crame. At the camp, press people
interviewed them after which they were led to a room for taking of their respective sworn
statements. Boy claimed that he was forced to give his statement after being kicked,
slapped and cursed by the investigators. He tried to correct portions of his statement but
the investigating officer did not allow him. Boy and Luis were detained at the camp until
charges have been filed against them, for their refusal to cooperate with the CIS.

On July 20, 1993, the two (2) brother were brought to an uninhabited place near a hill in
Barangay Paliparan where they were made to stand in front of the military group
consisting of Generals Quizon and Salimbangon, Colonel Gualberto and his men. Boy and
Luis were each asked to hold an armalite rifle, and then pictures were taken of them
handing the rifles over to the generals.

The next day (June 21), they were brought to CIS Canlubang and stayed there until the
start of the trial in September, 1993. Boy claimed he was subjected to electric shock and
water treatment to make him confess his guilt.

Ama, also a member of the team involved in the Tisoy manhunt, related a similar story on
the groups sorties in different barangays on June 28, 1993. After the failed mission,
Centeno dropped him off at his residence in Barangay Masiit at about 10:00 p.m. of the
same day and did not leave the house until the next morning.

At around 6:15 a.m. of the next day (June 29), he was at Barangay Balayhangin to wait
for Tisoy per Medialdeas instruction. Minutes later, he saw Tisoy pass by on a motorcycle
and thereafter reported the matter to Medialdea. Ama learned of Eileens death at around
8:00 a.m. when he was at the Calauan police station. Centeno thereafter picked him up
and they, together with Medialdea, Malabanan and Luis proceeded to Sitio Paputok where
Eileens body was found.

From the university compound, he, Medialdea, Malabanan and a UP student named Butch
went to Allans house but the latter was not there. They also went to Jet Tejadas and
Eileens boarding houses.

At Barangay Batong Malaki, Los Baos, barangay tanod Allan revealed to Medialdea that the
dead Allans enemy was Kit. Allan was fond of girls and there was a time when Kit got
angry at and threatened Allan when the latter dated Kits girlfriend Rose, the tanod

Ama and the rest of the group were able to talk to Jet Tejada who denied any involvement
in the crime. After Major Cao informed him that Allan is already dead, Ama told the major
about the friction between Allan and Kit. Then someone tapped Major Caos shoulder and
identified himself as Kit who clarified that he had patched up with Allan about three (3)
months ago. Kit angrily pointed his finger at Ama, then Major Cao pacified them. Ama
asked Kit about the drops of blood on his right thigh. Kit explained that the blood came
from his right knuckle. He is our suspect Ama blurted. Major Cao, however, reprimanded Page 10 of 20
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him for making such a loud comment.

*(On the cleaning of the van, Amas story is similar to Medialdeas account heretofore

Thereafter, Ama, Medialdea and Malabanan found their way to the Mayors residence in bay.
Ama revealed to the Mayor that Kit is the suspect. The Mayor said that Kit comes from a
very powerful and influential family, and that his father, General Alqueza, is a tough man.
The Mayor nonetheless assured them of his support.

On July 1, 1993, Ama accompanied some CIS personnel at the site where Allans body was
found. They found drops of blood, cigarette butts and wrappers in the area. Later in the
afternoon, Ama went to Canlubang as he was asked by Colonel Roxas to make a written
report on the Kit Alqueza angle. He completed his statement in about five (5) hours. The
officer before whom he was sworn, Ama noticed, was drunk.

On July 3, 1993, he received word that he was to undergo counter-insurgency training

effective that same day. Two (2) days after (July 5), he asked a certain Colonel Toco why
he was being required to undergo training again. The colonel promised to look into the
matter. On that same day, Malabanan informed him that Luis appeared panicky and was
acting suspiciously, as the latter seemed to go back and forth to the municipal hall and
kept asking Malabanan for the names of people investigating the case. Also on that day,
Ama gave the NBI Regional Director some information about Kit and Luis which started the
NBI investigation.

On July 6, 1993, Ama, together with Medialdea and Malabanan, executed his statement in
CIS Canlubang assisted by one Atty. Exconde who asked him to sign the same even before
Ama can read it. At PHQ Sta. Cruz, the Deputy Provincial Commander for Operations
fumed when he declared in his statement that he was absent during the cleaning of the
van. He declared so because Major Cao instructed him to keep silent on that matter.
Subsequently (July 7), he learned of Malabanans escape.

On July 24, 1993, Ama, Malabanan and Medialdea were brought to CIS Canlubang. They
ate drugged food which gave him chest pain and made him very weak and talkative. He
saw Medialdea being whipped on the head with a newspaper by one official.

Five days later (July 29), they were brought to the PACC where Luis pointed to them
before the media. The next day (July 30), he and General Alqueza met at the Department
of Justice. The general cursed him for dragging Kit in the case and even challenged him to
a fistfight outside the building.

On August 7, 1993, at General Salimbangons office, the general informed him that his
summary dismissal is on hand unless he testifies against the Mayor. When he refused, the
general cursed him. Colonel Gualberto also tried to convince him by offering promotion,
house and lot, monthly allowance, or a chance to leave the country with his family. But
Ama insisted on his innocence.

On August 13, 1993, a sobbing Malabanan embraced Ama and asked for his forgiveness
because the former has already implicated him falsely in the crime. Malabanan said he
could no longer bear the torture being inflicted on him and the threats on his life and
family. He was also advised by Malabanan to follow suit, but he refused once again.

Brion is the Mayors nephew. He denied being in the company of any of the appellants on
the evening of June 28, 1993 as he stayed at their house on J. del Valle St., Calauan the
whole night. In the morning of July 29, 1993, he was arrested at his father-in-laws house
without any warrant. The arresting officer told him that Colonel Navarro (PNP Director of
Laguna) wanted to interview him. Brion was brought to the Calamba police station from Page 11 of 20
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where he was taken to Canlubang. There, Col. Navarro cursed him for being so elusive.
Brion answered that he never went into hiding. Col. Navarro informed him that Luis
Corcolon has revealed that he was the third man to rape Eileen. Brion then heard
Malabanan shouting that he is taking all the blame for the crime if they would just spare
the two students (Brion and Kawit) who are totally innocent.

Brion, together with Malabanan, Ama and Luis, was brought to the office of the then Vice-
President Estrada who asked Ama and Malabanan whether they raped Eileen. Ama belied
the accusation. Malabanan, too, professed innocence and said that in the nine (9) years he
stayed in Mindanao, it is his first time to cry this way. This convinced the vice-president of
Malabanans innocence. Kawit also cried at this point. Brion saw Luis being held up by two
men towards the room as Luis appeared to be on the brink of collapse. One of the escorts
then raised Luis hand so as to point at Brion.

On July 30, 1993, Brion, Ama, Malabanan, Kawit, Luis and Boy were brought to the
Department of Justice where Fiscal Zuo asked them to sign some papers. Luis was
instructed to re-affirm his sworn statement before the PACC while Brion and Kawit were
asked to sign a waiver of detention. The three (3), however, refused. Fiscal Zuo offered
them a lawyer from the Public Assistance Office (PAO) to assist them but Brion rejected
the offer.

On August 6, 1993, General Quizon asked Brion to sign a confession but he refused. When
a second statement was prepared, he cried because he was allowed to read only that
portion relating to his personal circumstances before being forced to sign it without the
assistance of a lawyer. Thereafter, he was brought back to PHQ Sta. Cruz at around 5:00

Brion related having executed a sworn statement detailing the methods of torture he
underwent to force him into implicating the Mayor, Ama, Medialdea and Malabanan, viz:

1) he would be placed in a doghouse-like cell fitted with loudspeakers;

2) his hands would be tied behind his back and he would be tied to a bench. A towel
would be placed over his mouth and nostrils, then 7-up is poured on his face;

3) his body would be whipped with guns.

No medical examination was ever conducted on him. More, his captors would padlock his
cell whenever Atty. Arias paid him a visit.

Kawit was a houseboy of the Mayor in his Calauan residence. He claimed he slept at
around 9:00 p.m. of June 28, 1993 and woke up at 6:00 a.m. the following day to water
the plants.

On July 16, 1993, he was interrogated in connection with the deaths of Eileen and Allan.
Later in the day, Medialdea and some policemen fetched him at his house in Barangay
Bagong Pook and brought him to PHQ Sta. Cruz. Kawit was led into a room where
Medialdea, in the presence of Centeno and Malabanan, asked him the name of the girl who
was reportedly shouting while Kawit was dragging her at CPAMMS. Kawit answered that
there were two (2) bar girls, whose names are Carla and Ninja Joyce, who were shouting
at Barangay Bagong Pook. Ama then entered the room and requested Malabanan and
Medialdea not to hurt Kawit. When Malabanan and Medialdea left the room, Kawit
explained to Ama that the two (2) bar girls complained of one Melvin Pajadan not paying
them for their services.

Thereafter, Kawit was asked by one Major Uyami to make a statement. After signing the
statement, Kawit was told by investigator Cansanay that the major wanted him to include
in his statement the Mayors involvement in the Gomez-Sarmenta slaying, but Kawit Page 12 of 20
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refused. He was thus detained for the night. A policeman in civilian clothes thereafter
asked him to sign a paper bearing his name and the handwritten words: Pauuwiin ka na
bukas ng umaga. Kawit signed the paper, but he was not released the next day.

Before this Court, Mayor Sanchez and Medialdea filed their consolidated Appellants Brief,
and so did Ama, Brion and Kawit. Brothers Luis and Boy Corcolon, on the other hand, filed
separate appeal briefs. Briefly, the pith of the assigned errors and the focus of the
appellants arguments is the issue of witnesses Centeno and Malabanans credibility, whose
open-court narrations served as principal basis for the trial courts rendition of a guilty

So oftenly repeated by this Court is that the matter of assigning values to declarations on
the witness stand is best and most competently performed by the trial judge4 who had the
unmatched opportunity to observe the witnesses and to assess their credibility by the
various indicia available but not reflected in the record. The demeanor of the person on the
stand can draw the line between fact and fancy. The forthright answer or the hesitant
pause, the quivering voice or the angry tone, the flustered look or the sincere gaze, the
modest blush or the guilty blanch these can reveal if the witness is telling the truth or lying
in his teeth.5 cräläwvirtualibräry

Judge Demetriou who presided over the entire trial until its very conclusion expressed her
satisfaction with the way witnesses Centeno and Malabanan survived the hot seat with
flying colors, so to speak. With respect to Centeno, the honorable Judge had this to say:

In thus passing upon the credibility of Centeno, this Court kept his alleged dubious
reputation for veracity in mind. But, after carefully reviewing the testimony of Centeno in
his direct examination and gruelling (sic) cross-examination for almost 3 months, this
Court, even with a jaundiced eye, could not help but be impressed about the myriad of
details in his testimony and his frank, spontaneous and straightforward manner of
testifying. The lengthy and punishing cross-examination by seven lawyers to which he was
subjected failed to bring out any serious flaw or infirmity in his perception or recollection of
events or destroy the coherence of his narration. That Centeno merely wove such a yarn
from his fertile imagination, conflict with a multitude of details, is highly improbable
considering that his highest educational attainment was sixth grade in the elementary

Similarly, Malabanan displayed a frank, straightforward manner of answering questions

and a desire to state all the facts within his knowledge, and his credibility was never
shaken on cross-examination; there was no indication of prevarication or evasiveness.
Consequently, (his) testimony is entitled to full faith and credit, the honorable Judge
observed.7 Her impressions of these star witnesses for the State bind this Court, for we
accord great respect if not finality, to the findings of the trial court on the credibility of
witnesses.8 They, therefore, ought not to be disturbed.9 And once the prosecution
witnesses are afforded full faith and credit, the defenses version necessarily stands
discredited.10 cräläwvirtualibräry

To recall, all the appellants relied on the defense of denial/alibi, i.e., they were at their
respective homes on the night of the rape-slay. But Centeno and Malabanan confirmed the
presence of all the appellants on the night of June 28, 1993 till the early morning of the
following day and detailed the exact participation of each in the crime. Positive
identification by credible witnesses of the accused as the perpetrators of the crime, as we
have consistently held, demolishes the alibi11 - the much abused sanctuary of felons.12
Moreover, except for the Mayor who presented Ave Marie Tonee Jimenez Sanchez (his
daughter with his mistress Elvira) and Medialdea who presented his neighbor Anastacia
Gulay, the other appellants failed to present corroborating testimonial evidence to butress
their respective alibis. The defense of alibi is inherently weak especially when wanting in Page 13 of 20
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material corroboration. Categorical declarations of witnesses for the prosecution of the

details of the crime are more credible than the uncorroborated alibi interposed by the
accused.13 Ave Maries testimony is of no help to the Mayor, since alibi becomes less
plausible as a defense when it is invoked and sought to be crafted mainly by the accused
himself and his immediate relatives.14 Anastacia Gulays testimony is likewise worthless
since the trial court found her testimony rehearsed. We will not disturb this finding
because it touches on credibility.

In fine, the defense of alibi is an issue of fact that hinges on the credibility of witnesses,
and the assessment of the trial court, unless patently and clearly inconsistent, must be
accepted.15 cräläwvirtualibräry

In an attempt to discredit Centeno, appellants principally harp on the contradictions in four

(4) Sworn Statements executed by Centeno on August 13, 1993, August 15, 1993, August
17, 1993 and August 30, 1993. The Solicitor Generals Office summarizes appellants
asseverations on this point, viz:

Appellants point out that while in his Sworn Statement dated August 13, 1993, Centeno
stated that after the victims were seized, they were brought to CPAMMS, in his Sworn
Statement dated August 15, 1993, he claimed that the two were brought to Erais Farm (p.
86-96, Sanchez and Medialdea; p. 11-12, Luis Corcolon; p. 38, Ama, Brion and Kawit; p.
10, Rogelio Corcolon). Appellant also point out that in the August 13, 1993 Sworn
Statement, Centeno merely referred to a person named Edwin (without stating his family
name) and another person he did not know who was in the place where the victims were
brought. In his Sworn Statement dated August 17, 1993, Centeno supplied the family
name of Edwin as Cosico and the name of the other person whom he did not know as Lito
Angeles (pp. 96-97, Sanchez and Medialdea).

Another major contradiction pointed out is that in his August 13, 1993 Sworn Statement,
Centeno mentioned that he drove the Corcolon brothers to the house of Edgardo Uod
Lavadia in Bangkal Street, Los Baos, Laguna. Upon arriving at the house of Lavadia,
Centeno saw Lavadia and Teofilo Kit Alqueza talking. Later Lavadia handed an envelop to
Luis Corcolon. In the latest Sworn Statement dated August 30, 1993, Centeno stated that
they did not go to the house of Lavadia and that during the whole day of June 26, 1993,
Centeno was with Malabanan (pp. 99-102, Sanchez and Medialdea; pp. 37-40, Ama, Brion
and Kawit; p. 8, Rogelio Corcolon).16

The trial judge found Centenos explanation on these inconsistencies satisfactory, justifying
such finding with pertinent jurisprudence. The Court, therefore, affirms and adopts her
disquisition on the matter, viz:

With respect to the portion of his sworn statement dated August 13, 1993 which implicated
Kit Alqueza, Centeno explained that it was dictated by a CIS agent named Rommel. He
feared Rommel because the latter threatened him that he would be hurt if he did not
cooperate. Even when his family was already under the custody of the CIS on August 15,
1993, he did not ask for the deletion of the said portion because he was still under the CIS
custody. It was only on August 30, 1993 when he was placed under the Witness Protection
Program that he found the courage to execute another sworn statement for the specific
purpose of deleting the reference to Kit Alqueza. Although he was placed under the
Witness Protection Program on August 17, 1993, there was a delay in his retraction of Kit
Alquezas involvement due to his inability to reach Fiscal Arellano.

Centenos explanation is quite believable because he had already implicated the accused
Sanchez in his sworn statement of August 13, 1993. Thus, the portion implicating Kit
Alqueza does not jibe with the main story of Centeno that Eileen Sarmenta was abducted
by Medialdea, Ama, the Corcolon brothers, Brion and Kawit to be given as a gift to their Page 14 of 20
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boss, Mayor Sanchez.

As to his sworn statement of August 15, 1993 where he stated that the victims were taken
to Erais Farm instead of CPAMMS as originally indicated in his August 13, 1993 sworn
statement, Centeno explained that when he gave his first statement he was still hoping
that Mayor Sanchez would help him. Furthermore, he feared the power and influence of
the Mayor. Thus, according to him, he gave the wrong place to mislead his investigators. It
was only on August 15, 1993 when the accused Sanchez was already in prison that
Centeno decided to correct his previous statements.

This Court is inclined to accept the explanation of Centeno that his earlier attempt to
mislead the investigators by saying that the victims were taken to CPAMMS was out of fear
of the Mayor. Our Supreme Court has recognized that the inherent fear of reprisal by
witnesses who refuse initially to disclose what they know about a crime is quite
understandable, especially when the accused is a man of power and influence in the
community (People v. Catao, 107 Phil. 861 [1960]).

In a recent case, People v. Pascua (206 SCRA 628 [1992]), the Supreme Court observed
that Fear for ones life explains the failure on the part of a witness to immediately notify
the authorities of what exactly transpired. And, [o]nce such fear is overcome by a more
compelling need to narrate the truth, the Supreme Court went on to say, then the witness
must be welcomed by the courts to help dispense justice.

Consequently, this Court will not reject the testimony of Centeno on the basis of
inconsistencies in his sworn statements taken by police authorities which have been
sufficiently explained. What is more important is that Centeno testified on the witness
stand in a categorical, straightforward, spontaneous and frank manner and remained
consistent on cross-examination. This Court, therefore, finds Centeno a credible witness.17

To further fortify this observation, we advert to that all-too familiar rule that discrepancies
between sworn statements and testimonies made at the witness stand do not necessarily
discredit the witnesses.18 Sworn statements/affidavits are generally subordinated in
importance to open court declarations because the former are often executed when an
affiants mental faculties are not in such a state as to afford him a fair opportunity of
narrating in full the incident which has transpired.19 Testimonies given during trials are
mush more exact and elaborate.20 Thus, testimonial evidence carries more weight than
sworn statements/affidavits.

Appellants would also quibble on the following portions of Centenos testimony, to wit:

1) he could not give exactly where the appellants went after sexually abusing Eileen;]

2) he was unsure whether it was Eileens left or right foot that hit the chair of the van
when she was struggling;

3) he was unsure of their speed while on their way to the UP compound;

4) he could not give the exact distance between the ambulance he was driving and the

5) he said he could see the protruding end of the roof of a kubo when he parked the
ambulance in front of the Big J restaurant. Appellants claim that from where Centeno was
allegedly standing, there was no way he could see the roof of that kubo;

6) he was able to recall what appellants were wearing on that night of June 28, 1993;

7) he saw Kawit hit Allan at his diaphragm with the butt of an armalite, but the Page 15 of 20
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medico-legal finding of Dr. Escueta revealed no injury in the abdominal region of Allan;

8) his testimony that the appellants raped Eileen inside the van which was very limited
space, while appellants could have chosen a far more comfortable or remote place to do
the crime. With respect to the Mayor, it was very unbelievable for him to commit rape
inside his room filled with religious adornments and in the process risk his reputation as
mayor and an established man in the community;

9) his testimony to the effect that appellants rolled their pants down to their knees and
then climbed the van to rape Eileen. Appellants would consider such testimony impossible,
claiming that the narrow circumference of the waistline will impede and obstruct the
upward movement of the legs.

10) his admission that he can lie for money, or out fear.

It may be conceded that these inconsistencies marred Centenos testimony, but they refer
to trivial details which do not, in actuality, touch upon the whys and wherefores of the
crime committed.21 Equally settled is the rule that inconsistencies in the testimony of
witnesses when referring only to minor details and collateral matters do not affect either
the substance of their declaration, their veracity, or the weight of their testimony. Although
there may be inconsistencies on minor details, the same do not impair the credibility of the
witnesses where there is consistency in relating the principal occurrence and positive
identification of the assailants,22 as in this case. Slight contradictions in fact even serve to
strengthen the sincerity of a witness and prove that his testimony is not rehearsed.23 They
are fail-safes against memorized perjury.24 Besides, errorless testimonies cannot be
expected especially when a witness is recounting details of a harrowing experience.25 Even
the most truthful witnesses can make mistakes but such innocent lapses do not necessarily
affect their credibility.26 Consequently, Centenos and Malabanans credibility still remains
intact notwithstanding these inconsistencies.

Other pieces of evidence further enhance the damaging testimonies of Centeno and
Malabanan. For one, a missing belt loop from the pair of white shorts worn by Eileen on
the night of the crime was recovered from Erais Farm by prosecution witness Major Lulita
Chambers who, together with Col. Gualberto and other officers, went there on August 19,
1993 to effect service of the search warrant issued by RTC Judge Geraldez. Major
Chambers, a forensic chemist, conducted a series of laboratory examinations and later
concluded that the retrieved beltloop matched in color, size and fiber composition with a
beltloop she detached from the white shorts of Eileen which she (Major Chambers) used as
a standard.

Another corroborating evidence is the M16 empty bullet shell recovered at the site where
Allans body was found. The ballistic examination on the empty shell conducted by FID-PNP
Chief Ballistician Vicente de Vera revealed that the striations of the empty shell were the
same as those registered by the cartridges from M16 rifle bearing Serial No. 773159
surrendered by Luis Corcolon. Mr. De Vera also found the metallic fragments recovered
from Eileens body, after conducting microscopic examinations thereof, to bear the same
characteristics as those from a bullet fired from an M16 rifle.

The autopsy and vaginal examination conducted by prosecution witness Dr. Vladimir V.
Villaseor, medico-legal officer of the PNP-CIS, on Eileens cadaver buttresses all the more
the gang-rape story of the prosecution. Dr. Villaseors findings, in a nutshell, disclosed the
presence of multiple contusions on Eileens body, fresh shallow lacerations on her hymen, a
congested cervix, a gaping labia majora and oozing whitish fluid (tested positive for
spermatozoa) from the vaginal opening. Oozing spermatozoa, Dr. Villaseor explained,
means that the amount of semen was much more than the vaginal canal could contain and
that there were several seminal ejaculations that occurred therein. He also noted that a Page 16 of 20
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great quantity of whitish fluid continued to ooze from Eileens vaginal opening despite her
death for several hours. Taking into account all these findings, Dr. Villaseor ruled out the
possibility of any consented sexual intercourse. In this connection, appellants would belittle
Dr. Villaseors findings by insisting as the more convincing opinion the defenses medical
expert witness, Dr. Ernesto Brion who testified to the effect that there can be no multiple
rape if there is only one laceration on Eileens hymen as testified to by Dr. Villaseor. We
dismiss appellants argument by reiterating anew that the absence of extensive abrasions
or contusions on the vaginal wall does not rule out rape because the slightest penetrations
enough.27 It is not an indispensable element for the successful prosecution of said crime.28
Moreover, Dr. Brion is an uncle by consanguinity and erstwhile counsel of record of the
Mayor, thus making his objectivity highly questionable.

Appellants Ama, Kawit and Brion would assail the trial courts finding that they were part of
the conspiracy to commit the rape-slay. Their concurrency of sentiment with the other
appellants, however, was evident from the time they abducted Eileen and Allan, brought
the two to Erais Farm where Eileen was raped by the Mayor and Allan beaten up black and
blue, headed for a sugarcane field killing Allan along the way, sexually abused Eileen in
rapid succession and finally killed her. In not an instance did any of the three appellants
(Ama, Kawit and Brion) desist from that common design.29 Likewise, the complicity of the
Mayor in the crime can be deduced from the following conversations he had with some of
the appellants at the Erais Farm (per Centenos testimony), viz.:

LUIS CORCOLON: Mayor, ito po yung regalo namin sa inyo. Ito po yung babae na
matagal na po ninyong kursunada.

MAYOR: Aba, and ganda talaga ng babaeng yan. Pero sino yung kasama ninyong lalake?

MEDIALDEA: Boss, kasama ho yan ng babae yung lalake. Isinama na rin ho namin para
wala pong bulilyaso.

After raping Eileen, the Mayor had this short exchange with Medialdea:

MAYOR: O sige mga anak, salamat sa regalo ninyo. Salamat sa regalo ninyo sa akin.
Tapos na ako, sa inyo na iyan. Bahala na kayo diyan. Ano naman
ang gagawin ninyo diyan sa lalake?

MEDIALDEA: Boss, papatayin na rin po namin ito para wala pong bulilyaso.

Finally, on appellants claim that the publicity given to this case impaired their right to a fair
trial, we need only to revisit this Courts pronouncements in People v. Teehankee, Jr.
(249 SCRA 54), viz:

We cannot sustain appellants claim that he was denied the right to impartial trial due to
prejudicial publicity. It is true that the print and broadcast media gave the case at bar
pervasive publicity, just like all high profile and high stake criminal trials. Then and now,
we rule that the right of an accused to a fair trial is not incompatible to a free press. To be
sure, responsible reporting enhances an accuseds right to a fair trial for, as well pointed
out, a responsible press has always been regarded as the handmaiden of effective judicial
administration, especially in the criminal field x x x. The press does not simply publish
information about trials but guards against the miscarriage of justice by subjecting the
police, prosecutors, and judicial processes to extensive public scrutiny and criticism.

Pervasive publicity is not per se prejudicial to the right of an accused to fair trial. The mere
fact that the trial of appellant was given a day-to-day, gavel-to-gavel coverages does not
by itself prove that the publicity so permeated the mind of the trial judge and impaired his
impartiality. For one, it is impossible to seal the minds of members of the bench from pre-
trial and other off-court publicity of sensational criminal cases. The state of the art of our Page 17 of 20
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communication system brings news as they happen straight to out breakfast tables and
right to our bedrooms. These news form part of our everyday menu of the facts and
fictions of life. For another, our idea of a fair and impartial judge is not that of a hermit
who is out of touch with the world. We have not installed the jury system whose members
are overly protected from publicity lest they lose their impartiality. Criticisms against the
jury system are mounting and Mark Twains wit and wisdom put them all in better
perspective when he observed: When a gentleman of high social standing, intelligence,
and probity swears that testimony given under the same oath will outweigh with him,
street talk and newspaper reports based upon mere hearsay, he is worth a hundred
jurymen who will swear to their own ignorance and stupidity x x x. Why could not the jury
law be so altered as to give men of brains and honesty an equal chance with fools and
miscreants? Our judges are learned in the law and trained to disregard off-court evidence
and on-camera performances of parties to a litigation. Their mere exposure to publications
and publicity stunts does not per se fatally infect their impartiality.

At best, appellant can only conjure possibility or prejudice on the part of the trial judge
due to the barrage of publicity that characterized the investigation and trial of the case. In
Martelino, et al. v. Alejsndro, et al., we rejected this standard of possibility of prejudice
and adopted the test of actual prejudice as we ruled that to warrant a finding of prejudicial
publicity, there must be allegation and proof that the judges have been unduly influenced,
not simply that they might be, by the barrage of publicity. In the case at bar, the records
do not show that the trial judge developed actual bias against appellant as a consequence
of the extensive media coverage of the pre-trial and trial of his case. The totality of
circumstances of the case does not prove that the trial judge acquired a fixed opinion as a
result of prejudicial publicity which is incapable of change even by evidence presented
during the trial. Appellant has the burden to prove this actual bias and he has not
discharged the burden.

And so we come to hear another tale of woe, of an infamous public figure and his minions
indicted for having raped and killed a young lady and a budding lad, of these victims who
had led short obscure lives that earned an equally ignominous end, and of a criminal
enterprise so despicable only the unthinking beasts can orchestrate. It was, indeed, a plot
seemingly hatched in hell. And let it not be said that the full protection of the law had been
deprived appellants. Even a beast cannot deny this.

WHEREFORE, the assailed decision is hereby AFFIRMED in all respects. In addition, each
of the appellants having been found guilty of seven (7) counts of rape with homicide and
considering that existing jurisprudence pegs the amount of indemnity for the death of the
victim at Fifty Thousand (P50,000.00) Pesos, this Court hereby orders each of the
appellants to pay the respective heirs of Eileen Sarmenta and Allan Gomez the amount of
Seven Hundred Thousand (P700,000.00) Pesos as additional indemnity.


Davide, Jr., C.J., (Chairman), Melo, Kapunan, and Pardo, JJ., concur.


1 Nor Chairman of the COMELEC.

2 Atty. Juanito Andrade.

3 Brief for Appellants Sanchez and Medialdea, p. 4.

4 People v. Tacipit, 242 SCRA 241; People v. Sarabia, 266 SCRA 471.

5 People v. Espinosa, 180 SCRA 393.

6 RTC Decision, pp. 109-110.

7 RTC Decision, pp. 114-115. Page 18 of 20
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8 People v. Tayco, 235 SCRA 610.

9 People v. Apolonia, 235 SCRA 124.

10 People v. Calegan, 233 SCRA 537.

11 People v. Tabaco, 270 SCRA 32; People v. Piandong, 268 SCRA 555; People v. Dinglasan, 267 SCRA 26; People v. Navales,
266 SCRA 569; People v. Ferrer, 255 SCRA 19; People v. Abrenica, 252 SCRA 54; People v. Vivar, 235 SCRA 257.

12 People v. Plandez, 132 SCRA 70.

13 People v. Villalobos, 209 SCRA 304.

14 People v. Danao, 253 SCRA 146; People v. Rio, 201 SCRA 702.

15 People v. Apa-ap, 235 SCRA 468.

16 Consolidated Brief for the Appellee, pp. 38-39.

17 RTC Decision, pp. 112-114.

18 People v. Ferrer, 255 SCRA 19; People v. Sarellana, 233 SCRA 31; People v. Quiming, 222 SCRA 371.

19 People v. Padao, 267 SCRA 64.

20 People v. Miranda, 235 SCRA 202.

21 People v. Muoz, 163 SCRA 730.

22 Sumalpong v. CA, 268 SCRA 764; People v. Sison, 189 SCRA 643.

23 People v. Letigio, 268 SCRA 227; People v. Mendoza, 254 SCRA 61.

24 People v. Roa, 167 SCRA 116.

25 People v. Ibay, 233 SCRA 15.

26 People v. Calegan, 233 SCRA 537.

27 People v. Cervantes, 222 SCRA 365; People v. Tismo, 204 SCRA 535; People v. Cruz, 180 SCRA 765; David v. CA, 182 SCRA
675; People v. Taneo, 284 SCRA 251.

28 People v. Julian, 270 SCRA 733; People v. Balsacao, 241 SCRA 309.

29 People v. Peralta, 251 SCRA 6.


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