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1 Government of Jammu and Kashmir, Directorate of School Education, Kashmir. Subject: Grant of Promotion IN-SITU of Higher Standard pay scale. . ORDER NO:-360-DSEK OF 2020 DATED: 93/ 11 / 2020 Sanction is hereby accorded to thE grant of promotion In-Situ to the Higher standard pay scale in terms of J&K Civil Services (Higher Standard Pay Scheme) Rules 1996 issued by J&K Government vide SOOORO-14 dated. 15.01.1996 in favour of 38 {Thirty Eight) teaching officials, in the pay level/ pay band with grade pay from the date as indicated against each in the Annexure to this order, However the monetary benefit on account of In-Situ promotion to be regulated in terms of rule 295 (1) of General Financial Rules-2017. The In-Situ promotion arrears of Officials shell not be drawn tll additional funds for the specific purpose are released by the Competent authority (except retired Officials) for which the concerned DDO's/CEO's shall figure out the provision and submit the requisition accordingly in consolidated manner to the Directorate for adopted Budget 2020-21. Deviation if any shall warrant strict disciplinary action against DDO concerned ‘The particulars of these official in whose favour of time bound promotion is being granted / released are shown in the Annexures as detailed below- [Disurict Sendipora [District Baramulla | District Budgan [District Ganderball ts (Annoxure-B)-04 | (Annexure-C)-03 JAnnexute-D]-02] (Annexure-E)-C2 |Total District Rulgam | District Kupwara | District istret Shopran | Oiarict Sinngnr | 3B \Amenure-F}-05] (Annenure,0)-06 | Annexure-H]-07 |(Annexure-)-02| (Annexure-d)-O2 “The promotion IN-SITU to, the Higher Standard Pay Scale in favour of teaching olficials, is granted /released subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions; Officer concemed wil verify the partirulars ofeach official with sevice records before slowing (IN-SITU) promotion benefit and he/she shal be personaly ‘sponse for correctness of particulars ofthe rimployees working ser fim. In case sny wnrintion v8 noticed if the inticulars of ary seh official, the benefit of in-situ promaton shall nt be feeased and such cases shal be veered to Directorate for further orders / laifaton the incumbents have completed required spell of 09/18/27 years wx the ease may be satslact \erfuption as defined in Rule (x) of SRO-4 dated. 15.01.1996; at the incumbent wae not under sdepension oF contemplated in any charge or charge- sheeted under Classification ol sad Appeal Rules 1956 or ay’ other rules ad his/het work and behaviour has Femained satisfactory; J, Tht the present promotion In-Situ shall not change / affect the exis designation / seniority’ duties of the employees, S. That the Deneft ef the promotion tn Sku shall not be applicable, ithe offi! has earlier foegane reguer/functional ‘promotion or wil forego is functional promotion in future, 6. That belore implementing the order, the concerned CBO shall ensure that the employees are holding appointment 7. That no tine bound promotion fins been accorded by the DDO/CEO at his own level in favour of any oficial and none of the offs as received ths Denelt 30 far. 5 Cousequently upon grant of HSPS, their pay Fixation and pay/pension arrears admissible from te date the HSPS as have Ince granted shal be regulated siricty in accordance tothe provisions laid down in SRO-183 DATED 26.04.2018, SRO-93 tinted 15.04 2009 and Govt. order No.O7 F and Govt Order No.8 dated.18.01.2011 tend with SRO-32 tinted 02/02/3001, Govt Order No238-F of 2011 dated 30.09.2011 and SRO-199 dated 24.04.2018. rule 243 of Financial Code Val 4 The DDO/CEO concerned shal allow the benefit of In-Situ. promotion in reapect of erstwhile FAT /Migrant teachers only ice venicstion of thelr serece bio-data with original documents vig; service book, appointment order, «\ualiication ‘evicate and regularization order of the competent authority; 10 TTieofficiais in whose favour In-Situ promotion has been released have been appointed / promoted to the present status bys competent authors ly and wathout any. 11 a Top ett omy an alowance, any, poe os e and on pry, ie parm fren n 1 That there are eriminal cases! procesdinas pending eaninst the above offcais before any insttgating ‘ene, eeVOR/Crime.branchi-or-—cowr-af lat-and.the genuineness of appotaiment has yen. saceialnet (eucbtched in respect ofthe emploste= ‘Sd/- Director School Education Kashmir No-bSEK/Acctts/ TAP/ad/ 130 Dated @/ i1 / 2020 Copy for information and necessary action to:- ‘Commissiner Secretary to Government, School Eacation Department, Civil Secretariat. Sringgar, for informacion Joint Director, Central/North South, for information, Chief Education Officer, __, for information and necessary action, Before endorsing/ implementing the order, the Chief Education Officer concerned shall verify the eligibility entitlement of the blfvials for IN-SITU promotion as listed in the Annexure and will stritly adhere the terms and conditions as laid down in the aforesaid order in each and every case before ellecting/endorsing this Order to the DDO concerned. However, any variation /discrepancy if found while verification of the documents in respect of the any officials, that should be brought to the notice of this Directorate for fresh orders and Time Bound Promotion Order in favour of such officials shall not be endorsed co the concerned DDO at any case, 1/C Web-site, Computer section, DSBK, for uploading the order on the Oficial Web-Site Order / Stock fle Chief Accounts Officer, orate oF Schoo! Education, Kashmir Government of Jammu and Kashmir Directorate of School Education, Kashmir. Annexure "A" to Order No:- _.360_-DSEK-2020, _ Dated:-__93_. 11 . 2020 ‘Desig et | pee ae Date from [pierce [Name ofthe lose, lptace of posting Present grade fOweof | tine |= | ome] mmetonw | Seta'rer | pay seale duc. Pate sone “a _| “ous 23.11.2010, v9 franinex [Ali Mohd Selroo [Master 8S Arwoni _Levet-68(35900-113500) o7.08.1997[reacher | One | One [221.2010 lox. 12.2010] Levet 6ri40800-129200| ae 26.08.2010 anantnes {Gh Nabi Gansi |ataster [188 Dialgam —_ |Level-68/85900-113500) |o7.08.1997]Teaeher | one | one |26,08-201° loi o9.2019}Leve-6F140800-129200) : 61.09.2010 snantnog [Pie Wisar Ahmad [Master |H55 Sagam _ {reve-64(25900-113500) |07.08.1997}reaener | one | One [21092019 lo1 09.2019] eve (40800-129200} x. |osos200|), 102 Jacantneg | Ab Rashid Dar |utaster Jus Sangran _ fLever.ox(95900-113500) for.08.1997}reaener | one | one [26022019 lor 10,2019) Leve-6F140800-129200) or.z22010 snannag,fiaseema Parveen [Master [iiSS Seer Leve-64(95900-113500) ]07.08.1997}rTeacher | One | one [01122010 Jor 12.2019]1evel-6h(40800-129200) ‘Say Director School Education, Kashmir. Bean Mish Chief Accounts Officer, Directorate of School Education Kashmir. ¥ ie Government of Jammu and Kashmir Directorate of School Education, Kashmir. Annexure."B" to Order No:- _.36©_-DSEK-2020, Dated: @ _. 11.2020 Desig at ae ‘Date from S,]oimtrioe Mame of the: |Desig, [Place of posting Present grade ee ‘the thme | tam | Seteme| promotion to | ack rar Pay scale due. wo] Jotfictal ome japptt. =| — v if = = | et 1 fosnapera (Mba Hsin Iie ngfis sumtar | reve-68(48800-119500) |on.oo.to9sfreaener | one | mu fitter, for.a22011 fLevenset4ow00-129200) 2fomnaizers Pond shan tah [master [OMS SPERM! |e. szasg00-118500) foaoo.1095|teacher | One | One [22082008 Jos 992018] ve 6130800-129200) 19.03.2010 : 2fosnacor [oownar vasmcen Maser [ns Qaxipora —flever65(98500-119800) [22.04 1994{reacher | one | one [#9682010], 04 2019|.eve-eraosoo-129200 sfosnaoors [BAM Master [as Branen —_|Leve-68(@8900-112800) [15.08 2009}reacher | one | wh [#5632010]; 64 2010|reveremaosoo-129200) ‘Sd/- Director School Education, Kashmir. Chief Aceounts Officer, Directorate of School Education Kashmir. 7 Government of Jammu and Kashmir Directorate of School Education, Kashmir. Annexure "C" to Order No: 360 -DSEK-2020, Dated:-_93__. 11 . 2020 : ae ofan Teor | SSE [ee | mee | ee | efowace [ane [me [raccoon | rrmntonae [inet [occas [Er]-nerma| iret | SEP | waren ane mon | 7 002008 Towameia foamy ubaye ase bss beina — freveresas600-113500) fos.08.1995}rexcher | one | one |1702009|o,,.02o16]teve-srH0800-125200) jJowanaia|aiaran faves ons Ramghat feveroras9n0-119500 [oxo9.1995]reacer | one | one 220? 2009fo os 2018|reveronsos00-128200 : 17.08.2008 sown [on gacrwant ase [iss snertiad —Leve.ce195900-119800) lonaa.io9s|reacher | one | one |27082% [oop 2018|rreor800-129200) Say. Director School Education, Kashmir. Chief Acceants Officer, Directorate of School Education y i Kashmir. Annexure "D" to Order No: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Directorate of School Education, Kashmir. 36° -DSEK-2020, Date @_.11.2020 s Prasme 7 Deseat Toone a | ae & [District at Jomtz. |Pince of postiog Present grade [DME the edme | Sas | mom | hich TOP Pay scale due. ene Pe sone ‘ze | “onset 1a Ss 10.03.2010 judgam {Syed Mohd Eshaq Master |G1iS Gojithaji _ |Level-68(95900-113500) |oz.12.1996]Teacher | One | One [22-03-2010 lo1 04.2019] Level-6r(40800-129200) 2foudsam [Mens Ahm=4 Neeser Jans kralpora —[teverae(as900-112500) aa.1s.r996}reacner | one | one [22222219 [os 12.2019}Lerersr(40800-129200) Say. Director School Education, Kashmir. Aba hbef Chief Accounts Officer, Directorate-ef' School Education Kashmir. Government of Jammu and Kashmir Directorate of School Education, Kashmir. Dated:-__93_. 11 . 2020 Annexure "E" to Order No: 360 _-DSEK-2020, ie ae Dewi | pn root te | Date fom slo Haze ofthe pose Provent grade [PMT | Gime | ES | ocm.| epociny | tare | Puy scale due. poorer = = | SE sfoancerba [ourdeep singh [easter (BMS... [Lever 6z108900-113500) |27.06.1996|reacner | one | one 280220? los.09.2019}teve-6F1s0800-129200) a oansesba [Ma"299" ANE apace furs Kuan —|Levet-64(95900-119500) fos.12.1996]reacher | One | one ]220%201°lo1.0¢ 2019]Lever-oro800-126200) Saf Director School Education, Kashmir. Chief Accounts Officer, Diese sf St ton y Kashmir. w a Government of Jammu and Kashmir Directorate of School Education, Kashmir. Annexure "F" to Order No:- _260 -DSEK-2020, Dated:-__63 . 11. 2020 s name of the pate ot | DHE" rome | oe Pree | Bein sowie | ae Brin fess cme come | SIS | pay conte ave. cial Pe ee rn | Toone cTwgam [Mob YeHT Taser fas Kaniporn — frevers4a5000-113500) [or.08.1937frexener | one | one [22122010 loo: 2020)teveer0800-129200) 06-2009 ahsigam [ousnaca toner [waster [is Aenean [reve-66(35900-110600) [os 12.1984freacher | one | one [20052009 |o1 o7 ore ever orsnH00-129200) ps 08 2071 sfesizam ona stag Pata fuaner iss rat frevet-66198900-113500) |o7.08.1987freacher | one | one [2805-201 fr og 2020 |eve-sr40800-129200) 5 12.09.2011 aTkaigam [ab ama oat pase fase unas fleveres19s900-113500) loros..o07freacher | one | one |!202201* lor o4.2020ftev-eri¥0800-129200) slkaneam [aie anmaa vir host fs Habaen —fleveros(ss500-112800) foros 1997}reacher | one | one [0202201 lor o9.2019|Leverer4os0o-129200 Sd/- Director School Education, Kashmi p Chief Accounts Officer, Directorate of School Education Kashmir. & Annexure "G" to Order No: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Directorate of School Education, Kashmir. Dated:-_ma__. 11 . 2020 3£0 _-DSEK-2020, me ee == io Soueice [Ramet — lau lece ofposticg | Prevent grade [Peo | SMS |] meme] mmmetmne | Satire | pay wcale due. jappee on ‘muse _| west 1 peupwara Mohe Sua Yysater [urs vodnpera —|Levrst25900-112500 Ja2.10.996|teacner | one | one |22222°1°]o1,o4 2010] Level ors0800- 129200) afeopware frarg au shes easter [ass tone Hae [eve 6e,2s900-112500 fa.10..996|teacner | one | one [86122010], 01 zozo]severersooo 129200 2 fpware [sneixh Azad igh! [aster [ams Lach fleveroe(as000-112500) |os.o8 99a)reacner | one | one [202229201 94 2019|Lere r(40800-129200) i 29.03.2010 sfeupwara [satima nano fatter furs mirpora ever. ce;25900-113500, [22 0.1986[teacher | one | ohe [2982-20101 04 2019|reve-sra0soo-129200) sfeupwarn [Bashir Ahmed Taser [us Gunaknaroo[Leve-6e{s5000-112500) |22.10.1996 Teacner | one | one 12112010 [oy 1 2019]teve-r40800-129200) «fkurwara fab Samad Guiey [ester |UPS Kobra fLeveL0ea5900-119500) |2a.10.1996|teacner | one | one [202220100 04 2019]Leve-s140800-129200) Sd Director School Education, Kashmit Chief Accounts Officer, ' Directorate of School Education Kashmir. 7x eal. ei = Government of Jammu and Kashmir Directorate of School Education, Kashmir. Annexure "H" to Order No:-_A@o_-DSEK-2020, Dated: 11.2020 = [name ofthe a pwteor | Bees [om] a Prete | Seon aa s.foueeice [Mame o Jomie, [piace of pouting Present grade [Pate Soo |S =| Pay scale di Hzewel-6F(#0800.129200) + frutwama fajcena shan fase iss Dadasara fev oF/25900-113800) foz.12.904}reacher | one | one |19:112009 2.2018 mnms amen fm er 2}Puiwama |Mohd Syed Shak [Master |GBHS Parigam — |Level-66(25900.113500) |23.08.1997|Teacher | One | One [1807-2011 lo, 08.2020] evel-6F1#0800-129200) 3 Putwama [Misra Bano |ataster |GHSS Smboora _fLevel-68(35900-113500) |23.08.1997[Teacher | One | One |!9.07-201! lo, 08.2020] evel-6F140800-129200) \ 4[Putwama [Gh Ahmad mir |ataster [UPS Drach _fLevel-6(85900-113500) |23.08.1997]Teacher | One | one |!9.07-201" lo1 08.2020] evel-6F140800-129200) Lt : 5 |Purwama |attar Hussain Der aster |HSS Wasoora _fLevel-6(35900-113500) |23.08.1997|Teacher | One | One [12.07.2011 Jo, o8.2020]tevel-6F140800-129200) | 6 |Purwama |2ubaida Akhter fotaster [HSS Wasoora —_fLevel-6b(35900-113500) |23.08.1997|Teacher | One | One [29.07.2011 Joy 08.2020] evel-6F'40800-129200) | | 1 Prana fsshiaa mS raster |ucrs cnakure [Levets6(95900-13500) fza.oa..o77fzexcner | one | one [22.0720 Jr.o8.20z0|Leve-orsoe00- 129200 | say Director School Education, Kashmi Chief Aocttints Officer, Directorate of School Education x Kashmir. ee Government of Jammu and Kashmir Directorate of School Education, Kashmir. Annexure "I" to Order No:- _3@¢ -DSEK-2020, Dated:-_@3__. 11 . 2020 = 8. Name of the [Date of Rania st | mam | sesnnns | promotion te | Dame tom omer, Joe [ruc otpontine | Present endo Sete secon] ene | scale due, | jorictat bam wade lapptt ste | | Toa Pay + fonopian [assedutn tone [easter [8 deompera flevereeis900-113800) fao.0s.1995feacner | one | one [27.2820 ]ox 09.201 |teve-ors0800-125200 2]onopan [Beste APm4 aster fs doompore flevert0-112500 for oa.issfreeener | one | one [250820091 1 201s .eve on soac0-129200 sar ' Director School Education, Kashmir. Chief Accounts Officer, Directorate of School Education % Kashmir. sv intact. er Government of Jammu and Kashmir Directorate of School Education, Kashmir. Annexure "J" to Order No:- 360 -DSEK-2020, Dated:-__43 _. 11 . 2020 =r . ame oft cor | bee Jom oo) | ee ounce a Jrace tpntcg | Prevent rade Bo Yee ee ee [ray weate ave, Seen ence [ee = — 7 1 |srinaear Jiniat ui nabi feast ors Fated) flevereeasoea-112500 foo.s1.996fteacner | one | one [222220%]o1.042010|Lev-6rs0800-129200 2forinager [stance (aster Joss Nownata. |LevesB1as000-112500) |2s.10.1996freacher Jone [one [23222929 [os 0s 20r9fteve-sht4oso0-129200) i" ‘Sd/- Director School Education, Kashmir. Chief Accounts Officer, Directorate of School Education ‘Kashmir. v

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