Tutorial Notes 1 - Touch Rugby

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Stuck in the mud

Description - This game is a variation of the game tag or it

- Split the students in half, get 1 half to collect a ball each
- Students are to run around the playing grid
- There are 2 students that are the taggers and their aim is
to tag other students (with bibs on)
- Once a student is tagged they must stop and they are now
stuck in the mud
- They can be freed from the mud when another students
rolls a ball through their legs
- If a student with a ball is tagged they also now stuck in the
mud and have to hold the ball above their head (the ball
cannot be taken by another student)
- If there is a spare ball on the floor any student can claim it
as theirs
Variations/extensions - Pass between the 2 students this can be single or double
- Bring in a roll ball execution
LEST L: Students are split into half, 2 taggers
E: Bag of balls, bibs and cones
S: Rectangle is to be set up, markers on one side ready for the
next drill.
T: 7-10 minutes
RINK Level 1
KTP’s Tagging:
- Tag between shoulders and hips

Roll ball:
- Rolling on floor between legs
- Gets students used to the idea of getting low and
practicing similar skills that you would use in touch
Teaching notes/teachable - Having energy and enthusiasm towards the students,
moment being engaged
- Getting students to use space as well as teaching them
basic skills of defence

Transition to the next Students were chosen to bring out another cone that was
activity previously staked on top of the other one and walk it out 7 steps
React & catch
Description - Students are to be in pairs
- 1 ball between 2
- The aim of this activity was to get students to look at their
reaction skills and try and improve them
- 1 student is to stand with their hands behind their back
whilst the other person is to drop the ball
- They are to try and catch the ball before it hits the ground
- Swap over after 3
Variations/extensions - Catch behind the back
- Make it a competition between the students
LEST L: Students are in pairs
E: 1 ball between 2
S: Using the cones set up find a grid that comfortably fits all the
T: 5 minutes
RINK Level 1
KTP’s Focus and concentration:
- Ensure to keep eyes on the ball
- Look for when the ball is dropped to get their quickly
Teaching notes/teachable - Focus and concentration for the students
moment - Initiate peer teaching, get students to give them feedback
on things they can do for improvement
- Fundamental movement skills
- Teacher is to move around the groups to ensure students
are using the correct technique
- Ensure demo is done (pictures tell 1000 words!)

Transition to the next Students are to make a group of 3 or 4 (depending on numbers),

activity students are to each pick a square in the grid – refer to diagrams
Triangle passing
Description - Students are to form a triangle in the grid
- Students are to pass the ball to each other in a triangle
sequence, they are to use the step, shift, flick technique
Variations/extensions - Move to a square
- Change of direction (left or right don’t say clockwise)
- Change the length of the pass
- Make it a competition between the whole class
LEST L: Students are in groups of 3 or 4 (depending on class numbers)
E: 1 ball between each group
S: Using the grid that is previously set up (5 x 5m playing grid)
T: 5-10 minutes
RINK Level 2
KTP’s Passing – step, shift, flick
Teaching notes/teachable - Focus and concentration for the students
moment - Initiate peer teaching, get students to give them feedback
on things they can do for improvement
- Fundamental movement skills
- Teacher is to move around the groups to ensure students
are using the correct technique
- Ensure demo is done (pictures tell 1000 words!)

Transition to the next Students are to join another pair, therefore now make a group of
activity 4, students are to each pick a square in the grid – refer to

2 or 1 keepy off
Description - Students are in groups of 4
- Students are to move the ball around the square grid
- The aim of the ball is to keep the ball away from the
defender in the middle
- Once the defender intercepts the ball they are to swap out
with the student who last touched the ball
- Correct passing technique can only be used (step, shift,
Variations/extensions - Tag of player with the ball
LEST L: Students are in groups of 4
E: 1 ball between each group
S: Using the grid that is previously set up (5 x 5m playing grid)
T: 5-10 minutes
RINK Level 2
KTP’s Passing – step, shift, flick
Teaching notes/teachable - Focus and concentration for the students
moment - Initiate peer teaching, get students to give them feedback
on things they can do for improvement
- Fundamental movement skills
- Teacher is to move around the groups to ensure students
are using the correct technique
- Ensure demo is done (pictures tell 1000 words!)

Transition to the next Students are to join another pair, therefore now make a group of
activity 4, students are to each pick a square in the grid – refer to

2 on 1 touchdown
Description - Students are in groups of 3
- 2 offensive players start on the end of the grid on the line
- The defensive player start in the centre of the grid
- The offensive players main objective is to score a try, they
can either pass or run with the ball (depending on their
- The defence must try and attempt to tag the player with
the ball or intercept the pass
Variations/extensions - Add in touch and introduce the offside rule
LEST L: Students are in groups of 3
E: 1 ball between each group
S: Using the grid that is previously set up (5 x 5m playing grid)
T: 10 minutes
RINK Level 2
KTP’s Passing – step, shift, flick
Teaching notes/teachable - Get students to make smart decisions, get them to think
moment about if its netter to pass or run with the ball
- Spacing – focus on teaching the students about the space
used in touch rugby and how it can be beneficial
- Teacher is to move around the groups to ensure students
are using the correct technique
- Ensure demo is done (pictures tell 1000 words!)

Transition to the next Students are to stay in those groups of 3 or make a group of 4
activity depending on class numbers. Using the same grids having 2
vertical grids together and leave space in between the grids for
safety and for the teacher to walk through.

2 on 1 touchdown from loop

Description - Students are in groups of 3 or 4
- There will be 2 offensive players and 1 defensive player
(students are to rotate through)
- The 2 offensive players start in the middle of the grid on
the right marker
- Whilst the defensive player will start in the middle of the
grid but on the left maker
- The offensive player’s main objective is to score a try
(making the decision again)
- Whilst defence main objective is to tag the offense players
or intercept the ball
Variations/extensions - Tag of player with the ball
LEST L: Students are in groups of 3 or4
E: 1 ball between each group
S: Using the grid that is previously set up (5 x 5m playing grid)
T: 5-10 minutes
RINK Level 2
KTP’s Passing – step, shift, flick
Teaching notes/teachable - Get students to make smart decisions, get them to think
moment about if its netter to pass or run with the ball
- Spacing – focus on teaching the students about the space
used in touch rugby and how it can be beneficial
- Teacher is to move around the groups to ensure students
are using the correct technique
- Ensure demo is done (pictures tell 1000 words!)

Transition to the next The class is now split into 2 separate groups for the end game.
activity Those being invaders and castle guards.

End game – Guard the castle

Description - The whole class will be split up into 2 groups, 1 group
being the invaders and 1 group being the castle guards
- The castle guards stand 3m apart and can only move on
their line (side to side)
- The invaders have 2 minutes to attempt to get pass the
guards and into the castle without being touched
- Once in the castle, the invaders place their footballs on the
ground a and return to their position around the boundary
lines to collect a new ball
- The guards attempt to effect a touch on the invaders to
send them into the dungeon
- For the invaders to escape the dungeon they must throw
their ball in the air clap and catch it 5 times, then return to
their standing position
- When time is up, the invaders add up how many balls
they’ve got left in the castle
- Once both teams have had a turn at being the invaders
and guards, the team with the highest score of balls in the
castle wins
Variations/extensions - The playing area could be increased
- The invaders have to do 10 claps instead of 10
LEST L: Students are split into 2
E: 15 footballs
S: Using the grid that is previously set up, increase if need be
T: 15-20 minutes
RINK Level 3
KTP’s Passing – step, shift, flick
Teaching notes/teachable - Ensure students are creating space to evade the players
moment - Students should be focusing on their acceleration and
- Students should also be focusing on their agility skills, this
is to evade and get around the guards
- Teacher is to move around the groups to ensure students
are using the correct technique
- Ensure demo is done (pictures tell 1000 words!)

Transition to the next The class is now split into 2 separate groups for the end game.
activity Those being invaders and castle guards.

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