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Cement & Concrete Composites 15 ( 1993) 75-85

Investigations of Supplementary Cementing

Materials for Reducing Alkali-Aggregate Reactions
H. Chen
Lafarge Canada Inc., Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4P 2R3

J. A. Soles & V. M. Malhotra

CANMET, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, KIA 0G1


The use of supplementary cementing materials Many cases of deleterious concrete expansion
(SCMs) in reducing expansion of concrete and caused by alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) have
mortar caused by alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) been identified in central and eastern Canada.
was investigated by the Canada Centre for Mineral This is because, until recently, the cement pro-
and Energy Technology (CANMET) under duced in these areas had relatively high alkali con-
contract to Lafatge Canada. A total of 15 fly ashes, tent, and many aggregates are alkali-reactive,m-6
slags, condensed silica fumes and natural pozzo- To prevent or control harmful A A R expansion of
lans were chosen, to give a wide range in physical- future concrete structures, there are four options:
chemical features of SCMs commercially available (1) avoid reactive aggregate, (2) use low-alkali
in Canada. One reactive carbonatic and two reac- cement, (3) use a chemical additive, or (4) partially
tive siliceous aggregates were used in combinations replace high-alkali cement by supplementary
with these SCMs and a high-alkali normal Port- cementing material (SCM). The last option has
land cement. The effectiveness of an SCM in reduc- attracted much attention, because (1) there is a
ing the deleterious expansion was compared with shortage of good-quality aggregates; L3.6,~ (2) low-
that of a low-alkali cement. The effective high- alkali cements are not always available, and for
alkali cement replacement levels were also esta- aggregates that release alkalis, even the use of low-
blished for the effective SCMs. Most but not all of alkali cement cannot prevent long-term expan-
the SCMs were useful in suppressing the expansion. sion;8 (3) the use of chemicals is not yet cost
For those which were judged to be effective, the effective; and (4) abundant SCMs are available for
effective cement replacement levels were 15%, or use in concrete and mortar. 9-32
possibly greater, for the condensed silica fumes; The effects of SCMs on A A R in concrete have
20-30% for the natural pozzolans; 40-50% for the been reviewed by several workers, s,6,9,25-27,29,3~-45
fly ashes; and 50--65% for the slags. The desirable The present long-term study was initiated in
characteristics of the SCMs for reducing the expan- 1983, with the following practical objectives:
sion were revealed by multiple linear regression
analysis to be (1) high total of SiOz+Alz03+ (1) to evaluate the effectiveness of most Cana-
Fe203, (2) particles finer than 45 l~m, and (3) low dian fly ashes, slags, condensed silica
alkali content. fumes, and natural pozzolans (one slag and
one fly ash from the USA were also
Keywords: Alkali, alkali-silica, alkali-carbonate, included for comparison);
expansion, ASR, AAR, cement, aggregate, (2) to determine effective cement replacement
mortar, concrete, mineral admixture, SCM, silica level for each SCM;
fume, fly ash, pozzolan, slag, regression analysis, (3) to relate SCM properties to the rates of
durability. alkali-aggregate expansion.
Cement& Concrete Composites 0958-9465/93/$6.00 O 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd, England. Printed in
Great Britain
76 H. Chen, J. A. Soles, V. M. Malhotra

MATERIALS AND TEST PROCEDURES menUs, rock from some strata are rapidly
expansive in concrete as a result of an
S o u r c e s of materials alkali-carbonate reaction, 3a and may be
The map in Fig. 1 shows the sources of the slowly alkali-silica/silicate reactive as well
aggregate, cement, and SCMs. in concert with the dedolomitization pro-
The aggregates used in the investigation were
(2) Rock containing unstable silica (e.g. opaline
or poorly crystzlliTed silica) that produces
chosen to represent three types of rock that have the classical alkali-silica reaction. The test
been found deleterious wherever the environment material is rock from a stratum of unmeta-
favours reaction, and are present in Canadian
morphosed Neuville limestone at Trois-
aggregate sources: Rivi~res, Quebec, that is used widely as
(1) Argillaceous carbonate rock containing aggregate. Although it appears sound and
unstable dolomite and other phases that meets the test specifications for aggregate,
could react with cement alkalis during the rock is often reactive. It is a dark grey,
dedolomitization. The rock used is from a free-grained to sparry fossiliferous lime-
deleterious dolostone layer in a quarry near stone (95% CaCO3) containing dispersed
Kingston, Ontario. It is a dark, fine-gained, argillaceous material. A scanning electron
unmetamorphosed carbonate member of microscope-energy-dispersive X-ray ana-
the Lower Gull River Formation in South- lysis (EDXA) study of HCl-etched sections
ern Ontario. The rock is stratigraphically reveals a network of insoluble, highly sili-
and laterally variable in calcite-dolomite- ceous (opaline?) sub-micron materials,
clay mineral content. It consists of 55% cal- scattered sponge spicules and some silici-
cite, 27% dolomite, and quartz, feldspar, fled skeletal remains of marine fauna.
illite, chlorite, and pyrite. In moist environ- These are evidently reactive phases. 36"37

0 kjgmja~

N.II.T. • ~wpiuury
C u u n t l m j Material
X c,~t

K~lo~s Nan °

(vel~ ' Cir.

ques~e I lip .J Oalhuusim IrA (N.B..I
5undanCle FA .J Ll~sn FA (11.3.)
Forestbm'9 FA
Es~evan FA mP (H.~;. J
11render Bay FA ..~
A! gums $1 ~ C ~ r
Lake,t ~em FA ~lntlsUU~aath
St~neJre Sl
Iloustnn FA (Tex., t l . . ~ . A . | . . ~
A t l a n t l c Sl ( N . t . , U.S.A.)

Fig. I. Sources of materials.

Supplementary cementing materialsfor reducingAAR 77

X-ray diffraction analysis of the insoluble Table !. Cement characteristics

material revealed only quartz and minor High-alkali Low-alkali
feldspar and mica; some particles are
detrital. SiO~ 21~) 22.2
(3) Silicate rocks containing slowly reactive Al203 4.3 4-1
TiO 2 0-18 0.14
phases that cause expansion of concrete, P205 0"10 0"10
but yield little of the silica gels that are so Fe203 2-4 2"7
apparent with aggregates containing opa- CaO 63.2 63.4
line or cryptocrystalline silica. The rock StO 0.13 0"06
MgO 2.5 1.9
used in this study is from a reactive layer in Na20 0"33 0-16
meta-ar~lnte from the Lady Evelyn Lake K20 1"04 0"40
(L.E.L.) dam site near Sudbury, Ontario. It SO3 2'9 2"8
Loss 2'0 1"3
is a dark grey, fine- to medium-grained, Total 100-1 99"3
moderately metamorphosed arTnite of
Precambrian age containing thin bands of Free CaO 0-8 1-0
Na20 equivalent 1.01 0.42
coarser quartz, plagioclase, and dark chlor- Soluble Na20 0.08 0"00
ite, possibly partly volcanic. Reactive Soluble K20 0.80 0-19
materials were not identified in the meta- Soluble Na20 equiv. 0"61 0.12
argillite; like other slowly alkali-reactive
C4AF 7 8
rocks of the silicate type, unstable phases CjA 8 7
are not easily recognized. Some coarser C3S 55 46
quartz crystals show undulatory extinction C2S 18 28
CaSe4 3'5 4-9
in polarized transmitted light, a sign of Na2SO4 0-8 0-4
deformation stress that seems to facilitate K2SO4 1'9 0"7
an alkali-aggregate reaction) The rock is
deleteriously expansive when used as a
concrete aggregate in moist environments
(water)/(cement) + SCM) ratio of 0"485, instead of
such as dams. It is now being used in
a constant mortar flow, to avoid the influence of
Canada as a reactive reference aggregate.
this parameter on alkali-aggregate expansion.
In addition to the petrographic examinations, The expansions were measured up to 5 years.
the potential alkali reactivities of aggregates were
tested by the standard chemical method (ASTM CSA A23.2-14A:465 concrete prisms were
C289) and the PCA osmotic cell test. 3a made at the w/(c + SCM) ratio of 0"52-0"58; the
ratio was kept constant for each series of the con-
Cement cretes containing the same aggregate. A naphtha-
One commercial high-alkali CSA type 10 (ASTM lene-based super-plasticizer was added to a few
type I) cement containing no limestone was used fresh concretes of the condensed silica fumes and
throughout the investigation; the cement con- the natural pozzolans to maintain workability.
tained 1.01% Na20 equivalent, including 0.61% The expansions were measured up to 2 years.
soluble alkali. Reference concretes and mortars
were also made with a low-alkali cement that con-
High-alkali cement replacements by SCMs
tained 0.42% Na20 equivalent, 0.12% of which
The SCMs were used in the concretes and the
was soluble. The characteristics of the cement are
shown in Table 1. mortars at the following rates of cement replace-
Supplementary cementing materials Fly ash: 0, 20, 30, 40, and 50%
The characteristics of the fly ashes are presented (except Forestburg FA at
in Table 2 and those of silica fumes, natural poz- 20, 30, and 40%, and Hou-
zolans, and slags are shown in Table 3. ston FA at 30, 40, and
Mortars and concretes Slag: 35, 50, and 65% (except
ASTM C227:270 mortar bars containing L.E.L. Algoma Slag at 20, 45, and
or Trois-Rivi~res rock were made at the constant 60%);
78 H. Chen, J. A. Soles, V. M. Malhotra

Table 2. Fly ash characteristics

Lmgan, Dalhous., Sund , Forest., Laker., Thunder Estevan, Houston,

N.S. NB Alta. Alta. Ont. Bay, Ont. Sask. TX, USA

S~O2 44.9 36"8 54-7 56-7 41 7 41.8 44 9 40.3

AI203 25-8 14.8 25 0 21.7 25.8 22 7 23-8 22-9
Fe20 J 19-1 36-2 4-1 5-0 13-8 3-9 3-6 46
leo 0.9 1'8
CaO 1-4 5-8 12-5 8-5 4.0 12.9 13-0 23-0
MgO 0-8 0-1 1-2 1.2 0-6 3.1 31 48
Na20 0-48 0-16 1.67 4-83 0 53 5.74 7-00 1.84
K20 3.00 1'43 0.50 0.88 1-41 0-80 0.69 0.38
SOj 0-7 13 0-3 0-3 1-4 7-8 0-8 1-6
Loss at 750°C 2-9 0.9 0-3 0-3 8-7 1.3 0-6 0-6
Total 100.0 99'3 100"3 99-5 100 1 99.2 97-5 100 0

Total alkalis 2-45 1.10 2-00 5.41 1 46 6.27 7.45 2-07

Soluble alkalis 0.07 0.03 0-00 0-06 0-04 2.26 0-30 0-16
Carbon 1.4 0.6 0-4 0-0 7.5 0-2 0-7 0-7
Other element Ba Ba Ba Ba(1-8)

g/cm -~ 2 58 3-01 2.14 1-82 2.48 2.55 2-45 2.54

m2/kg 319 222 260 339 488 612 325 370
% - 45 ~m 85"5 83.2 81"0 88.9 81-1 96.7 80 0 83,9

C-311 P.A.
with cement, 94 90 89 83 91 141 95 90
% at 28 days
with lime, 6-7 8.9 6-9 5"7 7'8 15' 1 64 5'8
MPa at 7 days

expansion at 14 days 0-060 0.105 0-100 0'114 -- 0"030 0"065
% reduction 70 48 50 43 62 85 68

Condensed silica
fume: 5, 10, and 15%;
Natural pozzolan: 10, 20, and 30%.
Reactivity of aggregates
Only the L.E.L. meta-argillite was judged to be
Test procedures potentially deleterious by the ASTM C289 and
PCA: osmotic cell test for reactiv- the C227 criteria (neither method is suitable for
ity of aggregates; 3s judging reactivity of carbonate rocks).36 On the
ASTM C289: potential reactivity of aggre- other hand, the PCA osmotic cell test indicated
gates; that both the L.E.L. rock and Kingston dolostone
ASTM C586: potential alkali reactivity of were reactive, whereas the Trois-Rivi~:res lime-
carbonate rocks; stone was not. The probable explanation for this
ASTM C311: fly ash and natural pozzo- rock being non-reactive is that it contained only
lans as a mineral admixture 4% acid-insoluble material compared with 12%
in concrete; previously reported by Bdrard. 39
ASTM C441: effectiveness of mineral Immersion of the L.E.L. meta-ar~llite in a 2 N
admixtures in preventing KOH or NaOH solution at 37"C for a period
excessive expansion of con- longer than 3 weeks caused formation of white
crete; silica gel on the surfaces of the particles. Dolar-
ASTM C227: potential alkali reactivity of M a n t u a n i 46 and St J o h n 47 also observed silica gel
cement-aggregate combina- in the concrete samples of the L E . L dam. These
tions (mortar method); researchers concluded that chert (5-10%) and
CSA A23.2-14A: concrete prism expansion green argilh'te were responsible for the reaction
test for alkali-aggregate but did not identify the reactive mineral(s). The
reactions. Trois-Rivi~res limestone reacted very slowly in
Supplementary cementing materials for reducing A A R 79

Table 3. Condensed silica fume, natural pozzolan and slag characteristics

Condensed silicafume Natural poz.zolan Slag

SKW, Chromasco, Quesnel, Amherst, Standar~ Atlantic, Algoma,
Qua. Qua. B.C. N.S. Ont. N¥, USA Ont.

SiO 2 95.4 74.7 62.4 88"3 38-9 35"8 36"5

AI20 J 0.1 0-6 16-2 0.7 6.6 9.2 8.2
Fe203 2-1 5.3 1-1 0"8 0"9
CaO 0-3 1.0 4.3 0-1 34-2 39.7 33.4
MgO 0-7 1.1 2.2 12.4 9.5 15"5
Na20 0"02 0" 10 3"44 0"02 0-30 0.12 0-30
K20 0.74 3"80 3'16 0"06 0.52 0.28 0.55
SO3 0-2 2.4 0-1 0"1 3-2 34 2-8
M_n,O~ 6.4 1.5 0-7 1.5
Loss at 750"C 1"8 6"5 2.2 11.2 -0-4 - 1-0" - 1-0 °
Total 99.3 98.7 99.3 100"5 98'3 98-1 99.7

Total alkalis 0-51 2.60 5.52 0.06 0.64 0-30 0.66

Soluble alkalis 0"12 1.77 0.06 0-04 0-01 0-01 0"08
Carbon 1-7 1.9 0-1 0-6 0-6 0.4 0-3
Other element Zn Ba Ba Ba
g/cm 3 2-42 2.48 2.73 2.44 3-00 3.04 2.89
m2/kg 4375 b 4170 b 767 2889 b 428 598 526
% - 45/~m 98"3 91-1 98.3 97"8 82.9 98"5 97-0

Pozzolan activity:
with cement 119 93 95 82 93 114 97
% at 28 days
with lime 12-5 14.2 9.4 4-9 6'9 10.0 7.9
MPa at 7 days

expansion at 14 days - 0.009 0-002 0.041 0-010 0.045 0.068 m

% reduction 104 99 80 95 78 66

*Slag at 1050"C.
bCouid be underestimated by air permeameter for this kind of material.

the same alkaline solution to form a white deposit Pyrex glass as aggregate, and the below-effective
of Ca(OH)2, but not silica gel. In the case of cement replacement rate of 25% by volume; this
Kingston dolostone, only C a ( O H ) 2 formation was rate is equivalent to a weight percentage of
noticed at 3 weeks immersion; however, by 6 17-21% for the fly ashes used in this study
weeks the products of dedolomitizatiort, Mg(OH) 2 (except the heavier high-iron Dalhousie fly ash),
a n d N a 2 C O 3 ( o r K2CO4), 4a w e r e o b s e r v e d by 24% for the slags, or 20-22% for the natural poz-
scanning electron microscopy-EMPA. zolans and the condensed silica fumes.

Effectiveness of SCM by ASTM C-618/C-441 Other criteria used in the present evaluation of
criteria SCMs
According to the ASTM C441 test method and An expansion of 0-030-0-100% has often been
C618 criteria, a mineral admixture is effective in mentioned as a critical level for the commence-
reducing alkali-aggregate expansion if it is cap- ment of cracking of mortar or concrete, 7,33,4°,a5
able of reducing the control expansion at 14 days excepting alkali-carbonate expansion for which a
by at least 75% and the reduced expansion is lower limit of 0"015-0"025% at 3-12 months was
smaller than 0.020%. Based on such criteria, only proposed. 33 In the present study, an SCM would
the two silica fumes and the Amherst natural poz- be considered effective if it could reduce the
zolan are acceptable. However, such a conclusion expansion of the control mortar containing L.E.L.
is contrary to the more realistic test results which ar~llite to < 0"040% at 5 years and that of the
will follow. control concrete containing Kingston dolostone
The ASTM criteria appear to be too restrictive to < 0.030% at 2 years. The mortars and the con-
because of the use of alkali-rich and very reactive cretes of the low-alkali cement used meet the
80 H Chen, J. A. Soles, V. M. Malhotra

above requirements; thus they can also be used as The expansion curves are shown in Figs 4 and
references. 5. At 40-50% cement replacement, the fly ashes
which were high in alkalis (Forestburg, Thunder
Reduction of m o r t a r (alkali-silica/silicate) Bay, and Estevan) or high in lime (Houston)
expansion by SCMs reduced the expansion only in the first 4-12
Of the two aggregates used in the control mortars, months and rapidly increased it thereafter (curves
the L.E.L. meta-argillite expanded at all ages to a not shown). It should be mentioned that despite
much greater extent than the Trois-Rivi~res lime- the fact that the above two slags were effective up
stone. For this reason, the L.E.L. rock is used to to 5 years, their mortars are still slowly expanding
evaluate the effectiveness of the SCMs in reducing (Fig. 5).
alkali-silica/silicate reactivity.
When the high-alkali cement in the L.E.L. con-
trol mortar was partially but progressively 0120"
-a. l r a l ~ ~ LE.l. nmi-a~|im ~,~ Oo/.~ash

replaced by an SCM (see Fig. 2), at the initial 0100"
replacement level the expansion was increased at
all ages. This appeared to be the pessimum 00~"
-- la~,
-~ a e ~
- - - - - -
/// \\"
III_ \\
' -
reported by other workers. 3'41'42'49-51 To reduce
t 0060"
the mortar expansion to the safe limit of 0.040%,
more cement must be replaced. This effective 0 040"

cement replacement was closely related to a

critical soluble-alkali content per unit volume of 0020"

the mortar 4~-~4 (see Fig. 3). These findings are 0.000 - , . , '. _, . ,

summarized for the effective SCMs as follows: 0 2.0 30

Nkd ¢ ~
In ~ g~" c~t~¢ m t ~

Fig. 3. Mortar expans;on and its soluble alkali content

Pesstmum % Effect;ve% Crincalalkah
replacement replacement as soluble
(kg/m9 0.~' , I
i , i ~ M~.Ommm ~ : L a ~ Ev~ Liw M,m-Anlm6

Lingan fly ash 10 40 3.5

Dalhousie 10 40 33
fly ash 4 ~ ' ~ FA
Sundance 10 40 32
fly ash
Lakeview 10 40 3.4 0~' " ~
fly ash
Standard slag 35 65 1-9
Atlantic slag 35 65 1.9 0.°.

SKW Hi-Si 5 15 4'7

condensed -0.020'
silica fume i 1 MonI'~ 10 100

Amherst 10 30 3-9 Fig. 4. Expansion of mortar containing an optimal amount

natural of fly ash or natural pozzolan.

0 07o, I

I4°. .~_ - - u . ~ . .~,.~.~.,~.~...~ _
t i_ ~.,..-- ~/. 0~-, * .,aam.,~ " '
oJoo i.a. l m 4 k ~ h ~ o.oso, _...~.. ,

o.{mt I'*"
I"a" limi,
J/~ . /. 1 i oo,m'
i I'*" ~ld ore* /

,I Morm'~ 0 1oo
0_000 . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, ~ 1'0 100 Rg. 5. Expansion of mortar containing an optimal amount
Fig. 2. Expansion of mortar cont~i~fing Lingan fly ash. of slag.
Supplementary cementing materials for reducing A A R 81

0 150"
Reduction of concrete (alkali-carbonate) .U- I.eOe~k.Cmm /
,*" L ~ ML Cereal
expansion by SCMs
•.t- llOM,ohqumm~FA /
Of the three aggregates used, the Kingston dolo-
stone had expanded most in the concrete when
measurements were discontinued at 2 years.
Therefore, concrete (rather than mortar) is more
appropriate for judging the usefulness of the
0.000. ~
SCMs in suppressing alkali-carbonate reactivity.
/ql~lam' Io~ tam Oole*lnae
The effective cement replacement levels and the
critical soluble-alkali content in concrete are listed -0.050
.1 I tO IOO
below for the effective SCMs; the expansion
curves can be found in Figs 6 and 7. The pessi- Fig. 6. Expansion of concrete containing an optimal
mums have not been observed and are assumed to amount of slag.
be below 10%, the smallest cement replacement
investigated: •e- Hl~ Nk.Oamam j
-~ I.mwNg ¢lamal
-,,. rmuaa.m¢s¢ .,/
Pessimum % Effective% Criticalalkali 0 100
replacement replacement as soluble

Lingan fly ash < 10 50 1-1 i+

Dalhousie < 10 50 1.1 0000
fly ash
Stmdance < 10 50 0'95
fly ash -0.0~
Lakeview < 10 50 1.0 .1 1 10 I00

fly ash
Fig. 7. Expansion of concrete containing an optimal
Standard slag < 35 50 0"97
Atlantic slag < 35 50 0.97 amount of fly ash or natural pozzolan.
Algoma slag < 20 60 0"91
Amherst < 10 20 1,5
natural days]/2; ths linear section is usually observed
pozzolan within the first year. The other variables X 2,
The slags appeared to be more effective in X3,... , X n are independent variables, as defined
reducing alkali-carbonate than alkali-silica/sili- below; also shown are the ranges of the values of
cate expansion. However, there was sign of con- the variables:
tinuing expansion at 2 years. In contrast, the
Definition Range
condensed silica fumes and natural pozzolans
were much less effective in suppressing Xt, Rate of expansion x 1000 0-3-29.3 (mortar)
alkali-carbonate than alkali-silica/silicate expan- (*/day'/') 0"3-19"2 (concrete)
X2, Cement replacement in mortar or 0-65
sion. concrete (%)
X3, (SiO2 + A ] 2 0 3 "4-F e 2 0 3 ) o f a l l S C M 45-6-95"5
The correlations of SCM characteristics and rate (%)
of expansion X4, Blaine of an SCM (¢m2/g) 2 220-43 750
As, - 45 ~m of an SCM (%) 8ff0-98"5
Multiple linear regression analysis was used as a X6, Pozzolan activity with lime, of an 4.9-15.1
tool to determine which characteristics of the SCM (MPa)
SCMs had a role in reducing the rate of alkali- X~, Pozzolan acdvity with cement, of 82-141
an SCM (%)
aggregate expansion. A regression analysis of the Xs, Sum of soluble alkalis of cement 5"36-18-0 (mortar),
form and SCM (kg/m 3) 1.89-6.34 (concrete)
X9, Sum of total alkalis of cement and 8.88-46.1 (mortar),
X t = B t + B 2 X 2 + B 3 X 3 +... + B , X , SCM (kg/m3) 3.13-16.2 (concrete)
Xto, Total alkalis of an SCM (%) 0.06-7-45
was carried out separately for the mortars of the
L.E.L. meta-ar#llite and the concretes of Some of the independent variables are related
Kingston dolostone. The dependent variable X t to each other, as suggested by a single correlation
represents rate of expansion,7'40 which is the slope matrix. Such related variables were not included
of a linear section of the plot of expansion versus in the same run of the regression analysis.
82 Supplementary cementing materials for reducing A A R

The best correlation equation obtained for the

L.E.L. mortars is
S I = Bl + B2X2 +B3X3 +B5X5 +BloXlo (1)
Bt = +46-7159
B 2 = - 0"3787 Beta 2 -- - 0.800
n 3 = - 0"1656 Beta 3 = - 0.333
2O 40 60
B5 = - 0"2658 Beta5 = - 0.262 Cereal ~ n l In%
B~0 = + 1"2388 Betas0 = + 0"493 Fig. 8. Effect of SCMs on 28-day concrete strength.

The coefficient of overall correlation, R, is 500

The larger the absolute value of the Beta~ coef- I Thm~q~rmay H~ , l o n

ficient, the greater is the impact of X, on Xt. The

significance of the above correlation is that the
rate of mortar expansion, X~, is primarily reduced |
by the cement replacement level, X 2, and secon-
darily increased by the total alkali of an SCM, I 300

X,0; lesser roles are played by the sum of acidic

W,~C~SCM). o.~3 \ X ]
oxides, X3, and the - 45/am fraction of SCM, X 5.
The best correlation equation obtained for the 200
20 40 60
Kingston dolostone concretes is Ce~Wnl r..~,~..-;;lerll In %

X I = B] + B 2 X 2 + B3X 3 + BgX (2) Fig. 9. Effect of SCMs on concrete 84-day strength.

Bj == + 10.7412 suppressing the expansion (Forestburg, Thunder
Bay, Estevan and Houston) either maintained or
B2=- 0-1056 Beta 2 : - 0-472
increased the strengths of the control concrete at
B3= _ 0.1656 Beta 3 = - 0.342 84 days. The replacement of the cement by either
of the condensed silica fumes or the Amherst nat-
Bg: + 1.6697 Beta 9 -- + 0.894
ural pozzolan resulted in substantial increases in
The coefficient of overall correlation, R, is 28- and 84-day strengths. However, this was not
0-881. The X9 variable, i.e. the total alkalis so with the Quesnel natural pozzolan. The use of
derived from the cementitious materials, Atlantic slag below 50% was beneficial to stren K&
expressed as kg/m 3, is the most important variable development, but the same was not true at 65%
in the correlation equation. cement replacement.

The effect of SCMs on concrete compressive

The concrete compressive strengths at 28 and 84
days varied with aggregates, with SCMs, and with (1) Not all the SCMs investigated were effec-
cement replacement levels. Figures 8 and 9 show tive in reducing alkali-aggregate expansion.
the effect of SCMs for the L.E.L. aggregate series. The common properties which made the
Fly ashes that were effective in reducing SCMs effective are low alkalis, high - 4 5 -
alkali-aggregate expansion (Lingan, Dalhousie, /am fraction, and high total acidic oxides
Sundance, and Lakeview) had an adverse effect (SiO 2 + AI203 + Fe.203).
on strength, which was most pronounced at the (2) The four fly ashes (Lingarh DaLhousie,
50% cement replacement level, and was greater Sundance, and Lakeview) and the Amherst
on 28-day strength than on 84-day strength. Con- natural pozzolan were somewhat more
versely, the fly ashes which were ineffective in effective in reducing alkali-silica/silicate
Supplementary cementing materials for reducing A A R 83

than alkali-carbonate expansion; the on Alkali-Agg. Reaction in Concrete, 1981, Paper 9, 11

pp.; in Ref. 4.
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