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Lower Farm Primary School // Classroom Extension // Construction Methodology Statement


14.037 / 27.11.2015

Lower Farm Primary School / New Classroom


Lower Farm Primary School // Classroom Extension // Construction Methodology Statement


This Statement has been produced in support of a planning application for the construction of a new
classroom on the site of Lower Farm Primary School. The information provided within this Statement
outlines the approach to be taken forward and further developed by the successful tendering
contractor for the works.

Lower Farm Primary School // Classroom Extension // Construction Methodology Statement

1. Contractor Access Arrangements onto Site from Bakewell Close

Aerial view of site and surrounding area

The construction site is accessed off Bakewell Close, a road which serves both the school and a close
of two storey residential properties and their associated offsite garages to the south of the school site.

This access point is the only vehicular route onto the school site. As such, school users will share access
with the contractor for the duration of the works.

Lower Farm Primary School // Classroom Extension // Construction Methodology Statement

Pedestrian access to site – to be maintained

The photo above shows the view from pedestrian entrance to the site with the main entrance to the
school building, through the staff car park, to the left. This pedestrian route will be maintained along
with the staff and visitor parking. The route between the vehicular site entrance and the double gates
which sit adjacent to this pedestrian route will be maintained as a clear route for contractor traffic
into the site.

Contractor access is through the existing double gates adjacent to the pedestrian gate shown in the
photograph above. The pedestrian route will be maintained and unaffected by the works. The section
of road between the school site entrance and these site entrance gates will be shared by the
contractor and school users. The loading and unloading of heavy or major materials will be carried out
outside school hours in this location, with the school being notified at such times. At other times the
contractor’s access is free flow being managed by the contractor at the site entrance gates.
Lightweight contractor and delivery vehicles will be able to gain access to the site compound via the
double gates and turn within the site compound.

The site compound and the works area are to be linked by a hoarded / heras fenced route as shown
on the plan below. This route will include a cross over point allowing access for pupils and other school
users to and from the school playground and sports pitches. A section of the heras fencing will be
demountable at this cross over point providing pupil priority of access at the start and end of the
school day as well as at break and lunch time. Contractor priority will be maintained at all other times.
The contractor will manage these cross over gates in coordination with the school.

Lower Farm Primary School // Classroom Extension // Construction Methodology Statement

Contractor Site Set-up.

Lower Farm Primary School // Classroom Extension // Construction Methodology Statement

2. Prevention of conflict of delivery vehicles and pedestrians

Item 1. explains the access route into the contractor compound from Bakewell close. In addition to
the access strategy the contractor will provide site signage to sign the site entrance and to reinforce
the agreed times of access for deliveries. Contact telephone numbers will also be provided to enable
the contractor to be available at all times if any eventuality arise.

3. Management of site deliveries

A banks man will be deployed on the site to manage the gated site entrance. The existing palisade
fence will be used as the secure fence line with the gates being manned and operated by the
contractor. Major deliveries will be co-ordinated to arrive on site at agreed times outside school hours.
The contractor will co-ordinate with the school to ensure lightweight deliveries do not arrive on site
during pupil drop off or pick up times.

On arrival at the site, vehicles will report to the banks man and be directed to materials set down areas
within the site. Vehicle engines will be switched off to minimise disruption to adjacent residential
neighbours and the school. A designated area will be provided for vehicles turning within the site

Materials will be delivered on a deliver-set down-install basis to avoid excess materials being
stockpiled on site.

The existing access and designated site compound are fully tarmacked / stoned and therefore no
wheel wash facilities will be required.

4. Parking for Site Operatives

The site compound area allows space for on-site parking for site operative’s vehicles and to contain
lightweight delivery vehicles on the site and more importantly off the highway. An area for vehicle
parking is annotated on the drawing above, for vehicle parking on hard stoned or tarmac standing.
The banks man will control vehicles entering and leaving the site and a more detailed plan will be
developed by the successful contractor to manage his working zone.

Lower Farm Primary School // Classroom Extension // Construction Methodology Statement

5. Measures to Prevent mud and other debris from being carried off site

The area of dig and ground works is contained to the north of the compound with limited vehicle
access. The existing access and designated site compound are fully tarmacked / stoned. It is, therefore
envisaged that only very limited mud and debris will be picked up by vehicle wheels.

View of site access/ site of contractor compound

Vehicles exiting the site will exit along the internal tarmac road, which will be swept of mud and debris
to maintain a clean surface by the contractor. The majority of debris from vehicle wheels will be
deposited on the tarmac surface prior to leaving site. Jet wash facilities will be provided on site to
remove any debris / mud from vehicles / vehicle wheels prior to leaving the site. Beyond this, a road
sweep vehicle will be deployed to remove any site spoil from the adjacent highway as and when

Thus the site will be managed and minimum debris arising from the site will be deposited on the public

Lower Farm Primary School // Classroom Extension // Construction Methodology Statement

6. Dilapidations Survey

It is incumbent upon the contractor to undertake a full photographic record of the existing site
infrastructure prior to commencing works on site. This record will include existing kerbs, ironworks
and road surface condition as well as road furniture, etc in close proximity to the site. Any existing
damage or surface imperfections will also be recorded within a Summary Report. A client
representative will be in attendance and the Highways Authority will be invited to attend, as well as
be given copy of the completed record.

Towards completion of the contract the areas will be revisited and inspected.

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