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Welcome everybody to todays meeting!

Today I want to discuss the idea, that we as a company were thinking about doing a 4 day trip
between July 15th and July 31st. I think that water sports would be a great idea and I’ll tell you why.
When you hear watersports, you’re probably thinking of swimming or diving, but there are actually
way more sports you can do in the water.

For example, waterskiing, kayaking, surfing or sailing. For me, especially scuba diving would be the
best option, as you can explore the surface under the land and as you know, seas or lakes always
have a really beautiful atmosphere. Other than that you can even go wreck diving to sunken ships or
airplanes, which is really both amazing and astonishing.

Since we will be on vacation for 4 days, I would suggest that everyone does the kind of watersport he
or she prefers. So if some people don’t want to go for example surfing or sailing, they can just stick to
waterskiing or just swimming.

I was thinking about going to a country with a sea, so we can go by plane or train.

Especially for people with joint and bone problems, water sports is one of the best option to fix
ongoing pain. For example swimming is generally seen as a sport which is a real fatburner. Did you
know that one hour of swimming is burning about 500 calories?

Furthermore, the most common benefits of water sports are: a solid workout and fitness boost, great
ally for weight loss improved joints flexibility and bone density, a lowered risk of chronic diseases and
enhanced cardiovascular health.

I hope that you like my idea of doing watersports, now let’s see on what sport we will agree to do.

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