Academic Stress Scale: S. No. Statement NSS S M S Hs Es

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Academic Stress Scale

The following options are based on the scale developed by Kim (1970) and adopted by
Rajendran and Kaliappan (1990) and Rao (2012) and were adopted in this research. 
This scale consists of 40 items describing the stress in your senior high school life from
various sources. The level of stress you feel for each item can be indicated by marking a ‘✓’
mark in the boxes from the table given against each statement.
If you feel No Stress put a ‘✓’ mark in the 1st box (NS), Slight Stress in the 2nd (SS),
Moderate Stress in the 3rd (MS), High Stress in the 4th (HS), and you feel Extreme Stress put a
‘✓’ mark in the 5th bracket (ES).

Inadequate study facilities

S. Statement NS S M HS ES
No. S S
1. Lack of concentration during study hours. 

2. Conflict with friends/school authorities.

3. Inadequate space or room for study at home.

4. Eleventh-hour preparation for the


5. Inadequate subject knowledge of the teacher.

6. Lack of mutual help among classmates.

7. Incomplete and confusing study material.

8. Inadequate lab and library facilities.


Teacher-pupil relationship/teaching methods

S. Statement NS SS M HS ES
No. S
1. Teachers make too many extra demands on students.

2. Poor interest in some subjects.

3. Teacher shows socio-economic status on students

4. Slow in getting along with the curriculum.

5. Monotonous (boring or tedious) teaching style by the teacher. 

6. The teacher is fast and does not use teaching materials (PPT,
whiteboard, etc.) legibly.

7. The examination syllabus (coverage) is too heavy in some


8. Importance of the subject matter.

Personal inadequacy

S. Statement NS SS M HS ES
No. S
1. Difficulty in remembering all that is studied. 

2. Lack of self-confidence.
3. Hesitate to ask the teacher for a detailed explanation.

4. Lack of fluency while speaking a language other than the

mother tongue.

5. Difficulty in public speaking.

6. Feeling of inferiority.

7. Lack of assertiveness (confidence) in the class. 

8. Difficulty in adjusting to the opposite gender.

Interpersonal difficulties with teachers

S. Statement NS S MS H ES
No. S S
1. The teacher is not humorous towards us.

2. The teachers do not listen to our ideas.

3. Biased attitude of the teacher.

4. Not knowing how to prepare for the examinations.

5. Lack of communication between teachers and students

6. Not enough discussion in the class.

7. Teachers lacking interest in students.

8. Lack of opportunity to meet teachers. 

Fear of failure

S. Statement NS SS M HS ES
No. S
1. Progress reports to parents.

2. Worrying about the examinations.

3. Teachers give more punishment in the class.

4. Worry about results after examinations.

5. Exam papers are tough and not valued well. 

6. Unable to complete the assignment in time.

7. Unable to discuss Academic failures with parents.

8. Not able to grasp the subject matter.

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