Ob Ethical Dilemma

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1. It could be tough to straightaway give a number to Gabriel.

More facts is needed in

job descriptions including the duties to be performed on an everyday basis. The actual
responsibilities and tasks to be done are a vital a part of a job and are important for
figuring out the salary. Another important element that comes into play is how much
job experience I have and what my degree area is. If I had little experience, my salary
would differ (bit higher) than when I don’t have any work experience. Also it is not
clear whether I earned a bachelor’s degree, or a master’s degree. Depending on my
education background that would also have an effect on my salary.

Since I am being offered a position right out of college, the best way to make a decision
would be to look at the going average salaries for individuals obtaining a position after they

I do not believe that giving Gabriel a different number than your “internal” number would
violate Jekyll Corporation’s transparent culture. As a job applicant I should have the right to
make choices about it and what it would take to join the company. And if, my “internal”
number would be different from the number that I would submit or accept. I do not think that
keeping my “internal” number to myself violates the corporation’s transparent culture. In this
transaction I am representing myself, not acting as an agent of the company. If this
corporation was truly transparent, providing me with the average starting salary for people
entering my position shouldn’t be a problem.

2 If I had read or learned from other sources that Hyde Associates are being critisicized
for unsustainable marketing then i would do more research first to make sure that that
was what was really going on. If it was true it would have largely impacted on my
decision of taking up a job with them. Having a company that cares for the employees
and has good practices is extremely important to me. I believe that If they have poor
practices as mentioned “for unsustainable manufacturing practices that may be
harmful to the environment”, “criticized for unfair trade practices and for employing
underage children”; they are less sustainable.
3 I suppose that the choice to take a job from Jekyll or Hyde would very much be
dependent on a persons’ personalities and needs. For instance, some people may have
the financial luxury of choosing whether to take a job from the “ethical and
sustainable” Jekyll, or refuse a position from the “unethical and unsustainable” Hyde.
Conversely, one may not be in a financial position to make that choice, and must
work for whoever offers the job. Another scenario may be that the person isn’t
financially able to pick and choose, but still refuses the job offer from Hyde because
of his or her strong moral and ethical standards.

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