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Presenter: ENP MARIA ANA M.


TOPIC 3: Developing a Theory of Change (TOC) Model for a Data-Driven Integrated Solid Waste
Management Plan and Strategy: Identifying Key Indicators to Trigger New and Essential
Interventions Since the Passage of the Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

For Zoom Polling before I present my 1 st slide:

1. Did you have experience using Theory of Change (TOC) as a tool or process in carrying out your
work? Or perhaps attended a workshop that required you to take part in developing a TOC for a
particular task?
o Yes
o No
2. Whether or not you have a solid idea what a Theory of Change (TOC) is, please select among the
following which you think are the benefits of developing this tool in the Solid Waste
Management Program or any development program in your respective communities:
o As a framework to check milestones and stay on course
o A powerful communication tool to capture the complexity of your initiative
o A visual representation of the change you want to see in your community and how you
expect it to come about
o A clear and testable hypothesis about how change will occur that not only allows you to
be accountable for results
o As a basis for reports to funders, policymakers, boards

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