CVLE 210 Statics: Assignment (2) Problem

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Beirut Arab University

Civil Engineering Department

CVLE 210 Statics

1st Semester- Fall 2014-2015 Assignment [2] Due: October 1- 2014

Problem (1) The gusset plate is subjected to the forces of four members. Determine the force in member
B and its proper orientation θ for equilibrium. The forces are concurrent at point O.

Given: F = 20KN , F1 = 10KN, F2 = 5KN, θ = 45

Problem (2) Determine the maximum weight of the engine that can be supported without exceeding a

tension of T1 in chain AB and T2 in chain AC. Given: T1 = 400 lb, T2 = 600 lb, θ = 30 .

Problem (3) The un-stretched length of spring AB is δ. If the block is held in the equilibrium position
shown, determine the mass of the block at D.
Use: δ = 2 m, a = 3 m, b = 3 m, c = 4 m, kAB = 30 N/m, kAC = 20 N/m, kAD = 40 N/m.
Problem (4) Determine the maximum weight W that can be supported in the position shown if each
cable AC and AB can support a maximum tension of F before it fails.

Given: θ = 30 , F = 5KN, c = 12, d = 5

Problem (5) The sack has weight W and is supported by the six cords tied together as shown. Determine
the tension in each cord and the angle θ for equilibrium. Cord BC is horizontal.
◦ ◦
Given: W = 20 lb - θ1 = 30 - θ2 = 45 - θ3 = 60◦

Problem (6) The joint of a space frame is subjected to four forces. Strut OA lies in the x-y plane and strut
OB lies in the y-z plane. Determine the forces acting in each of the three struts required for
equilibrium. Given: F = 4KN, θ1 = 30◦ - θ2 = 45◦

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