Research Analyst (New Delhi, India) - The Center For Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy

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1/3/2011 Research Analyst (New Delhi, India) | The …

Research Analyst (New Delhi, India)

The Center for Disease Dy nam ics, Econom ics & Policy (CDDEP) has an opening for a Resea rch Analy st position sta rting in su m m er 201 1 . The analy st will
join a tea m working on the Disease Control Priorities Project (DCPP) in New Delhi, India.

CDDEP is a public health research organization with headqua rters in Washington, D.C. and New Delhi. Its m ission is "to produce independent,
m ultidisciplinary research to adv ance the hea lth and w ell-being of hu m an populations in the United Sta tes a nd around the world." Fou nded in 2009 as a
center of Resou rces for the Fu ture, CDDEP is now a n independent non-profit organization. CDDEP’s tea m of econom ists, epidem iologists, disease m odelers,
policy and risk analy sts ca rry ou t research on m alaria, a ntibiotic resistance, disease control prior ities, env ironm enta l hea lth, alcohol and tobacco, a nd
v ariou s other diseases. Research is div ided a cross fou r a reas: disease dy nam ics and beha v ior, disease dy nam ics and inform ation structu re, deliv ery of new
technologies for disease control, and innov ativ e financing.

More inform a tion about CDDEP can be fou nd a t w ww .

The analy st w ould be inv olv ed in CDDEP’s work on DCPP. The first edition of DCPP w as part of the process of produ cing the World Dev elopm ent Report 1 9 93 ,
w hich m otiv ated sig nifica nt inv estm ents in health in dev eloping na tions. See ww w for w ork done for the second edition of the DCCP.

Responsibilities w ou ld include technical analy sis on effectiv eness of interv entions, policy analy sis, preparation of backgrou nd docum ents, and interaction
w ith scientific a nd policy experts as part of the ov erall priority -setting exercise.

The sta rting salary for the Resea rch Analy st position is on pa r with equiv alent positions a t CDDEP’s Washington, D.C. headqua rters and a djusted to the cost
of liv ing in New Delhi. Other com pensation and benefits include health insu rance and an a nnu al roun dtrip ticket back to the United States.

To apply , please su bm it a single PDF to inclu de cov er letter, resu m e, a recent tra nscript (an unofficial copy is acceptable) a nd 3 professional references to . Incom plete applications w ill not be considered.

Principals only . EOE. Women & minorit ies are encouraged t o apply . No phone calls, please.

Th e Cen ter for Disea se Dyn am i cs, Econ om ics & Poli cy | 1616 P Street N W, Su ite 600; Wash i ngton, DC 20036 | 202.939.3300 (T) | 202.939.3460 (F) 1/1

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