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What is action and resting potential and how does it work in conducting electrical

When neurons end up not sending a signal and there is a difference in charge all across the
membrane then it is called resting potential. Moreover, this leads to neuron having greater
negative relative outside. Hence, this results in electoral impulse note being transmitted to the
neuron. Then the action potential is when the neuron does send information and receive
impulse and is depolarized. Then this depolarizing current is responsible for the explosion of
electric impulse. 1

2. Describe the process of performing the EEG test.

The electroencephalogram (EEG) is the a test performed on human beings to record the
electrical signals of the brain using electrodes which are attached to the scalp. The EEG is
used to diagnose brain tumors, sleep disorders, stroke, or brain damage from injury. The first
step is when once the person is lied down on bed the technician or doctor puts 20 electrodes
(small sensors) the scalp of that person. These electrodes help by picking up the electrical
activity from neurons located inside the brain. These electrical activities will be recorded as
series of lines on a computer screen. Then the next step is to turn on the recording and when
the recording is turned on the person has to remain still. Moreover, the technician will
probably ask the person to breath in a rapid way or deeply and technical might also ask you
to start staring a flash light so that your brainwave patterns are changed. Then once
everything is recorded the doctor will remove the eleotrodes and will study it and tell the
results. 2

3. In your own words, describe how pain is perceived in the brain

When human being cuts their hand leads to the tissue being damaged. Then the fact that the
tissue is damaged is registered by nociceptors which are pain receptors of that person’s skin.
These nociceptors form one end of the neuron. Then this neuron is connected to the spinal cord
with an axon. So, when the nociceptors is activated it then starts sending electrical signals to the
nerve fiber. Then the nerve fiber with many others fiber form the peripheral

Lights, Camera, Action Potential,
Arefa Cassoobhoy (2020). EEF (Electroencephalogram)

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