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W. W. Jacobs – Amelia B. Edwards – E. A. Poe – Bram Stoker

G othic
Page 27 – exercise 3 6. If Mr White hadn’t taken the paw
Open answers. from the fire, it would have
Page 28 – exercise 1 7. If Herbert hadn’t suggested to
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A wish for £200, Mr White probably
wouldn’t have made a wish.
Page 29 – exercise 2
8. If the Whites hadn’t made a wish,
SHORT STORIES a. 6 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 f. 1 Herbert wouldn’t have been killed
Page 38 – exercise 1 at work.
a. Sad and empty, with time passing Page 40 – exercise 4
b. He says that Herbert’s body was
so badly mutilated that he could
hardly recognise him. 3 C H I L L E D
c. She says that she is not afraid of E E 4 5
Notes on the Authors 6. astonishing 7. Chinese the son she nursed.
8. definitive 9. explorer 10. European C E 7 M S
Page 6 – exercise 1 d. Because she had such a strange
6 F A K I R 7 S W E A T T
a. Edwards b. Poe c. Stoker Page 20 – exercise 1 and unnatural expression on her
face as she waited for him to 8
d. Jacobs e. Edwards f. Poe g. Stoker 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. T
make the wish. 9 T A L I S M A N T R
Page 26 – exercise 1 e. Because nothing happened. S T R 11 E E
THE MONKEY’S PAW a. It looked rather ordinary. f. A quiet knock at the door. 10 C R E E P T 12 B L I N D
b. It was playful and ironic. g. Because Mrs White had to get a
Page 8 – exercises 1, 2 R 13 B P
c. He was from the firm where chair to reach the top bolt of the
Open answers. door. A 13 P A W 14 15 O I
Herbert worked, and he had come
to tell the Whites that Herbert h. The knocking stopped. P E 14 J U G G L E R S
Page 8 – exercise 3 E E O R C
had been killed. Page 38 – exercise 2
1. cold and wet 2. his son Herbert d. The man from the firm told her 16 C R E E K 17 O R D E R
3. a red face 4. three drinks that Herbert was not in any pain. 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. g 6. a 7. f 8. e
5. 21 years 6. better off e. He was caught in some machinery. Page 38 – exercise 3 E
Page 17 – exercise 1 f. Because Herbert had been a good Possible answers:
worker. 2. If Morris hadn’t joined the army
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. A Page 41 – exercise 5
g. Because the amount of money the and gone to India, he wouldn’t
Page 19 – exercise 2 firm gave him was exactly the Open answers.
have got the monkey’s paw.
a. I wish my brother were home today. amount he had wished for. 3. If the Whites had finished paying Page 42 – exercise 6
b. I wish I could dance. Page 27 – exercise 2 for their house, they wouldn’t Possible answer:
c. I wish there was a lift. have wanted to wish for £200. Finally Mrs White managed pull the
1. had died 2. walked 3. told
d. I wish I lived in a big city. 4. If Morris hadn’t told Mr White bolt and the door slowly opened. A
4. explained 5. had come 6. was
e. I wish we had 200 pounds. about the paw, Mr White wouldn’t gust of cold air blew into the house
7. needed 8. had found 9. refused
f. I wish I could speak Spanish. have been interested in having it. and with it came something that
10. had told 11. was 12. closed
Page 19 – exercise 3 13. was 14. had pretended 15. had 5. If Morris hadn’t brought the paw looked like a small tree covered with
learned 16. was 17. rubbed 18. had with him to the Whites’ house, rags. Mrs White was not frightened
1. translation 2. Oriental they wouldn’t have been tempted
given 19. came 20. saved because this strange apparition did
3. collection 4. Arabic 5. unlike to make a wish.


not seem to have anything human h. F. He told Jacob to take him to the 2. 1835: the accident happened the precipice nine years ago. This part
about it, but gradually she recognised crossroads where the night mail 3. 1840: the last time the master of the story I know is true because I
and then she saw. She recognised her for Dwolding stops. saw a stranger myself have met that odd professor of
son’s shirt, a piece of his trousers and 4. 1844: August: the narrator got ghosts, and I have also heard about
Page 53 – exercise 3
the shine of his belt buckle. At first married that horrible accident. I am quite
this recognition brought her joy, but 1. anybody answer my certain, though, that James Murray’s
2. if he was going Page 62 – exercise 3
then she saw. She saw her son’s hair physical and mental suffering excited
on a crushed, bloody mass, bones 3. snow did not stop a. Wine makes me feel sleepy. in his brain the vision of this phantom
coming out of the fabric and one 4. loved each other b. Will you let me sleep on your sofa coach. However, Mr Murray would not
whole hand (the only part of Herbert 5. I had not broken tonight? listen to me. He says that he believes
that had survived the machine’s 6. even though I received c. My parents will let me go to the and will always believe in the evidence
maw) which seemed to want to 7. without saying party if I finish my homework. of his senses: in other words, he is
caress her. She fought with herself a 8. will cost you much less d. ‘I will let you go, if you tell me the sure that he was the fourth passenger
moment to block out everything but name of the other criminals,’ said of a phantom coach.
Page 54 – exercise 1
her son’s beckoning hand, but she the policeman.
1. gun on his shoulder 2. excited his e. The policeman made them move Page 63 – exercise 5
could not chase from her sight the
imagination 3. the stone wall their car. Open answers.
other horrible details. The battle lost,
4. three miles 5. the wall 6. a night f. Red roses always make me think
she screamed to her husband, ‘Get Page 63 – exercise 6
mail coach 7. the four passengers of my boyfriend in Paris.
the paw, dear God, get the paw!’
8. the master’s talk of the supernatural g. I’m sorry but I can’t let you come 1. had lost his way 2. snowstorm was
in if you don’t have a ticket. coming 3. old man with a lantern
Page 54 – exercise 2
4. student of the supernatural
THE PHANTOM COACH Open answers. Page 63 – exercise 4 5. story of his life 6. return to
Page 44 – exercise 1 Page 61 – exercise 1 Possible answer: Dwolding 7. night mail coach
Yesterday I treated a young man 8. hour and a quarter 9. had been an
A. 1. going 2. ago 3. as 4. it 5. of a. Four.
named James Murray who had fallen accident 10. the four passengers
6. change 7. but 8. in 9. which b. Because the road was steep and
over a precipice and broken his arm. inside 11. saw a coach coming
10. getting dangerous.
This young man was quite fortunate 12. three passengers inside 13.
C. Open – A frightening c. Three.
because he fell into some snow, which neither moved nor spoke 14. falling
supernatural experience. d. It was rotten and in disrepair.
broke his fall, and because he was to pieces 15. the passengers were
Page 52 – exercise 1 e. The strange smell inside made
found by some shepherds. Otherwise, dead 16. jump out of the coach
him feel sick.
A. 6 B. 3 C. 8 D. 5 E. 2 F. EXTRA he would have surely died. When he 17. When he woke up 18. had been
f. They looked dead: their faces
HEADING G. 4 H. 7 I. 1 was conscious he asked to talk to me the fourth passenger
glowed with the light of
alone. He told me that he had not
Page 52 – exercise 2 putrefaction; their clothes were
simply fallen over the precipice but The Gothic Craze
rotten; and only their eyes were
a. F. He had only told one other that he had been inside a night mail
living and menacing. Page 70 – exercise 1
person. coach. What is more, he told me that
g. She believed that he had fallen a. It was nearly synonymous with
b. T. this night mail coach was actually a
over a precipice into the snow the ‘Dark Ages’.
c. F. He said it was very common for ‘phantom’ coach. He also told me that
below. b. They were often set in Medieval
people to get lost. he had been in the house of a
h. The place where the night mail times and described haunted
d. F. He merely accepted his professor of some kind who studies
coach had fallen nine years earlier. houses, castles, dungeons, secret
presence. the supernatural. This professor’s
e. T. Page 61 – exercise 2 servant led him to the wall where the passageways, flashes of lightning,
f. T. accident happened, and told him about screams, bloody hands, ghosts,
1. 1821: the master started to live graveyards, corpses coming to life
g. F. He believed in the supernatural. alone a night mail coach that had gone over

3 4

c. After the publication of The Castle Page 84 – exercise 1 Page 92 – exercise 4 c. They had the same eyes and evil
of Otranto. a. F. He stopped playing music and 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A look.
d. He noted that the relationship painting. 8. C d. So that Malcolm could not call for
was often very intense. b. T help.
e. He was obsessed with creating life. Page 93 – exercise 5 e. The Judge disappeared from the
c. T
f. Ann Rice and Stephen King are two d. F. He took him away from the 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. E D – not used picture.
examples mentioned in the text. window. f. He lifted his black hat and put it
g. Because Gothic elements are still e. T on his head.
particularly present in literature THE JUDGES HOUSE g. Because Malcolm was swinging
and films. Page 91 – exercise 1 from it.
Page 96 – exercise 1
a. There was a whirlwind and a
1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. B Page 120 – exercise 2
strange glowing vapour.
THE FALL OF THE HOUSE b. He had a kind of mad laughter in a. go b. open, run c. standing
Page 97 – exercise 2
his eyes. d. squeaking e. saying f. telling
OF USHER 1. mathematics 2. three hours
c. A knight who breaks into the g. burning h. rain
Page 72 – exercise 1 3. three weeks 4. an absurd prejudice
home of an evil hermit and finds a Pages 120, 121 – exercises 3, 4
1. grim 2. ghastly 3. melancholy 5. three month’s 6. many years
dragon there, which he then kills.
4. oppressive 5. sullen Open answers.
d. The sound of wood cracking apart, Page 107 – exercise 1
1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. e a shriek and a metallic ringing 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. B Page 122 – exercise 5
sound. 8. C Possible answer:
Page 73 – exercise 2
e. He died of fear. April 6th 1898
Open answers. f. Yes, he did. He said that he would Page 109 – exercise 2
A few days ago a young man named
Page 73 – exercise 3 not die from any particular a. 4 b. 5 c. 1 d. 2 e. 3 Malcolm Malcolmson came to our
danger, but from fear. His sister town to study for a mathematics
1. autumn day 2. poetic or beautiful Page 109 – exercise 3
did not actually kill him, but he examination. He came here because
3. childhood friends 4. personal a. speak my mind b. make up your
died of the terror of that moment. he felt that there would be no
friend 5. works of art 6. been mind c. keep my mind on d. be out
g. It was the moon shining through distractions. Unfortunately, he
handed down from father to son. of your mind e. I’ve changed my
the widening crack in the house. decided to live in that old Jacobean
7. were ruined and crumbling. mind f. Make up your mind
h. The house itself felt apart and house which had belonged to an
8. books and musical instruments.
then into the dark lake; Roderick Page 110 – exercise 1 infamous hanging judge. Mrs Witham
Page 81 – exercise 1 died of fear and Madeline, in the had told him all about this evil judge
end, died from her efforts to 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B
1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B so I became worried. I felt, as a
8. C escape from the vault. Page 119 – exercise 1 doctor, that a young man who was
Page 91 – exercise 2 a. Because he thought that he would studying for long periods of time all
Page 83 – exercise 2
have a hallucination during the alone in an old house would be
a. 3 b. 4 c. 2 d. 1 a. The narrator explained it
night and need to ring the bell to susceptible to hallucinations. This is
‘scientifically’: the glow came
Page 83 – exercise 3 call for help. why I told him about the alarm bell
from lightning or from the rotten
b. Because it was of the Judge, who and its use. I know that it was his
a. give back b. give up c. gave out plants.
was seated in the same room choice to hang himself, but I cannot
d. give away e. gave out b. Usher, it seems, felt that it was
where he was and who had the help feeling to blame for this tragedy.
connected with his sister’s
Page 84 – exercise 4 attempts to escape from the same eyes as the huge rat.
She gave up trying to live. OR She vault.
gave up her fight against her disease.
Page 91 – exercise 3 © 2004 Black Cat Publishing,
Open answers. an imprint of Cideb Editrice, Genoa, Canterbury

5 6

The Monkey’s Paw 2. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), and then
1. Answer the following questions. correct the false ones.

a. What does Sergeant Morris think of Mr White’s desire to travel to India? a. James Murray met a friendly old man on the moors
when he was lost.
b. Why did Mr White have a hard time making a wish at first?
b. The master of the house received many visitors.
c. What did Mr White wish for in the end?
c. James Murray was not very impressed by the master’s
d. Before his wish actually came true, what made Mr White think that the
talk about the supernatural.
monkey’s paw was truly magical?
d. The stone wall was broken because the night mail coach
e. Who thought of using the paw to bring back Herbert?
had crashed through it nine years earlier.
f. Why did it take some time for Herbert to come home after Mr White
had made the second wish? Score ___/8

2. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), and then The Fall of the House of Usher
correct the false ones.
1. Answer the following questions.
a. Sergeant Morris himself had never tried to make a wish
with the monkey’s paw. a. Why did the narrator and Roderick Usher know each other?

b. The third wish of the first man who owned the monkey’s b. What was the nature of Roderick Usher’s disease?
paw was death. c. What was the storm like?
c. Sergeant Morris said that the wishes always came true in d. What were the sounds they heard while the narrator was reading the
some incredible way. book?
d. The firm of Maw and Meggins gave the Whites two hundred
2. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), and then
pounds because they felt responsible for Herbert’s death.
correct the false ones.
e. Mr White was worried about what Herbert would look like
a. Roderick Usher wanted to see the narrator because he felt
if he came back to life.
lonely. because he hoped that his company would make him
f. Herbert never entered the house.
feel better.
Score ___/12 b. Roderick Usher believed that his home was alive.
c. In the end, the narrator too began to feel that the house
The Phantom Coach was alive.
1. Answer the following questions. d. Roderick Usher was killed by the terror he felt when his
sister fell on him.
a. Why has James Murray only told one other person about his strange
experience? Score ___/8
b. What did the master of the house study?
c. How many people died in the accident?
d. How many inside passengers did James Murray see in the phantom

7 PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2004 Black Cat Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2004 Black Cat Publishing 8

The Judge’s House The Monkey’s Paw The Fall of the House of Usher
1. Answer the following questions. 1. a. He thinks that he is better off 1. a. They had been childhood
at home. b. Because he felt that friends. b. He suffered from
a. Why did Malcolm Malcolmson decide to go Benchurch? he already had everything he extreme acuteness of the senses
b. What animals made a lot of noise in the old house? needed. c. Two hundred pounds. so that the could only tolerate
c. What had been the original use of the rope of the alarm bell? d. It moved in his hand when he certain tastes, sounds, light and
made the wish. e. Mrs White. textures. c. There was a
d. Why did the alarm bell ring? f. Because the cemetery was two whirlwind that blew a strange
miles away from their home. glowing vapour around the house.
2. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), and then 2. a. F. He had made three wishes d. They heard Madeline escaping
correct the false ones. and was sorry he had. b. T c. F. from the family vault.
a. The Judge’s House was a modern building that looked like He said that they came true in a 2. a. F. He wanted to see him. b. T
way that seemed perfectly natural. c. T d. T
a castle.
d. F. They gave them money in
b. The Judge’s House had been empty for a long time because consideration of Herbert’s service
its rent was too high. The Judge’s House
to the firm. e. T f. T.
1. a. Because it was a quiet little
c. Mrs Witham screamed when Malcolm told her that he had
town without any of the
tried to hit the rats with a poker. The Phantom Coach attractions of the seaside or
d. Malcolm noticed that the huge rat had eyes just like those 1. a. He doesn’t want anybody to try countryside, and so he could
of the Judge in the painting. and convince him that his strange dedicate all his attention to
experience was just a studying. b. Rats. c. It had been
Score ___/8 hallucination. b. He studied the the rope that the Judge had used
supernatural. c. Seven: 4 inside to hang his victims. d. Because
TOTAL Score ___/36 passengers, the coachman, the Malcolm’s body swung from its
guard and an outside passenger. rope.
d. Three. 2. a. F. It was a Jacobean building
2. a. F. The man he met was old, but that looked like a fortress. b. F. It
he was not in the least friendly had been empty for a long time
and did not offer to help him. because people had an ‘absurd
b. F. James Murray was his first prejudice’, i.e., it had been the
guest in four years. c. F. His talk home of an evil hanging judge.
had excited his imagination. d. T. c. F. She screamed when he had
told her that he had hit the
biggest rat with a Bible. d. T.

9 PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2004 Black Cat Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2004 Black Cat Publishing 10

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