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Quality time Involving Quality Treatment

I. Introduction

Quality time is one of the most meaningful things in our life. It helps us strengthen the relationship
that we have with other people, most especially with our family. At the beginning of 2020, we faced battles of
which we are not familiar about. The virus gets worse every now and then, our health is damaged, but our
time with our family has inclined due to lockdown. I chose this topic because it seems important to me to have
time with our family, even in the smallest of ways.

II. Body 1

Having meals with our family is one thing, but enjoying the time that we have together is another
thing. Most of us this pandemic have been facing a lot of problems either mentally, financially or physically.
We just crawl out of bed to do the same routine, and it happens every day. We tend to be fed up with the
same news that we receive that is why we should appreciate the small things that helps us in the larger
picture. Having meals with our family should be regarded as a luxury. Based on my own experiences, that is
the only time we can reach out together and forget about the problems that surround us. According to
statistics, 40% of families eat together for approximately three or less times a week and 10% of the families do
not eat together at all. According to Sean Brotherson, family meals have serious impacts to the lifestyle of
their own members. Family time or quality time with our loved ones is needed because there are instances
wherein a child or a member might develop or might be developing a disorder that the members are not
aware of. It could possibly lead to having mental disorders, physical illness or the likes. It could influence the
academic performance, perspective in life and especially their mental health. This pandemic has shed light on
this stage because we rarely go out to eat with friends or other important ones as we do before Covid.
Contrary to this, in the present we have no choice but to eat with our families.

III. Body 2

Numerous families consider meals to be their rest, and I believe that this affects their relationship or
the problems in their family premises. Based on an article by the NDSU, family meals are one of the factors
that influence the range of life of children. It contributes to shaping a child's way of life and I think that itself
is a reason why we should consider enjoying and having meals together with our family as something that is
vital in our life. Parents could also monitor the life of a child or their mood. Several articles including NDSU,
The Atlantic and the like, mentioned that family meals decrease the chances of a child to ingest substances or
be influence by bad instigations. The studies also say that it could improve your communication skills, which is
an important aspect to have a well-being. The pandemic also serves as a way to decrease the probability of
family members to be rebellious. There are those who argue, such as Delistraty and Brotherson, that students
in three-quarters of the world's countries do not eat with their family in a regular basis. In addition, the
Organization for the Development of Economic Cooperation (OECD) studied that most of these students are
more likely to be truant.

IV. Rebuttal/Counterargument

For starters, 1 out of 3 children live without their mother or father. 6% of children have been
experiencing maltreatment from parents. 81% of the victims of abuse or domestic violence were maltreated
by at least one family member. According to the World Health Organization, sexual, physical, mental or any
form of violence is tolerated by parents, peers, romantic partners or relatives. WHO statistics shows that 1
billion is the estimated number of children aged 2-17 years of age experience violence. These statistics say a
lot about what my stand is. While for a lot, family meals are a luxury but for some it is their biggest fear and
darkest nightmare. There are children or even legal aged individuals are mentally and physically forced to have
dinner at the table with their complete family. This pandemic may be a time for love and family but there are
numerous individuals that consider quality time as their time of fear. I believe that enjoying family meals are
only for families that are healthy. As matter of fact, family meals shouldn’t be force even if it is not a broken
family for the reason that, for me, forcing something to do things that they don’t want or unwilling to do is a
sign of mental abuse. We must value quality time as much as we value our state of mind.

V. Conclusion

Weighing up both sides of the argument, enjoying family meals during this pandemic is a case-to-
case basis. It may be an advantage for fixed families and their children, but it can also be an advantage for
abusers to take action. We must bear in mind that not every family is in a healthy state. We must be sensitive
with the words and stand we say and take because every family has its own defects. The statistics and data
over the years show how complicated child rearing might be. We must be aware of the circumstances that go
around in different households because someone could be waving or asking for help, but we are too blind to
see it. Family meals could be the way to a better treatment and better relationship especially this pandemic
we are able to spend as much time as we can. But family meals this pandemic could also cause chaos and
violence, which leads me to assume that parents or aspiring parents should undergo parenting programs so
that they are well aware of the possible events that could take place in their house.

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