Assignment 01 (Research)

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Activities of people traveling to and staying in places outside their
usual environment for leisure, business or other purposes for not
more than one consecutive year.
Tourism is a dynamic and competitive industry that requires the
ability to adapt constantly to customers’ changing needs and desires,
as the customer’s satisfaction, safety and enjoyment are particularly
the focus of tourism businesses.

Source: Travel
Facts and Statistics.
U.S. Travel
Association (2010)
Reasons for Travel:
Typical reasons for travel. The percentages of trips in each category
may vary from year-to year, but they are relatively constant over
time. Business or professional: 20%; Visit friends or relatives: 40%;
Vacation or leisure: 37%; Others: 3%. Source: Travel Facts and
Statistics. U.S. Travel Association (2010).

Source: Travel
Facts and Statistics.
U.S. Travel
Association (2010)
What Are the Benefits of the Tourism Industry?
Tourism offers a wide range of benefits, including economic benefits
for countries attracting a large number of visitors, due to the money
they spend not only on their actual stay, but also in local businesses.
It also provides a large number of jobs for people working in the
transport and hospitality industry, among others.
Moreover, Tourism has the potential to improve relationships between
nation-states or businesses, to create opportunities for entertainment
and recreation, and to improve the value of a currency. It can also
open up cultural exchange opportunities, while for tourists, it can lead
to improved happiness, well-being and education.
How the COVID19
Pandemic Has
Impacted the
Tourism Industry?
How the Coronavirus Pandemic Has Impacted the Tourism
The current COVID-19 global pandemic has redefined the term “business as usual”
in regards to the tourism industry. As partial and even full lockdowns are now
becoming commonplace, travel restrictions have likewise taken effect across the
globe. This can be seen in the number of national and international events which
have been cancelled. Examples include the UEFA Euro 2020, the 2020 Olympic
games and the ITB Berlin Travel Trade show.

We also need to take into account the effect that COVID-19 has had upon the
business sector. Organizations are now forced to deal with travel-related
uncertainty and workers are understandably concerned about the current
employment status. These scenarios have led to the cancellation of countless
business-related trips. It is also not surprising that the number of individuals who
plan on booking holidays will continue to decrease throughout 2020 and well into
We have therefore seen a knock-on effect in regards to tourism-
related businesses. Airlines have been forced to reduce their flights
by as much as 50 per cent. Restaurants and similar establishments
are faring even worse; some experiencing a fall in occupancy rates
by a staggering 90 per cent. A growing number are being forced to
permanently close their doors.
Unfortunately, this revenue loss is further exacerbated due to
ongoing operational costs. Countless firms within the travel industry
are dealing with substantial cash flow problems and as such a global
pandemic has never occurred on this scale, the ultimate outcome is
far from certain.

❖ In September 1949, Pakistan procured membership of UNWTO (World Tourism Organization).
❖ Initially Pakistan Railways was bestowed with the responsibility of the tourism sector. In 1956,
this authority was delegated to Communications and Transport Division.
❖ In June 1960, a specific name was chosen as Bureau of Tourism. In 1964, the affairs were placed under control of ‘The
Civil Aviation Authority (AA)’ and then PTDC (Pakistan Tourism and Development Corporation) was set up in March
❖ In September, 2004 it was given status of Ministry of Tourism.
Ministry of Tourism was responsible for policy development, promotion
and marketing of domestic and foreign tourism besides regulating provincial and federal
government and private sector activities. However, in 2011, 18th Amendment was made in the
constitution of Pakistan which resulted in desolation of Ministry of Tourism and each of the
province was made responsible to watch over the tourism affairs of their respective provinces.
❖ They are now part of Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC).
❑ Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab (TDCP) – Punjab
❑ Sindh Tourism Development Corporation (STDC) and Culture, Tourism and Antiquities
Department – Sindh
❑ Tourism Corporation Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (TCKP) – Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
❑ AJK Tourism and Archaeology Department – Azad Kashmir
World Tourism and Travel Council predicts that Pakistan’s
tourism industry has the potential to grow to around US$ 39.8
billion within a decade. The present government has already
vowed in its election campaign that it would promote Pakistan
as “Asia’s Best Kept Secret” in global tourism market. The
government is confident that tourism would be contributing
Rs.1 trillion to Pakistan economy by 2025. Countries like
Switzerland, Thailand, Philippines, Maldives and Sri Lanka
demonstrate that sustainable tourism is a tool for development.
Operations Zarb-e Azab and Raddul Fassad under
National Action Plan have eliminated terrorism and
extremism from the country and the tourism industry is
direct beneficiary of this situation. Significant security
improvement has boosted annual tourist arrival by
300% in recent years with 1.75 million only in 2017.
Snow-capped mountains and scenic beauty of Swat,
Hunza, Neelam Valley, Kalash Valley, Murree Hills and
Naran are regarded as earthly paradise. Coastal areas,
mesmerizing deserts, archaeological and different
religious places of Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism in
addition of famous Muslim saints are marvellous tourist
attractions scattered all over Pakistan.
How tourism industry can contribute to the economic
growth and development of Pakistan
❑Travel and tourism currently contribute 7.4 % to the GDP of Pakistan
❑ Tourism increases international trade and commerce.
❑Low income economies are largely supported with the arrival of international
❑Tourism is one of the largest sources to generate employment opportunities.
❑Rural communities are strengthened by the tourism that alleviates poverty
❑urban areas are revitalized with the improvement of infrastructure and the
attraction of investment.
❑Handicrafts of artisans have opened up to global market with tourism.
Developing tourism industry of
Pakistan. Daily Times
Muhammad Rafiq
FEBRUARY 3, 2019
Adventure Tourism

Atomic Tourism

Cultural Tourism


Geo Tourism

Medical Tourism

Wildlife Tourism
Industrial Tourism

Medical Tourism

Religious Tours

Space Tourism

Sports Tourism

Geo Tourism

War Tourism
Adventure Tourism
Adventure tourism is a type of tourism in
which tourist do some adventures activities
like as skydiving, hill climbing, scuba diving

Atomic Tourism
Atomic tourism or Nuclear tourism is a
recent form of tourism in which visitors
learn about the Atomic Age by traveling to
significant sites in atomic history such as
with atomic weapons, missile silos, vehicles
that carried atomic weapons or sites
where atomic weapons were detonated
Religious tourism, spiritual tourism,
sacred tourism, or faith tourism, is a type
of tourism with two main subtypes: pilgrimage,
meaning travel for religious or spiritual
purposes, and the viewing
of religious monuments.

Medical Tourism
Medical Tourism involves people who travel to a
different place to receive treatment for a
disease, health condition, or a surgical
procedure, and who are seeking lower cost of
healthcare and higher quality of care.
Cultural Tourism
Cultural tourism is a type of tourism that allows
the tourist to participate in local cultural activities,
like festivals and rituals. As a result, the tourist can
enjoy a genuine cultural exchange with the locals.

Ecotourism is catering for tourists wishing to
experience the natural environment without
damaging it or disturbing its habitats. It is a form of
tourism involving responsible travel to natural areas,
conserving the environment, and improving the well-
being of the local people.
Wildlife Tourism
Wildlife tourism refers to the observation
and interaction with local animal and plant
life in their natural habitats. It encompasses
segments such as eco-tourism,
safari tours and mountain tourism among
Industrial tourism
Industrial tourism is tourism in which the
desired destination includes industrial sites
peculiar to a particular location.
Space Tourism
Space tourism is human space travel for
recreational purposes. There are several different
types of space tourism, including orbital, suborbital
and lunar space tourism.
To date, orbital space tourism has been performed
only by the Russian Space Agency.

Sports Tourism
Sports tourism is a term that has been
thrown around a lot in recent years. If you
are simply looking for a definition, sports
tourism is traveling in order to observe or
participate in a sporting event
Geo tourism
Geo tourism is defined as tourism that sustains
or enhances the distinctive geographical
character of a place—its environment,
heritage, aesthetics, culture, and the well-being
of its residents.

War Tourism
War tourism is recreational travel to active or
former war zones for purposes of sightseeing
or historical study. War tourist is also a
pejorative term to describe thrill seeking in
dangerous and forbidden places.

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