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Resimlere göre fiillerimizin 2.hallerini yazalım.

1. clean CLEANED 2. Draw DREW

3. Cook COOKED 4. fightFOUGHT TOOK 5.………

6. ride RODE 7. cryCRIED 8. Write WROTE 9.

Run RAN 10. Dance DANCED

Cümlelerimizi doğru versiyonuyla yeniden yazalım.

1. My brother played basketball two hours ago. 4) He didn’t go to work yesterday

(-) my brother didn’t play …… (+) ………………

2. He ate hamburger at lunch. 5) Did he swim last Sunday?

(?) did he eat hamburger?…… (+) …………he swam last summer….………

3. I rode a bike last weekend. 6) He watched tv yesterday.

(-)…ı didn’t ride a bike…… (?)…Did he watch tv yesterday

Doğru cevabı işaretleyelim.

1) Did you .......... to the cinema? 6) She school because, she was ill

a) went a) not went

b) going b) didn’t went
c) go c) didn’t go
d) is go d) doesn’t went

2) When did your brother ........ the milk? 7) I........ three hours last week

a) drank a) run
b) drunk b) ran
c) drink c) did run
d) running
d) drinking
8) What .... they .... in Paris?
a) did /see
3) When did you ...... to Spain?
a) go b) do / saw
b) went c) do / see
c) gone d) did / saw
d) to go
9) It was snowy so we…………a snowman
a) make
4) What ...... you eat yesterday?
a) do b) made
b) is c) did make
c) did d) is made
d) does
10) ………………..yesterday?
a) swim
5...... your brother ...... ruggby? b) did swim
a) Did / win c) swam
b) Did / won
c) Does / win
d) Do / win

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