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MARYAM SHAHID: F2020381021

SAMAN KHALID: F2020381051
ALVEENA: F2020381001
ZAIN UL ABDIN: F2020381019
ZAINAB SAJID: F2020381019

 Male centric society is a social framework wherein men hold essential force and prevail
in jobs of political administration, moral power, social advantage and control of
property. Some male centric social orders are additionally patrilineal, implying that
property and title are acquired by the male heredity.

 The idea of man centric society isn’t just affecting ladies’ actual wellbeing yet influencing
social and emotional well-being also. In Pakistan male new-born children appreciates
more solid sustenance and admittance to medical care than female baby
 Male dominant society is a significant reason for practically all the viciousness against
ladies so for killing this difficult we need to join together and attempt together to
annihilate this issue from our general public. We can make moves at numerous levels, as
an individual level.

 Man centric society is related with a bunch of thoughts, a man centric

philosophy that acts to clarify and legitimize this predominance and
properties it to intrinsic characteristic contrasts among people. Sociologists
hold shifted suppositions on whether man controlled society is a social item
or a result of natural contrasts between the genders.
• There is definitely not a solitary country on the planet today whose top
political position is held by a lady. Despite the fact that, during the most
recent decade, ladies have entered fields recently banned to them, men
actually corner the critical situations in government, industry and military

 Religious: masculine dominance “God-given.”

 Biology: “Man is a predator and he dominates

 Marxist theorist Frederick Engels: Women become “property” of men

 Anthropologist Claude Levy Strauss: Civilizations manage social relations

through “traffic in women” or “exchange of women”.

 The twentieth-century ideologue, Bachofen, hypothesized: In historical

times, patronage of conjugal society precedes patriarchal society.

 Traveler Elizabeth Cady Stanton suggested that some Native American

tribes had “maternity” or mother-centered societies.

 The traditions, rules, and values of patriarchy, from last six millions are
often thought or molded to girls and boys by mothers who believed they
were helping their children to survive in a male dominated world.

 Woman and girls are at greater risk of HIV infection then men due to in part
in biology and also inequality with men, their lack of power and control
over their bodies and the abuse of their human rights.
 The inner patriarch operates in men as well as women his voice is the voice
of our culture.

 The inner patriarch sees his job as protecting heterosexual relationships

and marriage, and through these the continuity of the culture.

 Patriarchy has shaped culture attitudes and practices and affects how we
think and behave until we become aware of its presence and challenge it.


 It has been observed that the problems for a female start to begin right after
her birth. The birth of a baby boy is more appreciated and cherished than a
baby girl. In villages, the general trend is that families prefer male children
and if women are carrying girl so she is already looked upon as an
embarrassment and a liability.
 At the time of her birth, most of her fate is decided; fathers tend to make
quick decisions both about education and marriage. And when she is married
off to another man, her husband gets all the rights to decide what she is
allowed to do in her own life. There is no denying that for most women their
marriages are arranged, often against their will.

 Most husbands tend to be abusive and treat their wives poorly. A study
showed that 90% of women in Pakistan face psychological abuse whereas 50%
face physical abuse and it is indeed dreadful in all aspects.

 Society has made it hard for a woman to have a satisfactory work-life. Most of
the time men are preferred for job roles instead of women; this trend is
visible in many companies. And even if women are hired for the job, they get
a lesser pay than they would if the job was given to a male.

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