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Activity Sheet - Module 10

1. Define the phrase, applicable financial reporting framework.

2. When forming an opinion on the financial statements, an auditor considers several factors.

Give at least three of them and explain each one briefly.

3. What are the basic sections of the auditor's report?

4. Who is the usual addressee of the audit report?

5. What are key audit matters?

6. What is management's responsibility in a financial statement audit?

7. What is the auditor's responsibility in a financial statement audit?

8. How is the audit report dated?

9. Give the four basic reports which may be issued in an audit engagement. Identify the

situations which warrant the issuance of each type of report.

10. When is an emphasis of a matter paragraph used in the audit report? Where is it located in

the audit report?

11. What are the two reporting frameworks which comparatives? Contrast one with the other.

12. What are the auditor's responsibilities for comparatives:

a. Where the prior year financial statements have been audited by another auditor?

b. Where the prior year financial statements are unaudited?

13. If there is substantial doubt regarding a client's ability to continue as a going concern, what

type of report should be issued?

14. When does the principal auditor:

a. Divide responsibility?

b. Assume responsibility for the work of the other auditor?

15. What are the reporting implications when using experts?

16. What are the two types of subsequent events?

17. What is dual dating? When is dual dating applied in a financial statement audit?

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