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Lanter Unit Uji Formalin pada Makanan (4 halaman, 5 buku 3 jurnal)

Formaldehyde is a common molecule throughout the universe. Due to its reactivity and
abundance, researchers have theorized that interstellar formaldehyde might have had a role in the
creation of organic molecules found inside asteroids and comets, which in turn are suspected to
have been responsible for providing early Earth with essential materials such as carbon.7 Most
recently, research has shown that organic solids in comets and chondrites were likely derived
from a formaldehyde polymer. The study concludes: “The origin of a significant fraction of
organic solids in primitive solar system objects can logically be attributed to formaldehyde
polymerization. Formaldehyde is relatively abundant in the galaxy and also in comets.” (Zhang,
2018 : 1-2).

formaldehyde is manufactured and marketed chiefly in the form of an aqueous solution

containing 37 per cent by weight dissolved formaldehyde (CH 20) plus sufficient methanol (8 to
15 per cent) to prevent precipitation of polymer under ordinary conditions of transportation and
storage. Solutions containing less than 1 per cent methanol are also known to commerce, but can
be employed only where conditions permit their transportation and sale in bulk, since they must
be kept warm to prevent polymerization . Thirty per cent formaldehyde solution containing less
than 1 per cent methanol has a limited application. This solution does not precipitate polymer at
ordinary temperature and does not require the presence of methanol or other stabilizers
(Walker, : 1).

Aldehydes, which have a hydrogen atom bonded to the carbonyl group, and ketones,
which have two carbon atoms bonded to the carbonyl group, are used throughout chemistry and
biology. For example, an aqueous solution of formaldehyde (properly named methan al) is used
under the name formalin as a biological sterilant and preservative. Formaldehyde is also used in
the chemical industry as a starting material for the manufacture of the plastics Bakelite and
melamine and as a component of the adhesives used to bind plywood. Note that formaldehyde
differs from other aldehydes in having two hydrogens attached to the carbonyl group rather than
one. (Mc Murry,2012 : 928).

Formaldehyde is a gas produced by the oxidation of methanol. The gas is very soluble in
water, and a 37% aqueous solution called Formalin is marketed as a disinfectant and as a
preservative of biological specimens. The main use of formaldehyde is in the manufacture of
plastics and resins. Acetone, CH3COCH3, is the simplest ketone. It is a liquid with a fragrant
odor. The liquid is an important solvent for lacquers, paint removers, and nail polish removers
(Gammon, 2007 : 994).

Formalin is widely known as a pest killer (disinfectant) and specimen preservative

(fixative) and is widely used in industries including the plywood industry as an adhesive. The
wrong use of formaldehyde is often carried out in preserving food even though this compound is
actually prohibited considering the dangers of being used as a food preservative. This kind of
wrong practice is carried out by irresponsible food producers. Some examples of food products
that often contain formaldehyde include salted fish, fresh cut chicken in wet and tofu which are
on the market but keep in mind that not all food products contain (BPOM RI, 2008 : 2).

Formaldehyde is indispensable for many products and processes important to the world’s
economy, however, this economic dependence on formaldehyde comes at a cost to public health.
Additionally, chronic exposure to formaldehyde through home furnishings, environmental
contamination, cosmetics, and indoor air pollution poses a serious public health risk. Studies in
humans have shown that formaldehyde exposure through inhalation is associated with
respiratory symptoms, as well as eye, nose, and throat irritation.45–48 Over the past three
decades, there have been several interesting cases involving formaldehyde-exposure linked
public health impacts (Zhang, 2018 : 11).

In the original method by which Hofmann first produced formaldehyde, a mixture of air
and methanol vapors obtained by drawing air through a reservoir of liquid methanol was passed
into a flask containing a hot platinum spiral. Once initiated, the reaction was self-sustaining, as
manifested by the glowing spiral. The product was dissolved in water contained in a series of
gas-washing bottles. Because of difficulties with explosions in carrying out this procedure,
Volhard devised a scheme employing a spirit lamp filled with methanol and provided with a
wick contiguous to the platinum spiral. Koblukov subsequently found that the platinum could be
replaced by platinized asbestos placed in a heated tube. By heating methanol in a reservoir over a
water bath, Tollens was able to regulate the air-methanol vapor ratio, which was found to have a
direct effect on the formaldehyde yield (Walker, : 5).
Formalin solutions are stable at formal temperatures and pressures. May undergo self-
polymerization to form white deposits. Formalin should not be mixed (incompatible) with acids,
bases, oxidizing agents, educators, metals, metal salts, halogens, flammable substances and
peroxides. Formalin with the peroxides, nitrogen diocacides, and perfromic acid reacting to
cause an explosion. Formalin can also cause corrosion on the table (BPOM RI, 2008: 5).

Formaldehyde solutions possess many unusual characteristics. These properties, which at

first glance seem almost anomalous, are based on simple chemical facts which, once understood,
serve as a key to knowledge of their behavior. In general, formaldehyde solutions may be
classified as belonging to two distinct types: (A) true solutions in which the dissolved
formaldehyde is present in monomelic form, and (B) solutions in which the solute is chemically
combined with the solvent. Solutions of the former type are obtained with non-polar solvents.
The latter type, which includes the familiar water solutions, are obtained with polar solvents
(Walker, : 28).

Dangers of long term exposure (chronic) to formalin: 1. if inhalation can cause

headaches, rhinitis, nausea, drowsiness, respiratory problems, kidney problems, and lung
sensitization. 2. If contact with the skin in the long term it may cause burns second degree burns,
numbness, itching, irritation of the nails, hardening and tanning, and sensitization. 3. If in contact
with eyes, depending on the concentration and length of exposure. Repeated or prolonged
contact with corrosive substances may cause conjunctivities or an effect such as on long-term
exposure. 4. If swallowed, may cause gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting and dizziness (BPOM
RI, 2008: 8-9).

Borax testing begins with making curcumin paper by taking a few pieces of medium-
sized turmeric, then pounding and filtering. The filter paper is then dipped in the turmeric liquid
and dried. After that, then a borax test was performed on the sample. Samples were taken to
taste, mashed and then put into 100 ml beaker glass, added aquadest to taste (to form a dilute
paste mass), added 10 ml of 4N HCl and homogenized. Curcumin paper is then dipped into the
sample paste, then curcumin paper is placed on the plate and waited until it is dry. Observed the
color change that occurs, if the sample contains borax paper will turn red (Lathifah, 2019).
Based on European standards, formalin content that absorbs the body must not exceed
660 ppm (1000 ppm equivalent to 1 mg/ml) (18). The use of formalin content in food has been
banned by the Government in the regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic Indonesia
No. 722/Menkes/Per/88 regarding food additives. This result assumed that the Snakehead dried
salted from the traditional market in Pontianak city is at the threshold that can be absorbed by the
body. However, the use of formalin as additive food is prohibited because it causes negative
effects on health. There are many food products that contain dangerous and toxic chemicals. This
is caused by various factors. The weak supervision conducted by the government on the
distribution is one the reason for the uses of formalin in food products. In addition, low
awareness and responsibility of food product manufacturers about food hazard (Mayasari, 2019).

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