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• Food is the body’s source of energy and basic
building blocks, enabling muscle movement,
growth and repair
• The food we eat should come from seven groups:
– Carbohydrates
– Fats
– Proteins
– Vitamins
– Minerals
– Fibre
– Water
• Each of these has a distinct job in fulfilling the
body’s dietary needs
• When broken down, carbohydrates provide the
body with glucose, the main source of energy
• Although energy can be gained from other
sources, carbohydrates can supply energy
quickly and efficiently
• Excess carbohydrate
in the body is directed
to the liver and converted
to glycogen, which is stored
in the liver or muscles
• Other excess carbohydrate
may be stored as fat
• Fats can release high levels of energy but
require a large amount of oxygen to do so
• They provide an energy source
when resting and sleeping
• Fat is stored in a layer
beneath the skin
• It keeps the body warm
and protects vital organs
• There are two types of fats:
– Saturated fats — found in
animal products such as
meat, cheese, milk and cream
– Unsaturated fats — found in
fish oils and products made
from vegetable seeds such
as sunflower and corn
• Saturated fats contain cholesterol,
which can clog arteries and lead
to high blood pressure and heart disease
• Fats are broken down into fatty acids
and glycerol during digestion
• Proteins are the building
blocks of the body
• They repair and replace
damaged tissue and build
new tissue for growth
• During digestion, they are
broken down into their
constituent parts, amino acids
• 21 types of amino acids
are needed for our bodies
to work properly
• Vitamins have four main functions:
– They regulate chemical reactions in the body
– They help release energy from food
– They maintain resistance against disease
– They help with growth and
the repair of tissues
• For example, vitamin C is
needed to form collagen,
a key component
of all connective tissues
• Vitamins are found as traces
in food substances, including
fresh fruit and vegetables
• Minerals are inorganic chemicals found in most
fresh food
• The more a person exercises,
the greater the mineral
intake needed
• Excessive mineral salt can
contribute to high blood pressure
Minerals include:
• Iron — helps produce red blood
cells which carry more oxygen
around the body preventing
fatigue — found in red meat
and green vegetables
• Calcium — helps blood to clot, aiding recovery
from injury, and strengthens bones and muscles —
found in milk, cheese and cereals
• Iodine — aids normal growth,
essential for athletes as it
helps energy production —
found in milk and saltwater fish
• Fibre plays an important part in the process of
digestion and is the non-digestible part of fruit,
vegetables and cereals
• The main functions of fibre are to provide
the bulk for food, encourage slow, even
release of sugars and prevent constipation
• Water makes up two-thirds
of our body contents
• There is a constant loss of
water throughout the day —
this must be replaced to
prevent dehydration

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