Chem 131 (Biochem) Lect#5

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Muhammad Abdullah
Biological Significance of
Amino Acids
Molecules Derived from Amino Acids

In addition to their role as the building blocks of proteins, amino acids are precursors of
many specialized biomolecules, including hormones, coenzymes, nucleotides, alkaloids, cell
wall polymers, porphyrins, antibiotics, pigments, and neurotransmitters. We describe here
the pathways to a number of these amino acid derivatives.

Amino acids and their derivatives often function as chemical messengers in the
communications between cells. For example, glycine, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA; a
glutamate decarboxylation product), and dopamine (a tyrosine derivative) are
neurotransmitters (substances released by nerve cells to alter the behavior of their neighbors.
Glutamate decarboxylation gives rise to γ-aminobutyrate (GABA), an inhibitory
neurotransmitter. Its underproduction is associated with epileptic seizures.
Tyrosine gives rise to a family of catecholamines that includes dopamine, norepinephrine,
and epinephrine. Levels of catecholamines are correlated with, among other things,
changes in blood pressure.

The neurological disorder Parkinson’s disease is associated with an underproduction of

dopamine, and it has traditionally been treated by administering L-dopa. Overproduction of
dopamine in the brain may be linked to psychological disorders such as schizophrenia.

Norepinephrine and epinephrine are adrenal hormones involved in the regulation of blood
Serotonin is another important
neurotransmitter, derived from
tryptophan in a two-step pathway.
Histamine (the decarboxylation product of histidine) is a potent local mediator of allergic
reactions and a powerful vasodilator in animal tissues. It is released in large amounts as part
of the allergic response, and it also stimulates acid secretion in the stomach
Thyroxine (a tyrosine derivative) is an iodine-containing thyroid hormone that generally
stimulates vertebrate metabolism.
Certain amino acids are important intermediates in various metabolic processes.Among them
are citrulline and ornithine, intermediates in urea biosynthesis.

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