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Key things

Stonehenge is a group of giant prehistoric rocks standing together in a circle. It was

constructed around the year 3000 BC. Its purpose is unknown, although there is proof it
served as a burial ground. It is located in England and is a British cultural icon. Some of the
rocks of Stonehenge are originally from Wales which means that they had to be moved 300
km. Scientists are unsure how this could be possible and so through time many theories and
legends about the construction came to be. One of these legends connects closely to the
legend of king Arthur and the wizard Merlin.

New words:

arch, noun = a curved structure that supports the weight of something above it, such as a
bridge or the upper part of the building. = OBOK

horseshoe, noun = a piece of curved iron that is attached with nails to the bottom of a
horse’s foot. A horseshoe is often used as a symbol of good luck. = KONJSKA PODKEV

quarry, noun = a place where large amounts of stone, etc. are dug out of the ground =

druid, noun = a priest of an ancient Celtic religion = DRUID

ritual, noun = a series of actions that are allways performed in the same way, especially as
part of a religious ceremony. = OBRED

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